The Resident

By gopaperbackwriter

10.1K 324 153

Janel survived abuse and neglect as a child at the hands of her adoptive parents. When they died, she lived i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Read this too!! Lol.

Chapter 30

160 4 0
By gopaperbackwriter


Yuck. Back in America. America was fine and all, but there was just something so.....cozy about England.
I don't know why. Maybe it's just because Ian's from there. Or because his family is there, and I have no family, and they make me feel like a part of theirs. Or because I've had some of my best times there. My first party, my first sex, my first being inside a REAL home, with evidence of years of love and family life inside of it. Or because Ian's awesome house is there.......
I don't know. I just LOVE England. It has a charm about it. Everywhere. London, Ian's friend's house, the small towns and shops....
And I have friends in England. I've only seem them twice so far, but we text a lot, so I consider them friends. Aggie and Michelle. They are always asking when we'll be back around. Always telling me when there's a party, as if we could just take a plane to England real quick, go to the party, then fly back to the US. I mean, I suppose we COULD. Ian told me how much money he has and how much comes in a month, even though it varies a lot, month to month. But yeah....we COULD do that. But that's just stupid and wasteful. He always tells me we can, though, if I want. I figure I'll see them whenever we're there next for whatever reason.
I love having girlfriends to text. So yeah. Another reason I'd love to live in England.

But, Bonnie is here in America. And I'd miss her. She's the closest thing I have to a mom. And my group home kitchen friend, Martin. I'd miss him too. If only I could take them both with me and go live in England. Ian would be so much happier too, I know that. He has never once complained about staying in the US all the time to be with me at every possible second. But I know he has to be tired of it by now.
And I don't want him to be unhappy. Maybe that's why I love England so much, subconsiously. Hehe.

When we came back from my "virgin ending" trip, we got right back into our normal routine. Which real routine at all. We just do what we feel like doing most of the time. I visit Bonnie. She visits us. We visit Martin. Martin even came over a few times recently to jam with Ian. Martin seems to be better at guitar than Ian. Like, he knows far more sophisticated stuff. He's more classical guitar trained, Ian said.
But Ian knows plenty, and kept right up. He likes playing with someone better, because he can ask questions and learn new things. And he did. They had a great time. We all had a few drinks, and they jammed for hours. And I loved watching every minute of it. I baked things as they played, and brought them out for snack breaks every once in a while. I even made them dinner first. Martin was very proud of my cooking, knowing he taught me everything I knew.

I always felt strange going into the group home to visit Martin or Bonnie at work. Someone else had my room now. I didn't miss it, though. It was a boring, lonely time in my life, so when I peeked in once and saw someone else's stuff...I was glad. I'd spent many years there....but I would be happy if I never saw it again. The only good thing about it was that Ian spent time with me there. And there was the patio where I first touched his face.....
Everytime I went there I'd ask about Marcus. My only friend in the group home, who had gone away for a while. I missed him. I knew he'd still be like I used to be, and it was actually hard to picture hanging out with him again, with me being "normal" now. I'd have to be like Ian near him, and remember not to touch him in any way......
Thinking about how people had to act around me, and purposely try and NOT do everyday things that people do, like touch a person, or give a hug or just tap their shoulder to get their attention......I realize how hard they had to work at it, being around me! And how hard Ian probably had it, because he loved me before we ever touched, he said, and he constantly wanted to hold my hand or hug me, and he'd have to catch himself. God, what a burden I was on people, now that I look back on it, as a regular person! Yeeeeek! I still can't believe Ian stuck around after the first day! Let alone the second or third, and learning my problems! But he did, for some strange reason....I guess it was love. And I'm so thankful that he did.

I felt weird going into the group home whenever Tammi was working the desk. She like totally didn't talk to me ever, now that I wasn't a resident anymore. Which I never expected her to, because I could tell everything she ever said to me was phony. I actually think she gave me sort of dirty looks now, when I'd pass by the desk. And she ALWAYS stared at Ian, whenever he was with me. She was all smiles then. All helpful, wanting to get him coffee, or offering him a cookie from the jar on the desk. But she wasn't like that for just me.
I officially had her categorized as a "bitch" in my new, hip mind.

Ian's routine was just as sporadic as mine. He had calls to make a lot. Mostly to and from Stanley, who didn't want to "live" in America all the time if he wasn't needed, so he stayed in England and conducted business there for Ian.
After his last sort of mini tour, he didn't have anything to do for a while, really. He was enjoying his break. But I could tell he'd get antsy sometimes. He did know a few people here, and sometimes celebs and other music people would pop in to see him. It was weird having celebrities in my apartment. I had to be hush hush about it, and sometimes they'd have security with them.
I laughed at myself sometimes about "celebs in my apartment", when Ian was there 24/7.
He just didn't feel like a celeb to me. He felt like.....Ian. And I liked "just Ian". I liked when he had off for a while.

