Dancing Queen (Julie and The...

Von winter-land

11.8K 216 68

"Oh, please. Without me, you guys would not be the life of the party." "I don't think that's how it works. We... Mehr

Author's Note 🎤
1. Rocking Out
2. Coming Back
3. Haunting Julie
4. Waking Up
5. Getting Ready
6. Saying Wow
7. Shining Bright
8. Recruiting Members
9. Flying Solo
10. Exploring Limits
11. Understanding Payback
12. Feeling Appreciated
13. Meeting Fear
14. Splitting Apart
15. Blushing Hearts
16. Forgiving Mistakes
18. Tasting Freedom
19. Taking Chances
20. Edging Greatness
21. Losing Time
22. Seeing Emily
23. Calling Forces
24. Breaking Barriers
25. Standing Tall
26. Hating Goodbyes
Thank You So Much!

17. Regaining Trust

238 7 3
Von winter-land

We left Luke to grief with his parents. It seemed like we were intruding and interrupting a moment of his.

Coming back to the studio after a couple of cries and discussions felt amazing. When talking it up, we chose to rehearse 'Finally Free' since it was our best shot at the café scout concert. It also represented us as a band in this moment. As always, Julie took charge of the vocals.

<Marching on proud>
<Turning it up loud>
<'Cause now we know what we're worth>

To our surprise, Luke poofed on a chair. He sprung himself upwards after he barely grazed the furniture. "Whoa, Julie."

She beamed, the past of our mistakes left behind us. "Grab your guitar. We got work to do."

Not sure why we were given a second chance, he glanced at us. Then he grabbed his guitar by the neck, approaching Julie cautiously. "What made you come back?"

"I realized how important music is to all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this, too," she responded.

Their eyes were digging at each other's soul, craving for something more. The love is in the air. I wish I could push their faces together so they could kiss, but I can't. My hand would go through her as fast as Luke's lips would by themselves.

"Thanks." Luke nodded. He proceeded to grab the instrument using his muscle memory. "All right boss, where we at?"

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday." Luke's face, once again, was the definition of shocked. I surpresed a giggle while everybody went back to position. "Let's go from the prechorus."

Gladly, Alex smashed his drumsticks against each other to mark the pace. "One, two, three, four!"


Rehearsing was cut when I glanced at the clock and realized it was pretty dark outside. Julie, having homework to do, went singing back to her house, meaning it was our chance to check out the place. We explored until people were beginning to take seats. Why is she not here yet?

We unanimously avoted that we should go to her house, see what was going. She wasn't on the kitchen, living room, or garage, so our best bet was her room.

Reggie's arm went through the door to knock. We heard a sigh before she said, "What are you guys doing?"

Now, it was his upper body's turn to materialize on the other side. "We're being classy."

"C'mon you cute idiot," I whispered, pulling him back. Maybe I pulled him a little too much.... he kind of stumbled on me. He smirked, bringing a light red tint on my cheeks.

Alex shoved both of us inside Julie's room separately, huffing in the process and doing his pouty face. He gave Reg a quick glare before Luke spoke. "Why are you still here? We're going in, like, 20 minutes."

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Julie's mood completely changed since the last time we saw each other. "I lied to my dad, so... now I'm stuck in my room all night."

"Yeah, but we were just at the venue. I mean, it's packed. Like, VIPs, managers... It's kind of crazy," Alex motivated.

She covered her face. "What are we gonna do about my aunt? She's right downstairs."

"Your aunt," Luke laughed, pushing the window wide open easily.

I rubbed my hand together, not being able to shake off the adrenaline pumping me up. "You're not taking the stairs."

Ah, the memories of jumping over the window. I guess it was Julie and the Phantoms thing. We all did it at least once, but I was the expert on the topic. Like, you can't top jumping down with a gown and a guitar on one hand. Good times.

Julie mischeviously looked between us. "Okay, let me get dressed. I'll meet you guys there."

"God, you're the best!" I cheered before whooshing away. I can't wait!

I opened my eyes to more packed venue, full of chattering and people who seemed important in the biz... short for business. Yeah, I know the lingo... sort of.

At the edge of the stage, Flynn slithered back and forth on her camouflage jacket. "She's gonna dent the floor," Reg joked.

I scoffed, yet a smile was still present. "She's stressing out just like us on the inside! Leave her alone." We observed her until she finished the monologue she recited to herself. Around three minutes in, I began hearing incoherent sounds instead of words. Damn, that girl's got some strong lungs.

Luke's voice snapped me out of the Flynn trance. "Is that who I think this is?" I swung my head over to where he was pointing, only to regret, nay, dispise the decision. In the corner of the café, Carrie was talking to her semi-monochromatic glittery minions.

"Dirty Candy's performing too? We are so screwed." Reggie slouched into the empty seat. We were next to a table where someone typed on a blog on their laptop. I wonder if they'll talk about us.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Guys, have a little faith in us. We got this in the bag! We just need for Julie to arrive." He decided to scatter, hoping she'd be at the entrance.

Oh, Romeo, Romeo, what a lost cause you are.

Turning to more important matters, I walked to Alex and punched him in the arm. "Hey, bro, five dollars you dance with Dirty Candy while they're performing."

