Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Pi...

By dragonshardtales101

268K 11.6K 2.3K

When you think of a pirate as a kid, you would think they have an eyepatch and parrot on their shoulder. So g... More

Free me from this cage.//Prologue
Be my Parrot!//Chapter 1
Joining the Straw-hats//Chapter 2
Grand Line//Chapter 3
The whale.//Chapter 4
The Promise//Chapter 5
A New Promise//Chapter 6
Just the beginning.// Chapter 7
Winter's Touch.//Chapter 8
The Tombstone Cactus//Chapter 9
Princess!? Huh?//Chapter 10
Distraction//Chapter 11
Who the 'f' are you!?//Chapter 12
The Little Garden//Chapter 13
Giants.//Chapter 14
A Third Party Interferes!//Chapter 15.
Faythe's First Battle//Chapter 16
2 more left!// Chapter 17
Giant Gold-Fish!?//Chapter 18
Train Effect//Chapter 19
Late Night Chat.//Chapter 20
Bow your head.//Chapter 21
The Witch.//Chapter 22
Was it just a dream?//Chapter 24
What do I have again?//Chapter 25
Chopper//Chapter 26
A Doctor's Conviction//Chapter 27
Not lookin any better!//Chapter 28
Snow-Like Blossoms//Chapter 30
Mr. 2!?//Chapter 31
Ace and Who??//Chapter 32
And you are...?//Chapter 33
The Older Brother Duo! HA!//Chapter 34
Shall We Talk Negotiation?//Chapter 35
Dance Powder!//Chapter 36
Desert Havoc!//Chapter 37
Planning a Murder//Chapter 38
Corbett's Call//Chapter 39
Vivi's Tears//Chapter 40
Zimri//Chapter 41
Wild Goose Chase!//Chapter 42
Meeting Croco...//Chapter 43
Croco's Grand Plan!//Chapter 44
MR. PRINCE!?// Chapter 45
TO ALUBARNA!//Chapter 46
On the clock!//Chapter 47
Failed Attempt #1//Chapter 48
Down With The Palace!//Chapter 49
Luffy's Dead!?//Chapter 50
Follow through!//Chapter 51
Clock Tower!//Chapter 53
Time is thinning!//Chapter 54
Rainfall//Chapter 55
Dreams//Chapter 56
Shopping w/ Usopp & Sanji//Chapter 57
Nami's Awaited Chat!//Chapter 58
Vivi's Choice!//Chapter 59
Bon-Chan's Distraction!//Chapter 60
Vivi's Goodbye...!//Chapter 61
Ms. All-Sunday's gonna do what now!?//Chapter 62
It's raining ships!//Chapter 63
Map of Skypiea!??//Chapter 64
Underwater Experience!//Chapter 65
The Looming Shadows!//Chapter 66
Jaya Island!//Chapter 67
Bellamy enters the room!//Chapter 68
Dreams Never Die! //Chapter 69
Green Orangutan??//Chapter 70
Noland the Liar//Chapter 71
Cricket's Story//Chapter 72
Knock-Up Stream//Chapter 73
/:/Little Announcement/:/
Time to kill a Southbird.//Chapter 74
Cricket's Treasure Stolen!//Chapter 75
Bellamy's down for the count!//Chapter 76
The Knock Up Stream!//Chapter 77
INTO THE SKY!//Chapter 78
The Tribesman//Chapter 79
Heavan's Gate//Chapter 80
Meeting the Blonde, Conis.//Chapter 81
The Fallen Heaven Star//Chapter 82
White Berets//Chapter 83
Sacrifice and Trials//Chapter 84
A Citizen's Duty//Chapter 85
A Step into Danger//Chapter 86
Trial of Balls! *Snicker*//Chapter 87
A Promise of a Arcus//Chapter 88
Reporting back//Chapter 89
Camping//Chapter 90
Python Trouble//Chapter 91
Beat His Ass, Robin-!!//Chapter 92
Lightning God, Enel//Chapter 93
God's Game//Chapter 94
Terror God Incarnates//Chapter 95
Rubber Goes Brrrr-!!//Chapter 96
Luffy Tossed Overboard//Chapter 97
An Unlikely Rescue//Chapter 98
Arcus vs. God//Chapter 99
A Nice Conversation//Chapter 100
Skypiea's Poneglyph//Chapter 101
The Drop//Chapter 102

New Member! YAY!//Chapter 29

2.4K 125 13
By dragonshardtales101

Faythe was just now walking out the doors, with many biscuits in her arms. She had found the Doctress' secret stash and was about to go find Luffy to share with.

