Sailor Symbiote Remake

Oleh CJ29390

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This is a remade version of Zach in Hyrule's fanfic on Be sure to read the disclaimer before... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Usagi's New Leaf, A New Enemy Appears
Chapter 2: The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter's Task
Chapter 3: The Hunt for the Mysterious Creature
Chapter 4: Venom Appears, The Dreamy Web Slinger
Chapter 5: The Return, Sailor Scouts vs. Venom
Chapter 7: Spider-Man vs. The Scouts, The Punishment
Chapter 8: Second Chance, Spider-Man's Origin Pt.1
Chapter 9: Responsibility, Spider-Man's Origin Pt.2
Chapter 10: Green with Envy, The Sinister Six Arrives
Chapter 11: The Countdown, Spider-Man vs. Venom
Chapter 12: Birth of Sailor Symbiote, Goblin's Remorse
Chapter 13: Farewell; Spider-Man, A Mother's Love
Cast of Sailor Symbiote Remake

Chapter 6: Spider-Man, Friend or Foe

205 2 0
Oleh CJ29390

Back in New York, a man was entering a big office and walked to a big man sitting in his chair looking at the city.
"Uh...boss?" the man asked anxiously.
The big man turned his chair facing the man. "Yes, what is it?" he asked.
"We've just received word that Spider-Man is in Tokyo!" said the man.
"Tokyo, why?" the big man asked.
"We don't know, but that's a good thing; right boss?" the man replied.
"Maybe, but it will be better if he were to die there!" the big man said leaning back in his chair. "Have a plane ready for our friends."
"Wh...what friends?" the man asked.
"You know, our 6 friends!" replied the big man.
"Yes, Kingpin!" said the man.
"Son, we've been through this. IT'S, WILSON FISK!"
Back at Tokyo
The girls were back at Rei's temple trying to find info about Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Usagi was trying to call Mamoru.
"You've reached Mamoru Chiba's voicemail. Please leave a message."
"Hey Mamoru, it's Usagi. Listen, we found the black creature; he calls himself Venom. We fought him at the mall, and we had a little help from someone called, Spider-Man. We're researching him now; I'll come by to your apartment later to explain everything; Love you." Usagi hung up her phone.
"Is he still sleeping?" Luna asked.
"Maybe." Usagi said. "Would you go to his apartment and check up on him?"
"Of course." Luna said, as she ran out of the temple. Usagi then entered the temple with the girls pulling up Ami's laptop.
"So, did you guys find anything?" Usagi asked.
"No, we just logged in; but the internet is slow!" Makoto said.
"Yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that my grandfather changed our internet last week." said Rei.
"Why?" asked Ami.
" don't want to know." Rei replied.
"Anyway, once done researching about Spider-Man, how are we going to find him?" asked Usagi.
"Well, his name is, Spider-Man; so obviously, he does whatever a spider can!" said Ami.
"Why do I have the feeling that's a song?" Makoto asked.
"Anyway, you all saw him, right?" Ami asked. "He shoots webs from his hands, he also used his webs to swing with them, he can crawl onto walls and on any object, and has incredible scenes."
"Scenes?" Minako asked.
"Yes, spiders have a special sense that alert them into any danger that's about to strike them!" Ami explained. Then, the computer logged in. "Finally!" Ami said. She went on to the browser tab and looked up Spider-Man.
"Find anything?" Rei asked.
"No, not yet...wait, here's one!" Ami clicked on a tab and it showed the Daily Bugle's web page, and the saw a picture of Spider-Man stopping the Shocker and three of his men. "Wow! This guy is from New York in America!"
"America?!" all the girls said.
"So, how does he speak Japanese?" Usagi asked.
"I don't think we wanna know the answer!" Makoto said.
"Who took this photo?" Minako said, looking at the photo.
"Who does these photos?" asked Rei.
"Someone named, Peter Parker!" Ami replied.
"Wow, he's pretty good." said Usagi.
"Yeah, he sure...huh, that's peculiar." said Ami.
"What is?" Rei asked.
"Look at this!" Ami said pointing at a newspaper title saying, "Spider-Man, menace to this city!"
"What?!" Usagi said, with her eyes wide. "That...that's impossible!"
Ami read the newspaper article out loud. "Spider-Man may look like he's taking out the bad guys, but what if he's trying to be a hero? He's just faking! Spider-Man is a menace to this city of New York."
"Of course! It all makes sense!" shouted Rei.
"What does?" Makoto asked.
"Don't you get it? Spider-Man is just pretending to be a hero!" Rei replied.
"What do you mean?" asked Minako.
"I bet he made that goo that was on that creature so he can be a hero!" Rei explained.
