Sailor Symbiote Remake

By CJ29390

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This is a remade version of Zach in Hyrule's fanfic on Be sure to read the disclaimer before... More

Chapter 1: Usagi's New Leaf, A New Enemy Appears
Chapter 2: The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter's Task
Chapter 3: The Hunt for the Mysterious Creature
Chapter 4: Venom Appears, The Dreamy Web Slinger
Chapter 5: The Return, Sailor Scouts vs. Venom
Chapter 6: Spider-Man, Friend or Foe
Chapter 7: Spider-Man vs. The Scouts, The Punishment
Chapter 8: Second Chance, Spider-Man's Origin Pt.1
Chapter 9: Responsibility, Spider-Man's Origin Pt.2
Chapter 10: Green with Envy, The Sinister Six Arrives
Chapter 11: The Countdown, Spider-Man vs. Venom
Chapter 13: Farewell; Spider-Man, A Mother's Love
Cast of Sailor Symbiote Remake

Chapter 12: Birth of Sailor Symbiote, Goblin's Remorse

127 2 2
By CJ29390

Everyone gasped as they all saw the symbiote taking control of Sailor Moon. "Spider-Man was right." Sailor Symbiote said looking all over her body. "This symbiote is really powerful! I... I never felt anything like this before!"
"Sailor Moon please, get that parasite out of you!" Tuxedo Mask shouted.
"PARASITE!?" Sailor Symbiote roared and stretched her arm and grabbed Tuxedo Mask and bring him to her face! "We are not a parasite!" she roared. "We are Sailor Symbiote!"
"Usako, I know you're in there!" Tuxedo Mask said, softly. "I know you wouldn't hurt me because I don't wanna hurt you! I love you Usagi, and I know you can fight this!" Sailor Symbiote stood ten seconds looking at Tuxedo Mask. Then she laughed.
"You think that will work?" she asked. "You are a fool!"
"Fire Soul!" Sailor Mars shouted as a fireball flew near Sailor Symbiote and she released Tuxedo Mask screaming in fear!
"FIRE! FIRE IS BAD!" screamed Sailor Symbiote backing away from it!
Tuxedo Mask! Are you ok?" Sailor Mercury asked as her and Sailor Neptune helped him up!
"Yes. I'm fine!" said Tuxedo Mask.
"Stay out of my way!" Sailor Symbiote hissed, and she charged at them!
"Supreme Thunder!" screamed Sailor Jupiter as a bolt of lightning struck Sailor Symbiote and she crashed into a some of the rumble. Everyone looked at where Sailor Jupiter was and saw her and the rest of the scouts standing in front of the entrance.
"Are all of you, ok?" asked Sailor Saturn.
"Yeah. Thanks for the save." Sailor Mars said.
"Weren't you guys guarding Spider-Man's baddies?" asked Sailor Mercury.
"The police have them now!" answered Sailor Pluto. "They are to remain in our prison until the police form New York arrive."
"Speaking of Spider-Man, where is he?" asked Sailor Venus looking around.
"We don't know!" Sailor Neptune said. "We haven't seen him since he went to the roof to stop Venom.
"Wait! Where's Sailor Moon?" Sailor Jupiter asked. Just then, Sailor Symbiote burst out of the rumble and roared.
"Right there!" Sailor Uranus said.
"WHAT!?" Sailor Jupiter shouted. "How is that possible?"
"A piece of the Symbiote got her out of nowhere!" said Tuxedo Mask.
"Now you all asked for this!" Sailor Symbiote said as she grabbed her Tiara and prepared to throw it at the Guardians. "SYMBIOTE TERRIA ACTION!" The Tiara flew straight to them at it was faster than the original Tiara attack!
"DUCK!" Sailor Pluto shouted and everyone got down as the Symbiote Tiara missed them all.
"Damn! With the Symbiote on Sailor Moon, it has all of her attacks!" Sailor Pluto thought.
"My plain to turn this planet into my own may have failed, but I can still kill every single human flesh I see!" said Sailor Symbiote!
"Forgive me, My queen!" Sailor Pluto said. "Dead Scream!" The Dead Scream headed to Sailor Symbiote. But she quickly dodged the attack.
"We are on to your little tricks!" said Sailor Symbiote as she webbed Sailor Pluto and pulled her right into her arms.
"You cannot defeat me! No one can!" Sailor Symbiote said as half of Sailor Moon's face appeared. "We are in Sailor Moon's mind; we know everything about her. Her attacks, her weaknesses, her special memories, and even the ones she loves!"
"If you don't get out of her, I am going to make you suffer for all eternity!" Sailor Pluto roared.
"Do that, and you will hurt Sailor Moon as well!" said Sailor Symbiote as the symbiote covered her face.
