Jazz Up

By Trintrinas

19K 389 715

Life is life, you never know what's going to happen nexts or what's to expect. See how Huey and Jazmine's une... More

The Drive
Sleep Over
Triple Date
The Hill
First Date
Love Sick
Lie Detector
Christmas Eve
Happy New Year
New Beginnings
Valentine's Day
Black History Celebration
Game Night
Spring Festival
Unforgettable Night
Parting Ways
The Fallen Mind

Dull Day

542 16 56
By Trintrinas

It was a Sunday afternoon and I had nothing to do except go to church and come home. My parents weren't home because they had to be in the office for an upcoming case. All my homework was completed so that was something I didn't have to stress about.

I was just in my room scrolling through posts on Instagram. I didn't feel like posting anything today because I wasn't in the mood. Even though posting videos and pictures is what fills my bank account I don't have to worry too much about it. 

People still look at videos and posts from years ago like when I was little. Some videos I did I forgot about until I look at my explore section. Nothing was interesting to look at on my phone so I put it down and just got out of bed.

I looked out the window to see Huey's car parked in the driveway. Maybe I can walk over there and see if he wants to do anything. If not, if Riley is there I can beat him at his video games.

I got out of bed to slip on my crocs so I could head over to their house. I didn't think I needed to change out of my white tights and pink t-shirt. I wasn't going anywhere where I needed to dress to impress. 

I grabbed my house key before I left my room towards the front door. I left my house and made sure the door was locked and jogged over to Freeman's house. 

This is the first time in forever that I have come over him for no apparent reason. I rung the doorbell and quietly waited for somebody to come to answer it. Footsteps were being heard and somebody grumbling.

When the door open to reveal Mr. Freeman I heard him mumble: "Lazy motherfucker!". He must have been referring to Riley who was sitting in the living room on his game. "Hi Cutie Pie!" he immediately said changing his tone and facial expression.

"Hi, Mr. Freeman! Is Huey here?" I nicely asked him. "Yes his antisocial ass is upstairs," he said cursing once again. I couldn't help but giggle. "Go on up there, he needs to socialize with somebody instead of being in that damn room all day," he said stepping to the side. 

I walked inside and started heading towards the stairs. I saw Riley in front of the tv playing the video game I bought him for Christmas. "Hi, Riley!" I waved at him. He just looked at me and smirked. 

"Hey Jazmine," he mischievously said while putting down his remote control. He made some weird sign to me with one of his hands forming into a circle and the other hand poking a finger through it. I was unsure of what he was doing but I didn't care.

I just headed upstairs towards Huey's room. Unlike downstairs where Riley was making noise and Mr. Freeman was yelling at him it was pretty quiet upstairs. I made it to his door in which was closed so I knocked on it a couple of times.

"Come in," I heard him say on the other side. I slowly opened the door to see him on his bed reading a book. "Hey!" I said smiling at him as he took his attention off his book. "Oh hey Jazmine," he said perking up.

I came in and closed the door behind me. I came over to his bed to remove my crocs so I could sit next to him. I crawled over to him and just snuggled up to him. He already had his arm wrapped around me while the book was in his other hand. 

"Go ahead, keep reading!" I exclaimed, smirking and shaking his head. "If you came over here, you must be bored out of your mind," he said, setting his book down. I plainly said, "I'm not bored; I just don't have anything interesting to do." "Exactly bored!" he exclaimed.

"Do you have anything to do or do you need assistance?" I inquired of him. "Not really," he exclaimed, "I was planning on reading this peaceful Sunday." "I told you you could keep reading if you wanted to. I was just going to cuddle next to you, "I told him.

"Yes, but knowing you, you'll get bored quickly and ask if I'd like to do something fun, so what's your offer?" he inquired as he awaited my response. "Um, we can play a couples game," I mumbled. "Couple's game, Jazz you know my grandad is here right, we can't exactly be fooling around," he said as I widen my eyes. "Not that type of game Huey!" I exclaimed smacking him on the chest.

"What I mean is questions," I said, clarifying my meaning. "What kind of questions?" he inquired, cocking his eyebrow. "Anything!" I exclaimed. "And you'll be completely honest?" he inquired as I nodded. "And instead of going down some lame list, I can ask my own questions?" he asked as I nodded. He took out his phone and said, "Well, I'll play your couples game."

