From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin...

By TempestKPopLuv

22.7K 613 2K

Kim Seokjin had a baby sister who was only 7 years old when he became a trainee for BTS at the beginning of 2... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Twenty Three

232 9 60
By TempestKPopLuv

Jisung's POV:

It wasn't an easy road, but one year after Ryu's ordeal started, when she had been kidnapped by Woojin while I was away with NCT, she was finally allowed to come home with me. Thankfully, I didn't have to pay almost any of her medical bills because after her testimony and the evidence collected against him, Woojin had been arrested and his assets taken from him. A lot of those assets were put towards Ryu's medical expenses.

On top of it, fans for a lot of groups, mine, Jin's, BigBang, and so many others who had been making outcries for help in finding Ryu, had raised money to help cover Ryu's medical expenses. Stays, upon finding out Woojin was the one who had attacked Ryu and made her lose her heart, leaving her needing a new heart, pushed to try to raise even more money. They researched and found out where Ryu had been in the hospital and then for rehab, sending the money they'd raised directly there in Ryu's name to pay her bills. Jin and I hadn't found out until we inquired how much we had to pay for her bills. Jin, myself, and the leaders of these groups were already working on a way to thank the fans for their unnecessary financial donations. We felt it important to show them that even though it was unnecessary, we were still very grateful.

Since it was the end-of-year show season again by the time Ryu was allowed to come home with me, I had hesitations about leaving her. Taeyong knew I didn't want to go with NCT this year under any circumstances because of what had happened the last time I had left Ryu. He understood and he had tried to get me the time off, but it was impossible. Jin was going to take the time off, but Ryu told him no. I was trying to figure out what to do as the day I had to leave her was getting closer when there was a knock on the penthouse door one morning.

"We're here to make you leave," the tallest of the three on the other side of the door said when I opened it to them.

"Kris?" I asked in confusion. "What are you doing here with LuHan and Tao?"

"We knew you wouldn't be able to just stay here with Ryu-ah," LuHan replied.

"And there was no way in hell we were letting her stay alone again," Kris continued.

"Besides, we've missed her," Tao added.

I led them into the living room. Ryu was just coming out of our room. When she saw them, she rushed them.

"When did you guys get here?" she asked, excited.

"I just let them in," I told her. "Did you know about this?"

"I told them you were having trouble leaving," she said, smiling as they held her.

I sighed. Of course she did. They were as much her family as the other idols, whether they were in Beijing or Korea. They used to come watch her when Jin would travel for things like this, especially if she was in the hospital or just about to get out. It made sense that they would be here.

"Thank you for being here, Hyungs," I said to them bowing. "Can I get any of you a drink or something to eat?"

They all held up Starbucks cups.

"We're good," LuHan said, laughing.

"Sit down, Oppas. You're family. Make yourself comfortable," Ryu told them, as she used the cane to make her way to the love seat where I sat down.

"Do you still really need to use assistance to walk?" Tao asked her, looking worried.

"A bit. I'm catching up on my cardio rehab, but because it's not where I should be, I shouldn't be doing too much physical activity yet. So, I'm not supposed to walk around on my own too much," she told him.

"So, what do you do? A cane or even a walker would be too much..." Kris started.

"She has a wheelchair for when we have to go out. However, she doesn't like to use it," I replied.

"Why don't you want to use it?" LuHan asked her.

"I forced myself to stay in a wheelchair in the hospital to keep myself willing to do my physiotherapy. It hurt to do it, but it hurt to lay down in the bed, too. Now that I can hold my weight up, I want to do that, and get used to moving around again," Ryu explained.

"Ryu, you don't have to stay in the wheelchair all the time," I started, "but when you're starting to have trouble breathing and are getting all sweaty from the exertion, you're supposed to use it so you don't put too much strain on your new heart. That's the only reason I try to get you to use it."

