๐™‹๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š ๐™’๐™š๐™ž ( This Au...

By ReneCainMarien

499K 23.9K 11K

Mo Da Zu Shi and Tian Guan Ci Fu presents. ๐™‹๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š ๐™’๐™š๐™ž - ๐™Ž๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™ƒ๐™ช๐™–๐™‡๐™ž๐™–๐™ฃ Spanish translat... More

1|Last wish|
7|Lotus Pier|
9|Puqi Shrine|
20|First meet|
21|Tianzi Xiao|


9.9K 456 346
By ReneCainMarien

"Lan Zhan~"

Lan Wangji refused to open his eyes at Wei WuXian's voice. He walked forward few more steps immersing himself into the freezing cold water. He felt the sound was too real, he could hear the laugh in Wei WuXian's voice.
'Wei Ying is not here. Stop thinking about him Lan Wangji. '

"LAN ZHAN! Look at me. "

Lan Wangji's eyes sprang open and he turned around quickly, splashing water around him. Wei WuXian was lying on his stomach above the blue stones beside the cold spring. He was tilting his head and smiling at Lan Wangji.

"You-Why are you here?"

Lan Wangji asked before he could stop himself. Wei WuXian was not supposed to be here, not in Cloud Recesses and definitely not in the cold spring. Lan Wangji was not sure how his face looked now but he saw Wei WuXian's lips forming a pout.

"Wow!How rude? Ow-"

Wei WuXian suddenly stood up and winced at the pain in his back. Lan Wangji's eyebrows furrowed as Wei WuXian slowly rubbed his back with his free hand, other hand holding his sword Suibian.

"Lan Zhan, what happened to the you of yesterday?"

Wei WuXian asked pointing Suibian accusingly at Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji was aware that a part of his memories were blank and he was desperately trying to remember them. He does not remember anything from yesterday night and it was starting to bother him now.


"Lan Zhan! If you keep on like this, I won't play with you?"

Wei WuXian said and then suddenly turned his face away from Lan Wangji. 'Damn it! Jiujius saying 'your Lan Zhan' is definitely messing with my mind.' A blush creeping up his cheeks seeing the lost expression on a half naked Lan Wangji standing in the water. He heard Lan Wangji muttering a 'what?' under his breath. 'Aha! Just like I thought. He forgot everything.'

"Why are you back in Cloud Recesses?"

Lan Wangji asked after some time, seeing that Wei WuXian was silent and not meeting his eyes. He also understood that he was not going to get anymore information about the previous nights events from Wei WuXian.

"Oh! I came to pack my things, but I'll leave soon."

Wei WuXian said straightening and facing Lan Wangji. He smiled at Lan Wangji and kicked off his shoes. Lan Wangji lowered his head stared at his own hands which were inside the cold water. He told himself.

"Leave soon."

Wei WuXian heard that. He placed Suibian on the rock next to Bichen and said to Lan Wangji whose head was still lowered as he watched the water.

"Yeah yeah. It's best if I leave here for now. After seeing how my uncles reacted. Even Yima too."

Wei WuXian fake shivered to show that the situation was dire. He thought back how just two hours ago he was bombarded with so many questions about his wellbeing. He was suddenly overwhelmed by the sheer number of uncles and aunts he has. He chuckled remembering their faces.


Everyone called with worry as soon as they saw their nephew walk in. A crowd was waiting for Wei WuXian in front of Xie Lian's palace. Wei WuXian faked gasped while still leaning in his Baba while San Lang kept both his hands on Wei WuXian's shoulders passing spiritual energy. Wei WuXian chuckled and said, a hand covering his mouth show his surprise.

"Oh my Gods!!!
All of you are here?"

"You brat."

Mu Qing called and Wei WuXian waved at him cheerfully. Wei WuXian bowed slightly but Xie Lian stopped him and shook his head. So Wei WuXian waved his hands at his uncles and aunt.

"Hehe, hello everyone."

"You are alright?"

Lang Qianqiu asked taking Wei WuXian hands and checking for injuries. He took Wei WuXian from Xie Lian and made him lean against himself. Seeing him looking for injuries on the hands, Xie Lian shook his head and gestured to Wei WuXian's back. Mu Qing dashed towards the door, shouting.

"Those fucking mortals. I'm gonna- let me go Dianxia. Don't-."