She looked towards the cliff and saw Usopp and Zoro climbing out of a metal box thing, but before she could even wave to them-

"ORYAAAA-AHHHHHHHH!" Luffy came shooting down like a bullet.

"WHAT!?" Usopp screamed terrified.

"Oh hey, Zoro, Usopp." Said casually, but still fists out like he was diving head first into them.


The boys all screamed upon impact, causing clouds of snow to fly everywhere, "GYAAAAAAAA!"

The doctress could only watch this chaos unfold.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOIN!?" Zoro growled out angry.

"Sorry about that. Your cloths made you look like the enemy from a distance. So you guys hiked up here too?" Luffy rubbed the back of his head laughing the situation off.

Faythe was now walking towards them, her cheeks full of the snacks.

"Usopp, I thought you said you weren't gonna hike?" Luffy asked stupidly.

Usopp was now drowning on about his big adventure, but it seemed the others ignored him. Though Faythe thought it was entertaining to hear what exaggerated tale Usopp could make up in a mere second.

"Hahaha, Don't be stupid. I'm the kind of guy who just climbs mountains because they're there. This one was a bit of a doozy but nothing the Great Usopp couldn't handle.-"

"We took the ropeway up here. Are Nami and Sanji alright!?" Vivi said, glancing at Faythe who was munching on what looked like cherry filled biscuits.

"Yup, they're all better now!" Luffy smiled happiley.

"-On our way up, we were attacked by a giant Condor. 'Course I was a little surprised at first, but I instinctively sprang into action!-"

"Oh that's a relief." Vivi sighed out.

"Luffy here!" Faythe tossed some of her fill towards Luffy who jumped up and caught it in his mouth.

"-It tried to dive right for my heart but I, with the grace of a ballet dancer, effortlessly dodged it's deadly strike!-"

"So What've you been up to since coming up here, you two?" Zoro asked, his arms crossed.

"I sent their King flying." Luffy summed up.

"And you?" Zoro turned to Faythe, raising his brow.

"The Doctress told me how fucked up I was." Faythe chirped, a grin on her face.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?" Zoro barked out.

"-After missing, the Condor tried to fly back up but I, the Great Captain, would not allow such a thing! I quickly threw a lasso around it's neck and as I tightened it, I yelled, 'My name is Captaaaain Usopp!'" Usopp finished his little story by giving a thumbs up to nobody in particular.

"Good job Usopp, have a biscuit." Faythe giggled, patting his head.

"Thanks Faythe... It seems only your the one who cares sometimes..." He mumbled sadly.

"Don't worry! They'll come around." Faythe smiled and walked back to stand next to Zoro, eating yet another snack.

"THEN... THAT THING FLYING THROUGH THE AIR JUST A MOMENT AGO... WAS REALLY WAPOL!?" Faythe turned to see it was Dalton who yelled that out.

"Damn what happened to you? Did you also get fucked up too?" Faythe muttered, but was bonked on the head by Zoro.

"Shut up.." Zoro grumbled, his frown forever there.

"Dang, what happened to that beautiful smile and laugh... Need a Biscuit?" Faythe held one up to him. Which he hesitantly took.

"WHAT ABOU HIS TWO SERVANTS!?" Dalton asked quickly.

"The reindeer took care of'em. Oh that's right. Guys, guys. I found us a new crewmate." Luffy called Usopp over, trying to get his group's attention.

"What!?" Usopp pulled his goggles off his eyes.

"The reindeer... Beat Chess and Kuromarimo?" Dalton was now getting nervous.

"I'm guessing those name's belong to Bacon lip and Afro man..." Faythe tilted her head. She heard a short snort come from beside, turning towards Zoro with a brow raised.

"Oh hohoho~ I see your humor hasn't disappeared." Faythe smirked victoriously.

"Shut up.."

Faythe turned to see Chopper hiding behind a tree, but he was doing the opposite pose for peeking out of the tree. Instead of his head peeking, it was his body that was reversed.

Faythe was suddenly startled when Dalton got on his knees and bowed his head, "THANK YOU! I'M SURE DRUM CAN FINALLY BE BORN ANEW NOW!"

Sudden screams from the villagers could be heard when they got out the metal box and saw Chopper.