We talked a bit more, Kris, Tao, and LuHan tried to make her understand nobody was trying to force her into the wheelchair for the rest of her life, and then we all went out for lunch. A few days later I left Ryu with them to travel with NCT.

Vernon's POV:

I knew that NCT had already left for the end of year shows. So, I asked Hoshi to bring me to see Ryu. Considering he was the one who helped me get her to the hospital, he wanted to see her before we left as much as I did.

I wasn't really surprised to see Kris, Tao, and LuHan at the penthouse with Ryu when we got there. Just like I'm pretty sure they weren't surprised to see us. Instead, they just let us in and led us into the kitchen. Tao sat across the arm rests of a wheelchair, making Ryu laugh, but not letting her get up.

"What's going on here?" Hoshi asked.

"Oppa! He's keeping me prisoner!" she cried out. "Save me!"

Hoshi, to his credit, walked over to Tao, picked him up and put him on the floor. Then he picked up Ryu and carried her out of the kitchen, sticking his tongue out at our elders. I laughed and turned to follow.

"We'll be in the living room talking," I said as I walked away.

"Why was Tao basically sitting on you?" Hoshi asked her as soon as he set her down and covered her with a blanket.

"I wanted to walk out of the kitchen, but I'm not supposed to walk more than a certain amount every day. So, they said if I walked out of the kitchen, I'd be stuck in the wheelchair later. I shrugged, and Tao sat!"

"Still working on the cardio rehab?" I asked and she nodded. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"When are you guys leaving?"

"Tomorrow," Hoshi replied.

"Can you take me to the park or something? Get me the hell out of here for a few hours? Kris and LuHan have seen me after I got out of the hospital, but never this bad. Tao has just never seen me this bad before. I love them and I know they're trying to do what's best for me, but they're smothering me!"

"Could we?" I asked Hoshi. "I mean, we were planning on spending a little while with her, anyway."

Hoshi looked torn.

"Conditions: I'm calling the rest of the guys to meet us. I don't know if me and Vernon can do this alone. Also, we may not make you use them, but your wheelchair and walker are coming with us along with your medications in case of an emergency," Hoshi said firmly, looking at me and Ryu. "Deal?"

I looked at Ryu and raised my eyebrow to encourage her to take the deal. After a minute and a sigh, she did.

"I'll let Kris, Tao, and LuHan know our plans. Vernon, take her inside. She needs to get dressed," Hoshi told us.

Hoshi walked away and I picked up Ryu, carrying her into her's and Jisung's room. I placed her in a sitting position on their bed and then things got awkward. Rubbing the back of my neck I looked down at Ryu.

"Um... do you need help picking your clothes or anything?" I asked her.

She sighed.

"Vernon, you don't have to be so awkward around me," she replied. "Yes, I need help picking clothes and I also kinda need help getting dressed, still. But I don't understand why you're still awkward with me. I told you that I never blamed you for what happened."

It was my turn to sigh. Only, I sat down next to her so we were at eye level.

"And with what Woojin did to you? You're still okay even if we're in a situation like this?" I asked her.

"I'm not with all people, honestly. But with you, Vernon, I'm okay. Not only did you not know that I wasn't in control of my inhibitions and show serious remorse over what had happened, you've gone out of your way to protect me since that night. When Woojin kidnapped me, you went out of your way, not giving up hope, looking for me until you found me. You've never intentionally hurt me. You've always done your best to keep me safe. So, while I may never look at you as a lover, I know I can always look at you as someone I'm safe around. Because of that, I know you'll never hurt me, even in this situation."

I didn't know what to say, so I hugged her.

"I don't know what to say to that, Ryu. Just know that hearing it means more than I can express," I finally said as I released her.

I helped her pick out her clothes. Then, I helped her dress as much as she needed help with before leaving to let her finish dressing herself. When she was ready, Hoshi and I took her to meet with the rest of Seventeen while Kris, Tao, and LuHan made their way to have a day to themselves.

Ryu's POV:

The day in the park with Seventeen was amazing. It was also motivating. I wanted to be able to keep up with my friends again. I needed to get on track with my cardio rehab. So, while everyone was gone, I sat down with Kris, Tao, and LuHan. I explained what my cardio rehab should be up to and where I was. Then I explained how I needed to work from where I was to where I wanted to get to.

Over the few weeks that everyone else was traveling, the three helped me progress my cardio rehab. Initially, they were reluctant to do it. When I reminded them that they wanted to see me and Jisung get married, and then told them I would not get married in a wheelchair or using a walker, they agreed. Besides, I was only asking them to help me get on track with my rehab. I wasn't asking them to help me get beyond where I should be, and we were being careful.

"I can see how much more life is in you, Ryu," Kris said to me about two weeks after they'd started helping me with my cardio rehab. "Is this normal?"

"I was way past this point in less than two months post-transplant the first time. But then again, I didn't have as many injuries to heal from. My doctors said what Woojin did to me was worse because it was repeated over and over again for months, while the injuries I had to recover from the first time were from an isolated traumatic event."

"They mean that some of the injuries healed and were re-injured?" Tao asked, sounding scared.

"Yes," I admitted. "But if it makes you feel better, I don't remember most of what happened before I had the transplant in the hospital, so even if they had to rebreak every bone in my body, I wouldn't know."

"Let's get you focused back on your rehab exercises for this morning," LuHan changed the subject.

We worked like this, separating rehab exercises so I did some in the morning and some at night, so I spread out the cardio rehab for the rest of the time they were with me. I had two cardio appointments in between. One the day we had that conversation. Kris brought me.

"Hey, Doc," Kris said to my cardiologist.

"Mr. Wu. I wasn't expecting you to be with Ryu," my doctor replied.

"Jisung was having trouble leaving to travel with NCT. I told Kris, LuHan, and Tao. They showed up a few days before Jisung had to go," I explained.

"You look a little better than you did the last time I saw you. Are you doing your cardio rehab?" he asked me.

"Yes, I am," I replied.

"Well, let's run some tests, end with a stress test, and then I'll know how you're doing. From there we'll be able to see if you need to slow down or if you can advance your rehab a bit. Okay?" he asked me and I nodded.

He asked Kris to wait outside and started examining me, took some blood, and then had me do the stress test. When it was over, a nurse came to help me get dressed again. That was when Kris was allowed to come back in. He sat down next to me as we waited for my cardiologist.

After what seemed like forever, my cardiologist finally came back. He looked at me carefully. Then he looked at Kris.

"How long have you and your friends been staying with her?" he asked him.

"About two weeks. Why?" Kris replied.

"Did you know she had only been released from the rehabilitation center about a week prior to that?"

"No. But I'm not sure what you're getting at, either," Kris told him.

"Ryu? Would you like to explain to him what I'm wondering?"

I looked at Kris.

"When I was released, I was still weak because I had barely done any of my cardio rehab. I had done enough that I could sit and stand on my own, but not really walk unassisted. That was about three weeks ago," I started. "He's trying to figure out how I've progressed so much in that amount of time, since he had to sign off on my discharge, and knew exactly how far my cardio rehab had progressed."

Kris looked a little betrayed.

"Ryu, have we been doing something dangerous with you?" he asked me sternly.

"It depends on how you've been doing it, Mr. Wu," my doctor replied.

"Carefully, Doc. I swear. I spent a day with Seventeen before they left and decided I wanted to get my cardio rehab on track. So, I sat down with Kris, LuHan, and Tao and showed them where I should be in my rehab versus where I was. I told them I wanted to get on track, but we agreed it had to be done carefully. So, they work with me on my rehab. We do a little every morning and a little more before I go to bed at night. I'm only doing things that are approved in order leading to where I should be and only as long as I'm not sweating or showing any signs of fatigue. If I so much as start to breathe heavy, they stop me. It's just I finally got motivated to do it at a pace that it would benefit me."