"Okay, so do you want to go first?" I asked as he nodded. "How many questions are we going to ask each other?" he asked. "We can do it like a 20 question type of thing, so ten each," I answered. 

"Okay, my first question for you is what do you really think of me at times?" he asked me. "Like good things or bad things?" I asked to make sure. "I already know the good things, so I'll go with bad," he simply said. 

I don't like saying bad things about people because I think it's mean. "Do you really want to know?" I asked to make sure. "Yes, that's why I asked," he said being a bit smart. "Okay, sometimes I think you're uptight or have a humorless manner," I admitted.

"Would you like to fill me in?" he asked wanting to know. "No, because it is now my turn," I said smiling so I could avoid explaining to him. "Do you ever want to have kids in the future?" I asked wanting to no. 

"Not really, I never really saw myself having kids later on in the future. It feels like in society that everybody thinks they need to be a parent or you'll be lonely for the rest of your life without a partner or child. But no I don't want to have kids in the future," he explained. 

"Okay!" I simply said not wanting to show any disagreement. That's another different thing about the two of us. But if that's how he feels. I can't argue with that! It kinda hurts to know he's not going to want kids in the future. 

"This sounds weird but I can't come up with any, what's your favorite part of my body?" he asked as I covered my mouth because I started to laugh at the thought of it. "What's so funny?" he curiously asked me. "It's going to shock you!" I said biting down on my bottom lip. 

"I already have a feeling I know what it is," he said not being surprised. "Okay, then what do you think it is?" I asked him. He guessed, "It's either my cock, abs, or eyes." "Good guesses, but no!" I exclaimed. "Then what is it?" he inquired as I began to laugh once more.

"Okay excuse my language, but it's your ass!" I said as his eyes widen. "My ass?" he re-questioned as I nodded. "Yeah, it's perky and muscular!" I said biting down on my lip.

"Wait, when do you ever look at my ass?" he asked interested. Now I didn't mind answering this one. "It's usually after we have sex and you're putting on your clothes, or when you're working out, that's when it's more define," I explained.

"That's a surprise, I kinda figured it was my eyes at least," he smirks. "Your eyes are third on my list," I told him as he cocked his eyebrow once again. "Then what's second?" he exclaimed. 

"Second is your jawline, it makes you look really sexy," I said now touching his jawline. I gave him a peck on the cheek then looked back at my phone. "Now it's my turn...what's your favorite reaction of me during sex?" I asked making him smirk.

"I'm not sure when it starts to come in, but I think it starts when you're exhausted and sweaty. When you're in the zone, you have these seductive looks " he clarified. "Yeah like when?" I asked a bit interested. "For starters, when you start to give me head you like to look up at me and be a little tease. Then there's when you're in the mood to have sex and you get touchy," he explained going into details.

"Okay, it's your turn!" I said. "What's the most awkward place you think we had sex?" he asked, as I struggled to keep my laughter in check. "Maybe on Valentine's Day in your car! When all of my hair was out and my legs and back felt broken, it was difficult for me to move up and down on your cock. Since your car was rocking, I believe people driving by could tell we were having sex "I exclaimed.

He was spacing out when he said, "Yeah, especially when we got in the back of the car." I believe he was reimagining the events that happened that day. 

"Yeah, that was a rough ride, but my turn. What's your favorite position?" I asked him. "I like downward dog!" he simply said. "I thought you hated the doggy style position," I said arguing with what happened a couple of months ago. "Yes, I hate doggy style because you like to put your hand in the way when I go too fast, but with downward dog, I can go as fast as I want without being interrupted," he explained. 

"Understandable!" I told him looking at my phone. "Okay here's one I've been wanting to know, do you like to be spanked?" he asked as I thought about it. I do like to be slapped on the butt by him. It makes me horny when he gets touchy with me.

"Yes!" I mumbled. I started to scroll on my phone to see if there were any good questions. "Do you watch porn?" I asked him awaiting his answer. This should be good! "Sometimes, but that's how I know what to do during sex," he simply said. Well, at least he's not embarrassed to admit it.

