Wicked Game | Miya Atsumu

By sug4rplms

217K 6.9K 6.1K

How would you feel when you're stuck with the campus' playboy that happened to be the best friend of your ex... More

sixty. (final)
special chapter (part one.)
special chapter (part two.)
wall of fame.
special chapter (miya atsumu.)


1.6K 58 49
By sug4rplms


I looked at where y/n was seated, being pulled into a hug where it wasn't from me. She couldn't stop crying, hands tugging on Osamu's sweater tight.

I gripped on the steering wheel, swallowing myself. Even if everything was revealed, yet I refused to let y/n to know about the truth, about what Suna has done to literally everyone. I just don't want that to be the reason why I'd change my mind about going to Brazil.

I was insisted on going. I've made up my mind.

I buckled up my seatbelt and drove away, heading towards a place where I wanted to hear everything from him.

Suna walked into the visiting room, sitting on the plastic chair across the glass divider. He looked at me, unamused.

"What do you want?" he asked brutally.

"It's been a while" I said, hands held together.

Suna scoffed, laughing after. "Just tell me the reason why you're here" he gave a sharp glare, the smile on his face was slowly fading.

"I just want to have a talk with you" I said, eyes still locked on him.

Honestly, I have nothing such as a grudge or revenge on him. Not even anger. I just wanted to hear from him before I fly to Brazil.

He took a deep breath, "Alright. Bestie just want a talk I guess" he laughed, scratching his nose. I looked at his cuffed wrists, humming afterward.

"How are you doing?" I bowed my head, unable to hide the mixed feelings I was having inside of me. Seeing him like that saddened me.

How can this happen? We were so good as friends, hang out together, play volleyball together... But now, I'm visiting a prisoner, and that prisoner is someone I called as my own best friend.

"Sucks. Not the life I used to live. Wanna join me here?" he smirked, making fun of my question. I let out a sigh.

I fiddled my fingers and cleared up my throat. "Are you happy?" that got Suna to quickly lock his eyes on me. "Are you happy with the things you did? That leads you in this place?" I continued. He quirked an eyebrow and scoffed.

"What if I said I am?" he replied without hesitation. "How did you get yourself here, Suna? You're not this kind of a person and I know you very well" I said.

"If it's not because of you, then I wouldn't be here, you jerk!" he groaned. His eyes were red and shaky and I saw him clenching teeth.

There were still anger and hatred against me in him.

"You ended things well with y/n, is it wrong if I go after the person I love?" I asked innocently. "She's my ex-girlfriend. It's only two weeks after the breakup, you fucker!" he lashed.

"But you were dating Sakura"

"She's only someone I used to satisfy myself. No pure and true love is involved between us. Just like how you used Akari once. Remember that night?" the corner of his lips curved up. "You railed her"

"I know. I'm very aware of the mistake I once did. I was drunk and I let out all the frustration I had in me on her. And that's because I was heartbroken... after finding out that you were dating y/n. I've been liking y/n since the enrolment day, Suna. You can't just blame me for having feelings for her. Feelings will never can be forced, they come without you even conscious about it" I explained, eyebrows furrowed as I looked at the male sitting opposite to me.

Suna scoffed again and laughed out loud. "Bullshit!" he cursed.

"Out of all people, Atsumu... Why her?" he stood up from his chair and leaned closer to the glass window. "You will never understand how much I love her. How much I wished to have the relationship I, myself once ruined. I wished to get her back... But why? Why did you come?" he growled. "I'm possessive when it comes to her, Atsumu. Yes, I'm greedy. I'm greedy as hell. I want her, I still do. I don't mind doing all things just to get her back, even if I have to sacrifice my own friendship" he sat down on his chair back, sighing.

"If you were at my place, you would have done the same thing, isn't it? Tell me, Atsumu"

I shook my head, "Suna, you're my best frie..."