"Is this how her rehab is being done with the three of you, Mr. Wu?" Doc asked Kris.

"Yes. In between I make sure she eats healthy meals and snacks, takes naps so that she has energy, and we take turns giving her massages so her muscles don't tighten up on her," Kris explained. "We love her like a little sister. We would never do anything to hurt her."

"Well, she is in the best shape she has been in physically since she had the heart transplant. Understand why I had to be suspicious of the massive change in only three weeks, Mr. Wu. I am proud that she is the one who went to you and your friends to progress her cardio rehab. It shows an elevation in her psychological well-being as well. I will see her again in three weeks, unless you notice any changes that need to be treated immediately. Continue on the path you're on. It's working wonders."

"Thanks, Doc," Kris said.

"See you soon, Doc," I told him.

Kris and I went back home and gave them the good news. After that, hearing that the doctor was okay with what we were doing, it gave us renewed vigor. By the time we were returned, I had progressed far enough that I was able to add a second exercise to my rehab instead of just walking. Just like I did as a kid, I started dancing. Only this time, I started with LuHan, Tao, and Kris.

Ji Yong's POV:

The end of year shows would be wrapping up in another week or so, but I wasn't surprised to see Ryu at my door. I opened it and let her in. After she hugged me, she walked into my kitchen.

"When was the last time you had something other than coffee?" she asked me.

"Does chocolate cake count?" I asked.

"I'm cooking for you," she said as she started taking fresh ingredients and containers out of her bags. "Besides, I'm here to ask you a favor."

I walked into the kitchen to see what she was doing. As I took a look at what she was taking out of the bags I realized what she was about to cook.

"Ryu, are you really about to make Ganjang gaejang for me again?" I asked her.

"Why are you so surprised. With everything you've done for me and for Jisung, this is nothing," she replied simply.

Since she had done the hardest part at her place, it didn't take long to finish the dish for me. When it was done, she plated it for me and we sat down at the dining room table. I was going to ask if she was going to eat anything, but I remembered she didn't eat seafood.

"So, what is this favor you wanted to ask me for?" I asked instead.

"Do you know what my father and Jisung did to motivate me to get out of the rehabilitation facility?" she asked and I shook my head no. "They got EXO-M back together and told me they wanted me to work hard and get out so they could stand at my side at my wedding to Jisung. Jisung wanted to marry me as soon as I got out, but he had to travel with NCT, not that I would've at that point."

"Why not? I thought you loved him?"

"Ji Yong, I was fit to return home, but I was so far behind in my cardio rehab I needed to use a walker or a wheelchair to get around. I wasn't getting married like that," Ryu replied.

"How did you get so much better so quickly?"

"I worked my ass off with Kris, Tao, and LuHan. I was doing cardio rehab in the morning and at night. And as of last week, I'm doing dance lessons with them in the afternoons along with going for walks. All approved by my cardiologist because I did finally do the rehab."

"So, what's the favor?"

"Jisung will be home in a little over a week. He still doesn't know that my cardio rehab has progressed the way it has. When he finds out, he'll want me to marry him. And I want to. Jisung realized with how long I was missing, why I lived life the way I always did... tomorrow is never a guarantee. So, he doesn't see a reason to wait. We survived the worst life has had to throw at us, Ji Yong. He had to make a choice to abort a pregnancy not long after he got to the hospital for me earlier this year, then there were all the other medical choices thrown at him, and the struggles between both of us because I was moody at times in the hospital. And we're stronger for it," Ryu started. "That's why I wanted to ask you to design and make my wedding dress, Ji Yong."

I put my rice spoon down.

"Wait. What did you just say?" I asked her.

"Will you design and make my wedding dress, Kwon Ji Yong? You've come to know me so well while I lived with you..." she started.

I got up and hugged her.

"I would be honored to design and make your dress, Ryu. Besides, you spoil me. I should do more for you," I told her and she laughed.