Ian and I went clubbing a few times in Philly and in NYC. He was always after showing me things I should have done by now. Clubbing was fun. We went with another couple, a famous rapper and his wife once. I was excited to meet him. I love his songs on the radio. They were lots of fun. We were all pretty drunk, and we got hotel rooms near the club at the end of the night. It was one of those places where you either had to be famous, or have your name on the list to get in. Or be really slutty and pretty and scantily dressed, I noticed as we stood outside getting checked in.
I wasn't really dressed right for the club. The rapper's wife said she'd take me shopping the next day, to help me dress for da clubz. I felt weird, because I didn't want to dress any different than I normally did. But I said ok. See what she came up with for me. I was curious. Lol.
So I went, the next day. While the guys met with someone else in the music world, the women went off to shop. How stereotypical. Ian gave me a gift card type credit card that was packed with money that I could use and not have to be questioned about whose card it was.
Me and Mia (the rapper's wife) shopped a LOT, and I ended up getting 3 outfits. I didn't want to go crazy. Then we did lunch. On her. We even exchanged numbers. We got along really good! She was a very laid back, down to Earth woman, so that's why, I suppose.
So that was a fun time in NYC. I'd never been to NYC, so that was another first for me, and exciting enough in itself! Ian made sure he took me to Times Square, and Broadway, and everywhere else awesome there was to check out. Places I'd seen on movies and tv all these years. He even took me to the 911 Memorial. I didn't know about that all happening, as I was a kid, and in the woods or something at the time, but I learned about it all in school. Very sad. And very maddening. Ian and I both shed a tear or two there. It made me feel guilty about wanting to abandon America and go live in England. But....not TOO guilty. Heh heh.

Another club in Philly, Ian and I went to, was smaller, and less fancy. It was just a normal place we decided to go one night when we were bored and felt like being out, doing something. We usually were perfectly fine being in, watching Redbox movies or having sex. (We had sex ALL. THE. TIME.)
But sometimes, we just felt like being crazy and going out into the world.
He was recognized there, but people were cool and left him alone for the most part. He gave plenty of autographs, and a few paparazzi showed up mysteriously soon after we got there. I guess someone told someone about Ian being there on South Street in Philly.
We danced, and acted silly and sat in a back booth having drinks....even made some friends for the night. Just some cool people who we started talking to because we were dancing next to them.
They were fun. We didn't exchange numbers or was just friends for the night.
I wanted to, but Ian texted me to tell me no, and that he'd explain later. I didn't text him back. I just gave him a look after I read the text.
I know why. Because we really don't know them and they could give our info out to anyone, blah blah blah.....but they were fun, and I was sad that I'd probably never see them again. I guess they'd have a cool story bro to tell everyone. Lol.
But the night was sort of ruined towards the end because when Ian went to the bathroom, some guy came up and started dancing against me, expecting me to dance back against him. But I didn't. I was tired and Ian wasn't around, so I couldn't do something like that. That would be cheating. This guy was drunk but didn't seem that badly drunk. Not enough to act the way he was acting, anyway.
He just wouldn't take no for an answer. I kept saying no that I did not want to dance with this guy. But he kept pulling my arms to go onto the dance floor. The place was pretty packed, so it wasnt like I could just run away.
I got mad and told him NO!! But he said "I won't take no for an answer" and he pulled me further out towards the floor.
I was really starting to get worried now. Like this guy would pull me to the door instead.
I kept looking around for Ian, but there was a lot of people in the bathrooms so it was taking him forever.
This guy kept grabbing at my wrists. I finally kicked him in the thigh with my knee. Not hard, but enough to let him know I was serious.
He liked it, apparently. ???
He said "Yes woman! Abuse me!" And he cracked up.
He was just.....strange. And I wanted out.

