The Dove's Vow || Kamitani Ha...

Door AeKa20

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Where a Dove and a Hawk find each other... "Hey you." "Yes...?" "The baseball club needs a manager, want to j... Meer

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
A Note of Thanks!

Chapter 26

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Door AeKa20

Hatogai Yuna was very panicky. "Oh come on Yuna, just calm down. Yes, yes, Calm down girl- you can do this! You. Can." The brunette said to herself. She paced around the room a few times before stopping in front of her mirror. "It's just going out with Hayato- it will most likely be like the usual we do-!" as she said that to herself, she checks herself through her reflection.

She wore a white elbow-sleeved blouse tucked in a high waist jean skirt reaching her knees. Her hair was cleanly pulled into a half ponytail and her feet adorned white slip-ons.

"Who am I kidding?...This is a date- with Hayato..." she admitted, flushing red. The fact she spent almost an hour picking her outfit pretty much speaks for itself.

She smacks both of her cheeks to snap herself out of it. "Okay, we just have to be ourselves! Ourselves!! Nothing more, Yuna!" she told herself as she went to get her keys, wallet, and phone.

Forget panicking, she has a date to go to!

Speak of the devil, she received a text from Hayato, telling her that he was already by her apartment. "Okay, let's do this-!" she cheered herself on.

Kamitani Hayato may look calm but he was also a bit nervous himself. He finally got to ask out the girl he liked ever since middle school, of course even he would be nervous! He shoved his hands into his pockets as he shifted his weight onto one leg.

"Sorry for the wait!" Yuna said as she approached the boy. Hayato glanced her way, noting her simple but appealing get up. Yuna stood up in front of him and paused, eyeing his clothes as well. "Did we actually talk about our wardrobe?" she asked in jest.

Hayato was wearing a plain white shirt paired with a denim jacket and jeans. "No we didn't." Hayato answered her, making her chuckle.

"We match, ain't that a good start?" Yuna said with a carefree shrug. "It is..." Hayato mumbled out before offering his hand out to her. "Let's go?" he asked her, eyes meeting hers.

Yuna blinked before smiling softly at him. Gently, she puts her hand in his, "Let's go." she said back. They both start walking side by side, hand in hand. The date has just started, and yet her heart was already fluttering.


"They really went to a coffee shop..." Kashima said in a hushed tone. "Well, he did ask if she liked coffee." Yagi said back. Across the said coffee shop, the group of Yagi, Kashima, and Nezu were dining in the café by the outside tables.

"Why are we here?" Nezu asked his friend with a deadpan. His other friend deserved her privacy.

The story behind this was that Yagi first dragged Nezu into this 'Let's watch over Hatogai just in case-!' mission or whatever he used as an excuse to stalk them. The blonde then dragged in Kashima along the way, and thus, here they were.

"This is creepy." He ruthlessly told Yagi.

"We're just here to support our friends~!" Yagi reasoned with a grin. He really wants the tea. Kashima sweatdropped, "I think we should just leave them for some privacy..." he trailed off, feeling guilty that he was watching his 2 friends on a date.

"Exactly. Plus, they're just having coffee together. It looks like nothing out of the ordinary." Nezu pointed out. Indeed, inside the coffee shop, Hayato and Yuna were just conversing and chuckling together as they drink coffee. "They somehow look like a movie couple on a date from this view." Yagi pointed out as they take the aesthetic in. Kashima smiled, "Looks like they're having fun." He stated.


"Wait, your Mom did what?"
"Smack my Dad until my brother and I could get his permission to raid the candy store."
"I don't know if I should praise your Mom for smacking that stupid Old Man or not."

Yuna chuckled out at Hayato's blunt response. "I got so much gummy bears out of it so~ I think it's cool." She sang out with a shrug. She took a sip of her caramel latte as Hayato rolled his eyes at her. "You just like your sweets." He told her before sipping his own coffee cup.

"I do. I do." Yuna agreed immediately. There were no reason to deny what is obviously true.

