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What happens when Helen Potter and a few of her friends of the Magical world, traveled to another dimension t... More

STORY GUIDE: Summary, Settings, Character List, etc.
CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning
CHAPTER 2 - Surviving The Monster Apocalypse
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 1
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 2
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 1
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 2
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 3
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 5
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 6
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 1
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 2
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 3
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 4
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 5
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 6
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 4
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 5
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 1
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 2
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 3
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 5
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 1
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 2
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 3
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 6
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 1
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 1
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 3
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 4
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 1
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 2
CHAPTER 15 - ... and More Revelations part 3
CHAPTER 15 - ...and More Revelations part 4

CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 4

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(Continuation from Chapter 9 part 3)


Draco cleared his throat, deciding to switch and change topics, focusing on doing their hunting that they're supposed to do, and cast the spell again on the compass. {Point me Wild Food}

With that said, the compass accurately pointed out where there might be wild food in the forests that are good for them to eat and survive on, but then something very strange and weird is suddenly happening upon the arrow spinning and pointing it out, which got Draco to furrow his brow in puzzlement and confusion.


Bellamy blinked upon hearing Draco say that word and asked, "What is it, Draco?"

"According to the spell that I cast upon the compass--the wild food is us?" Draco said in confusion.

It didn't take long for them to instantly hear noises incoming in the very direction that they're standing on, except Draco still staring at the enchanted compass with befuddlement, sounding almost like a big stampede approaching fast, and then Murphy suddenly cursed out loud and shouted. "FUCK! Move! Get out of the way!"

"SHIT! INCOMING WILD BOAR!!!" Jack yelled, cursing too, and pulled his sister Jill to get out of the monster boar's path with a gasp.

Murphy already jumped aside into the bushes while Bellamy saved Draco again like before upon shoving him to the side, making him give out a startled yell as a gigantic tank-sized almost very heavy-furred monstrous boar came charging out from the forests and went right past the hunters from where they were standing but they managed to get out of the way in time before they might have gotten killed by it from being run over with its huge monster-being and charged on with its big mean-looking sharp tusks on its piggy snout.

The monster boar suddenly stopped its wild charge upon skidding to an abrupt halt and the five hunters slowly peeked from the hiding places that they jump or were pushed onto to look and stare at it. They watched it as it dug its hooves and sniff out something on the snowy earth with its snout and tusks like its searching in the dirt for edible plants or herbs to eat, unaware that there are human hunters within range of it, staring at it like its prey, despite its obvious monstrous size and being.

"Oh wow...! That is one big honking pig!" Murphy exclaimed a bit in awe, staring wide-eyed at the huge piggy furry beast.

"Yes, indeed. But this particular big pig--is definitely not something a normal human should ever cross," Draco mused dryly. "Luckily, you people have a mage among you to help you hunt this thing good and dead for food and comfort."

"You're right on the last part--look at all that fur!" Jill cried out in wonder. "Not only with the good looks of its meat, but its fur is also good to make coats for cold weather and everything!"

"That's great and all that but the more important question that really needs an answer--is how the hell are we going to kill that thing, seeing that it's also a giant monster!?" Bellamy demanded in a heated whisper and clutching the rifle in his hands a little tighter like he's expecting the monster boar to turn around upon sensing them and then charge at them.

Fortunately, the monster boar is still oblivious of the humans watching it as it kept its focus and was still busy digging on the ground with its big hooves and snout, looking for something in the snow-covered dirt to eat.

"Like I said before--you guys are lucky that there is a mage here to help you out on killing that thing," Draco calmly said, rolling his eyes at the others for forgetting that he's there with them.

They blushed in embarrassment upon realizing it but when they're about to ask Draco what's his plan on taking down the monster boar, the blond mage simply replied to them that they wait for his signal at the right time when he gets the monster boar's attention solely focused only at him, and then he suddenly disappeared before their very eyes with a soft cracking sound.

It took a split-second later for Draco to reappear again, when they turned upon hearing that same soft cracking sound that he disappeared seconds ago before, and they saw him standing right next to the monster boar so calm and composed while they stared stunned shock.

"What the--? How did he do that!?" Jill cried out incredulously, stopping herself quickly from shouting out loud.

"Did you know that Draco can teleport?!" Jack demanded at Bellamy and Murphy shocked.

