No Equal

By BuckSteve_17

133K 4.1K 613

Salem Starkov is Alina Starkov's cousin who like her is a cartographer for the first army but when they both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 25

2.2K 82 18
By BuckSteve_17

We have stopped although I know it is too earlier for us to have reached the dry docks, "whats he doing?"Inej whispers as Jesper pulls his guns out of their holsters "ssh" Kaz snaps and we wait for something to happen. There are people screaming but the commotion soon ends and Jesper lowers his guns "what now?" he asks and Kaz and I share a look, both of us knowing this isn't over. "We wait" he answers again and the Suli girl steps forward "Kaz, you can hear him slaughtering a city" my power crackles in my veins eager for a release, Kaz turns sharply to the other girl and snaps "so you understand the Cale of his power then? good" I snort and shake my head, what an asshole.

Mal steps forward getting brave and says "the bold move is to strike now" Kaz turns to him glad for another fight and says "and the smart one is to get clear of the damned Fold first" I move closer to the hatch leading up the top careful not to make a sound, Mal nods and follows after me "I never said I was smart" I laugh and open the hatch for him. I bow my head "after you sir" I say light heartedly and once he is up and above deck I catch Kaz's eye "once you do this, you are no longer welcome with us" he threatens and I hear Jesper mutter "Kaz" I grab onto the sides of the opening ready to pull myself up and I say "then it was a pleasure traveling with you" and disappear into the darkness above.

On the deck I stand close to Mal, blending in with the others on bored, "today" a familiar voice sounds causing a shiver to go up my spine "we redraw the maps. With the power of the Sun Summoner at my command, I control the Fold. And its monsters" as Aleksander moves around I catch a sight of him and I want nothing more then to run to him and tell him I am sorry for leaving at that I will stay with him now always but then I see Alina on the floor catching her breath and glaring at the Darkling, her foot tied to the skiff by rope. Then all I want to do is kill him. "I can move it to any border I like" He continues ""engulf any harbour. Consume any city. Take what you have seen back to your home countries. Tell the Fjerdans, tell the Shu Han. There will be no more war with Ravka. All countries will answer to us. For who would oppose us now?" he gets closer to Alina and lightning crackles at my finger tips. If he harms one hair on her head I will personally see to it that his death is pain filled and slow.

Suddenly Mal runs forward, pushing past people gun raised, I am in such a trance from seeing him again I have no time to react as the sound of a gun goes off and I hear Alina say Mal's name. I snap out of my trance and move to help Mal when Aleksander nods to Ivan and he raises his hand slowing Mal's heart rate, I go to race forward but someone catches my arm I turn quickly to see Kaz "don't be stupid" he hisses and I try to get out of his grip with little success "go fine Inej and help her" he says pushing me behind him and Jesper. I don't complain instead I do just that.

Finding her on one of the masts a knife to a mans throat I say to Zoya "get us out of here. now" she gives me a look of shock but I become to distracted to say anything more as the man escapes from Inej's grip and twists her arm and they start fighting, lightning is still dancing on my fingers but I am too afraid of hitting my new friend so instead I stand and watch utterly helpless. Just like with Mal, he I probably dead already unless Kirigan has found another use for him although I doubt he will be that lenient again. Before I know what has happened the heartrender has Inej pinned my her throat on the floor, I glance up at Zoya who gives me a subtle nod and I get ready, "do you think I need special powers to end your life, Wraith?" the Grisha taunts and she struggles to get herself free from his grasp, she finally gets free and they Strat fighting again.

Inej gets a chance at a killing shot but the heartrender throws his hands out and starts to hurt Inej that way, I step forward. Our signal. So Zoya throws her hands out mustering enough wind to blow the heartrender out into the open air and as he starts to fall I strike him with lightning. I help Inej to stand and it seems as though she doesn't know what I just did, "go down to the others, I'll be fine" she tells me between deep breaths and I disappear down the ladder.

I hear Jespers guns go off as I reach them, "how is Inej?" Kaz asks without looking at me, I tie my hair up and let out a hum "great" I say and head to follow Jesper out into the open. Aleksander becomes furious at the boy and does something out of my line of sight to make Jesper fly back and hit a wall, knocked out. A blade comes out of no where and sticks into his chest, is that it? I think, is that all it takes to kill the mighty Black Heretic? Black veins start to creep onto his face and he grunts in pain before moving his shaking hand to pull the blade out, I sigh and crack my knuckles of course not, it wouldn't be that easy.

"It will take more than this!" he declares after pulling the blade out, he slams it on the ground and I move closer to Kaz and Jesper, before I can make it the whole way there though he spots Kaz and cocks his head smirking evily. "Mr Brekker" he says softly, "we meet again" Kaz straightens up when he realises he has been spotted and steps out into the open "yes I guess we do" he says back equally as calm although I know he is probably terrified, "I saw your little play thing" he taunts "Salem isn't it?" he asks and I notice Aleksander's jaw clench "she is lovely isn't she?" Kaz presses on and I wander what he trying to achieve "do not speak of her" Kirigan says he sounds hurt, pity. instead Kaz continues on "we spent some time together she and I. She went on and on about how controlling you where and how you never even gave her the satisfaction of bedding her" he gives him a smirk "she is excellent in bed by the way" I flush pink even though it isn't true, Aleksander's face is full of rage and he brings his hands down in the cut.

Thankfully I get there fast enough and I throw up a lightning shield over Kaz, myself and Jesper. Hissing with pain I straighten up and forcefully shove his darkness back. His face lights up a picture of hurt and I smirk "miss me?" he steps forward and growls "Salem"

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