Just a Family Friend

By unholydisciple

366K 3.9K 586

Includes Mature Content: Daisy's family and some close friends, including their attractive sons, head out fo... More

1| Hello
The wait
Welcome Back
5| Good to be Home
Our little secret?
Drinking Games
Window's view
Spooky Scary Skeletons
10| Close
Anyone seen my top?
Ugh, men
Early mornings
15| Journey
Hot hot hot
Night sky
You can't
20| Waves
Dress up
Drinkies with the girlies
Mistakes may be made
25| Mistakes definitely were made
Mistakes are for tomorrow
Cool as ice


9.2K 120 9
By unholydisciple

After showering, moisturising, and throwing on comfy sweatpants, Daisy curled up on her bed. She knew she was being dramatic, but sometimes a girl can't help it, she told herself.

"You feeling ok hun?" Chrissy asked, walking into the room with a glass of deep red wine in hand, "the boys said you seemed quiet on the way up from the beach today." She continued, walking over to stroke Daisy's wet hair that she hadn't bothered drying.
"Yeah all good, just too much sun today, makes me tired." Daisy responded, faking a smile and tucking herself further into the bed. There was no point mentioning what Max had done, it seemed ridiculous and she knew she was overreacting, but the knot in her stomach stayed painfully obvious none the less.

After a while of mulling over her thoughts, Daisy realised she was better than this, and so- pulling on a pair of socks from her floor- she got up and headed downstairs.

Sitting in the lounge were Luke and Jake. They both seemed tired too, and Daisy thanked god that she could go and curl up on the sofa and fit right in.
"You good Daisy?" Luke asked, taking in her messy appearance and melancholy expression.
She nodded shortly, smiling as she walked over and placed herself by his large body. She leant on his shoulder, remembering the old days when they'd be out all day playing, only to come inside and pass out watching a movie downstairs.

The clock turned 21:00, and Jake yawned, stretching out on the sofa.
"yo." He said, looking towards the door as Max came hulking in.
"hola." Max responded, putting his phone in his jogger pocket and pulling on the grey waistband to adjust them.
Daisy glared at him, quickly looking away as he approached their end of the room. She couldn't be caught looking angry, the last thing she wanted to do was cause tension... yet she couldn't help herself. The inexplicable rage boiling in her stomach burned as she watched him. What a dick. Keira was out on a walk with James at the time, and Daisy felt no anger towards her best friend, only the smirking man stood tall infront of her.

"Why the long face?" He laughed, blissfully ignorant to her current emotional state.
"Tired." She said simply, not caring to give him the satisfaction that he wasn't even searching for.

He wandered over, and perched himself on the armrest next to Daisy, placing a hand on her shoulder. Flinching, she moved, leaning closer to Luke and onto his shoulder.
"You're pretty comfy." Daisy said, nestling into his arm.
He laughed lightly, adding, "that's what all the ladies tell me."
Max didn't laugh. He moved his hand off Daisy, reaching into his pocked to pull out his phone and flick through instagram. Out of the corner of her eye, Daisy watched girl after girl appear on his feed, each one getting a quick like of approval from the eager Max. She scoffed, feeling repulsed. How can someone be that horny, it's not that hard to just follow normal people, not thousands of Instagram models.

"Are you scrolling through Instagram or only fans there I can't tell." She said, an air of disscontempt following her words.
"I just know them all." Max said, seeming suprised that she should ask.
But that only added to her frustration, a dick and a man-whore. Daisy stood up, walking out of the room. She would wait until Keira got home and go to sleep, today wasn't her day. Could it have got any worse that she'd managed to fall for him?

Thank you all so much for the support, and sticking with me between updates -I know they're slow- and I promise I'm reading all of your comments, even the hate ones, hope you enjoy!

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