Almost Honest

Від honeysympathy

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With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... Більше

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

Chapter twenty three

27 4 4
Від honeysympathy

By the time the sun had set June was thoroughly worn out and ready to crash .

Waving goodbye to Jett as he pulled away from outside her curb after dropping her home , a satisfied smirk on both of their lips as he kissed her goodnight .

She was feeling good , calm and sedated, barely even registering the strange black corvette car that was on her driveway behind her fathers .

Pausing on the doorstep as she looked back at it briefly with lowered brows .

Who's fucking car was that?

"Please not tonight." She groaned miserably up to the darkening sky , taking in a deep breath to gather herself before opening the front door .

Her sense were immediately hit with the smell of warm and spicy food , her nostrils flaring as she looked around at the spotless living room that had been a dump when she left .

Hesitantly walking out into the open , loud chattering voices greeted her ears as she froze in the arch of the kitchen .

Her eyes scanning the unwanted guests in front of her .

There was a tall honey blonde woman seated next to her father at the table with big brown eyes and a nice smile .

On the opposite side and starting right at her were two teenagers , a boy and a girl who's eyes grew wide at the sight of her disheveled hair and wrinkled shirt .

The one on the right had brown short hair close to his scalp with the same big eyes as the now silent woman who was staring nervously back at her .

And the one on the left had the same honey blonde hair but instead her eyes were a soft blue . A bright pink headband holding back her perfectly straightened hair and pretty pale dress.

Finally her eyes met her father and she couldn't stop the scowl from deepening on her face .

He looked anxious and more than annoyed at her . His fingers twitching around the napkin in his hand before he cleared his throat .

"Where have you been june ? I've been calling you for hours !" He exclaimed .

Eyes darting between the woman at his side and his daughter who looked seconds away from leaving .

Frowning deeply as she remembered turning off her phone angrily as soon as she had left Cora and Lennon at the park .

Sliding her hand into her back pocket and pulling it out she pressed the button down to turn it back on .

Her lips parting as it suddenly buzzed back to life , the screen filling with missed texts and calls from both her father and Cora .

"I had my phone turned off.  I was busy." She told him bluntly .

Eyeing the stairs behind her , wondering if she could bolt it up to her room and climb back out the window and stay with jett for the night .

She wanted no part in whatever the hell this was.

Leon frowned back at her.

"doing what?" He asked curiously , motioning for her to take a seat at the table .

Looking at the the only available chair ,which was at the head of the table , she groaned out loud at her rotten luck .

Trailing over to the seat slowly and rolling her eyes once she had sat down , looking back at her father with a grimace.

"Working remember?" She simply replied.

His eyebrow raising slightly as he nodded in understanding.

"Ah okay ." Uncomfortably scratching the back of his neck when the woman nudged his elbow subtly .

Sucking in a breath , he tried to plead with his eyes for June to behave.

"June this is Sarah my ..." he trailed off looking at Sarah for help .

She sat up straighter in her seat and tried to smile warmly at the girl who was currently glaring daggers into her like she was something disgusting .

"I'm his friend . It's nice to meet you june , Leon's told me all about you ." She said politely , her eyes scanning the unimpressed look on her pale face.

Unable to believe what was happening , June laughed loudly .

"I bet it was all lies . He doesn't have anything nice to say about me." She told her bluntly .

Reaching over for a plate and helping herself to the takeout cartons of curry that were in the middle of the table for them to share .

Like one big happy family . She thought grimly .

Looking around at the strangers in her home .

She had known that Leon was up to something and she was right .

He had found himself some new woman to shack up with . How Lovely .

Looking back at Leon anxiously she tried again , pointing at the two teenagers opposite her .

"These are my children . Tyler and lulu ." She introduced them quickly as the tension threatened to suffocate everybody in the room.

June scrunched up her nose as she looked between the two of them . Tyler looked bored and lulu was nervously looking at her plate in front of her .

"Are you married?" She asked through a mouthful of food . Ignoring Leon's scolding glare . She wasn't going to let him ambush her like this.

What did he think he was doing inviting some woman and her two weird fucking kids into their home ? They had only been here for a little over a month now , how had he managed to chain down a girlfriend so quickly ? Cursing to herself for missing the signs .

This was why he had suddenly been so nice , he had planned all of this ! He knew she wouldn't be happy but he had went ahead and done it anyway .

Grinding the chicken violently in her mouth as she seethed . Bloody bastard .

Sarah's smile dimmed and she gently cleared her throat , looking uncomfortable as she darted a nervous look between her children .

A sore subject . June mused . Amused at the scowl that fell over Tyler's face . Hmm.

"No , no." She shook her head "divorced actually."

Leon patted her gently on the shoulder sympathetically , hiding a grimace as he busied himself with chewing on his food knowing that the worst was yet to come .

The look in his daughters eyes was cold and familiar . He could only hope that the night could end without any tears for once .

June ran her tongue over her teeth and swallowed a spoonful of rice .

"Ah that makes sense . Leon usually gets off with the divorcees ." She tilted her head with a smirk .

