The Wizarding Savior is a Gir...

By Hime_chan10

51.4K 2.3K 374

On October 31, 1981, twenty-one-year-old James Fleamont Potter and his wife, twenty-one-year-old Lily Jasmine... More

Harriet 'Harry' Potter
Ch. 2 Happy Birthday, Dudley
Ch. 3 Ready to go to the Zoo?
Ch. 4 The London Zoo
Ch. 5 I am-I am a Witch?
Ch. 6 Who are you?
Ch. 7 Why are you crying?
Ch. 8 Are you two ready to go to Diagon Alley?
Ch. 9 Welcome to Diagon Alley
Ch. 10 The Inheritance Test
Ch. 11 What can you tell me about my Godfather, Sirius Black?
Ch. 12 Thank you for being my friend
Ch. 13 I have an idea
Ch. 14 Welcome to the Wizarding World, Young Lord Leroy Thomas Dursley
Ch. 15 Have a safe journey, you two

Ch. 1 The Preface

4.9K 193 59
By Hime_chan10

It is a silent night on Saturday, October 31, 1981, at Godric's Hollow, West Country, England.

A twenty-one-year-old male with unruly black hair and Hazel (brownish-green) eyes hidden behind a pair of circular glasses name James Fleamont Potter is lovingly holding a one-year-old baby girl in his arms in the living room of Potter's Cottage. The infant is Harriet Lily Potter, and she is the beloved and adorable daughter of James and his wife, twenty-one-year-old auburn red hair and bright green eyes Lily Jasmine Potter nee Evans.

James fondly and sadly stared at Harriet. Tears welled up in his Hazel eyes as he recalls the night he found out that his beloved and adorable daughter is a part of a prophecy.

"The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord approaches. This Wizarding Savior is born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. And the Dark Lord will mark that child as his equal, but this child will have power the Dark Lord knows not. And either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives," One-hundred-year-old Headmaster Albus Dumbledore calmly explains to James and Lily.

Their friends, Alice and Frank Longbottom, were also present since the two couples were expecting their first child during that time frame.

"James," Lily softly calls out while standing by the doorframe of the kitchen.

James turns his head back, seeing his beloved and beautiful wife, Lily, sadly and worriedly staring at him.

"Everything is going to be alright, Lily. Our daughter will have a normal and loving childhood after this. I know Peter will never reveal our whereabouts-," James stopped talking when he hears a ringing bell-like sound in the back of his mind.

"James?" Lily frowns when she sees James staring at her in disbelief.

"I-I cannot believe it," James mouths out while protectively holding Harriet.

Lily worriedly walks up to James, and she stares at him with a concerned gaze.

"What's wrong, James?" Lily softly asked James.

Tears fell from James' Hazel eyes as he stares at Lily in disbelief and anger.

"It's Peter," James whispers.

Lily lightly bites her lips, looking and feeling scared when she hears Peter's name.

"Peter. That-That rat ratted us out!" James cries out to Lily.

Harriet wakes up from her slumber, and her green-blue eyes blinked when she sees James crying.

"Dada?" Harriet calls out to James as tears welled up in her green-blue eyes since she didn't like seeing her father in tears since she loved seeing him with goofy faces.

Lily, horrifying, gasped when she hears James telling her that Peter betrayed their family.

Soon a loud popping sound gets heard outside of Potter's Cottage. James turns around, carefully walking towards the window, and pulls the curtain a bit to the side. His Hazel eyes widened when he sees a black hooded figure standing outside of his home.

James pulls the curtain back, and he stepped away from the window as he turns to face Lily, seeing his beloved and beautiful wife in tears.

James looks down at Harriet, and he holds his beloved and adorable daughter close to him. He sadly hides his face against her soft reddish-bronze hair.

" I am so sorry, Harriet," James begins to cry while mumbling an apology to Harriet.

Harriet begins to cry since she does not know what is going on, and she is scared.

" Your Dada will always love you," James sadly kissed Harriet's forehead.

Lily heartbrokenly stared at James and Harriet.

" Your mother, Uncle Padfoot, and Uncle Moony will take such good care of you for me," James lovingly tells Harriet.

Harriet's chubby hands tightly grasp on James' unruly black hair since she is scared and confused.

