
By RuselLAst

17.8K 2K 661

Is Religion Evil as it pits one chosen people against another? What is Evil? Is technology evil as it alters... More

1 - Episode 1 Orange Man
2 - Episode 1 Dust Demon
3 - Episode 1 Special Ops
4 - Episode 1 Desert Psycho
5 - Episode 2 Midnight Lady
6 - Episode 2 Black Valkyrie
7 - Episode 2 Screw the Bankers
8 - Episode 2 Reinvestment
9 - Episode 3 Flower Petal Girl
10 - Episode 3 White Tigress
11 - Episode 3 Fox Maiden
12 - Episode 4 Five Eyes
13 - Episode 4 Conference Politics
14 - Episode 4 Private Protocols
15 - Episode 4 Slavic Revenge
16 - Episode 5 Captain Jim
17 - Canberra HQ
18 - Sparky
19 - Episode 6 Forest Retreat
20 - Mermaids Kiss
21 - Mermaids Reach
22 - Episode 7 La Matrona
23 - Agent Riles
24 - Air National Guard
25 - Episode 8 Wailing Wall
26 - The Face
27 - Samoom
28 - The Wall
29 - Episode 9 EMP Dust
30 - Dust Wars
31 - None So Blind
32 - Nothing Will Ever Be the Same
33 - Episode 10 Destabilising the Status Quo
34 - Numbers Game
35 - Shut It Down
36 - Episode 11 Time Delay
37 - Secrecy
38 - Scams Up
39 - Episode 12 Peace Art
40 - Serious Science
41 - Breaking the Silence
42 - Episode 13 Afternoon Delight
43 - Give it a Rest
44 - What's Happened To Them
45 - Episode 14 Karen Sanctuary
46 - Professor Des Ball
47 - Jungle Power
48 - Episode 15 Apothecary
49 - Tea Ceremony
50 - Fire Horse
51 - Episode 16 Afghan Herbs
52 - Afghan Redux
53 - Afghan Companion
53b - Afghan Sleeper
54 - Episode 17 Baghdad
55 - Syrian Empire
56 - Syrian Messiah
57 - Syrian Resurrection
58 - Syrian Epiphany
59 - Syrian Rescue
60 - Episode 18 Bohdan and Sirin
61 - Sirins' Spell
62 - It's a Leshy
64 - Man to Man
65 - Peace Park
66 - Artscape
67 - Fractured
68 - Episode 20 Hanseatic Law
69 - Al Latiff
70 - NATO
71 - Fractals
72 - Team AIME
73 - Episode 21 What a View
74 - The Dust Clears
75 - Episode 22 Phone Call
76 - Line of Sight
77 - Flying Squad
78 - Episode 23 World Wide Web
79 - Fungus
80 - Brain Damage
81 - Prion
82 - Episode 24 North of the Border
83 - Border Party
84 - Border Team
85 - Episode 25: Skylon
86 - Orbital Testing
87 - Orbital Affair
88 - Orbital Docking
89 - Aero Braking
90 - Episode 26: Southerly Buster
91 - Encrypted Link
92 - Orbital Traffic Cop
93 - Episode 27: For Your Ears Only
94 - Point of No Return
95 - Alien Memories
96 - Dust to Dust
97 - From on High

63 - Episode 19 Enigma Man

154 21 7
By RuselLAst

Day 12: Jerusalem - West Bank, Mid Morning.

Owain Davies squinted against the glare of the bright mid morning sun. The sky was sheer blue. No cloud, no dust, nothing but harsh burning light. He pulled his dark glasses down off his forehead and settled them on his nose then turned to where the others were making their way from the last check point.

Samara walked up and stood next to him. She followed his gaze then watched him push the sunnies into place. “Lawrence often talks about how the sunlight here is similar to the desert in Australia. He reckons it can burn the skin off you in a morning now the UV is that bad there!”

Owain nodded at her reminiscence and wondered how long she had been with Lawrence to have picked up some of his aussie turn of phrase. He smiled at his own memories of how contagious the slang and the accent was but he was safe there. Nothing like a welsh sing song tone to drone out even the worst nasal twang of the aussies.

“My apologies everyone,” Captain Yoni Sharon pronounced as he approached his tour group of civilian observers. “Apparently there were some unidentified sightings along the Barrier last night that has put all the soldiers at the checkpoints on edge!” He stopped next to Samara and kept turning to her as he spoke as if she was the focus for his ‘right this is how we are going to do things’ speech.

