1. Rocking Out

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(Luke= bold, Alex= italics, Reggie= underline, Liz= ~this line~, everybody= ~combination of everything~)

Taking in a deep breath, Alex raised his drumsticks, starting with the usual "1,2, 3!"

Take off, last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart

Since I don't play a 'real instrument', I get to hold the microphone tightly with my right hand and bang my beautiful tambourine with my left hand. Reggie, who was bouncing up and down, played as amazingly as always.

~Clocks move faster, cause it's all we're after now~

Bobby put his guitar closer to his head, enjoying the rehearsal. I switched positions with Reggie because Luke made the usual signal to share mics.

Won't stop climbing
'Cause this is our time, yeah

Oh, here comes my solo! I twirled and got closer to the edge of the stage.

~When all the days were black and white~
~Those were the best shades of my life~

I can't believe tonight we are playing at the Orpheum! And the fact that we're singing songs that Luke and I wrote months ago is even better. We are the main songwriters of the band, but Alex, Reggie, and Bobby occasionally chime in a couple of lyrics. They helped with the chorus, which is actually this next part coming up.

Don't look down
~Cause we're still rising~ up right now
~And even if we hit the ground~
~We'll still fly~
~Keep dreaming like we'll live forever~
~But live it like it's now or never~

Luke slid over to me while sticking the tongue out of his smile. I did the same, mocking his excitement.

We ain't searching for tomorrow (Tomorrow)
'Cause we got all we need today (Today)
~Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins~

He also wiggled his eyebrows. I took it as an indication for me to peek at the band member on my right. Yup, he was indicating for me to approach Reggie. I wouldn't. Completely oblivious to Luke's tactics, he pushed his perfect black hair behind as he finished the bridge.

We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain

The guys clapped, except for Alex who played the beat on his drumsticks. I placed the microphone on the available microphone holder so I could hit the tambourine with both hands.

Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising up right now

Smoke came out of the sides of the stage. Lights shone brighter. The adrenaline and serotonin pumped hard through my veins. I don't know many things, but I do know that this night is going to rock.

~And even if we hit the ground~
~We'll still fly~
~Keep dreaming like we'll live forever~
~But live it like it's now or never~

The last seconds of the song played, and you could sense in the air how extremely happy we were with how the performance went. The five of us absorbed the applause from the employees hearing us. We bowed, but I did it more dramatically, doing it as the theatre kids did in the singular month I spent in theater class. I flipped my dirty blonde hair off my face.

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