The Sacrifices We Made


48.6K 2.7K 580

After a divorce with your husband the last thing you want on your list is seeing him again 6,000 miles away f... Еще



2.3K 109 9

" Can you remind me why i have to meet you here in the middle of my work shift " Xiao Zhan sat across Wang Yibo . He wasn't in the good mood in the first place , with two of the RN's messing up in the operation Room and with the university suddenly calling him for a seminar today wasn't going that well for Xiao Zhan. Wang Yibo had asked to meet him in the vintage cafe 2 traffic lights away from the hospital .

  " The divorce you want to finalize it right" Wang Yibo went straight to the point.

Zhan nodded .

" but before the finalization can  you do me a favor "  Yibo asked Zhan . It was rare for Yibo to ask for favors from anyone in the first place.

" what is it "  zhan was intrigued

" say yes first "

" I am not saying yes to something i don't know" zhan answered from experience

" just say yes it is nothing extreme , do you trust me "

Did Zhan trust Yibo , was that even a question. Of course he did trust him if Yibo said Jump zhan would even do it together with a flip

" i do trust you but what in the world are you tricking me to commit to "  zhan asked , he had to look tough in front of Yibo his mind kept reminding him that

" So that is a yes then " Yibo asked

Xiao Zhan nodded .

" Before i sign the papers , can we be a couple one more time , no acting nothing out of the sorts just me and you and our honest feelings please "

Zhan was surprised by the favor Wang Yibo was asking . Was Yibo same for asking that .

" For how long " Zhan Asked , was he insane what in the world was he bargaining into only fools would say yes to this .

" 2 months just for two months "

" Okay " Zhan gave off his consent .

Call him mad , a fool , a desperate person but the things Zhan would do it for Wang Yibo was big beyond measure .

" lets get this clear so you asked Zhan and you to be a couple one more time " Seungyoun asked Yibo. after Yibo finished telling him what he was doing in the Cafe with Zhan

" Mmh "

" Are you mad , my dear friend do you both know what you are bargaining for here this is a dangerous game the both of you are playing "

" I know "

Seungyoun scoffed as he drank down the rest of his beer , maybe he was too sober for this maybe this was part of a sitcom right , cause what fool would ask their ex husband for one last time as a couple before they breaked things off.

" Professor they are in our hang out space " A young nurse from his team pointed at the thoracic surgeons department

" Leave them , we can go hang out another place " Zhan turned around to lead the team to another spot in the large University Hospital . He wasn't going to fight with the Chief resident Yi today not today Satan .

" No way , we fought with the Phrenologists for this spot we can't just let this go " Another doctor spoke up .

" What do you want me to do i am tired " Zhan looked them dead in the eyes, the black eye bags were evident he was tired .

"When was the last time you had a full 8 hour sleep Professor "

"Some time last week "Zhan answered without thinking

"guys ! guys ! i scored a bet they said they will leave us alone if Professor Zhan goes on a date with Chief resident Yi "

"Okay i will do it , but after that his department will never bother us again " Zhan reasoned out with the others without giving them a chance to refute .

"B-but Professor Zhan -"

"Don't worry about me i am going to clock out and go home this is too much for me  "

Spending the whole week thinking about Yibo's offer had zhan be temporarily insomniac he couldn't even get a wink of sleep when he laid down.

That evening Wang yibo had asked Zhan to accompany him to the new movie premiering the next day  ( The Inception ) but Zhan refused because according to him he had a date to go to with a certain Chief Resident but Yibo didn't need to know that . Xiao Zhan didn't like the chief resident from the Thoracic department . He clearly didn't even know what was on his mind when he accepted the date as a batter trade to their favorite spot . 

That day Xiao Zhan  went to sleep while thinking about yibo he didn't know what was the reason behind yibo proposing for them to wait for 2 months before he signed the divorce papers. Other than his husband's father forcing him to get the divorce papers done he also  really didn't want to go on with the marriage he was willing to sacrifice his love for his happiness and freedom he wasn't going to be surpressed again by his father-in-law for a long time why would he love someone and still be suppressed but the people around him.

" Aren't you going to eat that " Yibo pointed at the plate before Xiao Zhan .

" I...i am sorry okay i didn't know you were going to be there " Zhan tried to apologize.

" why are you trying to apologize " Yibo placed his cutlery down . Picking Xiao Zhan's plate slicing the steak for him like he always did for him .

" B..but .."

" Here eat this " Wang Yibo shoved the piece of steak inside Zhan's mouth

" Aren't you mad " Zhan asked in a small voice

" N'y pense meme pas " Yibo muttered

" You are mad " Zhan pointed out . He always new when Yibo was mad he would speak french out of nowhere , bless his mother for forcing him to take French from High school to his University

" pas aujord'hui " Yibo chewed on his vegetables

" There you go again you are mad " Zhan stomped his feet under the table

" I am going to sleep " Yibo excused himself .

Zhan didn't know he was going to meet Yibo in his 'friendly date with the chief resident , he also didn't know the same movie he declined to accompany Yibo to it . If it weren't for Chief Resident Yi to make him go take pictured at the movie premier then he wouldn't be put in this position , his team had to pay him for this one . Now he had a sulking Yibo to go and coax .

I am really sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense.

What happened in the chapter was :
1. Yibo asked Xiao Zhan to be with him for two months before he finalized the divorce
2. Xiao zhan goes on a date with the person he hates the most ( chief resident Yi)
3. Zhan runs into Yibo when they are in there date leading them to the silent dinner m

Get ready for the next chapter 🐱🐱🐱 lord have mercy on my brain and whoever is going to read It .

Stay safe 💙💙🦋🦋💙💙🦋🦋

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