" Promise me you will not date any boys until you graduate from Hogwarts and become a successful woman like your Mum," James sadly tells Harriet while gently pulling her chubby hands from his unruly black hair.

James slowly lifts his head as his Hazel eyes intently stared at Lily's bright green eyes.

"Lily, take Harriet and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off," James sternly tells Lily as he walks up to his wife, and he carefully passed Harriet to Lily.

Lily securely holds Harriet in her arms as she stares at James in disbelief.

" I-I am not leaving you alone with that horrible man!" Lily cries out.

James sadly and fondly stared at Lily. He gently placed his hands on his beloved and beautiful wife, and he then kisses her on the lips with so much passion.

Tears fell from Lily's bright green eyes as she passionately kisses James.

" I love you so much, Lily. Take good care of our daughter for me," James whispers while stepping back and turning to face the door, looking and feeling determined to sacrifice his life so that Lily and Harriet can have a peaceful future together.

" I love you so much, James," Lily whispers as she turns around, and she runs up the stairs to Harriet's nursery room.

Lily and Harriet reached the nursery room. Lily slammed and locked the door behind her as she walks up to the crib, and she gently placed her beloved and adorable daughter on it.

Harriet stared at Lily with teary green-blue eyes as she held her tiny arms out to her mother.

" Dada?" Harriet calls out to Lily.

Lily sadly stared at Harriet, and she cries when she hears a chilling malicious masculine voice scream out 'Avada Kedavra,' which lets her know that her beloved husband, James, is gone.

Lily's right hand gently grasped Harriet's chubby hand as she sadly smiled at her beloved and adorable daughter.

" Harriet. Mummy and Dada love you so much. We will always watch over you. I know your Uncle Remus will make sure your Uncle Sirius does not drive you crazy. I know in my heart those two will take good care of you," Lily leans down to Harriet, and she sadly kissed her beloved and adorable daughter's forehead.

Lily's heart sank when she hears the door behind her explode, which startled Harriet, and she started to cry.

Lily pulls her hand away from Harriet's grasp, and she turns around to face the most horrible man in the whole Wizarding World, the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

Lord Voldemort's emotionless red eyes intently stared at Lily's fierce and scared bright green eyes.

" Step aside, you foolish girl," Lord Voldemort sternly tells Lily while holding his wand in Lily and Harriet's direction.

" Not Harriet! Please no, take me, kill me instead!" Lily cries out while holding her arms out and using her body as a shield to protect her defenseless daughter from Lord Voldemort's wrath.

" This warning is the last one," Lord Voldemort glares at Lily.

" Not Harriet! Please! Have mercy! Have mercy! Not Harry! Not Harry! Please! I'll do anything!" Lily cries and begs Lord Voldemort to spare Harriet's life.

Lord Voldemort furiously stared at Lily, feeling impatient.

" Avada Kedavra!" Lord Voldemort coldly shouts as a bright green light engulf Lily causing her to scream her heart out.

Harriet stared at Lily as tears fell from her green-blue eyes since seeing Lily in pain makes her sad.

The bright green light soon vanished, causing Lily to fall, and her body was not moving at all.

Lord Voldemort walked past Lily's dead body to the crib where Harriet is crying her heart out.

Lord Voldemort stares down at Harriet as his cold red eyes intently stared at Harriet's watery green-blue eyes.

" No one can defeat me now," Lord Voldemort whispers while aiming his wand at Harriet.

Harriet continues to cry, looking and feeling scared since Lord Voldemort's face reminded her of a snake.

" Avada Kedavra!" Lord Voldemort coldly shouts.

The same bright green light that killed James and Lily was about to kill Harriet. However, a powerful white light soon appeared from Harriet's forehead where James and Lily kissed it.

The two colorful lights clashed against one another, causing Lord Voldemort's body and the nursery room to get destroyed.

Harriet's crib got destroyed from the impact, causing Harriet to fall to the ground, and a shard from the crib scraped her forehead, causing it to bleed.

Lord Voldemort's last living soul did not want to go to the afterlife, so it immediately went to the nearest living vessel, which is Harriet's bloody forehead.

Once everything calmed down, a flying motorcycle appeared on the scene, revealing twenty-one-year-old Sirius Black.

