18. Tasting Freedom

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The applauding eventually quietted down, letting us chat between ourselves. Julie sighed. "I'm not gonna lie. That was... kind of good."

"Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much," Flynn genuinely commented.

Like if they had invoked her, Carrie and the Glittery Girls— yup, that's my official nickname for her band/dance group, came strutting from the spotlight. "Hi girls! Um, isn't it past your bedtime?" she spat.

Flynn's head tilted with a sour smile. "Now I remember."

"If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come," she sassed.

Taking a step forward, Julie scoffed and looked at her directly in her eyes. "That's not why I'm here." Yes! That's my girl!

"Okay," the guy who had been introducing the performances interrupted the cat fight, thank god. I was very close to attempting human posession on the pink girl. "It looks like we're closing the night out with one more group: 'Julie and the Fat Ones'."

Everyone except us snickered. The band turned to Luke, who was the one who signed us up in the first place. "Really?" my brother and I said in sync.

"Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks," Luke frowned.

She gave her ex-friend one last plastic smile before she hit the stage. Knowing her indimidating charm had worn off, Carrie rushed off with her minions waddling behind.

Julie placed her doodled white microphone on the keyboard stand. "Hi. It's actually 'Julie and the Phantoms'," she corrected. Was it just me or had the silence become louder? These critics are so judgemental... they haven't even seen or heard us play. "Okay."

Flynn turned the fake projector on, giving a sign to her friend we were ready. The light shone on Julie as she played the starting notes of Finally Free.

<Hearts on fire>
<We're no liars>
<So we say what we wanna say>

<I'm awakened>
<No more faking>
<So we push all our fears away>

The drumbeats echoed along the room. People began bopping their heads, anticipating the magnificent drop on the chorus.

<Don't know if I'll make it 'cause I'm falling under>
<Close my eyes, and feel my chest beating like thunder>

<I wanna fly>
<Come alive>
<Watch me shine>

As Julie stood up with the microphone on her hand, we appeared on the platform. Rocking my black, plaid skirt, dark boots, and sage t-shirt, I was stoked to play. I whipped the end of my high ponytail behind my back.

<~I got a spark in me~>
<~Hands up if you can see~>
<~And you're a part of me~>
<~Hands up if you're with me~>
<~Now 'til eternity~>
<~Hands up if you believe~>
<~Been so long, and now we're finally free~>

One thing I love about Finally Free is that we fully appreciate my abilities on the tambourine. Grabbing tighter the microphone stand, I shook my instrument to the cheering crowd.

~We're all bright now~
~What a sight now~
~Coming out like we're fireworks~

A guy on the front waved his eyebrows at me, but I just shivered and continued playing by looking elsewhere. Julie gladly joined in for the next part.

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