Hayato sighed at her, shaking his head as he sets his cup down. His hand reaches out to her hand on the table, slowly interlacing fingers with her. Yuna flushed red, looking at their intertwined hands. With a small smile, she squeezed the interlaced fingers before averting her gaze away.

Seeing her reciprocate the action, Hayato lets out a small smirk in little victory. "You're blushing." He decided to point out. "So what if I am??" Yuna retorted turning back to Hayato.

The boy simply shrugged, "It makes me feel hopeful." He admitted to her. Her eyes widen at his words, and Yuna surrenders with a sheepish smile. "You should be..." she replied with a small sigh.

Hayato shook his head, chuckling as Yuna follows suit. As they spent time together in the coffee shop, their hands never let go of each other.


"Look at them laughing together! LOOK!" Yagi said, blatantly looking their way in small cheers.

For a moment, Nezu thought that Yagi looked like those 'HayaYuna shippers' in school. "They're just enjoying their time. They'll probably enjoy it more without someone watching them." He bluntly said.

"Kamitani sure does look happy, though." Kashima said, seeing the small smile etched on Hayato's face. "I don't see him smile at all... so this is my first time seeing him do so." Yagi piped up as he grinned at the view they were seeing. Kamitani Hayato is known to be a stoic blunt man.

"Oh, they're leaving the café." Nezu said as the trio of stalkers turned to Hayato and Yuna standing up from their seats. They both walked out of the café, hand in hand. "Look at them holding hands~!" Yagi cooed as they eye how their fingers were intertwined.

"Let's go-"
"No, we are going back now."

"But Chuukichi, why?!" Yagi turned to his friend holding him back by the collar. "Hatogai deserves her privacy. This is also getting weird." He told his friend with a blank face.

"We're going back now. You can return too, Kashima." Nezu nodded at the brown haired boy as he dragged away his blonde friend.

Kashima waved goodbye to the duo before turning to his other friends, walking in peace as they talk to each other.

"They really are enjoying... I'm glad." Kashima smiled, happy for his two friends. He then turned away to return to his home, he knows that his two friends will be alright, if anything he was hoping that they become something more than friends by the end of this.


"Where to now?" Hayato asked the girl, who was swinging their hands lightly. Yuna hummed, "I'm honestly not sure... want to watch the latest movie?" she asked him, glancing his way. Hayato shrugged, "I don't mind. What's it about?" he asked her.

"Well... I heard it's about a baseball player-"
"Let's watch it."

Yuna bursts out laughing at Hayato's immediate reply. "Let's go then~!" she sang out as they both walked to the cinema theatres.

"That homerun at the end was good."
"The pitch was pretty great too."

"I'm going to do better." Hayato claimed as Yuna chuckled at the determination in his eyes. They literally just finished the slightly wholesome baseball movie that surprisingly featured Mamizuka Kousuke as the opponent team's pitcher. The movie was realistic and very sports-based, it was well written as well.

Currently, they were walking to Yuna's apartment, the sun setting behind them. "Today was fun..." Yuna trailed off, smiling. The whole day she spent with Hayato brought laughter and joy in her, and so much thrill and giddiness in her heart.

Hayato glanced her way, "Yeah, it was fun..." he agreed, slightly dazed. To think his feelings for her would get him this far, this close to her... it was unbelievable, to him the most. He wasn't that romantic, wasn't the kind to find love and to cherish it. And yet, here he was...

What exactly spurred him to even like the girl beside him. Was it her kindness? Her chirpy nature? Her caring nature and understanding? What exactly drew him in?

... he doesn't know. Hell, it honestly doesn't matter what made him like her. Facts still remain, he likes her since the beginning of 2nd year middle school. It started with seeing her smiles as cute, wanting to see her more, to be next to her more, until it developed into some sort of protectiveness around her.

He first thought that this was just him being friends with her, but one day he was hurt during club practice and Yuna as the club manager dragged him away to heal him up. Seated, he simply watched as she tended his injured ankle. There were no smiles, no energetic vibes, rather it was calm and serious. Yuna was concentrated on wrapping the injury, worry swirling in her blue eyes.

