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What happens when Helen Potter and a few of her friends of the Magical world, traveled to another dimension t... More

STORY GUIDE: Summary, Settings, Character List, etc.
CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning
CHAPTER 2 - Surviving The Monster Apocalypse
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 1
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 2
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 1
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 2
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 3
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 5
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 6
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 1
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 2
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 3
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 4
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 5
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 6
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 4
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 5
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 1
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 2
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 3
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 4
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 5
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 1
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 2
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 3
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 6
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 1
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 1
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 3
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 4
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 1
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 2
CHAPTER 15 - ... and More Revelations part 3
CHAPTER 15 - ...and More Revelations part 4

CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 4

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(Continuation from Chapter 12 part 3)


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Draco was the one who magically removed the smelly rotten corpse and bring it outside to be buried deep in the snowy dirt while Bellamy, Murphy, and young Jack came along to help him out in making the proper burial, as well as marking it respectfully for the dead person.

Though they found no identity on the unnamed person anywhere in the cabin, including the secret room itself, they still marked the gravestone so that this dead one will be remembered as the person who owned the cabin and had survived as long as he can, even during the monster apocalypse until his death, which will be written as dying of natural causes like a deadly brain aneurysm or a heart attack instead of a selfish cowardly act of suicide.

Despite that Draco would have written the truth of this person's death, and Murphy begrudgingly agreed with him over it, Bellamy convinced him that this dead person should be allowed some dignity since he died all alone without no one knowing. Draco blinked in surprise at Bellamy's vehemence over this so he changed his mind and carved magically into the gravestone that the person's death was natural by a heart attack, adding to the engraved marking that this one is a strong survivor like them.

But it goes with the fact that there are many kinds of strength when it comes to survival, both good and bad, right then and there in the monster apocalypse. And that would depend on what survivor does with that strength when they put their minds into it and bore it to fruition.

Draco understood a little what Bellamy is getting at upon trying to change the markings of the gravestone when it comes to survivor's weaknesses when they think they reached their ending upon whatever situation they ended upon. Still, Draco warned Bellamy that this should not happen again for lies can be more hurtful than harsh truths that will be writ in stone forever. Bellamy nodded and promised that he won't and then they went back into the cabin to help finish whatever house chores are left undone after they finished with the cabin man's burial.

It wasn't long until about two days later has gone and passed by at the time and the group of survivors is settling in comfortably and contently inside the grand luxurious cabin, they're all staying and living in.

Draco and Bellamy haven't decided how long they're going to stay since they seemed satisfied and content that the others are relaxing comfortably upon staying in this rich cabin. They had to put it off for later because they were busy settling into the abandoned cabin and making it homey for the group first, parking the magic trailer to a secluded magically hidden spot, somewhere next to the cabin where it's easy to access and drive off again in case they need to leave when the time comes or something unexpected happens.

Granted, Draco seemed firm with the usual decision on staying over one week but surprisingly, he asked for Bellamy and some other's opinion like Murphy or Neville upon discussing the matter of how long they should stay in the cabin and what kind of preparations and survival readiness they need to be prepared for in case they have to leave when the time comes or a situation occurs that will endanger their group in a bad way.

They haven't made a solid decision yet when they were still discussing options and sharing opinions about it but it looks like another kind of surprise is going to happen unexpectedly near the area they're staying at and it will make up their minds on how long they'll be staying in the cabin that's built nearby an iced-up frozen lake but deeply hidden from view by the wilderness of the thick forests.

It happened like on cue on the third day after the previous two days had passed when they finished settling into living in that comfy homey cabin, and Bellamy and Murphy were listening to Draco's opinion about their ongoing discussion on how long they need to stay before they continue on with their long journey ahead of them in the future. Neville is also there but he's just standing by and listening silently as they conversed and shared their ideas and such.

Helen, Luna, and the others in the group were busy doing simple yet various house chores while the older men have their talk, such as more house-cleaning in the cabin, cooking their meals, and taking care and playing with the children, along with their playful monster friend Type.

That's when Neville blinked in confusion from his daze-like thinking face like he thought of something but then he voiced out loud suddenly, nearly surprising the others. "Guys! Do you hear that?"

The other three males blinked in puzzlement at Neville's weird question but then they heard it too.

A soft yet getting clearly louder whirring sound.

Almost sounding like the engine of a...

"Is airplane...?" Bellamy asked aloud, blinking more in surprise upon hearing the familiarity of it.

When the sounds of an airplane became louder and seemingly getting closer towards the forestry area where the cabin is built, the four men in the room looked outside through the window and stared at the skies above if they can see the airplane flying by.

They managed to see it whooshing by in a fast blur and upon witnessing it, the four men exchanged stunned looks before they ran out of the cabin to take a clear look and confirm that they weren't imagining it, even though the four of them had seen it at the same time.

They managed to see it clearly as they can when the plane soared as high in the sky and seemed to be doing intricate maneuvers to circle around and return in the same direction upon flying through and above the hidden cabin.

"Oh wow! I can't believe that it's really an airplane! I wonder what kind is it?" Neville asked in wonder as he and the others came out in thick white winter coats and stared up at the flying plane, so that they won't be seen by the pilot on that plane, in case they are the bad kind of survivors.

"That mundane airplane is a vintage biplane that was used back in World War 2 ages. The kind of plane that's supposedly used for scouting war zones under the guise of appearing like the crop-duster flying model types back in the old days at the time," Draco answered Neville absently as he sounded like a teacher teaching an important lesson.

Bellamy blinked at Draco's surprising reply and then slowly turned to stare at him with a slightly weird blank kind of look on his face, while Neville and Murphy didn't hear Draco or were listening to him as they kept staring upwards.

