A New York City Dream ~ Eliza...


1.3M 39.3K 28.7K

Y/N is just a normal twenty something year old working her way through life in New York City. One day she esc... Еще

Parks and Strangers
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Week 1: Soho & Shopping
Week 2: Transitions & Movie Night
Week 3: Museum & Memories
Week 4: Olsens & Approval
Week 5: Tattoos & Packing
Dreams & Reality
Author's Note

Vessel Views & Subway Talks

22.1K 736 651

During our trip on the subway, we had to transfer a couple of times and ended up being able to sit on the last train. I am taking her to the Vessel in Hudson Yards. I'd been a couple of times and it's fun so hopefully, she enjoys it. She seems confused about where we are going which adds to my fun. She's stayed close to me the entire time, grabbing onto my hand or the back of my shirt if she gets pushed behind me. I'm enjoying it way too much. We are a couple stops away, sitting next to each other, our thighs pressed together in the cramped subway car, but I'm not complaining.

"Can you tell me where we are going now?" She questions.

"Hm, Let me think, no," I smirk at her frustration. "I promise it's cool though," I assure her. She slumps back into her seat crossing her arms. I notice we are at our stop and stand up, she follows suit, grabbing onto my hand as we walk out of the car. Her eyes scan the station and she notices the signs.

"Hudson Yards?" She observes. I nod and smile. She seems to accept where we are as we get on the longest escalator known to man. I swear this thing broke some kind of record. Her eyes scan the artwork along the ceiling and I hold her hand tighter knowing it can be disorienting. She doesn't seem to notice or care.

We finally get to ground level and I lead her over to the Vessel. I had set up the free tickets before we left so I lead her straight to the man taking tickets. He scans them and nods politely letting us into the exhibit. It's live art, where the people that explore it become a part of the piece.

"I hope you are prepared for some exercise, Beth" I tease her.

"Race you to the top!" She exclaims taking off. Oh, game on! I watch as she goes back and forth up the flights of stairs, rookie mistake. Instead, I go in one direction up the stairs easily beating her to the top. I look around for her and laugh at her determined look as she ends up a platform over from me. "Loser!" I scream over to her as she looks around for me. She sighs and comes over to my platform as I wave her over.

"You cheated" she states pouting at me.

"How on earth did I cheat babe?" I say back not realizing what I called her. Her head snaps over to me and I look at her questioningly.

"I don't know how you did it, but you did, princess." She teases back.

"Alright, whatever helps you sleep at night. But, take a look." I gesture to the view of the old train tracks below us and the Hudson River.

"Whoa," she whispers as her hands grasp at the railing facing the river. I smile softly at the dazed look she has on her face taking in the view. I place myself to her side, but slightly behind her, shielding her from other guests. I grasp onto the railing beside her left hand and put my other hand in my pocket. My gaze shifts between her side profile and the view, enjoying the moment with her. "I've never been here before. I've heard about it, but this beats what I read about." She says softly. The sun was on its way to setting which made her glow. I sigh to myself. I'm falling for her. Like actual feelings. This isn't good. She's straight and kind of engaged and way out of my league. I push the feelings back like I've been doing for a couple of days now and focus on just being there for her. She turns slightly towards me. "Thank you," she says sweetly.

"Whatever for, Angel?" I ask in confusion.

"Everything. You've made these past few days sort of magical with all these adventures and letting me stay with you and just, being you I guess." One of her hands grabs ahold of my shirt covering my stomach and I wonder if she even realizes she's doing it. Her eyes lock onto mine, well at least I think they do. Alright, enough of these stupid things. I take my hand out of my pocket and slowly take off her sunglasses setting them on top of the brim of the stolen baseball cap. Her gaze doesn't leave mine in the process and my cheeks flush at her attention on me.

"You are very welcome Miss Olsen. Anything for you." I say sweetly. She sighs as if she was holding in a breath. I notice how close we've gotten and clear my throat hoping it would snap her out of whatever daze she was in. She blinks and looks down at my chest in confusion lowering herself from her tippy toes. Her hold on my shirt softens and she slowly turns back to the view in front of us, her hand sliding back onto the railing. Her furrowed eyebrows make me worried, so I gently push my thumb between her eyebrows and her face breaks out into a smile. I smile in response but she avoids my gaze. I turn back to the view and look below us. The people look so small. My phone starts to vibrate and I look at my screen, Mom.

I answer the call:

Me: Hey Mom!

Mom: Hi sweetie! I haven't heard from you in a while. Have you been busy?

I look at Lizzie's side profile

Me: You could say that.

