Teen Titans x Fem Reader

By bcaceres25

218K 5.1K 1.4K

It has been bothering me of seeing barley Teen Titans fan-fiction and some that are not have updated for year... More

please read!!!
Divide and Conquer
Final Exam
Forces of Nature
The Sum of His Parts
Deep Six
Mad Mod
Car Trouble
Apprentice Part 1
Apprentice Part 2
How Long Is Forever?
Every Dog Has His Day
Only Human
Fear Itself
Date with Destiny
Titan Rising
Winner Take All
Aftershock (Part 1)
Aftershock (Part 2)
The Beast Within
Can I Keep Him?
Bunny Raven... or... How to Make A Titananimal Disappear
Titans East Part 1
Titans East Part 2
Episode 257-494(Don't Touch That Dial)
Cyborg the Barbarian
The Quest
Employee of the Month
The Prophecy
Mother Mae-Eye
The End (Part 1)
The End (Part 2)
The End (Part 3)
Homecoming, pt. 1
Homecoming, pt. 2


2.9K 77 13
By bcaceres25

It was a raining day and Johnny Rancid was causing trouble on his motorcycle in the city Robin set out to go get him but in the process he broke his arm "I reduce the injury's to a minor fracture but your still going to still need to keep on this cast for a few weeks." Raven says, while using her powers to heal him "I don't believe this how could I make such a stupid mistake!" Robin yelled, "Your only going to stress yourself out more if you yell." you said calmly "Please no more Robin yelling at Robin." Starfire says "Yeah man stop kicking yourself accidents happen." Cyborg tells him 

"Dude I know how to cheer you up, we all just need to sign your-." Beast boy stop his sentence when Robin gives him a stare, Robin gets up "Look, Thanks guys for the concern but-." "No!" You all said while you guys tackled him down "I was just reaching the remote." Robin says "That's a lot of BS." you whispered "Your not going to be all crazy and determined?" Cyborg asked "And insist to say that your fine when you clearly are not." Starfire says "And yell at us for trying to make you stay home." Raven said, Robin gets up "You guys can get Rancid without me, with this on my arm I'll probably just mess up again go take him down I'll be just fine by my-." A little guy came out of Robins head "Yay I made it I'm Robin hi!" the little one says 

"Who are you?" Robin asked "Well I'm you." the guy says, the titans check the DNA and it came out as a match "Well if someone was trying to clone me they didn't do a a very good job at it." Robin says "No not a clone I'm another you from another universe all the way from dimension 4 and 9 8 Robins double and his number 1 fan, Nosyarg Kcid." he says it took you a minute to think about it "You know just change that name the other way it would mean Di-." Robin quickly covered your mouth, you just kept you mouth shut 

"Maybe we should just call you Larry." Beast boy suggested because he couldn't pronounce his real name the little guy started repeating his new mane all around the room "How did you do that stuff?" Cyborg asked "Magic finger it bends reality I bend the rules so I can see Robin fight bad guys all the time, but when he got hurt I knew Larry could help so I decided to pop right in." the emergency light started going off "Johnny Rancid." Cyborg says Robin tells you guys to just go

you guys were chasing Johnny Rancid but a white light knocked you guys back you look up to see a world that looks like it was drawn in a child way, Beast boy was running without a mouth so he couldn't speak "I'm not sure if I should laugh or be concern." you said, Beast boy took your mouth off your face and put it on his "Can somebody please tell me whats going on." Beast boy says you both look up to see Robin and Larry about to fall on you guys you teleport out the way leaving Beast boy so they fell on him 