"What?" Draco demanded in a sharp snap when he saw the way Bellamy is staring at him like that.

"Since when do you know planes?" Bellamy asked, sounding very incredulous with disbelief upon questioning the blond mage in his surprising knowledge about mundane flying transport.

Draco huffed upon knowing what he's asking and simply replied. "Since I have a love for flying, both magical and mundane kinds. When we first moved here from the UK, long ago before the monster apocalypse happened, I was studying and planning to sign up for the flight corps in the military's air force. I didn't manage to have my chance to serve for the army air force unit but I did get the opportunity of experience to fly a real F22 jet plane as a practice flight run."

It was partly true from what Draco told Bellamy about it, except the part about moving countries, for in truth that he and his Mage family had transferred from another world universe but the blond mage and the others are keeping the real knowledge of that quiet and still secret because they don't want the people in this particular monster-apocalyptic world to know that and freak out about it. Draco did, in fact, studied and trained for mundane flying and had gone through the real experience of flying a military jet plane before he had an official license but he didn't get the chance to get it since the monster apocalypse happened.

Bellamy was amazed and very glad that Draco admitted that he's a pilot and can fly planes, even though he's not really a certified expert. But when he was about to ask the blond mage what kind of planes that he knows and can fly as well, he was interrupted by Neville before he could inquire about it.

"Hold on,, guys--why is that plane flying so low?" Neville suddenly asked nervously when he noticed this.

Much to their stunned shock when the others also noticed, the plane was lowering down, even more, and the four young men standing there instantly reacted into dodging and ducking down with exclaiming yells, and the airplane whooshed by in a fast buzzing glide above them and went flying back up into the skies.

Draco brushed away Bellamy when he pushed and hovered over him as they dodged down from the plane when it nearly hit them as it flew by them and he looked up and exclaimed indignantly furious. "What the bloody hell is wrong with that pilot!? Has he lost his mind or something?!"

That's when they saw that the plane is circling around to do another dive and fly by, looking like it's intending to do what it was attempting to do before.

"Oh, great Godric--is he trying to run us over and kill us!?" Neville exclaimed incredulously, with eyes widened horrified.

"No...he can't have been able to see us because we're all wearing white coats to blend in with the snowy field scene and everything. That reckless clever bastard--the pilot's trying to land the plane!" Draco suddenly cried out loud, instantly figuring it out and realizing what the plane is doing with its flying maneuvers.

"Wait--landing the plane!? But the only plains that's big enough for him to land at is--!" Murphy exclaimed incredulously, eyes widening in horrified realization.

Neville gasped as he clued in too. "The frozen lake! Oh no! If the plane lands there--the ice won't hold its weight and the pilot will end up sinking and drowning into the icy waters!"

"I don't suppose you can magically conjure up fire flares to signal him not to land?!" Bellamy urgently asked.

"Too late for that, mate--DUCK!"

They ducked, dodging down again against the snow when the plane swiftly flew above their heads again, failing its second attempt on trying to land perfectly against the icy surface that is the frozen lake which is next yet a few feet away from the cabin.

Draco perked his head up, calmly brushing off the snow as he got up back on his feet again and stared up at the plane with eyes narrowed. "It looks like the pilot is really determined to land and I don't think we have enough time to magically conjure something to stop him! But--we'll be able to help soften the landing!"

Bellamy and Murphy were completely confused but Neville hastily followed after Draco when he dashed off to get to the edge of the frozen lake before the plane tries its third attempt to land over it. The two of them quickly snapped out of it and chased after the two Mages just as Draco swung one of his arms in a sweeping gesture and there was some kind of magical force that spread out to the frozen lake and made the surface more solid and non-slippery so that the landing plane won't slide on it until it crashes head-on at the trees or something.

Then Neville twirled his hands to conjure thick metallic kind of ropes out of thin air and then swiftly threw it out wide and across the lake, letting it entangle to another end by magic so that they'll catch and stop the plane from slipping, crashing, or sinking, if the frozen surface of the lake breaks apart under its weight.

Draco and Neville did this just in time as the plane seemed to have made it with its third attempt and the wheels skidded soundly against the soundly cracking ice when it landed and instantly braked to stop but the ice is making the plane slide forward so Draco quickly reacted into stopping the plane with a furious swish of magic with another wave of his hand.

The rope that Neville conjured and tied up onto the other end, looped around and tied about onto the biplane's nose and wings magically to double its brakes upon stopping and it worked as the four men watched by the edge on the lake's shore when the plane slowly and finally skidded to a stop.

But then their relief was short-lived when the cracking sound of the ice grew worse and they saw much to their horrifying realization that the icy surface of the lake is much too thin than they thought it was and there were visible cracks now forming around the plane that landed and stopped in its place.

Draco and Bellamy reacted into running towards the plane before Neville and Murphy could stop them, and they were waving their arms and yelling frantically at the two people in the double seats of the sole pilot and passenger of the biplane, warning them that they need to get off of it before the plane sinks into the lake once the ice breaks and drowns them both with it.

Fortunately, the two people on that two-seated plane heard their loud shouting warnings as they hurriedly get off and jumps, just as the ice breaks apart, nearly splitting in two and the biplane sank quickly into the cold freezing waters with its nose-first.

Bellamy caught the passenger while Draco grabbed hold of the pilot and they backed away a few more steps until they reached solid ice that does not creak or crack under their weight and then they watched as the plane dived and sank down into the deep depths of the frozen lake, its tail swiftly disappearing into the watery hole that the ice broke apart and through. After it was gone and the ice hasn't cracked anymore that will endanger the people standing on it, they sighed with relief before Bellamy encouraged the two flight survivors to walk to the shore so that they won't end up sinking as well into the frozen waters, despite that there's nothing to worry about it at all.


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