4. Waking Up

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Attempting to club all night wasn't an easy task. It left me exhausted. My high expectations fell in a matter of minutes. You can't request a song, you can't ask the sweaty dudes for more space... you definitely can't ask for a drink. No one can hear you and it's confusing.

We came back around sunrise, where we heard someone playing the piano. I couldn't recognize the songs... probably an original piece. That someone was singing too; one of the most beautiful voices I've heard.

<Wake up, wake up if it's all you do>
<Look out, look inside of you>
<It's not what you lost>
<It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain>

We poofed inside, and, to our surprise, it was Julie. Wow elevated to the infinite power. She appeared all-mighty by playing standing up and singing at the same time.

<Wake up your dream and make it true>
<Look out, look inside of you>
<When you feel lost>
<Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark>
<Wake up, mm, wake up>

My mouth was indecisive if it should drop or curve upwards. She's amazing! I hadn't felt chills over singing since the time I saw Pearl Jam busking, and I love Pearl Jam.

The expression of the guys was somber. Reggie was fiddling with his fingers, while Alex and Luke's arms dangled on their sides. My brother moved forward, but Luke prevented him from moving any further. He nodded his head and quietly whooshed us outside. "Dude, why'd you stop me? Julie needs a hug."

"Bro, a ghost hug isn't a good-feel moment that you think it is, all right?" He pulled the edges of his blue vest. "Trust me. What Julie needs right now is just a bit of privacy."

Reggie and I shared glances at the other two guys. They tend to act like an old married couple. "You know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle when people cry." Luke's eyes opened. "I should know. I cried in a room for 25 years and I didn't get a single hug from either of you."

The bassist spread his arms. "All right, bring it in."

"Don't touch me!" Alex's arm shot up. "Except Liz, you come over here."

I got dragged into his personal bubble, struggling to breathe as Reggie murmured, "This is why no one hugs you..."

Luke slightly froze, confused about what to do next. "O...kay? I-I think the first things we should do, once we get the courage to go in there, is ask Julie why she lied about playing the piano."

"Yeah, you know, maybe tell her how amazing she is," the drummer encouraged.

"Yeah, of course, bro."

"She's legit. I got ghost bumps."

My head shot up at the sound of faint sobbing. Julie's friends had just come out the gate. "Oh my gosh, was she crying too?" I asked because I couldn't see through Alex's shoulder.

"Yes! And the other thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying!"

"He's right", my brother confirmed. Even though I made a face, I'll admit the statement's not wrong. We can be very scary.

"Guys, we definitely can't go in there."

"But...we can listen," Reggie suggested. Alex let me go. Simultaneously, the guys scrambled to the studio's door and stuck their heads out the window.

"Carlos told me you'd be out here. We need to talk," Julie's friend suggested.

I let out a small chuckle. The guys, specifically Luke and Reggie, were on their tiptoes peeking. "You three look ridiculous." I sat on a bench that, when seen through the perfect angle, could be a view inside the studio; far enough away to not be noticed and at the same time close enough to listen.

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