" No! No! No!" Sirius begins to cry when he sees that the front door to Potter's Cottage got opened.

" Prongs! Lily! Harry!" Sirius cries out, and he begins to run towards Potter's Cottage.

Sirius stopped running, and he froze, standing on the doorframe of Potter's Cottage. His grey eyes widened as he looks forward, wearing a horrified expression when he sees his best friend and brother-in-arms, James Potter, lying on the ground.

" P-Prongs," Sirius stuttered as he slowly walks towards James.

" James. Buddy," Sirius looks down at James, seeing his best friend's usual mischievous Hazel eyes blankly staring at him.

"Please! Please be playing dead!" Sirius starts to cry when he sees that James is blankly staring at him.

Sirius kneels beside James, and he cries his heart out when he realized that his best mate is gone.

" James! I am so sorry," Sirius hides his face against James' chest, looking and feeling heartbroken.

" I-I cannot believe that rat would betray you and your family!" Sirius slammed his left fist onto the ground, not caring if the wooden floor makes his fist bleed or not.

Sirius opened his mouth to say something, but he stops when he hears a familiar cry from upstairs.

" H-Harry," Sirius slowly lifts his head, and he turns his gaze to the stairs.

Sirius lightly bites his lips, looking and feeling relief to hear his beloved and adorable goddaughter cry.

Sirius looks away as he turns his gaze back to James. His heart breaks when he sees his best friend staring at him with blank Hazel eyes.

" I promise you, James, that you and your family will get the justice you deserve," Sirius whispers while gently placing his right hand over James' face and lightly closing his best mate's eyes.

Sirius stands up as he looks away from James, and he begins to walk towards the stairs.

In the nursery room, Harriet is lying on the ground near Lily's dead body, and she is crying.

Sirius stopped walking as he slowly turns his gaze to the right, and he froze when he sees his best friend's wife, Lily Potter, lying on the ground.

Sirius's heart skipped a beat when he sees Harriet lying on the ground next to Lily and crying.

" Lily. Harry," Sirius whispers as he slowly enters the nursery room, and he begins to walk towards his best friend's wife and daughter.

Sirius sadly stared at Lily when he sees her usual bright, cheerful green eyes blankly stare at Harriet. He kneels beside Lily as he gently closed her eyes. He then turns his gaze to Harriet.

" Harry," Sirius softly calls out to Harriet.

Harriet stops crying when she hears her Godfather, Sirius Black, say her nickname. She lifts her head, causing her green-blue eyes to stare at the older male's grey eyes.

" Padfoo!" Harriet held her arms out to Sirius when she sees her Godfather.

" Yes. It's me," Sirius sadly and fondly smiled at Harriet as he carefully takes his Goddaughter into his embrace.

Harriet begins to calm down, looking and feeling happy to see Sirius.

Sirius stands up, and he securely holds Harriet in his arms. He then grabs a mint-green diaper bag from inside the closet, which already has all of his Goddaughter's necessities inside.

" It's going to be cold outside. So, this blanket will keep you warm," Sirius whispers while grabbing a mint green blanket, and he then covers Harriet with it to keep her warm.

Harriet adorably yawns as she snuggles against Sirius.

Sirius lovingly stared at Harriet.

" Let's get going," Sirius whispers as he turns around, and he walks out of the nursery room.

A few minutes later, Sirius stepped out of the house with Harriet in his embrace. He was about to walk towards his motorcycle when he hears a popping sound, causing him to pull out his wand, and he turns to aim it at fifty-two-year-old Half-Giant Rubeus Hagrid.

" Hagrid! Watch where you apparate! I nearly hexed you," Sirius snapped at Hagrid, feeling protective of Harriet.

" My bad," Hagrid apologize to Sirius.

" What are you even doing here?" Sirius warily asked Hagrid.

" Headmaster Dumbledore requested me to take the child," Hagrid glanced at Harriet, believing the child is a boy since she got covered in a mint green blanket.

" Where is-Where is Headmaster Dumbledore taking Harry?" Sirius warily asked Hagrid.

' Ah! The boy's name is Harry,' Hagrid happily tells himself as he fondly smiled at Harriet.