"IT'S A... M-M-MON..."

"STOP YOUR YELLING AT ONCE!" Dalton was trying to stop them from saying anything else from one of their saviors.

Of course Usopp wasn't under his authority...

"MONSTER!!" Usopp screeched out horrified.

Chopper looked so hurt from that scream, he turned tail and ran off into the woods.

DUMBASS! THAT'S OUR NEW CREWMATE I FOUND!" Luffy smacked Usopp in the head.

"WHAT!? THAT!?" Usopp screamed out, still not believing.


It was Faythe's turn to smack Usopp on the head, "DUMBASS! THAT! HAS FEELINGS!" She shouted furious.

Luffy was now chasing Chopper, "STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU MONSTER!"

"GYAAAAAAAAAAA!" Chopper's scream could be heard trailing around the forest.

"Why aren't you smacking Luffy!?" Usopp pouted.

"I gave up on him, but he has good intentions." Faythe huffed, crossing her arms.

"Well Hello, folks."

Faythe turned her head to see the Doctress grinning like an old fool.



"Feelin' happy Pappies? Why don't you bring over any wounded to the patient rooms inside." She pointed her thumb behind her, indicating the castle.

"And by that, I mean Everyone." She synthesized.


Faythe watched as the Doctress walked towards a wall and roundhouse kicked hit, noticing Sanji and Nami sitting on the other side hiding for their lives. Their screams erupting into the air.


Faythe was sitting in a chair by the window in a private room, Doctress Kureha now entered the room as she had asked Faythe that she wanted to talk for a bit.

"Aight, Hit me... I need to know as Much as I can before I leave..." Faythe said still looking out the window.

"What makes this PTSD worse... How can I stop it.. What triggers it.. Anything.. And what happens when it's left alone..."

Doctress was leaning against the wall, a booze bottle in her hand.

"Let's start with the first one, it also goes with how it's triggered. Triggers can include sights, sounds, smells, or thoughts that remind you of the traumatic event in some way. And stopping it there are many different things or options of dealing with it. Understand why intrusive thoughts disturb you. Attend the intrusive thoughts. Don't fear the thoughts. Take intrusive thoughts less personally. Stop changing your behaviors. Cognitive Therapy for treatment of OCD intrusive thoughts. Medications that help with intrusive thoughts.-" She started listing things.

"ALRIGHT I GET IT! On to the next one..." Faythe huffed out.

"If you talking about when it's left untreated. Well that's unlikely because it's still a trauma, you're gonna have to deal with it one way or another..." The Doctress took a giant swig of her booze.

"It can lead to chronic pain, depression, drug and alcohol abuse and sleep problems that impede a person's ability to work properly and interact with others." The old woman grinned.

"I don't drink." Faythe huffed.

"Ya ya ya.." The Doctress huffed annoyed.

"Am I going to go mad...?" Faythe mumbled only a whisper.

"Adults with PTSD can sometimes feel like they are 'going crazy' or are 'broken' following a trauma. But it is important to keep in mind that PTSD is a treatable anxiety disorder." The Woman finished and placed her empty bottle on the table loudly.

"Great... Just wonderful." Faythe rolled her eyes and banged her head on the window annoyed.

"Does your Crew of Pirates know?"

The words made her process of trying to get her memories back as soon as possible froze in place.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh for the love of- Somebody has to at least know your condition! Like that orange haired girl, or maybe that Capt-"

"I will tell nobody of this!" Faythe's tone took a dark turn. The gravity could be felt after she said this.

"Telling them will only make give unnecessary worry! Nobody and Especially Luffy! Will be told!"

The Doctress suddenly felt a shiver go down her spine. The room around them seemed to feel colder. Her old body hasn't felt this way in so long.

The look on the girl's face is a look that could be told in so many different ways. But one thing is certain.

Faythe was giving this old woman a warning. A warning that in which told her this:

"Speak of this to anybody in my crew, and you wont be able to speak with no tongue, or better yet, you'd be dead before you can."

Faythe turned her head back towards the window, watching Zoro sit outside and Usopp rolling some snow.

"I'm grateful for your help about Nami and everyone else, but I'm not accepting your advice..." Faythe said lowly, her eyes still dilated sharply.

"Let me at least tell the Doctor of your crew..." The Doctress sighed, sitting in a chair, her hand creasing her furrowed headache worriedly.