"You didn't have to do this." Hayato told her that day. Yuna furrowed her brows at that, "I'm quite sure I have to do this, Kamitani." She rebutted. Hayato rolled his eyes at her, "It's just a small injury, I'll be fine. Why do you care so much?" he asked her bluntly, almost offhandedly.

He watches the girl sigh, eyes never averting from the ankle she was tending. "Because you're Kamitani Hayato. I care." She answered curtly. Her hands never stopped as she carefully wrapped up his injury. Hayato was silenced by her words, only staring her way in surprise and slight awe.

After that, no words were said. There was only silence, but the silence alone was so loud to him.

In silence, she showed how much he mattered to her.

In silence, she deeply cared for him.

In silence, he fell in love with her.

"Hayato?" Yuna's voice snapped him out of his small trance. He looked at the girl, realizing that they've reached their destination and eventual parting. Hayato blinked her way, "Ah right..." he said but didn't let go of her hand. He took a deep breath, watching Yuna look at him confusedly.

He already took this step, might as well take a leap of faith.

"You always talk about doing your best and do what you can to make others happy..." Hayato trailed off as he squeezed the hand in his hold. This made Yuna slightly tilt her head at him in question, that was her goal after all, to spread happiness to others.

"But y'know what would make me happy?" Hayato then asked her. Yuna hummed at that, she thinks a lot of things would make Hayato happy. From a baseball bat to probably Taka not being whiny for a day. But somehow... "I'm not that sure..." Yuna mumbled out as an answer.

Hayato heaved a sigh, a small smile gracing his lips, "Making you happy would make me happy." He told her, rendering her speechless. Red starts gathering on her cheeks, blue eyes wide as she stared his way.

"I like you, Yuna." Hayato told her. No other unnecessary words needed. It was plain, simple, and direct. He likes her, there's nothing more to it. He likes her, that's all, and somehow that's all that's needed.

Yuna was flushed red at his words, silenced by his words. It was just like him to confess her just like this. Not even his voice changed, still the same way of directly talking to her. As if he was just pointing out something bluntly like usual. As if he wasn't making her heart race marathons just now.

'Making you happy would make me happy.' What kind of slick smooth line was this, driving itself deep into her already swoon heart?!

"Hayato, I-!" Yuna stammered out before taking a deep breath to recompose herself. "You... You already make me happy." She admitted, averting her gaze to the ground, blushing redder.

Hayato stilled, looking her way as the girl met his gaze. Shades of blue and green met in the air, and despite her blushing cheeks, Yuna gave Hayato a small sincere smile. "I like you too, Hayato." She confessed, tilting her heads to the side.

Hayato lets out a smile, cupping her hands in his. "Go out with me?" he asked her, eyes still in contact. Yuna tried biting down a giddy smile, to no avail of course as she ended up chuckling lightheartedly. "Of course." She answered him.

With that settled, both parties let out relieved and happy smiles.


"Well then, text me when you get home, boyfriend~!"
"Yeah, sure."

Yuna snickered at his dry reply despite the gleam in his eyes. Classic Hayato.

"I'll see you on Monday." Hayato waved as Yuna grinned and waved back. "See you." She said back as she made her way to her apartment complex.

She walked into the building, taking the elevator to her floor, then brisk walked into her room. The moment she closed the door, she pressed her back onto it and slid down to the floor. She covered her mouth before letting out her squeals and shouts of pure giddiness.

Everything was so normal today, and yet- and yet it felt all so different! And now they're dating- she's dating her best friend now! The male she's been crushing on for years now! "He likes me back. He's my boyfriend now. We're dating- dating..." she said in a hushed tone before covering her mouth once more to muffle her squeal.

She feels so happy right now, she might combust with so much giddiness.

Hayato watched her enter the building before walking away. As he did, he pumps his fist in victory, eyes gleaming with joy despite his stoic features. The girl he's been crushing on for 3 years now finally is his girlfriend, they were dating now. That thought alone felt so good to think of.

He lets a smile slip onto his face, everything was so worth it. He feels so happy knowing that they're together now. Nothing can compare to this feeling of bliss.

"You make me happy." He said in a hushed tone, picturing the brown locks and blue eyes he loves so much.


"You're finally dating." Nezu bluntly told the girl who was in his home on a Sunday. The girl in question flinched at his bluntness as she averted her gaze away from him.

This time, Yuna, Yagi, and Nezu were gathered together in the dining area. They were having coffee and sweets as they were told about the news. "I'm so happy for you, Hatogai!" Yagi cheered with his usual grin.

"It still feels so flustering but... yeah... I'm happy too." Yuna admitted, chuckling through her red cheeks. "How did your family take the news?" Yagi asked as he leaned on the table, taking a cookie from the metal tin.

Yuna pouted, remembering the video call last night. Her father seemed furious like the protective dad he was at first until her very merciful and beautiful savior of a mother smacked some sense into him.

After the usual shenanigans brought by her father, everyone calmed down. Alisa congratulated her and soon enough, Sousuke agreed with the sentiments and was happy about the event.

Asher was a bit sulky though, the lines of 'He's stealing my sister from me' were spoken on his facial expressions (that honestly made Yuna very happy) but then he surprised her with a question. "Is Nee-chan not sad?" he asked her through call.

Yuna remembered grinning his way, "Nee-chan is very happy." She replied to him. That sealed the deal for Asher, him grinning and exclaiming his congrats to her.

"Your family is as lively as always!" Yagi laughed out. Nezu shook his head, stirring his coffee, "I'm glad as well. You deserve happiness after all. This is good." He stated, making his two friends turn to him.

He sent Yuna a smile, "Be happy with him, okay?" Nezu told her. Yuna felt her eyes water, "I will. Thank you Nezumin... you too Yagikemen, thank you." She said to both her friends. They smiled at her in response, the atmosphere light and fluffy.

"They're right, Yuna-nee! If he hurts you even a bit, we're rioting!!" Kichi then pops in, exclaiming as Suekichi nodded vigorously. "Riot! Riot!" he cheered with a raised fist. Shoukichi muffled a cackle, "That's right. If Yuna-nee gets heart broken, we'll just break his bones. All brothers against one." He laughed out at the idea.

Yuna muffled her own laugh, the image of the 5 Nezus beating up Hayato was too funny to even realize. And knowing Hayato, his mind would be thinking about why the hell are there 5 Nezumins?

"Kamitani is an athlete though~ will we even land a punch on him?" Yagi wondered out loud. "We outnumber him!!" Suekichi insisted as Kichi agreed with a shout.

Kyouko though tugged on Yuna's shirt, "Will he hurt you, Yuna-nee? I don't want that..." the little girl said with a small frown. Yuna grinned, "That guy would never~" she sang out as she ruffled Kyouko's hair. "He wants to make me happy after all. He won't hurt me." She continued with a small snicker.

That snicker pretty much did so little to avert Nezu and Yagi's attention on the red on Yuna's cheeks. "Well, if you're so sure, congrats then Yuna-nee." Shoukichi shrugged, swiping a cookie for himself. "But we're here if anything happens, Yuna-nee!!" Kichi and Suekichi exclaimed her way with Kyouko nodding.

"Thank you so much... I've been so blessed." Yuna said, touched deeply in her heart. The Nezu family really are heartwarming no matter what.

"To congratulate our big sister here, let's all eat dinner together!" Mrs. Nezu comes in, a small teasing smile on her face. "Mrs. Nezu just wants to tease me~!" Yuna laughed out but stood up to head to the kitchen and help with cooking.

"We mean it, Yuna dear! We're happy for you and will support you." Mrs. Nezu said grinning. Yuna blinked at the older woman before revealing a sincere smile, "Thank you very much, Mrs. Nezu." She said in a hushed gentle tone.

She was so lucky, so blessed, so loved, and this feeling just won't stop.

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