Usagi began to worry. "That has got to be a misunderstanding! He saved my life!" she said in her head. "Rei...I don't think..."
"And also get this, the creature had the same abilities as Spider-Man had." Rei pointed out. "So, he made that goo that was on that human, put him in it and made him have some of his powers, and then they both fight to make him fool everyone that he's a hero!"
"Wow, good point." Makoto said.
"Yeah, I see where you're getting at!" said Ami.
"Aw man, I can't believe I fell in love with a villain!" said Minako.
"Well, it wasn't here first!" Artemis said to himself.
"I HEARD THAT, ARTEMIS!" Minako screamed.
"GUYS!" Usagi yelled. The whole group looked at Usagi. "This is all a misunderstanding! Spider-Man saved my life! You all saw it!"
"I thought you were listening, Usagi! I said all of his heroic things back at the mall is all an act." Rei said.
"I was listening Rei!" Usagi shouted.
"If you were, then you would have agreed to us when I said he's a fake." Rei said. "And I bet that stupid menace came here to steal our fame!"
"Rei, everything you said doesn't even describe a menace!" Usagi said.
"It does." Rei said. "We should find him and attack him."
"No, we're not!" Usagi said.
"Why should I listen to you?" Rei asked, pointing her finger at her.
"Because I'm the leader of the Sailor Guardians and as the leader, I'm ordering you not to attack Spider-Man!" Usagi ordered.
"If you want me to think you're a leady, then you should've acted like on in the first place you...MEATBALL HEAD!" Rei retaliated.
"THAT'S ENOUGH, REI!" Usagi shouted, louder than before!
"Oh, boy!" Ami said, surprised.
"I've never seen Usagi this angry before!" Minako replied.
"YOU GIRLS LISTEN!" Usagi shouted, looking at Ami, Makoto, & Minako. "THAT ORDER ISN'T JUST FOR REI! IF ANYONE OF YOU ATTACK SPIDER=MAN, THERE WILL BE CONSENQUENCES!" she screamed as she headed out the door.
"Where do you think you're going?" Rei asked.
"I...I just need some time alone." Usagi said. "Don't ignore my orders!" she exited the room.
"Usagi, wait!" Artemis said, running after her.
"Hey, Artemis!" Minako said, trying to stop him, but she tripped on one of Rei's books.
"Minako, are you alright" Ami asked.
"I think so!" Minako replied, rubbing her head.
Artemis followed Usagi down the stairs. "Usagi, wait!"
"Leave me alone, Artemis!" Usagi groaned.
"Come on, Usagi, what I'm trying to say is that I believe you!" Artemis said.
Usagi stopped when Artemis said that. "Y...You do?" she asked him.
"Of course, I do." Artemis said. "You said this, Spider-Man saved your life right?"
"Yes." Usagi answered.
"So, fake or not, he saved you and you trust him; and if you trust him, then so do I!" Artemis said. Usagi smiled and patted Artemis.
"Thank you, Artemis." she said.
"I'll tell you what, I'll talk to the guardians. You just take a break!" Artemis said.
"Thanks" Usagi said, as she crossed to the other intersection.
Artemis went up back to the temple and went into the room the girls were in. "I hope they'll listen to me!" he said when he approached the door but stopped when he heard the girls talking.
"Man, Usagi was very mad." Makoto said.
"Yeah, you sure drover her off the ledge, Rei." Ami said.
"Yeah, I know." Rei said. "But we're still going after this Spider-Man!"
"But Rei, Usagi said not to attack him." Minako said.
"True, but in case you all forgot, he's a menace and a fake!" Rei replied.
"But what if, Usagi's right?" Makoto said. "What if the newspaper is misunderstanding him?"
"Guys! Do you remember the people we trusted and became friends with were just monsters that tried to kill us?!" Rei asked. "What if Spider-Man is one of them? We trusted him, but after seeing this, it changes everything! We've been fooled in the past many times; but not today. So what do you all say?" the ladies thought for a moment.
"Can't argue with that!" Minako said.
"Yeah, no kidding." Makoto said.
"Then it's settled!" Rei said. "We meet back here tonight and find Spider-Man."
"Right!" Minako said.
"Sounds good!" Ami said.
"We won't be fooled this time!" Makoto said.
"Oh man! This is bad. This is really, really bad." Artemis panicked in his head. "I guess talking won't do now! I gotta find Usagi and warn her!" Artemis ran out of Rei's temple and quickly ran to Usagi's house! "I need to hurry, before it's too late!"
With Usagi...
"Mom! I'm home!" Usagi shouted.
"Oh, hi sweetie!" Mrs. Tsukino said. "Did you see the news? A weird creature in black goo was fighting some kind of person who can shoot webs and..."
"Stick to walls!" Usagi said, finishing her mom's sentence.