A knock at the door was heard and both Huey and I had looked at the door. I wondered if it was Mr. Freeman or Riley who knocked. It could be Mr. Freeman because Riley would just barge in without knocking.

"Come in!" Huey said as the door opened to reveal Mr. Freeman. "Hey Grandad," Huey said greeting him. "Huey, I'm running to Dollar General to pick up a couple of things do you want anything?" Mr. Freeman asked him.

"Maybe a bookmark and some vaseline," he said making Mr. Freeman look at him funny. "I'm not fin to get you no damn bookmark for a dollar, you better use a strap of paper and color it and use that as a bookmark," he yelled. 

"Okay fine then, sorry for asking," he said shrugging it off. "That's what I thought, now Cutie Pie would you like anything from the store?" he asked me as I shook my head. "No, I'm good!" I simply said as he smiled. I didn't want him yelling at me for asking for something simple so I declined his offer. 

"Okay if you say so," he said closing the door. Once I heard him walk downstairs I turned to Huey. "I keep forgetting your grandad is sometimes cheap," I told him. "You'd think! Do you not remember when we went to the movies with him and he refused to pay for all of us to see a movie?" he asked me as I remembered six years ago when I was ten.

After that day with Mr. Freeman, I never wanted to go to the movies with him again. But if I had to go I made sure to bring money just in case he was going to do what he did last time. "Yes, I remember!" I said. 

"It's my turn," he said, looking at his screen, "Do you prefer giving or receiving head?" he inquired as I pondered. Giving head isn't so bad; it's the part where you have to swallow the semen that I despise. "I'll go with receiving," I said, looking down at the floors. "Giving can sometimes disgust me out."

"Is there a reason for that?" he wondered. "It's not that I don't like sucking your cock; it's just that I don't like it when you cum. It's great that you've cum, but I'm not interested in licking it "I rambled, attempting to make my case.

He plainly said, "It doesn't taste bad." I couldn't tell how he was currently feeling. "Did you try your own?" I wondered, trying not to make a disgusted expression on my face. "No, I haven't," he said, "but I have sampled yours, and it's very good," he said, making my face flush.

"Speaking of giving head do you want to do it right now?" he asked getting a little close. "Right now?" I asked looking around the room. He smirked and began nodding his head. "But," I reminded him, "you just said something about not fooling around because of Mr. Freeman, and Riley is here."

"Well, my grandad is about to leave to go to the store, and Riley won't know because he'll be too preoccupied with his game," he explained. I thought about it and got a little kinky, so why not?

"Okay!" I said smiling as he quickly got in between my legs. He gave me a peck on the lips as I started laughing. "But this has to be a quickie Freeman," I said being serious. 

"Dollar General is not that far from here," "Don't worry Jazmine I know," he said sitting upon his knees. He started to slide my tights along with my panties down my legs. 

When they were completely off Huey threw them somewhere in his room. "I'm going to be giving you a preview of what you're getting our weekend alone," he said put legs over his shoulders. Since I was a little anxious, I began to take deep breaths. But all I had to do was remember to unwind.

Huey's mouth made contact with me, and I felt a tingling feeling. For some reason, my legs twitched. He softly said, "Hey, just relax." I just nodded and let loose. He began slowly, which was within my comfort zone. It was weird and irritating at first, but it eventually became pleasurable.

It felt as if every inch of my body was covered in fuzziness. My stomach was churning, I couldn't think straight, my toes were curled up, and my muscles clenched as I yearned for more. My heart would pound every time he looked at me. I believe he was aware that he was teasing me.

"Huey!" I softly moaned. I could feel the texture of his tongue as it was sending electric shocks all over my body. I heard myself moan a little louder than expected and covered my mouth. I didn't need Riley hearing me and then teasing me about it later.

My legs tightened around him when I felt myself squirt. I covered my face in embarrassment when my face heated up. "I could have lasted a bit longer," I sighed. "That's the displeasure of having a quickie," Huey mumbled licking me dry. 

"Yeah, I know!" I said sitting up. "You wanna do one more quickie before my grandad gets home?" he asked causing me to tilt my head. "What do you suggest we do?" I asked curious about what he had in mind.