Finally....I caught a glimpse of Ian coming across the dance floor to where I was.
I told the guy one more time to get the hell off of me. But he didn't.
Ian finally got to me. He stood there next to me and looked at he guy, "I think the lady said NO", he said in a threatening tone.
"It's none of your business, carrot top" the guy said to Ian.
"Oh, I think it IS my business if my GIRLFRIEND doesn't want you pawing at her and dragging her away. Yeah. I think it IS" Ian said threateningly.
"Fuck off, dude" the guy said back, and he reached out to grab my arm.
Ian's hand moved right in like lightening, and intercepted the guy's hand between my arm, and bent his hand back enough that the guy started cringing and looked at Ian in shock. But then the shock turned to anger. Uh oh.
The guy raised his other hand and started pulling back to punch Ian. But Ian caught his punching hand in the air before it hit him in the face! Nice one!! I was relieved because I didn't want Ian to get hit. And this guy was a bit bigger than Ian.
The guy tried his other arm, and Ian threw a punch before the guy got to start his punch. Ian's fist landed right in the stomach of the asshole guy.
"Ooof", the guy said.
He looked up at Ian looking really mad, and lunged at him.
I stepped back but bumped into someone. I apologized, and now everyone around us was watching the fight starting.
Ian grabbed the guy's head and put it into a lock below his armpit. He punched a good strong punch right up into the guy's stomach.
He let the guy up, but he hadn't learned his lesson yet. He swung at Ian's head, and Ian ducked and caught the guy's arm and twisted it now. Right behind his back.
The guy squirmed, and tried to kick Ian.
But he ended up kicking me! Right in the shin. I ducked down in pain and said "Owwww!"
Ian looked at me and down at my leg, then back at me again and I saw the rage takeover in his eyes.
He turned back to the guy and pulled his arm against his own chest, and reached around to the front of the guy and punched him in the face, backwards. Like, punching towards himself. Blood came out of the guy's nose and he looked dazed and ready to fall over. He wasn't even struggling now. Ian punched three times and finally the bouncer came over and pulled Ian off of him.
The bouncer said he saw what happened and he should just leave now, and he'd take care of the guy.
He pulled the guy by his shirt shoulder through the packed club, and another bouncer appeared and told us he'd escort us out, in case the guy had friends.
Ian thanked the bouncer when we got outside, and reached in his pocket and gave the guy some money and told him to split it with the other guy.
The bouncer was happy and stayed with us until a taxi arrived.
I had never seen Ian fight before. Even in England when Mike pissed him off...he didn't make a move. We talked about everything on the way home and back at the apartment, and Ian said he can fight well because he's a ginger. He needed to in his school years. He got picked on a lot. Until he beat a few kids up, and everyone knew not to mess with him. But in England, he didn't want to ruin the party when Mike was harassing me. He just kept it in and kept calm. And that's usually what he does. He tries to stay out of stuff and not fight. But since it was about me.....he couldn't help it. He went all mamma bear. I guess that's why he had no trouble putting his entire fist THROUGH a wall back at that ill fated party in LA. He's just simply....strong! But the calmest, chillest guy you'd ever meet.
I told Ian how protected I felt by his toughness. And Ian kissed my shin and got me ice for it and held it there as we talked more at home.
I learned that night that people shouldn't mess with Ian! He's a sensitive, emotional guy, but he CAN and WILL kick your ass if he needs to!
Of course, I was turned on at Ian's manliness, so yeah.....we had sex. :)

We went out to eat plenty of times, too while back in America, hanging out. At least twice a week. But again, mostly, we just felt like staying in, laying low. Ian got me to try fancy places. Where I had to dress up to get in to. I hated that. The food was good, though. It seems like the fancier the place, the more expensive the food, the smaller the portions you get. It doesn't make sense to me. Ian said that's just how it is. I think it's dumb. I like regular places. Hmph. Ian does too, actually. But he wanted me to experience fancy stuff. Since we were supposed to be fancy. Lol.

So yeah. Things were going great. As usual. We celebrated our one year together with a romantic dinner on my living room floor. We liked the dinner on the floor in England so much, we relived it two weeks after we got back to the US, on our one year date. The sex on the floor right next to the food after was mind blowing. We decided that we had been together every possible second since the day we met, so we didn't need the date he asked me to be his girlfriend. Because I already was, really. Plus, we couldn't remember what date that was! Lol!!!
We never fought. We always had terrific sex. Sometimes 3 times in a row. We'd done every possible position in the world, we were pretty sure, by now.
Sometimes we'd make sweet, slow love. And sometimes, we'd be nasty and rough. Whatever we were both up for that night. Or morning. Or afternoon. Or middle of the night. Whenever one of us woke up horny, it was ON! And it was GOOD.
Sometimes we'd pass eachother in the kitchen, and from one innocent kiss, would come frantic unzippering of jeans, pulling down of pants, pushed over the kitchen counter, hands holding onto boobs for handles, quick, fast thrusting from behind, and an awesome quick orgasm. Then we'd go back to whatever it was we were doing before, like nothing ever happened.
Sometimes, since those quick frantic episodes would be pleasing for him, and felt good for me, but I usually didn't have time to cum. So sometimes a quick kiss in the kitchen or bathroom would lead to me frantically pulling my pants down and shoving his head down there while I stood, legs spread against the wall, or sat on the counter with my legs over his shoulders. Or I'd shove his hand down my pants, and he'd know what I wanted. Just a quick "O".
We couldn't get enough of eachother, basically, is what I mean.

And then........things got weird.

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