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Von squirtle1313


𝐀 𝐋 𝐖 𝐀 𝐘 𝐒   𝐀 𝐍 𝐃   𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 𝐄 𝐕 𝐄 𝐑


"Hope this is black magic," Dax reminded her, "The stuff Alaric forbids, you know, your father. Does he even know you're here?"

"Daxton Kol J Mikaelson," Lizzie crossed her arms, "Our father will be fine with it because he will be too busy remembering you."

"If all four of us do it, the black magic won't affect us," Josie shrugged slightly.

"You told them we're doing this in limited spaces, right?" Dax asked as he turned to Hope.

"I may have left that part out," Hope shrugged slightly.

"What do you mean?" Josie crossed her arms.

"If everyone remembers me, certain people will want me dead again," Dax said, "So I figured we do it in three confined spaces. Beacon Hills, the Salvatore School, and the compound in New Orleans."

"Why do people want you dead?" Josie asked.

"Because he is a fully activated tribrid," Lizzie answered.

"Well, she remembers," Dax nodded.

"Are we going to do this or not?" Hope asked.

"Let's do it," Josie nodded.

The four witches joined hands. They looked around at one another, "Harae-tamai Kioku. Yomigaerashi-tamae."

A black force shot out from their circle. Dax and Lizzie looked to each other wide-eyed as Hope and Josie passed out, "They're probably getting their memories back," Lizzie assured him as she nodded.

"I'll get them off the floor," Dax nodded. He picked up Josie bridal style and placed her on the couch. He then picked up Hope and put her on the couch next to Josie.

"Do you know how long it's gonna-" Dax was cut off by Hope jumping up and wrapping her arms around Dax tightly. Dax smiled as he reciprocated the hug. Dax groaned as Hope hit him in the stomach.

"That is for being a martyr again," Hope glared at him before hugging him tightly again.

"You guys can stay over for tonight," Dax said as he turned to the twins, "I have a few extra rooms."

"What happened to Bash?" Hope asked.

Dax licked his lips and stared at the ground, "I- uh- Alex killed him because my magic wore off when I went into the pit," Dax answered as tears rushed to his eyes. Hope tightened her hug around Dax, "We leave for New Orleans tomorrow, and then we'll go to SS on the same day... As long as we're all okay with that."

"I need a nap anyway after that spell," Lizzie shrugged.

"Here, this way," Dax said as he went up the stairs.


Dax was lying in his bed staring up at the ceiling when he heard knocking on his front door. To keep everyone else asleep, Dax used his vampire speed to get to the front door. He opened the door to see Brett. Tear-stained cheeks, big puffy red-eyed Brett.

Dax went with his instincts and pulled the boy in for a hug. Brett's arms wrapped around Dax in a tight embrace. Dax breathed in his scent willingly, and unlike last time, it brought him comfort and not pain.

"I missed you so much," Dax muttered as he held Brett close. He gently pulled Brett inside and shut the door. 

Brett pulled away, "How come I didn't know who you were twenty minutes ago?" Brett asked quietly. Dax held onto Brett's hand and gently pulled him onto the couch.

"Remember when I left for Virginia? To help Hope?" Dax asked quietly as he rubbed Brett's cheek with his thumb. Brett nodded, "I went into a black pit called Malivore," Dax's voice began to waver, "I destroyed it, but it erased everyone's memories of me. My family doesn't know who I am right now."

"How do I know?"

"Hope came to Beacon Hills. She brought some friends with her. We performed a Japanese black magic purge spell, and now everyone in Beacon Hills has all of their Malivore memories back," Dax explained.

"Can I say something? And you promise it won't scare you?" Dax nodded hesitantly, "I love you Dax Mikaelson. I loved you before everything got crazy."

A smile spread across Dax's lips, "I loved you when you didn't know who I was, Brett Talbot," Dax smiled.

"I still have it, you know," Brett said as his fingers went into his shirt and fished around until they pulled out the small golden locket Dax had given him.

"I'm surprised you didn't throw it out."

"Deep down I knew it was important. I just couldn't place it."

Dax climbed on top of Brett and smiled down at him as he connected their lips. Dax felt himself being put back together as Brett's hands rubbed his sides and his own tangled into Brett's hair. Brett's lips were warm and soft. Dax's parted slightly and Brett's tongue slipped into Dax's mouth. Warmth filled Dax's stomach as they kissed. It was a feeling Dax had thought he would never get to feel again, but thankfully, fate had other things in mind. Dax pulled away from Brett and his eyes snapped up to the stairs where he had heard a creek.

"Sorry," Lizzie visibly cringed, "I was going to look for a bathroom," She whisper-yelled, "I'm going back upstairs now!"

"Lizzie," Dax said softly from his place, straddling Brett as he poked his head around Brett's head and rested his chin on Brett's shoulder, "Third door on the right upstairs."

"Thanks!" Lizzie whisper yelled as she tiptoed back up the stairs while giving Dax a thumbs up.

Dax and Brett looked at each other and struggled to contain their laughter. Dax clutched his stomach as silent, hard laughs jolted through him for the first time in a long time. Dax smiled up at Brett, still silently giggling, as he admired the boy in front of him.

"I missed you, even if I didn't realize it," Brett said as his thumbs rubbed Dax's thighs.

"You have no idea," Dax responded as he reconnected their lips in a heated kiss.


Dax stirred slightly from the sound of his cousin's voice. He ignored it and snuggled further into the warm pillow underneath him. He wasn't ready to get up.

Until he remembered what was going on. He carefully and gently slid off of Brett and served his cousin and her two friends a glare as he stood up. He ushered them into the kitchen.

"I see someone got busy last night," Hope commented as the three of them turned to face Dax.

"Gross," Lizzie groaned.

"Nothing happened," Dax crossed his arms.

"Then why was he shirtless?" Josie crossed her arms with a small, but triumphant smile.

"Because it got hot and we didn't feel like going upstairs!" Dax whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Lizzie asked.

"Because I have really good hearing," Brett responded. He was shirtless with his arms crossed over his bare chest as he leaned against the door frame that leads from the living room into the kitchen.

"I see why you're into him. That boy has some abs," Hope said with a small smirk as she looked at Brett. Dax glared at her. Hope raised her hands in defense.

"I'll meet you guys in the car," Dax said with a slight blush and a hard glare.

"Alright," Hope smiled as the three girls made their way out of the house.

"You do know, the last time I let you leave town alone, you ended up forgotten," Brett commented as he walked up to Dax. His arms slid around the shorter boy's waist.

"When you went to Mexico with me I stayed there for like four days," Dax countered with a raised brow.

"You're not leaving without me again," Brett glared slightly.

"You realize I'm from a family of overprotective original vampires, right?"

"You realize I don't care, right?"

"They know my type, B, and that means guys like Alex," Dax admitted as he stared at the ground.

"And I'm nothing like Alex."

"Fine. But you're letting me do all of the talking."



"Aunt Freya!" Hope called as she, Lizzie, Josie, Brett, and Dax walked into the compound.

"Did you bring your whole class?" Freya asked as she walked down the stairs holding Nik. Dax smiled as he saw how big Nik had gotten in the last year.

"Is everyone here? I want to introduce them to my friends," Hope said with a smile.

"Yeah, Erika and Ray are upstairs, Kee is taking a nap, Kol and Davina are looking through your grandmother's grimoires, and Rebekah and Marcel are watching a movie."

The four witches joined hands and all spoke in unison, "Harae-tamai Kioku. Yomigaerashi-tamae," The same black force went out from the circle, but this time only the people surrounding them passed out. Dax used his speed to catch Nik before he hit the ground. Nik was not happy with Dax holding him. Dax gently set him down and Nik tried to wake his mother up.

"Damn," Brett muttered, "No wonder I had a headache when I woke up."

"Think it'll take a while-" Hope was cut off by Nik and Freya waking up. Freya smiled up at Dax with a big smile and pulled him in for a hug. Dax couldn't help the tears that spilled as he hugged his aunt. Nik wasn't as pleased with the hug as Freya and Dax were. He was tugging on Freya's skirt trying to get her to hold him. Freya released Dax just in time for three originals to surround Dax in a hug. Dax smiled brightly. Marcel and Ray were next to join the big Mikaelson hug with Davina joining in at the end. Hope and Freya joined in and everyone was smiling.

"Always and forever, my son," Erika said as she held onto Dax tightly.

"Always and forever," Dax replied with a shaking voice as his grip on his mother tightened.

"Let's get you kids some food," Davina said as most of the family pulled away from the hug.

