My neighbor | dnf

By emilyxos

51.2K 1.3K 3.6K

George and Clay have been neighbors for years but never noticed each other. One day all of that changes becau... More

Before we get started...
Chapter one
Chapter two
George's and Clay's background story (not a chapter)
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Bonus chapter

Chapter twelve

2K 64 60
By emilyxos

Okay so, for the song, I was going to put a radio edit, but then I thought, the slowed version is sooo much better (any slowed songs is good tbh), I'll try to make the song match with the parts of the chapter!

Thank you for 100+ votes and 4.8k views!!

Vote please? <3

Play the song when you see 'START SONG HERE'.


Everyone was here. The party has just started. Music was blasting, not too loud since they have neighbours and they didn't want to get complaints.

They we're all dancing, having a good time. Quackity started mumbling something. "What did you say Quackity? You're mumbling." George told him as he watched him take a sip of his drink out of his red plastic cup.

"We should have a dance party!" Quackity suggested. Everyone looked at him confused, "Aren't are we already doing that?" Niki told him. Quackity rolled his eyes, "Sorry, I meant dance competition, let's all get in a circle and one person goes in the middle and starts dancing!"

Everyone was intrigued, George jumped excitedly, "YES PLEASE!" He got his phone out and put on the song On The Floor - Jennifer Lopez.

They all got in a circle.


The music starts, and they all get excited. They all get in a circle, getting ready.

Brie decided to go first in the circle. She started doing weird moves, she didn't want to go full out, she was too shy and she wasn't drunk enough.

Quackity goes in the middle with her "hey mamacita" he winked at her. She made a disgusting look and went back where everyone was standing, next to Niki. "Quackity! We told you shes a lesbian!"

Quackity shrugged and started dancing. Everyone was drinking and looking at him dance. He then finished and went back to stand with everyone. Sapnap grabbed Karl's hand and they both went in the middle together.

They both started dancing weirdly together. They kept hearing 'awe's' every single time they would look at each other, blush and then quickly look away.

Both of them got too embarrassed and stopped dancing to go back in the middle. George was excited to go but decided to wait for a specific part in the song. Clay then went and danced, the whole time he was dancing he was looking at George. He then blushed when he saw George looking at him. He got embarrased and went back in the circle.

George went after him when the part he wanted started. He started to dance very slow (OKAY I can't describe people who dance, it's so awkward. Just imagine the video of 'George' pole dancing and how he was dancing yk HAHAHA okay you know what I'm going to try to write it-).

'Dance the night away, live your life and stay young on the floor'

'Dance the night away, grab somebody, drink a little more'

George was dancing slow, and going down to the floor. He started making eye contact with Clay. He kept dancing and keeping eye contact with him, not breaking it. Brie started hyping him up. ''WOOO GO OFF GEORGE!'' but George was still keeping eye contact. He got back up when he heard a 'lalalalalalala' in the song, and went back to stand next to Clay.

They all got their turns to dance. After they we're all done, they all got in the middle and started jumping, dancing and singing to the lyrics. They we're all having a really good time. Clay and George we're standing infront of each other, dancing and singing the lyrics to each other, with the biggest smiles on their faces. This was the happiest they have ever been.

(A/N I don't know when the song will end for you guys, but if you want you can keep playing random party songs so it seems like they are still listening to music :])

George and Clay got tired and went to go sit down to talk. ''You we're dancing really good George.'' Clay smiled. He couldn't stop thinking about their eye contact. ''Thank you, you weren't so bad yourself.'' George laughed.

Clay was drunk, so was George. Everyone else was drunk. Clay got up and yelled ''LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE.'', everyone looked up at him. They all agreed and got in a circle and sat down. ''So let's do a twist, we spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to choose truth or dare, and the one who spins the bottles asks the question or gives the dare.''

''I'll go first.'' Quackity said while reaching for the bottle, he spins it and it lands on Karl. Quackity giggles and mouths a 'yes'.

"Karl, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Quackity had a smirk on his face. "Do you have a crush on Sapnap?"

Karl's eyes widened. He was not expecting that question, he gulped nervously and looked at Sapnap.

"Come on, answer." Clay said, waiting for words to come out of Karl's mouth. "Uhh, can I skip?" Karl looked at Quackity. "No there are no skips, you have to answer."

"Fine, yes I do." Karl looked at Sapnap nervously. Sapnap looked back at Karl and looked at the ground. Everyone in the room could feel the tension.

"" Sapnap started. Karl started having tears in his eyes, thinking Sapnap didn't have feelings for him. "I- It's okay, you don't need to say anything. I know the answe-"

"So do I Karl. I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I kept getting too nervous." Karl made a weird sound, a 'EEK', and he ran over to Sapnap and gave him a hug.

They we're both laughing while the others we're looking at them with smiles on their faces. George and Clay looked at each other and smiled.

Karl stayed next to Sapnap, hand in hand. "Okay it's my turn." Sapnap said while looking at Clay. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare I guess." Clay said nervously. He had no idea what dare Sapnap was going to give him. Sapnap giggled, "The same dare that I gave you the last time we played this game.", he gave Clay a wink.

Clay's eyes widened knowing what dare he was talking about. "What dare?", Niki asked confused. "I had dared him to kiss George." Sapnap said giggling.

"Ooh please do that dare again!" Niki said excitedly. George looked at Clay, "We don't have too if you don't want t-", George got cut off by Clay kissing him. 'Why does he always cut me off!' George thought but sunk into the kiss.

It was a sweet kiss. They pulled away and started smiling at each other. Brie started smiling looking at both of them excitedly. Clay knew that he had to tell him, and he needed to tell him now. "Hey can I talk to you somewhere private?" Clay asked.

George nodded and they both went into the brunette's room. "What did you want to talk about?" George asked confused. He was scared, that he didn't like the kiss.

"Um..." Clay laughed nervously, his heart was racing, he was sweating, shaking. He didn't know how George would react. He was questioning if he should even tell him.

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous." He giggled and looked down. George smiled, "You don't have to be nervous, it's me!" Clay smiled, he had to do it.

"Um, I'm-" He took a deep breath. "I'm in love with you."

George's eyes widened. "Wait, what?" Clay started shaking even more. He shouldn't have said that. "Look, I'm sorry, but I've been feeling this way for a while. I know I said that I was straight after I lost my memory, but I don't know what happened it finally clicked when I was in the hospital a few days ago. If you don't feel the same way it's fi-"

George was the one to cut him off this time. He kissed Clay. The blonde smiled into the kiss. George pulled away and smiled.

"I love you too."

I'm sorry for the short chapter, I haven't been into writing lately and i have exams coming up so i decided to quickly finish this chapter since I haven't updated in over a month.

Also it's very awkward writing people dancing- it's cringy i know.

Have a good day/night, remember to eat and drink water <3

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