As I ate, we discussed the dress she was thinking about. When I finished eating, I took out a sketchpad and starting sketching some designs. Ryu gave me her feedback on what she did or didn't like. It was nice to talk about something so normal with her after the year of horror she'd endured. That conversation gave me hope that she would get back to that same, spunky kid who told off Taemin.

Jisung's POV:

I felt like I'd been away forever. After what happened the last time I left Ryu, it felt like torture to leave her this time. So, as soon as everyone was dismissed, I rushed home to the penthouse. I freaked out when I realized it was empty. Then I found a note from LuHan on the dining room table.


I know we were supposed to stay until you came home. We left this morning. Ryu asked us to return to Beijing for a bit. She promised she would explain everything to you when she spoke to you, but she also said that she would not be home when you got home. Don't worry about Ryu right now. She has a surprise for you that is very important for her to give to you, so she will be home afterwards.

Other than that, we had a great time with Ryu. We miss her so much when we're in Beijing. Take care of her the right way. Be a gentleman to her, even if she doesn't seem like she needs one. She basically grew up around all guys in the K-Pop industry and doesn't know how to ask for help sometimes, so be patient.


"Where is she?" I asked the darkness in the apartment as I put my coat away and my suitcase in our room.

I must have dozed off on the couch at some point, because I had no idea what time it was when Ryu came home. Instead, I woke up to a video being played. It was a mix of our memories together from when we'd met at the concert Xiumin, Lay, and Chen threw to make her feel better through high school up until I left. In the background of the video GFriend's "Glass Bead" was playing. The lights were still off, but I couldn't take my eyes off the video. When it finally stopped, the lights in the penthouse turned back on.

"I needed you to see that, Jisung," Ryu said, stepping closer to me as my eyes adjusted to the light. "We've been through a lot of ups and downs over the years. Until we got out of high school, the worst was Taemin partnering us with other students, taking away our time together outside of school. After, it was Woojin. But the lyrics of GFriend's song are so true here. I'm not so easy to break, you are the one that I will love forever, and when you need it, I want to be your strength, Jisung."

"Is this why you've been gone today?" I asked her.

"Honestly? No," she replied. "I went back to work today. I'm working with A.C.E on a project and I'm excited to do it."

"I told you that you don't have to rush back to work," I told her.

"I know you did. And I'm not. This felt right," she said. "Jisung, haven't you noticed, I'm moving around without my cane, walker, or wheelchair? That I'm up and around on my own without trouble breathing or anything?"

She was right. And I hadn't noticed.

"How?" I asked, confused.

"I decided I was tired of my friends having to slow down for me, to help me with everything. So, I worked really hard on my cardio rehab while you've been gone. Kris, Tao, and LuHan helped me. I'm even allowed to dance again. That's how far I've come since you've been gone," she explained, smiling. "I wanted to be able to be as close to the Ryu I was before Woojin had me as I could at this point, so I'm working at it. Kris was right when he said if I didn't complete my rehabs, I'd be letting Woojin win by taking away the part of me that always overcame everything. I refused to keep living like that. Especially with all the great things I have in my life... including my fiancé."

I got up and kissed her. She didn't even flinch away from me or shake. I know it wasn't about me, but at first she did. It took a while to stop and sometimes she still did it. Seeing her, as strong as ever, made me not only happy, but proud of her, and made me love her more.

"I meant it when I said when you got better I wanted to marry you," I told her.

"I know," she replied, snuggling into me.

"Do you still want to go through with it?" I asked.

"Yes," she said as she looked up at me, her breath caressing my neck.

"We'll start planning tomorrow," I said.

"I'm already taking care of my dress," she told me.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm already having my dress designed," she repeated. "I asked Ji Yong. We already agreed on a design."

I kissed her, before picking her up and carrying her into our room, laying her on our bed.

"I love you so much, Kim Ryung-gi."

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