"Ow." He hissed, rubbing where I hit him. He let out a sigh. "Okay, first of all, you don't have money. You're broke just like the rest of us. A-a-and second, we're ghosts. We don't need money."

I shrugged devilishly. "We both know you're gonna do it anyways."

He stomped his feet and grumbled, "I hate it when you're right... I was planning on doing it anyways, but at least let me sleep on the couch tonight."

"Fine. See you on the dancefloor, champ!" As he shooked his head at my behavior, I shimmied my way to Reggie, who continued slouching like a sad puppy. "You okay?"

"I can't wrap my head this feeling I keep having. I mean, chicks love me." My right eyebrow rose. He fixed his leather jacket, but realized what he said a second too late. He leaped from his spot. "W-what I meant... what I meant to say is.... wow, I am a mess. I mean, I've never been nervous to play. But now? I'm trembling worse than Alex after his horrible fever."

"Now who's the one stressing?" He whimpered. I gripped his forearms, grabbing his doubt by surprise. "Hey! Nervous is good! It means you care. Just channel it into your amazing playing."

Without cue, the lights dimmed almost pitch dark. The crowd cheered, the announcement of the first band popping in. Reggie untensed his body. "Yeah. I can try that."

He bopped his head to the music, although it was not his style. The colorful lights combined perfectly with his smile. "And, Reg?" I interrupted his uncoordinated dancing.

His head turned to look at me. "Yeah?"

The ending applause from the first band's performance commenced, but I couldn't care less. Right now, it was us two alone because the only ghosts available to see us were too busy annoying clients. And it truly felt like it was only us.

I gulped, but his anxiety had already stuck unto me . "If you feel nervous, you can always sing with me."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Julie sprinting here. "Am I too late?"

"Too early," Flynn groaned.

"Hope you all came to have a great time," Glittery Girl number one fakely smiled and pushed some tacky sunglasses on her face. Everyone, except us, clapped for Carrie Wilson and crew. Sorry, she's getting on my head. The insults are rolling off my tongue unconsciously.

Julie's high spirit plumrmeted below ground. "Dirty Candy? How'd she get on the list?"

"Her daddy probably made a call." Flynn saved the day by distracting her and calming her down. "I like this! Pretty flower."

She had a turquoise dress decorated with a diagonal black line and a bunch of studs. On top, a leather vest, also decorated with studs and bright paint. Her hair was pushed back into a ponytail and she wore black boots as well. Golden necklaces hung in different lengths.

She grabbed the indicated pin, which was literally close to her heart. "Thanks. It's a dahlia. My mom's favorite."

A pop, upbeat track boomed on my ears, meaning Dirty Candy was about to play.

Whenever I walk in the room
All the focus on me
The way I talk, the way I move
They all want on my team

The five girls swayed their hips, throwing their sunglasses away in the process. Apparently, I wasn't the only one guiltily enjoying the show. Luke and Reggie were smiling too. If they only came to the concerts I invited them to, they would've enjoyed this kind of music earlier.

Not tryin' to brag, brag, but I'm flawless
I'm taking over your playlist
Ain't perfect but I can't miss, yeah
The party don't start 'til I walk in
I'm stealing all the attention
Don't get me started on mentions, yeah

My brother appeared on the front and center of the stage. I was the first one to hop on my tip toes and scream at the top of my lungs. Pushing away the confusion, he improvised his dancing, but copied some dance moves of the other girls.

Some might say I sound conceited
They don't get the shine that I get
Some get jealous
They can't help it
They wish they were me, oh

Carrie, obviously not being able to see him, went through him. Alex swayed his hips like nobody was watching... well, take his friends out of the equation and nobody could see him. He looked fabulous if I do say so myself.

After the chorus hit, he came back to the crowd. "You having fun out there?" Julie asked.

Alex flipped his hair and horribly executed in hiding his exhilaration. "It's not my fault, it's my, um... It's my feet," he fumbled.

She crossed her arms. "Yeah."

His eyes sparkled. "Put me back in coach." He poofed again with the girls.

Flynn shot her friend a glare, so Julie said, "Oh, it's the guys."

When I grow up, I wanna be me, be me
I'm my own goals, just talking honestly
Must have won the lottery
Ain't no one as hot as me
Stealing looks, it's robbery
Everywhere I go, all eyes on me

Snapping his fingers, he messed around Carrie's hair and mimicked the moves a little too well. If you told me he was the choreographer, I would believe you, no questions asked.

I only lead, I never follow, follow
I never open 'cause it's my show, my show
Don't know if people think I'm shallow, shallow
But all I see is all eyes on me

He twirled on his own axis after strutting to the front, opaquing the main dancer. The finishing touch was him ending with his arms on the air.

I placed my hands into an 'o' shape and brought it on my mouth. "Yeah!! That's my brother!" I whistled, but I stopped once my hand was filled with saliva and I remembered I never learned how to whistle.

"Making me blush!" he said, bouncing while twisting on his tippy toes. Curtain call came around, so he reappeared on our side breathing heavily. "I, um... I was just... I was doing that for you guys."

"Mhm. Yeah. You can stop smiling now," Reggie teased.


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