"What happened?" Cyborg asked "Well you know how I can bend reality, when you pushed me I kinda broke it." "Fix it!" Robin tells him "Can't, magic finger is still broken." Larry answers "(Y/n), Raven fix it." Robin tells you guys, you took Ravens mouth "I can't do that unless he was immune to my powers I can help but all I can do is pop it back into place but it still won't be fully healed." you said, Raven took Cyborgs mouth "Not a good idea mixing my powers with his could destroy the dimensional boundaries." Cyborg took Starfire mouth "Well somebody got to clean up this mess come on y'all." you all took your mouths back mostly leaving Beast boy with no mouth "Were heading for Titans tower." Cyborg says 

  you guys see a light beaming on top of the tower causing all this chaos to form you look behind you guys to see a drawn dinosaur you guys ran and ran eventually you guys ended up in the water near the tower but you guys still made it there, Beast boy finally found his mouth "Hey you finally found it." you said "Yeah but I think he put it on backwards." Raven says "Help! I can't understand what I'm saying." Beast boy says backwards which mostly sounds like he's speaking gibberish 

the tower wouldn't let Cyborg in, so you guys flew up to the roof Starfire holds Cyborg while you hold Robin, Robin had a face of discomfort "Whats wrong afraid of height?" you asked "No I just think I'm going to mess up your flying." "You blame yourself to much." you tell him you guys made it to the roof "So how do we close it?" Cyborg asked "You don't, what ever this thing is it controls the city and now the city belongs to Johnny Rancid." he jumped into the light the whit light turns red like flames Johnny Rancid changed more then you can think "Bird boy ready for me to clip your other wing." he said, the whole city changed into a more darker place 

"Titans go!" Cyborg yelled, Johnny Rancid made a motorcycle appeared right in front of him he quickly got on it and rode in the air Cyborg extended his hand to go farther to grab the motorcycle he was taken away so now he is in the air holding on, Johnny Rancid zapped him so he fell in the water you were flying behind Beast boy while Starfire was right next to you, Johnny Rancid spit at Beast boy and it hit him causing him to go back and takes you down with him too you both fell in the water "Are you kidding me we both got taken down." you said "Lucky for you to say, you didn't get spit on." Beast boy says backwards  "I don't understand of what you just said." you tell him "Are you kidding me, you learn all these languages but you can't understand me."  "Don't you dare come at him for not knowing this, yes I did learn many languages but I don't know this one." Beast boy was confused on if you understand of what he was saying or not "Shut up I'm probably dyslexic or something." you tell him  

Johnny Rancid blast the clouds causing the lighting to grab Starfire out the way, Raven tries to stop Johnny Rancid with her powers but she gets knocked down too "Robin has to beat the bad guy." Larry tells him "I can't." "But why can't you your Robin." Larry says "Don't you get it look at me I'll just mess it up again." Robin says "So I mess up all the time but I still try, that's why your my hero Robin Because no matter what you always try." That gave Robin an idea Robin sets out on his motorcycle in the air but he brings along Larry "Larry fix the bike." Larry says excitedly to get Johnny Rancid attention "Yeah and it's the stupidest thing I've ever seen!" Rancid yells "Have you looked in a mirror lately." Robin says 

Rancid started heading there way but Larry and Robin acted like they don't care and that made Rancid mad they dodge Rancid at first but they had to get away from him when he started to try and blast them, Robin used his gadget to knock down both of Rancid tools to blast them "You can't win you just a stupid little kid." Rancid say, Robin then kicks Rancid off his bike Larry then used his finger to take Rancid powers away before Rancid hit the ground hard "So Johnny what is it like getting your but kicked by a stupid little kid." Robin says but before Rancid could even reply he passed out 

Larry uses his finger to turn the city back to normal you guys meet each other on top of the towers roof "Back to reality." Cyborg says "See Robin we fixed everything yay." Larry says "Hello! do I sound fixed to you?" Beast boy says backwards " "Um that will just worn out eventually." Larry tells him "Thanks Larry but before you head back home how about fixing my arm." Robin says "Another chance Really! even though I might mess up?" "Just give it your best shot." Larry uses his finger on Robins arm and now it's fully healed "It's perfect Larry you did it." but Larry sent Robin to another dimension "oops." 

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