"-or anything with legs." She added as an after thought .

Her father choked on his food , patting his chest roughly as he pointed his fork at her flustered

"Watch your mouth June . Please don't start ." He pleaded still coughing as he reached for his glass of wine and downed it in one gulp.

Sarah's cheeks were flushed as she looked back at June in shock . A tense silence falling briefly over them as June continued to shovel food into her mouth while fighting back a grin .

Looking over at Tyler and lulu , she spoke up.

"How old are you two then?"

Tyler was the one to speak for them as lulu kept her head down and eyes trained at anything but june .

"I'm seventeen and lulu is fourteen ." He told her simply , working his jaw before returning the question . "how old are you?"

Reaching over the table she grabbed the bottle of opened wine and poured herself a glass , Leon wiping his forehead anxiously not bothering to tell her no .

It really wasn't worth it.

"Nineteen . I'll be twenty in two months ." She stated before mentally doing the calculations in her head and finding her lead jolting on her seat .

Jett's birthday was on April 30 . It was April 7th . His birthday was in twenty three days . What on earth was she going to get him for a gift ?

Chewing on her lip in thought as she thought over her promise to him before she had left . That was something she could work with .

A devious flicker slithering through her veins as she fought back a vicious smirk .

She new exactly what he wished most for in the world now didn't she ? Wondering exactly how she could make such a thing happen .

Deep in her own mind of violent thoughts she missed the conversation that was being conversed at the table . Jolting back to reality once her father repeated her name loudly .


Raising her brows in surprise she looked between him and Sarah , the latter smiling at her gently .

"Leon was just telling me that you've got a new job working with a carpenter ?" She told her looking impressed .

Lighting up at the thought of jett she founding herself grinning back at her , briefly forgetting her hate for Leon's new hookup.

"Yeah i have . I sketch out designs and ideas for him and he makes them ." She summed up happily.

"We actually just finished a pair of beautiful bear book-stoppers , he really is great at what he does . We make a good team." She rambled .

Leaning back into her chair and trying her hair into a ponytail with the bobble on her wrist .

Interested , Sarah tilted her head to the side .

"Does he have a workplace around here?" She asked her politely .

Shaking her head,  june chuckled.

"If by workplace you mean a large room in the back of his cabin filled with wood and tools then yeah . He's been working out in the sun lately though since the weathers been so nice ." She told them .

Her mind going back to the sight of Jett's bare back , his muscles rippling as he sawed away at the wood on the bench , sweat dripping down his abdomen and into-

Sarah's voice cut of her mental soft porn .

"Cabin ?"she voiced confused.  Looking between june and Leon for answers.

"You work alone with a man in a cabin?" She seemed to be the only one to find it strange.

Frowning at the shocked tone in her voice june was instantly on defence , her smile falling away .

"Yes a cabin." She mocked annoyed .

"He's a very kind and professional man . I trust him." An image of him panting into her neck as he rutted against her filled her mind and she fought back a amused snort .

She didn't look convinced . Looking at Leon in concern.

"I mean do you really think that's a good idea ? Working alone with a strange man in his home ?" She sounded it out like it was ridiculous .

Leon shifted on his seat , raising his brow as he looked between her and his now scowling daughter while fighting back a sigh .

"I've met the man Sarah and he's the real deal." He surprisingly defended her and jett .

she realised then that jett must have made a better impression on her father than she originally thought.

"The fact that he was willing to take her on with no work experience was a miracle in itself!" He exclaimed, still gobsmacked that his daughter had an actually job and was making money of her own.

Tyler suddenly sat up in his seat looking at june with wide eyes .

"You work with jett ? Tall and scary looking?" He now looked shocked too.

Glaring at the teenager beside her , she nodded cautiously.

"Yes? How the hell do you know him?" She asked him confused .

Tyler shrugged , looking vaguely amused.

"I don't . I've just heard of him. The cashier at the store is always talking about how much of a hermit he is . A freak who lives in the woods and doesn't talk to anybody in town." He explained casually .

June gasped furiously , abruptly standing to her feet in anger. Heart thudding loudly in her chest, how dare he!

"He is not a freak ! You better shut your fucking mouth you little cunt!" She snarled pointing her finger in the now terrified boys face .

Her father laughed nervously and waved his shaking hand in the air in front of him while Sarah gaped at the scene in front of her .

"Don't talk to my son like that!" She exclaimed in shock , glaring at the girl in front of her .

Scoffing , she turned her head to her instead .

"-and you fucking shut up as well!" She snapped irritated .

"Who do you think you are coming in here and telling me what's good or bad ? You have no say in my life or my fucking job so butt out of it you stupid bitch!" She hissed before throwing back the rest of the wine in one gulp and storming away .

The front door slamming loudly behind her as the table went deathly silent .

Sarah's face has paled and Tyler looked two seconds away from pissing himself in fear .

Exhaling shakily her father plastered on a fake grin, eyes grimacing.

"Cookies anyone?" He offered hopefully holding up the plate full of chocolate chip cookies he had made June .

The apology cookies would be making there rounds tonight .

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