"Mu Qing!"

Xie Lian called stopping him. Feng Xin moved to front and asked:

"Why didn't you bring us along. I wanted to give them a piece of my mind too."

Seeing Xie Lian just ignoring them and talking to Ling Wen about something, Mu Qing turned to San Lang who was standing side by side with Wei WuXian and talking with him.

You Crimson Rain Sought Flower!Why the fuck did you close the door. I wanted to see those Lans too."

"Calm down both of you."

Xie Lian said appearing between his husband and friends. Wei WuXian squirmed out of his Lang-Shushu's hold and said:

"Yeah! Calm down, grumpy uncles."

"You- you get yourself beaten and still-"

Feng Xin said but stopped sighing and rubbing his forehead. He sighed again while Mu Qing rolled his eyes seeing the death glare from San Lang directed at both of them.

"Jiujiu there's no need to be so dramatic. I'm really alright."

"What do you mean A-Xian!
Even I wanna visit them for a friendly little talk."

Pei Ming said as he smiled at his nephew and touched his cheeks. Wei WuXian sputtered.

"Wh-wh-Pei-Xiong what the-
Honestly, don't you all have anything else to do."

"Then let me just do a quick check on these Gusu Lans. "

Ling Wen said as she nodded to herself and then proceed to stand up. Wei WuXian threw his hands in the air and yelled.

"YIMA! Not you too. "

"It was a misunderstanding. They will punish their disciple in their own ways."

Xie Lian said stopping Ling Wen who was walking out of his Palace to her own. San Lang stopped giving spiritual energy to his son and patted his back. Wei WuXian stuck out his tongue at his father. San Lang walked towards where Xie Lian was standing.

"Gege. I'll go to Black Water Demon Lair."

"Go ahead, San lang."

Xie Lian said smiling. Wei WuXian waved his hand at his father and said cheerfully.

"Bye bye, A-Diē."

"Still smiling?
Come home with your Baba soon."

San Lang said and pressed ba kiss on Wei WuXian's forehead. San Lang stepped away and disappeared into a sea of butterflies and the butterflies also disappeared to just silver dust.

Remind me to ask A-Diē to give me back my butterflies. Ok? I miss them already."

Wei WuXian spoke very seriously to Xie Lian tapping his chin. Xie Lian laughed and said.

"I will."

"Who is this idiot Lan something Qiren?"

Pei Ming asked as soon as Xie Lian finished telling the events that happened today. Ling Wen replied.

"The Acting Sect Leader, from what I can gather."

Wei WuXian nodded his head vigorously lying on his Baba's lap eating sweets happily. Lang Qianqiu said to Xie Lian.

"I don't really like that person from what you said Dianxia."

A woman dressed in verdant robes and carrying a sacred sword walked in to the Palace. She bowed to the Gods sitting in a circle around Xie Lian and Wei WuXian. She asked.

"A-Xian, are you alright? I heard something- that-"

Hearing her voice Wei WuXian stood up and went to her side.

Did you rush over here?
Yes. I am perfectly alright. Just a few strikes that's all. "

"More like few hundreds"

Mu Qing said. Wei WuXian ignored him and started talking with Yushi Huang while Feng Xin exclaimed loudly.

"I am still not so satisfied with just the threatening. I want to-"

Wei WuXian made his Ayi sit down on a chair and turned to his Feng Jiujiu.

"Trust me. Baba already made them pee on their pants. And A-Diē almost, almost killed Master Lan. "

They all talked some more and it was time to leave. Xie Lian stood up and hauled his son up with him.

"Let's go home Baby. We will be having guests there too."

"Ahhhhh!!! "

Wei WuXian whined thinking of having the same conversations with Yin-Shushu and Xuan-Shushu soon. He let his father drag him still whining about missing Cloud Recesses and wanting to go back there.

"Wei Ying"

Lan Wangji called seeing Wei WuXian staring into space and giggling. Wei WuXian looked at him and shrugged.

"But- No.
How did you come in. Here?"

Lan Wangji asked after the initial shock of seeing Wei WuXian was over. He just belatedly realised that he was very much underdressed and Wei WuXian was staring at him.

"ZeWu-Jun told me to come in."