"Fuck the friendship we had! There's no such thing as friendship between us anymore. If you really consider our friendship, then you wouldn't lay a punch on my face just because of a girl. Remember when you punched me after y/n and I got out from the meeting? You and she weren't dating yet..." there was a disappointment in his voice. "You were the one who broke our friendship by going after her without telling me. You were the one who came with your own wicked game. You were the one who brought my aggressiveness and possessiveness out of me. You were the one who lead me here yet I'm also the one who's carrying the blame. The whole Inarizaki knows about it. I'm the bad guy, I'm admitting it"

"I'm also hurting... Atsumu" his tears rolled down coldly on his cheeks.

I looked at him with my forehead crumpled. It was my first time seeing him shed tears and that got me feeling guilty even more.

"If only..." his tears couldn't stop from falling. "If only you told me about your plan on going after y/n and I told you about how I truly felt for y/n... Then we wouldn't be here" he brought his hands up, wiping off his tears. "Are you happy?" he looked up at me.

"Are you happy that I'm stuck in this place while you're free out there? Are you happy that whatever game you had planned turned out to be on your side, giving you your own victory? Are you happy?"

I lost my words. I couldn't answer him.

He nodded his head, "I got it" he stood up. "I appreciate your time and effort to come here, Miya Atsumu. But I don't want you to come here again next time. Just leave me alone" he said, walking towards the exit door.

"I'll be off to Brazil in two days" I said, stopping him from walking out.

"I'll be starting a new life there... Alone. I don't know for how long I'll be staying there, but I feel like I should at least tell you about this" our eyes locked again. He hummed, "Well then, have a safe flight and good luck" he walked out from the room, leaving me behind.

I took a deep breath.



"How's y/n?" I asked. Mika took a sip of her hot cappuccino, letting out a soft sigh after. "Still crying and kept herself locked since yesterday" she replied.

I heaved a sigh as well, leaning my back against the chair. "She won't answer my call either" I hummed and crossed my arms over the chest. "Is Atsumu really going to Brazil?" the woman asked, concerned. I hummed again, "He's made up his mind. He even got his stuff packed. He's all set to go" I replied.

"Can't we tell y/n about what happened?" Mika looked at me. "Atsumu... He prefers if she doesn't know the truth. He said it's for the best" I hummed. "What if she asks me?" Mika asked, sounded anxious. "Just tell her that you know nothing"

Mika sighed again, supporting her chin on top of her palm. "I feel so bad for keeping secrets from her" she whined, the other hand of hers stirring her drink. I bowed my head, humming in hesitation. The lady glanced up at me, quirking an eyebrow. "What is it?" she asked.

"Did she eat?" I murmured. Mika stared up at me for a couple of minutes before she replied to me with a soft hum. "Yeah, but just a very small portion" she was still giving me that weird look. "Osamu, Don't tell me..." she straightened her back, eyes widened in shock. I looked at her and cleared my throat.

"It's just... I care about her. Nothing more than that" I said, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. She squinted her eyes as she doubts on the things I uttered. "You should go check on her" she smiled. "I'm sure she'll let you in"

"Nah, I'll just give her some time to be alone. I understand how she's feeling" I sighed.

"Aren't you hurt?" her sudden question got me to quickly turn my head to her direction, giving her a confused look.

"Suna is her ex-boyfriend and she used to date your brother, and you... You have feelings for her. You even helped her" Mika tilted her head, anticipating for my response.

"Atsumu is my brother and he will always come first than the others. Besides, she's the happiest when she's with him. Being her friend is already enough for me. I just don't want to complicate things even worst than it already is" I cackled. Mika's lips formed into an invisible O, head nodding few times as a sign of understanding.


I took the metallic silver dress I once wore. It was a gift from Atsumu, yet we couldn't make it to the prom as partners. That night before everything happens.

I let out a sigh, folded the dress nicely before putting it into a box- a box filled with Atsumu's belongings and gifts. I've come to a decision to get rid of every stuff that reminds me of him.

He's about to start a new life, and so am I.

The door was opened and Mika walked in. "What are you doing?" she asked when she saw me packing up some stuff. She walked towards me, heading peeping to what's inside of the medium-sized box. "Aren't these from Atsumu?" her eyes moved to look at me. "Y/N..." she called my name.

"You're not planning to throw them out, am I right?"