Owain allowed himself a little smile and nodded along with the others when it was appropriate to do so. “So we’ll head across to the gardens near here, where tea and coffee will be ready for you. From there we’ll take the bus north to where you can observe how the observations posts are being demolished and unauthorised settlements dismantled.”

Yoni turned and walked past their parked bus to the gardens and spoke to the people arranging pots and cups and plates of snacks for his ‘tour’ group. He nodded in satisfaction at whatever they said and waved his group across. He shepherded them at all times and did not let them out of his sight.

Why should he, the West Bank was enemy territory to any Israeli soldier, thought Owain. Even though Samara had told him Yoni was one of the good guys, Owain didn’t like being shown around by a soldier in full uniform and accompanied by a small squad of elite troops. He’d arranged to meet the Palestinian coordinator for the Peace Art Exhibition this morning but would that happen now. Was he being manipulated by both sides for their own ends. Well from what he was gradually coming to understand that soon wouldn’t matter …

Owain watched the other members of the Art Delegation. Samara had volunteered her services to coordinate everyone. There was Jon Ryan from Australia, Rakapa Te Ahu from New Zealand, and Stuart and Sheila Wilbird from Canada and a few others he’d already forgotten the names of. A more motley crew of artists and activists he hadn’t seen for a long time and with more to arrive over the next couple of days.

Whatever has to be organised, we oh happy band of creative people will have make it happen today, Owain let the thought fade as he watched Yoni doing the rounds. You are a consumate politician boyo, no doubt of that!

“Mr Davies, it is so good to see you again!” Owain turned to meet the voice and was met by a wide grin and enthusiastic eyes! “Ercan, my goodness boyo, Ercan Mehmet! Oh this is wonderful!” Owain hugged the turkish representative and an old mate from his Jerusalem days. Owain looked past Ercan and realised that another bus load had arrived and then another. He turned to Yoni who’d walked across to meet the new arrivals. He frowned at Owains’ stare then smirked.

I had to organise to bring each bus through different checkpoints, other wise it would have been a convoy and looked too obvious. Some might have thought it an easy target, others another invasion of some sort.” He shrugged and shook Ercan’s hand and spoke to him in fluent arabic. Owain nodded to himself. Most Israeli defence force personnel flatly refused to speak or even acknowledge arabic. The palestinians were an infestation to be removed so there could be a united jewish homeland.

Owain couldn’t see Youssef and turned to Yoni. He excused himself from Ercan and frowned at Owain’s puzzled expression. “Youssef?” he said simply. “Ah, just a little more complicated I’m afraid. The government is very on edge and there are some very trigger happy IDF boys and girls still sent into Gaza and West Bank. So, our friend Youssef Abu Sitta will arrive on foot with some friends and set up a picnic across the gardens aways. He’ll then come across to join us at a table in,” and he checked his watch, “15 to 20 minutes.”

“I have tried to ensure that only Silence Breaker IDF members are on general patrol in the West Bank these days. They care more and are gaining the respect of the local populace. Until we can halt the occupation completely then it is little steps only, but we are gaining ground.” Owain nodded but wasn’t sure the words gaining ground were appropriate given the loss of palestinian land to the settler movement.

“Ok then boyo,” Owain added laying on the thickest welsh accent he could summon. He stopped and stared at a figure standing across the road and watching them. Yoni turned and followed his gaze. “Do you know him?” “Ah yes, I do, excuse me. I shouldn’t be long!” Owain strode off then stopped, “ah set another place would you, you might like to chat!”

Yoni watched Owain Davies, the first of the blessed ones as many now called them, stride down the road with more purpose than he’d seen in him all morning. There was something else in the body language so he watched to make sure Owain was safe. He’d stopped in front of the man. They didn’t shake hands. Very strange, something about that one.

“It is you. It is you,” Owain couldn’t believe his eyes. “What are you do ... but you’re not …”

The man smiled at Owain, “none of us are what we seem! You, me, all of us. My role is nearly over now. Others are coming, many more, you among them Owain Davies,”

“What are you talking about?” The man smiled and sighed. “Don’t do anything other than what is already planned.” The enigmatic man smirked, “I’m sorry, it’s always like this in the beginning, and no you don’t need an explanation.” Enigma man chuckled, “I hear you a ‘blessed one’ these days! That’s good. The eyes of the world will be on you as the changes begin. Good very good!” Enigma man nodded to Owain, turned and walked away without looking back.

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