"Oh, you saw it?" Mrs. Tsukino asked.
"Y...Yeah." Usagi said sadly, still thinking about the fight she had with Rei.
"Usagi honey, what's wrong?" Mrs. Tsukino asked, with both of her arms holding Usagi's shoulders.
"I...I had a fight with one of my friends!" Usagi said, with a tear coming down her face.
"Oh, honey; I'm so sorry." Mrs. Tsukino said, giving her a hug. "What did you fight about?"
"I...I...I don't wanna talk about it!" Usagi sobbed.
" don't have to." Mrs. Tsukino said. "Do you want me to get you anything?"
"No...I...just want to be alone!" Usagi said walking upstairs to her room.
"Oh...she was in such a good mood yesterday." Mrs. Tsukino thought.
Mamoru slowly woke up and looked outside his window and saw that the sun was nearly down.
"What the...what time is it?" he yawned.
"4:15 PM" said a voice next to him. Mamoru looked to his right and saw Luna sitting on his table.
"Oh, Luna!" he said. "How long were you sitting here?"
"A few seconds." Luna answered.
"OK. So how did you get IN here?" Mamoru asked, crossing his left eyebrow.
"Uh...don't ask!" Luna said, anxiously.
"HEY! WHY THE HELL IS MY LAUNDRY TIED UP LIKE A ROPE TO THE LEDGE?!" someone screamed roof to roof.
Luna made an anxious look on her face and a drop of sweat went down her.
"You're lucky it wasn't the crazy old guy's laundry 3 floors from down here." said Mamoru. "Anyway, one more question; why are you here?"
"Oh, because Usagi aske me here to come and see how you're doing." Luna answered.
"Really, she and the girls found the creature?" Mamoru asked, putting his clothes on.
(FYI: He was wearing underpants)
"Sorta." said Luna. "She explained some info for you in a voicemail a few moments ago."
"OK, thanks." Mamoru said. He put on a shirt and went to his phone and had just one message.
"You have one new message. Hey Mamoru, it's Usagi. Listen, we found the black creature; he calls himself Venom. We fought him at the mall, and we had a little help from someone called, Spider-Man. We're researching him now; I'll come by to your apartment later to explain everything; Love you."
"Spider-Man?" Mamoru asked. "Who's that?"
"Artemis and I don't know; we weren't there." Luna said. "But Usagi and the girls should be done researching by now. Why don't you ask her if she's done?"
"OK." Mamoru said, as he putted in Usagi's house number. A few rings later, someone answered the phone.
"Tsukino Residence." said Mrs. Tsukino.
"Oh...uh...hey. Crap! I called her house phone! Is Usagi there?" Mamoru asked.
"Oh...yes...but I don't think she wants to talk to anybody right now." Mrs. Tsukino said with a sad tone.
"Huh, why?" Mamoru asked.
"She...she said that her and a friend had a fight." Mrs. Tsukino said, with a soft voice.
"Oh...what were they arguing about?" Mamoru asked.
"Rei still thinks Usagi hasn't changed? If she keeps this up, the Sailor Scouts are done for." Luna said in her head.
"She won't tell me." Mrs. Tsukino said. "She said she just wants to be alone."
"Put her on, I'll try to talk to her." said Mamoru.
"OK, thank you...uh..." Mrs. Tsukino said.
"Mamoru, ma'am. We've met before, but it's been a while." Mamoru said rubbing his head.
"Oh, ok." Mrs. Tsukino said, as she went to Usagi's room.
Usagi was in her room looking at her assignment she got from Friday and sighed. "Do a good job on a test and Rei still treats me the same." she said as she put her head down on her desk. Then, there was a knock on her door. "Shingo! If it's you, go away!" she grunted.
(Note: Shingo is Usagi's little brother)
"It's me, sweetheart." Mrs. Tsukino said.
"Oh, come in." Usagi said putting her head back up and her mom opened the door handing her the phone.
"Here, some young man named Mamoru wants to talk to you." Mrs. Tsukino said.
"Thanks, Mom." Usagi said, taking the phone. "Can you close my door?"
"Sure, honey." Mrs. Tsukino said, closing the door and went downstairs.
Usagi made sure no one was around and then talked to Mamoru. "Hey Mamoru, how are you feeling?" she asked.
"Good right now. I just woke up." Mamoru said. "Sorry I wasn't there to help you girls out."
"It's ok; we had a little help." said Usagi.
"I know, I got your voicemail." Mamoru said. "Anyway, your mom told me that you had a fight with the girls."
Usagi stood silent. " wasn't all of the girls." Usagi said softly. "It was Rei!"
"Should've known." Mamoru said rubbing his forehead. "What were you two arguing about this time?"