I sighed out loud, "I can't keep them" I said before continued packing them up. "They're gifts from him, you should have kept them" she sat down next to me and reached for my hands to stop me. "It's the only way for me to move on from him, Mika. Please, let me do this. I know what I'm doing" I forced a smile, assuring her that it's okay.

Hands continued reaching for every item he once gave, but Mika snatched the box from me. "No! Y/N, no!" she frowned. "Mika, what is up with you?" I tried to take the box back but she won't let me. "What if you miss him? This stuff will be the one to help you" she said.

I looked at her in the eyes and swallowed myself. "I won't..." I hummed and bowed my head. "Y/N, you're a bad liar" she sighed and scooted closer to me.

"At least keep all this stuff with you. Even if he's gone, these will be the marks that you and Atsumu once shared hearts" she held my hands. I pursed my lips, holding myself back from crying.

I just wanted to start to forget about him.


"Why are you like this?" she asked. Her face looks worried about me. "You used to be more reserved, y/n. Even when you broke up with Suna, you didn't act this way. Why are you doing this?" she held my hand tighter.

My tears fell, but I wasn't crying out loud.

I took a deep breath and wiped off my tears. "He's the one who chose to go... To live far away from me, Mika. Yes, we're over but my last wish was to stay friends with him... But..." I furrowed my eyebrows. "But he's one who seemed to cut ties with me. He makes himself look really guilty for the things he did, as if he's running away" I sighed.

"No, y/n. He didn't do that, trust me" Mika shook her head. "Why are you on his side, Mika? You weren't even there" I squinted my eyes. That was weird.

"I believe that Atsumu won't do such a thing" she said assuringly. Mika seemed desperate for me to believe that Atsumu is really innocent. But why?

"He's a man, Mika. We both know that he's the campus' playboy after all" I pulled my hands from her grips, getting up and putting on my coat. "I'm just going out for a walk" I said before leaving the room.

I sat down on an empty bench at the playground near to my dorm. It was almost to sunset. It was 6pm.

I pulled out my phone from my coat's pocket, dialing Suna's number.

But it said that he couldn't be reached at the moment.

"Right. Everyone's leaving, huh?" I tsked and leaned my back against the stainless steel bench. My eyes moved to look at the empty swing not far from where I was seated.

I still remember when Atsumu brought me to a playground before he went to the youth camp.

"I don't want to be away from you. Five days are just too long... And Tokyo is 500 kilometers away from Kobe"

"I'm not used to go through a day without seeing you. Even if we fight, I will at least make sure that you'll eat your lunch or dinner, I will watch you from afar"

"But the fact that I couldn't even contact you, it pains me"

I tsked, "Get over it, y/n" I mumbled, kicking the sandy ground playfully.

"Get over what?" a man voice had me startled. He sat down on the empty swing next to mine. Who else if it's not the other twin, Osamu.

"What are you doing here? How did you know that I'm here?" I looked at him, forehead crumpled weirdly. "Relax, what's with questions" he cackled.

"I was about to ask you out for a dinner but then I saw you walked here, so I followed you" he responded. "Heh, you sound like a stalker" I scoffed. "Hm. So, do you want to get a dinner?" he hummed, "He'll be there too. Just the three of us" he continued.

"Nah, I'm good" I said, head moved up to the orange sky. It was sunset. "It'll be the last dinner" he was trying to change my mind, I could sense it.

"It's fine, you can go without me"

"Come on, y/n. I'm sure he wants to see you again..."

"But I don't want to see him" I cut him off, head turned facing to him. He looked surprised at the brutal and honest reply. It seemed like he didn't expect for that one.

I took a deep breath and bowed my head. "I'm sorry, Samu. But I really don't want to see him" I mumbled softly.

"You won't be stopping him from going?"

I hummed, nodded my head. "He chose to go, so I'm letting him to. I'm no one to stop him though" I faked a chuckle, fingers fiddled together.

"Don't you love him?" he faced me and our eyes locked.

"I do..."

"But I'm trying to get over him"

"He chose to start a new life, so I should do the same"


check out my kageyama fanfic (angst) called It Will Rain. i've published the prologue. book can be found in my profile <3

also, i think you guys need to prepare to say goodbye to atsumu in the next chapter ://

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