7. Shining Bright

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"Julie!" The boys shouted once our friend turned around the corner. We poofed on a random hallway full of lockers and waited to talk about our killer performance.

She flinched and screamed because of the sudden startle. "Aaah... you! Stop doing that! I'm serious."

Luke was stepping on Reggie's left and Alex's right thigh. I pushed the top of the pyramid so that he broke apart from them. "Sorry, they insisted on doing that," I chuckled.

"Woah, woah, woah. This one's all on you. We were already here— well actually, we were over there, and then we came over here..." Reggie spaced out.

Luke excitedly grabbed my shoulders and shook me like a freaking milkshake as he asked, "Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" When he noticed my head was moving too much, he halted.

"Yeah, the whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking me out," she let out a tiny laugh.

Alex began his daily-scheduled rant. "Okay, good, 'cause it's kinda freaking me out too. You know, you could see us, and-and-and then people could see us whenever we play music. And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason, I'm still getting a wedgie."

I observed Luke rub his back in comfort in a blurry matter because I was still very dizzy. "We did not need to know that last part, but thanks I guess?" I thought aloud.

"So many questions..." he concluded.

"The important thing is that we rocked that place. They were loving you!" His eyebrows scrunched together.

"Are you kidding? They loved us. That was a great song, Luke. Thanks."

"And- and did you guys see the cheerleaders looking at me? I think they were looking at me." He gripped Luke's arms desperately. "Please tell me they were looking at me."

The guitarist caved in. Smiling and holding Reggie's cheeks, he replied, "Bro, they were looking at you."

"Oh, I knew it!" I rolled my eyes at the comments. Seriously, Peters?

My brother's arms were all over the place. "I'm so... I'm so confused, you know? The afterlife should come with instructions or a quick start guide or something."

"Well, the good thing is that everyone thought you guys were holograms, and I got back into the program." Her head lowered. Why does she appear sad when it's the thing she wanted ten minutes ago?

I jumped and clapped on my spot. "You did? I knew you could do it."

"Why do you look so bummed?"

"Yeah, dude, you're making this face." The three of them were in a half-hug and pouting.

"No, it's more like a..." I frowned and did my best puppy eyes.

Julie cleared her throat. "That... is not my face." Between the band, we disagreed. "And things just got weird between me and Flynn. She asked about you guys, and I couldn't say."

Our happy faces dropped a little, except for Reggie, who inappropiately mentioned, "Sweet. Girls are already talking about us." Luke gave him a low high-five, cracking a smile in us once again.

"Stop. I'm serious. I can't tell her about you guys for the same reasone I can't tell my dad. She'll think I've gone off the deep end."

"Well this dude definitely thinks you've gone off the deep end." The bassist pointed to the school's janitor, who was strolling his cleaning supplies' cart. His wrinkled face was plastered into disgust, grimacing for a moment before continuing his path.

Dancing Queen (Julie and The Phantoms)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon