thief (of my heart)

By jensooffs

32.9K 2.6K 1.2K

Princess Jennie gets abducted, on the day her kingdom is invaded. She also accidentally gets rescued by the t... More

-XXXIII- [Epilogue I]
-XXXIV- [Epilogue II]


935 86 22
By jensooffs

"Jisoo! Jennie!" A familiar but alarmed loud voice echoed through the woods.

Jisoo was surprised to see Chaeyoung rushing towards them while riding on Trojan.

"What's up-"

"They are here! They are fucking here!" Chaeyoung rambled down and grabbed Jennie from Jisoo's arms to sit on the horse before she pulled Jisoo up.

"Who's here-"

"No time for small talk!! We must leave. NOW!"

Jisoo nodded. Something has to be very wrong for Chaeyoung to be this panicked. She instantly moved to the front and grabbed the lead ropes to ride away but suddenly another horse jumped through bushes in front of them, blocking their path. And not only a horse but also rats.

"Fuck!" Chaeyoung cursed. "Get past them Jisoo! Quick!"

There was a man and a woman on that black horse. Their gear looked fancy, they must be high class soldiers. In other words... they are fucked.

Jisoo made Trojan turn around to get past them but the rats quickly catched up, making Trojan neigh and trample around. Like said before he hates rats.

"You three," The man spoke up and moved towards them. "...Who are you?"

"Really!?" Chaeyoung scoffed. "Shouldn't we be asking you that!? I mean... I'm not the one who sent rats after you, so you had to escape with the terrified horse to reach your companions, am I?!"

"Calm down," The woman said. "We just need answers. You have attacked soldiers in the nearby town and fooled the guards. We have reasons to believe you are spies, meaning you are under arrest, follow us." She examined them from head to toe. Her eyes lingered on Jennie. "Your face looks familiar..." Jennie hid herself behind Jisoo in response.

Chaeyoung's face fell and Jongin catched on that. Shit, Jisoo thought. She immediately saw the change in his expression. He knows.

They couldn't get away because of the rats. "Chaeyoung," Jisoo whispered. "Take the princess and run away."

Before Chaeyoung could respond Jisoo marched towards Jongin with her silver dagger. He pulled out his sword and blocked the attack expertly. Krystal quickly ran next to him and threw her sword at Jisoo but she could dodge.

Without waiting another second Chaeyoung pulled Jennie's wrist and jumped down, marching through the rats with a scream. "AAHH!!!!!!"

Jennie frowned. "We can't leave them Chaeyoung!! We have to-"

"You heard Jisoo right!? We have no other choice!" Chaeyoung yelled towards her and forcefully dragged her along, leaving Jisoo and Trojan behind.

Jisoo did fairly well for not being a trained fighter unlike them. Jongin was way stronger than her and Krystal was way more skilled than her. All she had were her light feet and speed. She dodged and dodged and dodged. She could barely land a hit. It would have been hard enough to take on one of them but both at once? Is that even possible for her? Plus those rats are irritating. They could poison her, couldn't they? She made sure to jump above them, in order not to touch them.

When Jongin's sword almost pierced Jisoo's head Trojan rammed head first into his body, making him fly back. It made Krystal inattentive and let Jisoo kick her gut. As she fell to the ground she gave her a roundhouse kick on the side of her face and high fived Trojan's tail. The rats moved behind Jongin and two other men came out of the woods.

Ugh, they look like Rat Nation citizens, they must be controlling them. Could this get any worse?

They were about to send their rats to Jisoo when two arrows flew past her and landed on hollow pieces of trees which made big branches fall on them and temporarily make them unable to move. Jisoo turned around quick and saw the other two.

"I told you to go!"

"That's what I told her too..."

"And I told you two no one gets left behind."

Clearly they wouldn't come to an agreement. Jennie was too stubborn. They had no time to waste though, they moved on Trojan quickly. The rats were busy trying to get the branches of those men and Krystal and Jongin had to recover from their blows. However they should recover soon, Jisoo assumed. "Hold on!" Jisoo said and handed the lead rope to Chaeyoung before she ran quickly back to get the other horse.

Chaeyoung was confused until she saw Jisoo ride the black horse next to them. "Now let's go!" If they had no horse, they couldn't catch up with them anytime soon. Unless they get the rats to carry them somehow but that doesn't seem likely. