DxD Harem x Neglected, Ignore...

By RedHood129

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Madoka Terada is a pawn for Rias Gremory. You worked very well and hard for Rias and her peerage, even became... More

Bio and Harem
Chapter 1: W-What?
Chapter 2: Waking Up/ORC Status
Chapter 3: Stay Strong, Not Angry: Kiba and Gasper's Call
Chapter 4: Eat For Me: Koneko's Call
Chapter 5: Saying Goodnight: Asia's Call
Chapter 6: He Remembered: Xenovia's Call
Chapter 7: Sober Up: Rossweisse's Call
Thank You for the Support!
Chapter 8: Two Words: Rias's Call
Chapter 9: My Promise: Akeno's Call
Chapter 10: A Visiting Twist
Chapter 12: Confrontion
Chapter 13: He Knows More: Madoka vs. Issei!
Chapter 14: The Fall and Birth of an Emperor
Chapter 15: White Meets the New Red
Chapter 16: The Rumo Tribe
Chapter 17: Training Shenanigans
Chapter 18: Rehab AGAIN
Final Announcements and Voting
Chapter 19: The Tribal Chief Awakens! Madoka vs. Vali! Part 1
Chapter 20: Acknowledgement: Madoka vs. Vali! Part 2
Chapter 21: Time with the Girls

Chapter 11: Continuing Rehab

24.8K 215 353
By RedHood129

3rd Person POV
Rias and her peerage are entering the ORC clubhouse after picking up Madoka. Everyone was happy and grateful that he is okay.....ish. However, Madoka had other feelings.

Madoka: Koneko. Put me down.

Koneko: No.

Madoka: Put me down.

Koneko: No.

Madoka: Put me down!

Koneko:....No! You are bandaged up still. Therefore you are hurt. Therefore I must carry your ass home.

Madoka: Hey! I'm fine! I can walk myself!

Koneko: Too bad. I'm carrying you.

Madoka: *sigh* Can you at least not carry me bridal style?

Koneko: Suck it. I'm carrying my big brother how I want to.

Madoka gave up on trying to reason with her. He was placed on one of the couches as Rias discussed her upcoming plans with everyone else.

Rias: As of right now, we are to continue contracts, and help Madoka rehab his way back.

Madoka: Rehab?

Kiba: Even though the hospital released you, you still look like crap man. Even your hair has grown out quite a bit.

Madoka: No shit bro. What do you think happens after a month?

Kiba: Just saying.

Rias: Madoka, you helped us. So let us help you.

After hearing her words, Madoka gave in and sighed.

Madoka: Alright. It's only fair to do so.

Rias: Good. We will start now.

Madoka: W-Wait with what?!


Rias then gently lifted Madoka's head and sat on the couch, and placed his head onto her lap.

Madoka: *blushes* R-Rias?

Rias: *looks down and smiles* To begin you rehabilitation Madoka, we need to have trust in one another. And by doing that, we are spending our time together and catching up.

Madoka had a widened look on his face. Koneko then sat in Madoka's lap.

Koneko: We missed you Madoka. I missed my big brother.

Madoka: Heh. *pokes Koneko's forehead like Itachi in Naruto* Missed ya too little sister.

Madoka looked around to see sniffling. He turned his head to find a gloom looking Asia.

Madoka: Asia, what's the matter?

Asia: *sadly* O-Oh, it's just.....seeing you in those bandages makes me sad to see you this way.

Madoka's Mind: (Why the fuck does everyone have act so sad?!)

Madoka: Hey, Asia. I'm okay. I'm right here now. These bandages just mean I got into a fight.

Madoka ruffled with Asia's hair. He continued to lay his head in Rias's lap, talking with everyone.

It was now after dinner and Madoka decided to retire to his room for the night. Everyone thought to themselves as he left.

Rias's Mind: (It feels good to have Madoka back here.)

Akeno's Mind: (You better keep your promise my tribal warrior~)

Asia's Mind: (I wish I could sleep with Madoka for the night.)

Koneko's Mind: (Big Brother is back.....*feels heartbeat* but why am I feeling this around him?)

Xenovia's Mind: (Madoka, the only man who remembered my birthday. Happy thoughts tonight.)

Rossweisse's Mind: (I got my favorite student back.)

Kiba's Mind: (Got my bro back.)

Gasper's Mind: (Madoka... Big brother is back!)

However to them. Madoka had other thoughts when he entered his room.

Madoka's Mind: (Why the fuck do I smell Akeno everywhere in here? AND WHERE IS MY FAVORITE JACKET?!)

Madoka went to bed and stared at his ceiling. He later heard his door open, revealing Akeno.

Madoka: Hey Akeno.

Akeno: Hey Madoka.

Akeno joined Madoka in bed after stripping her clothes because she apparently can't sleep with clothes on. To Madoka, it kinda made sense but it didn't mean that he wasn't a blushing mess.

Akeno: Ara Ara~ Is my tribal warrior embarrassed?

Madoka didn't want to admit it but his blush gave Akeno a chance to giggle.

Madoka: I-I don't know what you're talking about.

Akeno: Awww...Please just turn around to see me.

Madoka obeyed and found himself lost in Akeno's shining violet eyes. He just continued to stare before finding him and Akeno were slowly closing in.