" Headmaster Dumbledore says he will take Harry to a safe place," Hagrid kindly tells Sirius.

' Maybe Headmaster Dumbledore is going to take Harry to Moony,' Sirius tells himself, looking and sounding relief.

" Alright. You can take Harry with you. If you want, you can take my motorcycle to your destination," Sirius walks up to Hagrid, and he carefully placed Harriet in the Half-Giant's embrace, making her look so tiny in his hands.

" Thank you! And where are you going?" Hagrid asked, looking and sounding confused while gently placing Harriet in the sidecar next to the motorcycle.

" I have some business to attend to," Sirius firmly tells Hagrid while giving the Half-Giant the mint-green diaper bag.

" Be careful!" Hagrid waves goodbye to Sirius as he gently placed the mint-green diaper bag next to Harriet, and he then gets on the motorcycle.

Sirius stood there as he sadly waves goodbye to Harriet and Hagrid. He then watched the motorcycle fly and leave Godric's Hallow.

" I will see you soon, Harry," Sirius whispered, and he then disappears, leaving behind a popping sound.

It is now Sunday, November 1, 1981, at Dursley's residence at 4 Privet Drive, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and forty-six-year-old Professor Minerva McGonagall stood on a sidewalk in front of Dursley's residence.

" Why would you leave James and Lily's child to Lily's older sister, Petunia, who hates our kind?" Professor McGonagall sternly asked Headmaster Dumbledore.

" Young Petunia shares the same blood as Lily. And knowing Lily, she must have used a Blood Ward on her child to protect them from Lord Voldemort's Wrath," Headmaster Dumbledore calmly tells Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth to say something, but she stops when she hears a screeching sound. She looks away from Headmaster Dumbledore, and her blue eyes blinked when she sees Hagrid on a motorcycle with a bundle of joy in the sidecar.

" Hagrid! Why are you using a Muggle vehicle?" Professor McGonagall sternly asked Hagrid while walking up to the motorcycle.

" Sirius Black lend it to me," Hagrid kindly responded as he turns his gaze to Harriet.

" The child's name is Harry," Hagrid informs Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Harriet, and she didn't say anything.

Headmaster Dumbledore walks up to the motorcycle, and he carefully takes Harriet into his arms.

" Harry James Potter," Headmaster Dumbledore whispered.

" Minerva. Hagrid," Headmaster Dumbledore calls out to Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.

Professor McGonagall and Hagrid turned their gaze to Headmaster Dumbledore.

" This boy will be famous-," Headmaster Dumbledore turns around as he begins to walk towards Dursley's residence.

"-There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name," Headmaster Dumbledore confessed to Professor McGonagall and Hagrid as he gently placed Harriet on the ground in a wooden basket.

Headmaster Dumbledore then pulls out a letter, and he gently placed it in Harriet's grasp.

Headmaster Dumbledore then rings the doorbell as he steps away, and he turns to look at Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.

" Let us get going and celebrate the defeat of Lord Voldemort. The boy will be safe with his relatives," Headmaster Dumbledore informed Professor McGonagall and Hagrid as he disappears, leaving behind a popping sound.

Professor McGonagall silently watched Headmaster Dumbledore disappeared. She then glanced at Hagrid, and she sees the Half-Giant do the same.

Before Professor McGonagall leaves, she looks at her surroundings, and she then pulls out an envelope with Lily's handwriting on it. She then walks up to the wooden basket, and she gently placed the letter in Harriet's grasp.

" Good luck on your journey, Harriet Lily Potter," Professor McGonagall whispered since out of everyone in the Wizarding world, only she, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin know Harriet's real identity.

Professor McGonagall soon grabs the envelope that Headmaster Dumbledore wrote from Harriet's grasp. She then uses a spell to burn it. Once she finished, Professor McGonagall used magic to give Harriet a cute Mint green hairband with a bow to tame her unruly reddish-bronze hair.

Professor McGonagall then stands up, and she rings the doorbell, and she disappears once she hears footsteps walking down the stairs.

" Ugh! Do these kids know that Halloween is over?" A twenty-three-year-old black-haired and blue-eyed Petunia Marigold Dursley nee Evans bitterly tells herself.

Petunia walks up to the door, opens it, and her blue eyes blinked when she sees no one.