"I'll help you prepare," Keelin said.

"I will too," Marcel nodded. The three of them left the room leaving Erika, Kol, Rebekah, Ray, and Nik.


"Is this the boy you told me about over the phone?" Kol asked as he gestured to Brett. Dax smiled over at Brett and intertwined their fingers. He nodded as he turned back to his family.

"I presume you know that no one that harms this family lives?" Erika asked as she turned to Brett.

"Mom," Dax groaned, "Leave him be, please."

"So long as he knows that you have a very vengeful family," Freya said as she crossed her arms.

"You too, Aunt Freya?" Dax sighed.

"Apologies, darling, but I am with your mother on this one," Kol said.

"It's fine, D. I do the same thing any time Lori brings anyone home, friends included. Maybe a little less death mentioned," Brett admitted as he smiled at Dax.

"Ah, young love," Davina smiled. Brett and Dax blushed as they smiled at one another.


"Are you sure that you must leave?" Erika asked with teary eyes as she hugged her son once again.

"We need to get Lizzie and Josie back to SS before Dr. S has an anxiety attack," Dax nodded with a sad smile, "It was nice being remembered."

"I've missed you so much," Erika said as she cupped Dax's cheek.

"Goodbye, mom. I'll come by more often, I swear."

"You better, you little rascal," Kol said as he wrapped Dax into a hug, "You too my little geek," Kol said as he pulled Hope in for a hug.

"I will miss you both," Rebekah said with a teary smile as she wrapped them into a hug.

"I will be seeing you both for Thanksgiving, right?" Freya asked as she hugged her niece and nephew.

"I'm planning on it," Dax nodded.

"Of course," Hope smiled.

"We've met Brett. Now we need to meet Landon," Ray smiled as he hugged the two.

"Whose Landon?" Dax asked as he looked at Hope with a raised eyebrow.

"Hope's thrift store hobbit of a boyfriend," Lizzie answered from behind their group hug.

"Boyfriend, eh?" Dax smirked a bit.

"I didn't make a big deal out of your boyfriend!" Hope said as she pointed to Brett.

"Well, the fam hasn't verified this Landon, so I think it's my duty to and then report back to them."

"Come on guys, we have to go if we're going to get back before nightfall," Josie reminded them.

"It was meeting you all," Brett smiled with a wave as the group of teenagers walked out.


"I'm warning you now, B," Dax sighed as they pulled into the large Salvatore School's front gate. Hope was on the left, Dax was in the middle, and Brett was on the far left while the Saltzman twins sat in the front seat, "I'm not very well-liked among SS students."

"Why?" Brett asked.

"Let's see, he broke Jed's arm with a door when we were in second grade,"  Lizzie listed,

"He tore apart my dolls and gave Wade a swirly in the water fountain," Josie added.

"And even I remember when he nearly burned the school down," Hope added in.

"I had some behavioral issues," Dax shrugged.

Lizzie and Josie hummed out of annoyance as they pulled up to the school. The five kids climbed out of the car.

"So, we better hope the airport has a flight to California leaving tonight is what you're saying," Brett asked as he pulled Dax closer to him.

"It'd be nice," Dax nodded.

The five kids walked into the school. The four witches stepped in front of the fireplace and joined hands, "Harae-tamai Kioku. Yomigaerashi-tamae," They said and the same black force shot out sending everyone around them but Brett into a slumber.

"Hope? Why is everyone asleep? What was that weird black magic force thing? Who're they?" A boy with curly hair finished off his rambling as he pointed to Brett and Dax.

"We brought their memories back, and that's my cousin and his boyfriend," Hope said as she looked over at Dax and Brett.

"She could do so much better," Dax said quietly.

Brett slipped his arm around Dax's waist and pinched his side, "Be quiet. They're adorable," Brett said through his smile as he waved.

"Anyway, we should get going," Dax said as he grabbed Brett's hand and began to pull him towards the door.

"Oh, come on, I doubt they held onto their grudges," Hope tried.

Dax began rambling as he slowly backed towards the door and pulled Brett with him, "I can guarantee that two students did. Jed and Alyssa, and I'm good. Brett and I are going to go to the airport. Lizzie, Josie, tell your dad I said hi. It was nice spending time with you Hope. Goodbye," Dax spun on his heel and opened the door quickly. He pulled Brett outside with him.



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