Madoka POV
Akeno's eyes.....






.....they're so beautiful.

I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, and as soon as I know.....

I found myself kissing Akeno's lips. Her left felt soft yet firm. My arms wrapped around her waist and back. I used my right hand to have a firm yet easy hold in Akeno's hair, so that I don't pull it out.

I felt Akeno wrap her arms around my neck and her leg intertwined with mine. I never wanted this feeling to end.

Unfortunately the need for air had came and we separated. I looked back at Akeno to find her blushing hard and her eyes had shined even more.

Madoka: Now that, was our first conscious kiss together.

Akeno: It was. I'm so happy to have you back.

Madoka: I'm glad it be back. But now it's time for me to keep that promise I made to you.

I saw Akeno had a smile like no other to me. I felt her grip tighten as mine did as well. Our foreheads touched as we stared at each other.

Akeno: Then hug me. Hold me right Madoka! And don't let me go!

I held her as she held me. We snuggled up close to each other.

Madoka: Goodnight my priestess.

Akeno: Goodnight my tribal warrior.

We both fell asleep, smiling as we were finally reunited. But I also smiled, because the girl I called the love of my life, was mine. And I was hers.

3rd Person POV
It as morning. Madoka and Akeno woke up together as the morning sun hit the window.

Madoka: Morning Akeno.

Akeno: Good morning~

Madoka: Sleep well?

Akeno: Of course I did.

Madoka: That's good. *looks at time* Well I'm going to each cleaned up for today. I'll see you down for breakfast.

Madoka left the bedroom door, giving Akeno time to think to herself.

Akeno's Mind: (He's so warm and strong. I never felt so safe and secure in anyone's arms like that.)

But Akeno had other things on her mind too.

Akeno's Mind: (I know the other girls are developing feelings for Madoka. I've shared before so I'll do it again if it keeps everyone happy. But I'm first.)

Everyone was sitting down waiting for breakfast. But they then heard something.


Everyone poked their heads up to the sudden noise.


The snipping noise continued. Everyone was wondering what that noise could be.

Madoka POV
I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and I looked like shit still. No wonder Kiba said I still looked terrible. I mean seriously, My hair is down past my shoulders.

I grabbed a pair of grooming scissors, because no one grabs a random pair of scissors to cut their hair, and began to start snipping at my hair.

I knew how to take care of myself, that included cutting my own hair. I continued to cut my hair until I had it to where I was satisfied.

I cleaned the floor of my cut hair and threw us away. I looked and saw my bandages.

Madoka: Well, time to take you suckers off.

I cut at the bandages and unwrapped my arms and legs first. To my surprise, they barely scarred.

I saw that I had a bandage on my stomach.

Madoka's Mind: (I had one on my stomach?)

I ripped it off and saw no damage. I shrugged it off and looked at my face.

Madoka's Mind: (Time for the big reveal.)

I snipped a part of my head bandages, and slowly removed them. And just as I thought, I had two scars. One on my cheek and one above my eye.

Madoka's Mind: (Well, I may have scars, but I do look better than I did a month ago.)

I removed my clothes and showered any left over hair and cleaned myself for today.

Back with ORC
3rd Person POV
After the snipping there was a shower going on. There were only three people not downstairs. Akeno, Gasper, and Madoka. Akeno eventually joined as well as Gasper.

That left one person, Madoka.

Rias's Mind: (Madoka must be removing his bandages. I have a feeling he will scar.)

Everyone was concerned how they were going to see Madoka today. Especially seeing him all bandaged up a day ago.

The shower stopped and a few minutes later, came Madoka with a fresh hair cut and unbandaged.

(Ignore the bandages in picture)

Madoka: Morning everyone. What's the plan for today?

Everyone had surprised looks on their faces. Well...most of the at least.

The girls were blushing. Gasper had a wide eye look. Akeno had a lustful look on her face that only meant trouble for who she stares at. Kiba had a smirk on his face.

Madoka: What?

Kiba's Mind: (I like ya cut g. Better get runnin bro.)

Gasper's Mind: (Woah! Big Brother Madoka looks so different than yesterday!) (No shit Gasper.)

Akeno's Mind: (I'm definitely first now~)

Kiba slowly got up from his seat. Madoka then realized what Kiba was doing and slowly backed away.

Madoka's Mind: (Aw shit. Here we go again.)

Madoka turned and bolted out with Kiba tailing him.

Yep. Like this.

While that happened, the others giggled to this predicament. Getting ready for a new day with their first pawn back.

Unknown POV
I stayed away from the girls for a month after they saw me. They said they were breaking up with me. But why? They agreed to share me to help me fulfill my dream to become Harem King!


I think they're done being jealous now, cause they didn't get this thing right here *grabs you know what*. They'll be fine, I'll give it to them.

It's been a month now. I think they're done being mad at me. Time to go back and check on my girls and run it in that loser's face.

???2's Mind: (What the hell was I thinking? Choosing him?! He ruined my reputation! I'm not called the Red Dragon Emperor anymore! Everyone calls me the Boob Dragon now! *sigh* But that boy, he seemed familiar to me. Madoka Terada. I heard you came from a tribe? But which one?)

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