"Then we will take you out by force!" said Sailor Mars behind her with the rest of the guardians next to her.
Sailor Symbiote laughed and threw Sailor Pluto to a wall and webbed her to it. "Very well." she said with claws appearing on her fingers. "Let us feed on your flesh!"
The Scouts prepared to attack, but Tuxedo Mask stood in front of them and walked to Sailor Symbiote.
"Tuxedo Mask, what are you doing?!" Sailor Jupiter asked.
"I will deal with her, alone." he said.
"What!?" shouted Sailor Venus. "You can't the Symbiote is too powerful!"
"And so is Sailor Moon!" said Tuxedo Mask as he removed his cape and his hat. "I know she will fight this. So, I will fight her until she fights it."
"How brave." Sailor Symbiote said. "Too bad you won't live long enough to see tomorrow!"
"I don't think so!" Tuxedo Mask said as he and Sailor Symbiote charged at each other!
Before we get to them, I bet you're wondering what's happening to Spider-Man right now!
Goblin flew around Tokyo with Spider-Man on his tail. "I've should've taken that mask off when I had the chance." he said throwing bombs at Spider-Man.
"You could've done that, instead of making a deal with Venom." Spider-Man said dodging all of the bombs. "For a smart scientist, that was pretty stupid of you. That and dressing up in a Halloween costume to kill me!" Goblin growled and threw more bombs at Spider-Man. When Spider-Man dodged them, the bombs blew up on the edge of a rooftop and some of the debris was heading to a young girl in a green school uniform who was watching them battle. "Not again!" Spider-Man said as he quickly webbed his way to the girl. He grabbed the girl just in time and placed her safely on the ground.
"Oh my god!" she spoke. "You just saved my life!"
"It's what I do." said Spider-Man and looked at the bow on her back. "Nice bow, you do Archery?" he asked.
"You..could say that." she said nervously.
Just then, Goblin flew pass them and Spider-Man webbed the back of his glider and he held on to it as it pulled him away from the girl. "Man, it feels like i just entered that well." she said to herself.
Spider-Man let go of the web on Goblin's glider, and webbed zipped quickly to Goblin he then landed underneath it and poked his head out. "Hey, Bomb-voyage!" he joked. "The airport called, they said that there was an unscheduled flight flying around Tokyo!" He then punched the bottom glider and pulled out its circuits out of it. The Glider began to spin around uncontrollably.
"You idiot!" Goblin screamed!
"Hey, don't look at me." Spider-Man said. "You were the one who decided to bring his thing. Ever heard of rocket boots?"
Goblin jumped out of the Glider and landed on a unfinished construction site. And Spider-Man landed in front of him with the Glider exploding behind him.
"If you guys seen any action movies, then you know why I didn't just look at that explosion behind me." he said to the viewers.
Me: (What? I had to!)
Spider-Man then webbed a brick wall on top of Goblin and pulled it down to him and it fell. But Goblin punched the brick wall with is metal glove. "D'oh. That so worked last time." Spider-Man said. He then charged at Goblin. Goblin punched Spider-Man, but he dodged it and he webbed his arm and pulled him right to his fit and punched him in the face. Goblin crashed into a concrete wall and could barely see Spider-Man. His eyes were too blurry. Spider-Man then webbed his whole body only leaving his head sticking out.
"Why...why do you win every time!?" Goblin sobbed.
"Because bad guys like you, never learn their lesson!" Spider-Man said taking his mask off and revealing Norman Osborn's face. "This is not who you are!" Spider-Man said showing him the mask and threw it on the ground. "You're Norman Osborn! Head of Oscorp, A Brilliant Genius, and an export inventor!"
"NOT ANYMORE!" Norman cried. "I lost all of those titles after you left my son TO DIE!"
"I tried to save him!" Spider-Man shouted louder.
"LIES!" yelled Norman! "You left that building with him in it. He burned to death all because of you!"
"Your wrong, Norman!" Spider-Man said. "He saved my life instead of me saving him."
"Why should I believe you?!" Norman continued to sob. "He never knew you. You weren't friends with my son!"