Mom: Well I wanted to let you know I got my ticket for your birthday weekend. It's going to be so much fun!

Me: Oh that's great! I forgot you were coming.

I kind of panic, if Lizzie is still with me in a month that will be an awkward encounter. Hey mom this is Lizzie, she's kind of staying here, yup the one that plays Wanda, I know right, crazy.

Mom: You are pretty busy huh? You are usually on top of these things.

Me: Yeah work has been a lot, but hey I gotta go, Talk soon?

Mom: Of course sweetheart, night night, love you!

Me: Night, Love you too.

I hang up and notice Lizzie's eyes on me. "What?" I question her.

"Your birthday is soon?" Oh, so she heard the conversation. I nod but leave it at that. "You aren't going to tell me when it is?" She quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Nope. I am not. It's getting late, Angel, you ready to head back?" She nods softly. "Come on, I'll show you how I beat you." I lead her down the steps in a circular formation instead of going down one side.

She huffs, "I should have thought of that." I laugh at her pout and she rolls her eyes at me. We make our way back towards the subway station and she seems more at ease now that she knows where we are going. I press play on the music that I had paused once we arrived and the sound slightly startles her, forgetting she had the pod in her ear. I giggle at her and she just smiles warmly at me. I wink at her and turn my attention to the subway car around us.

"You're kind of a charmer you know?" she says out of the blue. I look over at her side profile and notice she's biting her lip.

"Uh, what?" I respond dumbly. Her focus turns back to me and she slides her sunglasses back on her face when she notices more people populate the subway car.

"You are quite charming. Chivalrous, even." She states again. I blush.

"Um, thank you?" I squeak out. She smiles at my awkward reply.

"You're welcome. So why are you single?" Oh, we are going to talk about this right now? Alrighty then.

"Uh, who said I was single?" I smirk at her confused face. I snort, "Okay fine, yes I'm currently very lonely. I blame the pandemic, but it's my fault. I get scared to let people in, in the past when I have, I get my heart broken. So I guess I just stopped thinking about how much I want to love someone." I ramble not knowing if I'm making any sense. She twists her lips in thought.

"You've gotten your heart broken?" She questions softly.

I nod, "A couple of times. I tend to fall fast and love hard. I wear my heart on my sleeve and it bites me in the ass. But I do love love, and hope to find my forever person someday." I explain my complicated relationship with love. I help her up so we can transfer trains. We get to sit on the next one too and she continues the conversation.

"Do you mind me asking about what happened? In your past relationships?" Her curiosity surprises me, but she's always asked what she wants to know.

"Not at all, Uh I mean I had a lot of relationships with guys but when I realized I had no interest I stopped counting those. I've had two relationships with girls. The first one I thought was the love of my life, but I guess that's what first loves do to you. We broke up because one day she just realized she didn't love me anymore. So, there wasn't anything I could do. What hurt was the thought that I wasn't enough, but I learned that it just wasn't in my control. She also hid that realization for a month and strung me along. I noticed the shift, but ignored it thinking it was just a rough patch." I pause taking a breath. Lizzie's attention is still on me taking in the information. "My second relationship was more relaxed. She was a friend before a girlfriend. It was more for fun than feelings if you get what I mean. But, she started treating me like a secret and wouldn't show me any affection when we were around our friends or even at Pride. She could be all touchy feely with her friends, but not with me. She wasn't ready and I understand that now, I wasn't patient. But, she could have been a bit better with communication. We mutually decided to end it after an honest conversation about how she was treating me. There weren't any hard feelings at all, even though how she treated me made me feel like shit." I lead Lizzie to the last train transfer and let the information settle in her brain.

"It sounds like you value honesty and communication in a relationship. And touch is your love language isn't it?" I laugh at her spot-on observations. I nod simply and she smirks proudly at her assessment. "You'll find the person you are meant to be with. Anyone would be lucky to have someone so attentive and genuine as a partner." I blush at her compliment.

"Thanks, Angel, that means a lot." For the rest of our trip home, we listen to the music in our ears and observe the people around us. She stays close when we have to stand on the last train and when we begin our walk to my apartment. Her arm snakes around my waist once we get to street level and I sling my arm around her shoulder in response. We arrive back at my apartment, do our nightly routines, say goodnight, and fall asleep, both taking in the eventful day.

A/N I can't stop writing what's wrong with me. Lizzie is getting curious and confused, oop. Hope you enjoy it!

(Editor? I hardly know her......I'm not funny wow)

Edited 5/19: We are so cute omg

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