Wei WuXian replied and giggled again. Lan Wangji saw his own robes which were neatly folded lying on top of the rocks beside Wei WuXian's legs. Wei WuXian started untying his dice and butterfly tassel and placed it near Lan Wangji's clothes. Wei WuXian started taking of his clothes and Lan Wangji panicked.

"What are you doing?"

"I already took off my clothes, what do you think I'm here for?"

Wei WuXian asked with his usual teasing smile and started walking towards the edge of the water. His red and black robes lying next to the white and blue ones. He placed the tip of his toe in the water and said.

"Such a good place for healing wounds and you didn't tell me, that's really not nice of you. "

Wei WuXian picked up the dice and tassel, turned around and placed it above his pile of clothes. Lan Wangji saw the red and purple bruises covering Wei WuXian's entire backside.

"But- the bruises-"

Lan Wangji had hoped that Wei WuXian's parents would treat him but it seems that is not the case. Wei WuXian turned to looked at Lan Wangji and instantly understood what the other way confused about. He was not alone with his parents, if he was he would have definitely used this injuries to his advantage and acted all cute. But with his uncles around and they know how he got these so it will not be wise to say there were bruises. He was sure that his fathers knew and let it slide.

"Ah! I couldn't tell them it hurts and there were bruises? Can I? "

Wei WuXian got into the freezing cold water. He waddled in the water splashing water all around him and on Lan Wangji's face. He started shivering clutching his hands around himself.

Brr... It really is very cold. Brr... "

"I came here for cultivation purposes, not to heal."

Lan Wangji said remembering Wei WuXian's earlier words. Wei WuXian ignored Lan Wangji and continued to jump in the freezing cold water of the cold spring.

"Do not leap around! "

Lan Wangji said taking a step back from the leaping Wei WuXian. Wei WuXian was feeling that if he stayed still in this cold water his body and blood will also freeze. He could only leap around hope that it will warm up his body.

"But it's so cold, it's so cold... "

Lan Wangji was meditating in peace before Wei WuXian came here. Wei WuXian continued to splash water onto Lan Wangji's face the water trickled down his long eyelashes and hair.

"Do not move. "

Lan Wangji extended his hand and placed it on Wei WuXian's shoulder keeping him in place. Wei WuXian instantly felt warmth and he scooted closer to where Lan Wangji was standing.

"What? "

Lan Wangji asked in panic. Wei WuXian replied in an innocent tone.

"Nothing. I just wanted to shift closer to you. Your side seems to be warmer."

Lan Wangji kept his arm firmly on Wei WuXian's shoulder keeping the distance between them. He said.

"It is not."

Wei WuXian glanced at Lan Wangji's shoulders and back and saw that the bruises were still there and he really was not here to heal. Wei WuXian spoke sincerely.

"Alright, Lan Zhan.
I honestly admire you so much. You really did punish yourself as well, without treating yourself any better. I don't have anything else to say."

Lan Wangji closed his eye and ignored Wei WuXian's presence.

"Really, I've never seen someone as prim and proper as you. It'd be impossible for me to do something like this. You're so cool."

Lan Wangji ignored him again and tried meditation. Wei WuXian slowly got used to the cold and started swimming around Lan Wangji in the cold spring.

"Lan Zhan, didn't you notice what I was doing when I talked to you? "

"I do not know."

Lan Wangji replied opening his eyes. Wei WuXian came close to Lan Wangji and said.

"You don't even know about this? I'm complimenting you, trying to become more casual with you."

"What do you want to do?"

Lan Wangji asked.

"Lan Zhan, why don't we become friends? We're already so familiar."

"Not familiar."

Hearing this Wei WuXian slapped the water sending another splash of water towards Lan Wangji and said.

"Now you're being boring again. Really there are lots of benefits if you become friends with me."

"For example?"

Wei WuXian smiled at him and swam towards the blue rocks and leaned on it. He said.

"I'm always very loyal towards my friends. For example if I get hold of new porn, I'd definitely let you be the first person to look at it..."

"Hey, hey, come back!! "

Lan Wangji walked in the direction of his clothes planing to leave the cold springs. Wei WuXian continued.

"Ah... It's fine if you don't want to look at them. Then?
You already said you don't want to visit Ghost city. So? "

Wei WuXian tapped his chin showing that he was deep in thoughts. Lan Wangji really wanted to know what all things he said yesterday after getting drunk. He asked with confusion.