" Ugh! I cannot believe these kids will trick me," Petunia bitterly mumbled, and she was about to close the door when a cooing sound grabs her attention.

Petunia stops what she was doing, and she looks down, seeing Harriet in a wooden basket.

Petunia gasped, looking and feeling surprised when she sees Harriet, not expecting to see a baby girl on her doorsteps. She looked at her surroundings, seeing no one, and she then takes the infant into her home.

" Who will leave such an adorable baby girl in my doorsteps?" Petunia softly asked herself while walking into the living room.

Petunia then placed the wooden basket on the coffee table, and her blue eyes blinked when she sees Harriet holding an envelope in her grasp.

" Hm? What are you holding, Little One?" Petunia softly asked herself, and she then grabs the envelope from Harriet's grasp.

Petunia looks down at the envelope, and she froze when she sees a familiar nickname written on top of the envelope.

To: Tuney

" It-It cannot be," Petunia stuttered as she glanced at Harriet, and she stared at the baby girl with a mixture of emotions—wary, confused, curious, and wonder.

Petunia looks away from Harriet, and she then opens it, pulling out a letter with her younger sister's handwriting on it.

Hello, Tuney.

I am aware we are not the best of sisters and that we have not spoken to one another after your wedding. And I am aware that you do not want me in your life. But, please, please, please, raise my daughter—your niece as though she is your daughter.

After reading this letter, my husband and I will not be in our daughter's life because one of his best friends betrayed us to a horrible Wizard name Lord Voldemort!

This lovely little girl's name is Harriet Lily Potter. She was born on July 31, 1980, and she is currently one.

Harriet loves to eat her vegetables, and she loves to have tea parties with her Papa and Uncles.

Harriet is such a Sweet Child, and I know you have always wanted to be a mother to a little girl since you currently have a son. And even though I may not be in my daughter's life, I would be at peace knowing she will have a motherly figure in her life that will love and cherish her for the rest of her life.


Your Baby Sister,

Lily Evans-Potter

Petunia's hands begin to shake, and she drops the letter and envelope. Tears then fall from her bright blue eyes as she turns her gaze to Harriet.

Harriet begins to wake up, revealing her bright green-blue eyes, which looked like a mixture between Lily and Petunia.

Petunia softly gasped when she sees Harriet's innocent and scared eyes stare at her.

Harriet begins to tear up, and she starts to cry, looking and feeling scared since she does not see Lily.

" Oh! Oh! Oh! It's okay, Sweetheart," Petunia's maternal instinct kicks in as she carefully takes Harriet out of the wooden basket and into her embrace.

" Petunia. What is going on? I hear a baby cry, but Dudley is asleep?" Petunia's husband, twenty-three-year-old black-haired and blue-eyed Vernon Reginald Dursley, yawned as he walks down the stairs to the living room.

Petunia turns around, and she securely holds Harriet in her embrace while staring at Vernon in the eyes.

" My sister-My sister Lily. She is-She is gone!" Petunia cries because even though she and Lily had such a rough childhood, she still saw Lily as her baby sister.

Vernon stood there, looking and feeling confused, when he sees Harriet in Petunia's embrace.

" And-And my sister, Lily, she-she left her-her daughter to me so that I can raise her," Petunia confessed to Vernon.

Vernon opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped when he sees Petunia looking at Harriet with such loving eyes, the same eyes she gives to their one-year-old son, Dudley Vernon Dursley.

" Even though I have been such a horrible sister to Lily, I-I cannot believe she will leave her daughter in my care!" Petunia cries while protectively and lovingly holding Harriet in her embrace.

Vernon's gaze softened when he sees and hears Harriet coo at Petunia. He is aware that Petunia has always wanted to have a daughter since she could not have any more children after Dudley. His heart broke when he remembered the Doctor confessed to him and Petunia that they couldn't have any more children because her body cannot support carrying a baby. The Doctor did warn her that if she did get pregnant, she and possibly the baby would die in the process.

Vernon walks up to Petunia as he gently placed his hand on Harriet's unruly reddish-bronze hair.

" Do not worry, Pet. I will help you raise this sweet baby girl as our daughter," Vernon whispered as he and Petunia fondly stared at one another.

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