Spider-Man looked down staring at his feet. There was only one way he could do to prove Norman he's telling the truth. "Actually, I was." He said grabbing his mask and slowly took it off. Norman gasped when he saw the real face of Spider-Man.
"P... Peter?" Norman said in fear. "N... n... no. No that...that can't be true!"
"It is." Peter said. "I knew you wouldn't listen to Spider-Man, but maybe to Peter Parker. Your son's best friend since High School."
" left my die!" Norman said angrily but confused.
"Because he wanted me to." Peter said. "Let me explain everything..."
A few years ago...
Spider-Man carried Harry around his shoulder hurrying to a window. "Hang in there Harry, were almost there!" he said. Just then, Harry collapsed on the ground making it hard for Spider-Man to carry him.
"ARGH.... leg!" he grunted. "It hurts!"
"I know. Just hurry and get up so I can get you to a doctor!" Spider-Man said. Trying to pick him back up.
"There's...there's no time!' Harry said climbing on some debris to get up. "At this rate, I'm just slowing you down!" Then a roof collapsed right behind him. "Peter! You need to go!"
"What!?" Spider-Man yelled. "Harry, I'm not doing that!"
"You don't have time!" said Harry. "The city needs you!"
"Harry, I'm not leaving you here to die!" Spider-Man yelled.
"I know you won't." Harry said smiling "So I'll do it for you."
"What?" Spider-Man asked. Before he can react, Harry kicked him in the stomach, and he flew out the window. "HARRY!" he yelled webbing back up to the building, but he was too late the floor that Harry was on exploded. "NO!" Spider-Man yelled. He jumped off the building wall and landed on a rooftop. He took off his mask and kneed to the ground crying.
"Harry.... I'm sorry..."
"After that, I was about to quit being Spider-Man, but you son saved me so I can still be Spider-Man." Peter said finishing his story and looking at his mask. "He wouldn't want me to give up; and I'm sure he wouldn't want you to kill the best friend your son had that tried to save his life." He then put his mask back on and released Norman from the webs. "I'll let you have one chance to walk away from this." He said and fired a web at a building. "Don't become what your son wants you not to become." he said as he swung back to Tokyo Tower.
Norman stood silent. He didn't say anything after hearing Peter's story. He gripped his hand and looked at his Green Goblin mask. "I know what I must do now." he said slowly grinning.
Back at Tokyo Tower
Tuxedo Mask crashed into a wall and struggled to get up. "She...she's strong! Everything I do just doesn't hurt her!" he though. He saw Sailor Symbiote slowly walking to him holding a glass shard.
"You still think that you can separate us?" asked Sailor Symbiote grabbing his throat and holding him in the air and showing Sailor Moon's face. "Why did I fall in love with such in an idiot?"
"Easy. Because this idiot loves you!" Spider-Man said as he webbed kicked Sailor Symbiote and she sticked to a wall.
"SPIDER-MAN!" She yelled.
"Sailor Moon?!" Spider-Man said surprisingly! "The symbiote that was in the container with the bomb must've found you."
"Correct." Sailor Symbiote said. "I must thank you Spider-Man. This new power has made me stronger than Brock!"
"Yeah, but I think it's time you get out of her, right now!" Spider-Man was about to fire is last Sonic Web at Sailor Symbiote, but the Symbiote made her hair stretched and grabbed both of Spider-Man's wrists!
"Real heroes don't use toys to fight!" Sailor Symbiote said as she squeezed his wrists tighter until her hair tentacles crushed his web shooters.
"Oh, come on!" said Spider-Man. "Do you know how hard it takes to repair these?" He then kicked Sailor Symbiote and released himself from her grasp.
"Spider-Man!" shouted Sailor Venus. "Are you ok?"
"Sort of." Spider-Man said looking at his web shooters. "She busted my web shooters!" Just then, Sailor Symbiote grabbed his throat and brought him to his face.
"SPIDER-MAN!" shouted the Sailor Guardians.
"Stay back!" hissed Sailor Symbiote then faced back to Spider-Man. "Here's how it's going to go, After I kill you, I will kill your new friends! and then, I'll kill your dear Aunt May!"
"Sailor Moon, NO!" Tuxedo Mask yelled.
"Say hello to you Uncle Ben for us, SPIDER-MAN!" she was about to stab Spider-Man with her claws, until....
"STOP!" a young female shouted.

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