"I said?"

"So, have you been to Yunmeng?"

Wei WuXian continued his words without answering Lan Wangji.

"Yunmeng is really fun, and the food is also delicious. It's a lot yummier than the food in your sect anyway. If you come to Lotus Pier, I can take you to pick lotus seed pods and water chestnuts. Lan Zhan, do you wanna come? "

"Not going."

Wei WuXian flopped onto the rock and whined.

"You shouldn't answer everything with 'not'. You sound so uncaring, girl's won't like it. The girls of Yunmeng look pretty, different from the sort of pretty in Gusu."

Lan Wangji glared at Wei WuXian who was now smiling that smile again. Lan Wangji blinked once then twice at that smile. Wei WuXian winked at Lan Wangji and asked.

"You... sure you don't want to come?"


Lan Wangji hesitated but replied. Wei WuXian sat up straight on the rock and said.

"Rejecting me without giving me any respect-aren't you scared that I'll conveniently take your clothes when I leave?"

"Get lost. "

Lan Wangji walked upto his sword and clothes intending to leave the cold spring on his own. Wei WuXian swam closer to Lan Wangji and called.

"Hey, Ah! Why are you leaving? I was joking! "

Wei WuXian laughed and scrambled to his feet following behind Lam Wangji. Lan Wangji paused in dressing himself. He heard rustling from the nearby bushes and he clutched Bichen tightly. He heard two people muttering.

"What the fuck! Move your damn feet."

"Can't you be quiet for once in your life."

"Whose there? "

Lan Wangji asked stepping closer to the brushes. Seeing this Wei WuXian took Suibian and pointed in the direction of the bushes and asked Lan Wangji.

"Lan Zhan who are you talking to? "

"Come out! "

Lan Wangji said sternly. Two tall men dressed in armor, one carrying a bow on his back and other with a saber walked out of the bushes.

"Hello A-Xian."

Feng Xin said while Mu Qing rolled his eyes seeing both Wei WuXian and Lan Wangji holding swords at them. He waved his hands in Wei WuXian's direction. Wei WuXian sighed and sat on the floor dramatically.

"Oh no.
What are you guys doing here? Were you following me from the Heavenly Court?"

"Yes, so what?"

Mu Qing said. Looking at Lan Wangji who still had his sword unsheathed and standing in front of Wei WuXian. Feng Xin pulled Wei WuXian from the cold ground and patted his shoulder.

"To make sure you're not getting beaten up again.
And it was Mu Qing's idea."

Wei WuXian looked at his Qing Jiujiu. Mu Qing punched Feng Xin on his arms and shouted.

"Well then why the fuck are you here? Nobody asked you to come along."


Feng Xin yelled back at Mu Qing. They started arguing back and forth and Wei WuXian sighed again. Lan Wangji sheathed Bichen and looked at Wei WuXian who was rubbing his forehead. Wei WuXian smiled apologetically at Lan Wangji and turned to the pair.

"You -"

"Stop it, stop it. Both of you.
Why were you hiding under a bush?
For Heaven's sake go back."

Wei WuXian spoke as he lightly pushed both his uncles towards the exit of the Cold spring. Feng Xin said:

"We just wanted to take a closer look at this Lan-Er-Gongzi here. We heard so much about him from you? Didn't we?"

"Yes yes"

Mu Qing agreed quickly nodding his head. Wei WuXian was wide eyed seeing his jiujius agreeing to something and not starting another round of shouting. He felt Lan Wangji staring at him, so he smiled and said.

"Ah! Lan Zhan. Meet my lovely Jiujius."

Lan Wangji bowed to both Feng Xin and Mu Qing. They both nodded their head and turned to Wei WuXian.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Since you are still in one piece, we are going back. Don't tell Dianxia we came here."

Feng Xin said and Wei WuXian nodded. Wei WuXian said:

"Ok ok. Just leave, both of you. Don't you all something important to do? "

Mu Qing rolled his eyes at his nephew. He turned to Lan Wangji and said.

"Keep him safe or else.
Ling Wen has dug up all about your Gusu clan. Don't make us visit again."

Lan Wangji bowed again and nodded once. Wei WuXian laughed seeing how serious Lan Wangji was looking. He pushed his jiujius and said again.

"Love you both. Tell Yima not to worry too much.
And please don't come back."

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