He leaned towards his nightstand and opened up one of the drawers. Next thing I know he showed me a condom. "No!" I sternly said bringing my legs in. "I'll be quick!" he said. "No, you won't!" I said as he scowled at me.

"Are you doubting me?" he asked. "Yes, but you should save that condom for when we actually do it," I said taking it out of his hand. "And with the time I have I don't think you're going to want to stop with this quickie," I said putting the condom on the nightstand. 

"What's your time?" he asked as I smirked. "30 seconds!"I said. Just by his blank expression, I think he was taken back. "I can work with that, so do I need to make you cum within this time?" he questioned. 

"Huey I can hold my own for more than 30 seconds," I told him as he smirked. "See that's where you are wrong. I know we've only done this a couple of times but I already know your sensitive spots," he said causing me to cock my eyebrow. "Really, so you can make me cum within 30 seconds?" I asked not believing in it.

"Pretty much!" he exclaimed confidently. "Alright, Freeman," I whispered seductively, "if you can make cum in 30 seconds, I'll let you do whatever you want to me the weekend I come." "Anything?" he asked as I nodded, "so you'll let me put you in whatever position I want without coming against it?" "I can go as many rounds as I want?" he inquired as I began to question this one. Huey is a difficult person to tire out. However, I had been slowly nodding my head. "All right!" he exclaimed as he untied the knot in his joggers.

"Luckily, you're already wet," he said as he separated my legs. He began to fumble with something, and I was curious as to what it was until he pulled his dick out of his joggers. I could feel myself becoming agitated as it approached my entrance. I can't let him win, but part of me wants him to succeed, but the other part of me doesn't want to put up with his arrogance.

Huey inserted his cock inside of me and I realized I had to breathe. "You ready?" I asked him as he nodded. "Your time starts now," I said as he started.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5-uh" I counted until I lost track. "Come on Jazmine, I know you know your numbers," he smirked. Instead of me counting like I was supposed to I was muffling my moans. I couldn't even think straight with him inside of me. 

I heard someone pulling up in front of the house, but I didn't care at the moment. It could just be one of the neighbors. Huey pulled out of me and stuffed his dick right in joggers. "My grandad is here," he said getting off of the bed. 

I saw him picking up bottoms from the floor and he came back over to me. I started squirting at exactly the right time. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. Covering my face once more. Huey could be heard sniggering to himself as he watched me cum. 

He handed me my tights and panties and said, "I think I'm going to have some fun when you come over here next time." I mumbled as I slipped them on, "You won fair and square ." I got out of bed for him to stop me. He kissed me on the cheek and started gently hugging me and he  said, "Hey, I don't want you to be mad about this, I'm just messing around, if you don't want to do it, we don't have to do it."

"I want to do it, I just have to get used to the feeling of losing at a quickie," I told him as he chuckled. "Like I said the displeasure at having a quickie," he said releasing me from his grip.

"I'm going to head downstairs, do you want to come?" I asked as he nodded. We were both about to leave his room until I stopped him. "Okay before you head down you might want to wash your mouth out, Riley and Mr. Freeman may sense we did something we weren't supposed to be doing," I simply said as he headed to the bathroom.

I went downstairs to see Riley on the couch still engrossed in his video game. Mr. Freeman was in the kitchen, I assume getting ready to cook dinner. "Hey Cutie Pie, do you want to stay for dinner tonight? I know your parents won't be home, and they asked that I make sure you had something to eat," he said. "Yes, I'd like to stay for dinner," I said politely as I took a seat next to Riley on the couch.

I saw Mr. Freeman pulling out food and I just focused my attention on the game Riley was playing. "So how was it with you and my brother fucking upstairs?" he asked snapping me out of my attention. "Excuse me?" I questioned him. "Don't act all innocent, I know the both of y'all was fucking up there. But if you need a little advice on how to prevent that don't moan," he said making my face heat up.

Huey came downstairs and I heard Riley snicker to himself. Huey just sat down beside me and said "Hey!".  It was quiet for a good minute until Riley mumbled: "You still smell like pussy!" At this point, I had my face in my hands in embarrassment. 

Huey had got up out off the couch and headed right back upstairs as Riley laughed even harder.

Thank you for reading!

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