"I can't tell you here." Usagi whispered. "My mom and little brother might hear."
"Good point." Mamoru said, and thought for a moment. "OK, come over to my place and we'll talk."
"OK, but is Luna still with you?" Usagi asked.
"Yeah, I'll put her on." Mamoru said, as he gave to phone to Luna.
"Usagi!" said Luna. "What could you and Rei possible argue about this time?"
"Like Mamoru said, I'll explain when I get to his apartment." Usagi said, getting her coat and boots on. "Just stay there, and I'll explain everything when I'm there."
"Very well." Luna sighed. "See you soon." Luna hung up the phone.
"You're feeling, OK?" Mamoru asked.
"No, but I'll be fine." Luna said.
"ARE THESE CLAW MARKS?!" said the guy up on the roof.
"Now, I'm scared." Luna said, shivering.
Mamoru sighed and rolled his eyes.
Meanwhile with Peter...
Peter was back at his hotel room putting bandages on the bruises he got from Venom. "As soon as I get these things patched on me, I need to go back out there and find Venom." he said. As soon as he got his last bruise patch, his phone rang. He webbed it and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hey Tiger!" said MJ.
"Oh, MJ. Sorry, but I don't have time to talk." Peter said, putting his Spider-Man gloves on.
"Why? Did you find those superhero girls?" MJ asked.
"Sorta. But I found something else too." Peter replied.
"Some Japanese Spider-Man fangirls?" MJ teased.
"MJ! This is serious!" Peter said, sticking to the ceiling.
"Oh, sorry!" MJ said.
"It's Venom! He's here!" Peter said.
"What?!" MJ shouted. "I thought you put him in the Raft prison2 months agoi!"
"I did." Peter said scratching his head and landed back on the ground and opened his hotel window. "He must have escaped before I came here."
"This isn't good, Peter!" MJ panicked. "How did he escape?"
"Don't know, but I'm gonna find out!" Peter said putting his mask on. "I'll call you once I know more." He hung up his phone and put it on the desk. He crawled out of his window and web swinged. He looked at the sky and realized it was getting late. "It's about to turn night." he said. "Perfect, bad guys always strike at night." he said as he web swinged faster.
Back with Usagi
*Knock Knock*
"Is that you, Usagi?" Mamoru shouted.
"Yes." Usagi shouted.
"OK, give me a second." Mamoru said, as he washed his hands then opened the door. "Hey, Usagi. Right on time. I just finished my brunch!"
"Slash dinner." Luna chuckled.
Mamoru chuckled back. "You want some?"
"Sure." Usagi said.
"Great, just grab a plate and explain everything to me." Mamoru said, letting Usagi in.
"Ok, but I need to borrow your laptop!" Usagi said.
Usagi and Mamoru grabbed their plates and ate some of Mamoru's dinner. Luna was looking at the same Daily Bugle website the girls researched. Usagi explained everything to Mamoru and Luna; Spider-Man, Venom, Spider-Man's powers, Rei thinking Spider-Man's a fake hero, and that argument they had.
"Wow...she must've been really harsh on you." Mamoru said.
"She's always been in the past." Usagi said.
"Yeah, I know." Mamoru said, cleaning his mouth with a napkin. "So, you don't believe in her nor the newspapers?"
"No, Mamoru. This man saved my life!" Usagi replied.
"Well, if you agree with him being a hero, then so do I!" said Mamoru.
"Thank you so much, Mamo." said Usagi.
"Usagi if I may, what if Rei or the other girls ignore your orders?" asked Luna.
"I told them if they did, there will be consequences." Usagi said.
"What kind of consequences?" Mamoru asked.
"I'll tell you later." Usagi replied. "But now, we've got to find Spider-Man and ask him about this Venom."
"Sounds like a plan!" said Mamoru.
"And remind me to ask him if he has a girlfriend." said Usagi.
"Why?" Mamoru asked, confused.
"Minako." Luna said.
"Ah." Mamoru said.
Back with Spider-Man...
Spider-man web swinged throughout Japan and landed on a water tower and looked around and noticed it's getting even more late.
"Damn, wherever Venom's hiding; it must be underground or something." Spidey said. "I check every single alleyway, inside every building; heck, I even checked every bank. I'm starting to think he left this place already." Just then, his Spider Sense struck him, and a strike of lightning struck his back. He fell off the water tower and landed face first on the ground. "Please, don't tell me; Electro is here as well." Spider-Man groaned.
"You've stayed in Japan long enough, Spider-Man!" said a female voice.
Spider-Man looked behind him and saw four of the Sailor Guardians looking angrily at him.
"I don't know why, but I have a feeling I'm about to have my ass kicked." Spider-Man said in his mind.

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