Faythe gave the old woman a long stare before looking back.

"Have it your way. It'll be easier to handle when he knows what's happening..." Faythe breathed out a frozen puff of air.



"Do you know who my family is...?" Faythe kept her eyes locked on the window.

The lady took a whole minute before answering.

"I do..."

"Are they still alive...?" Faythe's voice cracked a bit.

"Hahahaha! It won't be any fun if I tell you everything, now would it?" Kureha cackled out, lifting another bottle into the air.

Faythe turned her body to face the woman.

"I guess not..." Faythe let out a soft laugh.

"Hey, Parrot Girl." The doctress' face turned serious.

"Take care of him for me, will ya?" Faythe was now seeing the most sincerest smile she had ever seen, almost like a mother would do when talking about their child.

"I'll leave that to fate."


"I haven't died yet, have I?"


After all that searching, it had now turned dark.

"How's that injury, Faythe?" Usopp asked, putting some pebbles he found onto his little snowman.

"It'll be fine, just need a week of healing."

"A week?? How's that possible??"

"Uhh I don't know.. It's probably what that crazy lady gave me." Faythe laughed out.

"Or maybe your like those three monsters we have in our crew.. And I thought you were normal."

"Ha! Normal isn't the word I'd describe her!" Zoro barked out a laugh.

"Oh!~ And how would you describe me, mister swordsmen?" Faythe perked up.

"Your.. like a deck of cards." Zoro huffed.

"Cards?" Faythe and Usopp tilted there heads puzzled.

"Let me explain. Each card has different things they represent and there all different if a person plucks one. You act differently with everyone in our crew. With Nami, a younger sister. Usopp, a supporter. Luffy, you guys share one brain cell-"


"-Sanji, a lady, and with me your like this super crazy serious killer lady." Zoro didn't know how to explain your behavior when your with him in words.

"Wait, Faythe can get... Serious?" Usopp mumbled shocked, "I don't know how that looks.. I can't picture it."

"That's because you haven't seen her covered her in other people's blood." Zoro muttered to himself, remembering the sight back at Lounge Town. She was dragging her wings behind, The blood she wiped from her cheek as she had a dark expression. Her once bright eyes, were dilated and sharp like a bird of prey that had killed it's target. It was breathtaking, every step she took made him stand frozen. It wasn't until she spoke that the light came back to her eyes. Then he let out a breath he was holding.

She was like a whole different person.

Shaking his head, he turned his view to see Luffy running towards them.

"Have you guys seen that reindeer?" Luffy asked out of breathe.

"You still lookin' for him?" Usopp asked looking up.

"LET'S GO BE PIRATES TOGETHEEEEEERRR!" Luffy shouted out at the top of his lungs.

"Give it up already, Luffy. He's not just gonna show up no matter how much you yell." Usopp sighed out.

"He must not want be a pirate." Zoro concluded.

"No, you're wrong! I've already decided to bring him along!" Luffy pointed to zoro accursedly.


"Since when has that stopped him." Faythe was leaning on a nearby tree, her legs crossed. Zoro could only let out a huff, because he knew all too well how his Captain worked.



Faythe quickly turned her attention to the other side of the clearing where she stood, Chopper standing so still, she could've mistakend him as a statue.

"Let's go be pirates together!" Luffy raised his arms in the air excitedly.

"It's Impossible..." Chopper whispered.


"That's not what he means..." Usopp pointed his gloved hand to Luffy beside him.

"I'm... Thankful for you helpng us out!" His pink furry hat was shadowing his eyes.

Nami and Vivi were just now coming out the doors with Sanji's leg being dragged.

"BUT I'M A REINDEER! I HAVE HORNS... HOOVES...! AND MY NOSE IS EVEN BLUE...!" Chopper shouted out, his eyes glossing over.

"I DO..."




Tears were now trailing down his face, "Thank you, for inviting me along. Though I'll be staying here, maybe one day, I'll..-"

His little speech was then interrupted by only one statement that would change his whole life.

"Here we go." Faythe laughed.


Chopper's eyes that were glossed in sadness were now brightening, his tears stopping almost immediately.

"Since when is 'Shut up' an invitation?" Zoro questioned.

"Only Luffy could pull that off..." Faythe giggled.

"You can say that again.." Zoro sighed.

Faythe turned to the sky to see the snow continue to fall in the night sky. It seemed to dance around excitedly after the Strawhats gained a new member...

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