18 - a mcr fic

بواسطة lemonlimejuices

58 0 0

Gerard way was officially DONE with his mother, and his plan was made. TW for alcohol and ~light~ sexual har... المزيد

a plan
pencey prep
first date
jersey's best sunset
five more minutes
mikey and mira
talk = shout
ryan is the best friend ever
CHAPTER 2. eighteen, crazy
jamia and lindsey

gerard way is a bitch

4 0 0
بواسطة lemonlimejuices

“The show was AWESOME!” Ray said, hugging Mira as they left they reunited again. “MAN! The SET!” Pete said, still having a hand around Mikey’s waist.

“I take all the credit in that.” Mira said with a laugh.

“You need to teach me how to sing like that.” Patrick told her, making Mira ruffle his hair a bit. “You got it.” She smiled.

All of them walked around to the back of the outside of the venue, then up a long iron ladder onto the roof.

“I’ve missed this.” Mira said as Ray put out a blanket everyone attempted to share.

Mikey's bony knee was practically in Gerard’s stomach but he didn’t care, all he could think about was how Frank had told everyone that they weren't dating.

It almost shocked Gerard when he realized it was less about his plan, and more about Frank. Just Frank in general. He really liked his company, really. 

“Hey.” Ray whispered, “Hi.” Gerard whispered back, still having his eyes on Brendon and Ryan being a bit too close for ‘just being friends.’ But so was he and Frank, he assumed.

“You look like you went to your own funeral and didn’t see anyone cry, what’s up?” Ray whispered, Gerard kind of felt like that.

“I just thought, y’know- It’s nothing.” He brushed it away, Ray asked again but he just swatted him away with his hand.

Suddenly someone grabbed his hand, he looked away from the clouds and onto Frank who was sternly holding his hand. Gerard sent him a questioning look and Frank just stood up, still having Gerard’s hand in his. “Where are you going?” Brendon asked, looking away from the cloud Patrick insisted looked like a crying puppy.

“Talk.” Frank said and tugged on Gerards hand.

Mikey nodded at Gerard and they climbed down the ladder together, Frank standing in front of him on the ground.

“I do realize that- Maybe we should’ve talked about, what we are.” Frank said, looking down at his hands.

“And?” Gerard said. “You’re a bitch.” Frank told him and connected their lips.

His hands found Gerard’s hair and held him in place, passionately kissing him like it was the last time he ever would.

“Ew.” Mikey groaned, covering his eyes.

“I knew they were gonna make up.” Patrick said, “But did they have to make OUT?” Mikey said, making all of them laugh.

“They’re cute.” Mira said with a smile, pulling on Brendon’s hood to get him to stop looking at the two boys.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Frank said as he dropped Gerard off at his house, Gerard nodded and kissed him, they had been dating for about a month now.

Pete had promised that he’d drive Mikey home after dinner, they had been dating for about one and a half.

Frank blasted music on the way home, headbanging at all the red lights on the way.

When he got home he started cleaning up, Gerard had once again crashed at his place after yet another concert.

“Hm?” He hummed as he found a small piece of paper on the floor.

He opened it up and for a moment just felt confused, and then it felt like he was shot through the stomach with a bullet.

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