"Truthfully--he and the others forgot to mention to us that they can!" Bellamy confessed, still staring wide-eyed in wonder and shock upon seeing Draco just magically teleport from one place to another right before their eyes, almost rendering them stunned speechless.

"Ohh boy...I think I now know what Draco meant by getting its attention focused only right at him!" Murphy said, his eyes widening even more when he saw, and then the others did too as Draco calmly took out his sword from the cane and then pointed its sharp tip to the boar's bottom.

With one sharp deep prick, the monster boar instantly squealed out roaring in surprised pain and the others winced, nearly covering their ears from the slightly loud sound that echoed through the forests, making a few birds on the trees fly away with fright by the sudden noise.

Draco teleport again, popping away from the monster boar when it rounded abruptly, huffing and puffing with angry blazing eyes as it looked around on what dared to hurt its bottom just like that and the blond reappeared a few feet away from the boar, near some thick trees and he whistled sharply to get its attention. When the monster boar turned and snorted in confusion upon seeing Draco standing in front of it a little distance away, it instantly became angry upon seeing the human wave his sword at him, showing that he's the one who poked its butt with the sharp thing.

"Toro--Toro!" Murphy joked a little as they watched Draco try to lure and agitate the monster boar, focused only at him so that the others will take advantage of firing upon it once the blond wizard sends out the signal when he does at the right precise time.

It didn't take long for the boar to roar in some sort of horn-blowing sound and it charged blindly with rage at the blond mage standing there, taunting at him with his sword-cane and Draco just stood there, waiting for the right moment to move and signal the others to fire and aim straight for the instant deadly kill.

Draco quickly disappeared with a sound POP and the charging boar had no time to skid to a stop when it crashed right into one of the thick trees face-first and its big tusks on its snout got stuck upon stabbing deeply into the trunk.

Draco reappeared back to the others, in front of them and turned his head, and yelled snapping at Bellamy and Murphy with a pointed gesture. "AIM RIGHT AT ITS EYES AND SHOOT!"

Bellamy and Murphy jumped into action, following Draco's orders and both positioned themselves in the left and right sides of the monster boar as it tried to extract itself from the tree with vain efforts and they didn't hesitate as they shot straight into the monster's eyes, killing it instantly. For Bellamy, he only shot once with the sniper rifle at the left eye but Murphy did a little overkill when he shot three times with the shotgun at the right one.

Draco cocked a brow at this while Bellamy looked at his friend disbelievingly when Murphy made a bloody mess upon shooting at the boar too much at the right side like he's double-tapping to make sure that the monster's really down and dead.

Draco shook his head and he stared at the tree that the dead monster boar is still stuck against it with its tusks and he murmured softly. "No sense in letting this tree go to waste."

He made intricate hand movements with his right hand again and the tree that the boar was stuck on, suddenly sliced and cut itself into pieces, that will be used for firewood and Draco magically packed the cut wood pieces into one of the magic packs that they brought along, while the others watched in amazement once more and again.

"Awesome!" Jack and Jill said in unison.

Draco stopped himself from grinning smugly as he motioned the two teenagers to come to his side. "I promise that I'll teach you later about silent non-verbal magic. But right now, come over here and help me with this."

Jack and Jill went and stood in either side of Draco, with the older young male in the middle between the siblings and he nodded at the boar as he stretched out his right arm, teaching them another useful magic spell that they must learn and know about.

"Okay, follow exactly as I do, and do not make a mistake in pronunciation, got it? Alright, {REDUCIO!}" Draco instructed them strictly and showed them the shrinking spell, pointed and cast upon the monster boar to make it shrink into the desired small size so that it will be easy for them to carry it back to their temporary safe place. And it looks like Draco can't do it alone, which is the reason why he got Jack and Jill to join him upon learning and knowing this spell.

Altogether, the older experienced mage and the two young teen Sparks cast together with the shrinking spell with all the strong might and magic they got and the gigantic boar shrank into the right small size that they can carry, along with its humongous weight reducing the same with its shrinking size.

After they're done for a quick minute or two, with both Jack and Jill a little winded and suddenly tired as it's their first time experiencing magic energy-draining, Draco nodded satisfied when the giant boar shrinks magically and its heavyweight has decreased by it too, to the exact suitable size that they can all lift and carry back to the home base.

Draco reassured Jack and Jill that their magical energy will come back and that the exhaustion they felt from the magic drain is only temporary, and after comforting the teens, he, Bellamy, Jack, and Murphy carefully lifted the enchanted shrunken lightweight boar on its makeshift carrier and carried it towards back their temporary home base with Jill watching out for them.

The makeshift carrier was instantly created and summoned by Draco as he still got magic energy left to spare to make it and he was the only mage who wasn't tired yet, because he's older and more experienced upon wielding his magic, unlike the two Spark teenagers as it's their first time and the magic was used farther than they never thought it would be, thus the reason why they easily got tired and drained faster than normal.

But Draco reassured them again that the magic energy-draining will lessen as they learn, experience, and use more of their magic upon wielding and honing it in better use, and that it will be easy for them to do the same as he and the other three experienced ones, once they get more used to it and their magic levels grow higher and powerful like theirs.

Though Murphy had to ask something that's on his mind, while he gave a small grunt upon lifting the behind the end of the carrier with the shrunk dead monster boar on it with Jack beside him. "Hey, Draco. How come you didn't strip the monster off of its fur and then cut the meat to pieces right here outside?"

It was Bellamy who answered, as he already figured it out logically on the reason why the blond mage didn't bother doing the fur-stripping and meat-processing on the monster boar outside in the wild snowy forests. "Because Murphy, if Draco did that out here in the open, the Mantis monsters still loose out there in the forests will come running once they smell blood! Seriously--did you forget about them or were you still psyched with that overkill of yours when you shot the boar awhile ago?"

Murphy's face flushed slightly upon nearly forgetting about those particular terrifying monsters that might be still lurking or hiding about in the tall trees of the monstrous forests that they narrowly escaped before.

As if to put it on cue in Bellamy's statement, there were screeching roars coming from the forests, making the others tense as they hear the cries of the giant Mantis monsters still wandering about in the forests and they quickly hurried in their steps to get back to the magically fortified base while Jack snapped at his sister Jill to hurry up and not to linger behind while she's watching their backs.

It didn't take long for them to run and return back into and getting inside the safe place and the four males quickly put the carrier down when Bellamy and Draco quickly moved to close the doors shut, even with the magical barrier still up and running strong around their safe secure area.

The others inside the building had turned at them once they realized that they returned from their hunting run almost a bit fast when it turned out to be two hours actually when they were gone before. Luna and Helen beamed happily upon seeing the monster boar, including the children, except the others were a bit confused and staring strangely at the small-sized boar on the makeshift stretcher.

"Uhh...this is all you guys caught from your hunting trip?" Clarke asked dubiously, looking at the boar weirdly and incredulously like her friends and the others have gone crazy or something, for hunting such a small kind of beast. Octavia felt the same as Clarke and she looked at her brother questioningly on the reason why he and his buddies hunted such a little thing that might not be enough to feed all of them to survive.

Murphy just smirked smugly at them and waved one of his arms at the boar like he's giving them a grand show. "Prepare to be amazed!" he mock-joked, quoting the infamous line from what a normal magician would say.

Jill giggled at his antics, while Draco just rolled his eyes, and Bellamy and Jack shook their heads wryly amused. Draco waved his hand as he's the one to cancel the spell that he and the other two young Sparks cast together before, and the boar grew back to its enormous monster size, making the makeshift carrier underneath its big bulk like a tiny mini-bed, and the others stared in awe and shock, except the smiling knowing Helen and Luna.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Jake exclaimed loudly as he stared wide-eyed at the giant furry boar that Draco removed the magic on it to turn it back to its normal big size.

"Language!" both Helen and Luna snapped sternly at him in unison, making him wince and apologize again and the others laughed or chuckled amused at Jake's expense.

Bellamy and Octavia helped Draco out into gathering up the fur that he cut and strip entirely all over the monster boar's body, and after doing that, Murphy and Jack assisted in getting the cut pieces of meat when Draco swiftly drained everything of blood. Clarke and Luna were the ones doing the cooking for them, with Jane and Jill helping them out. And the ones looking after and guarding the children were Helen and Jake, which the latter young boy seemed reluctant to be babysitting but he was firmly commanded by Healer Luna to sit down and relax because of the possible concussion he might still get from before.

It didn't take long for dinner to be cooked and served for them and they all gathered round to enjoy their meal in that get-together inside the magically secure building. They all ate merrily and chatted to one another a bit until they finished their meal, cleaned up, and then settle for bed when the time is now late at night by then.


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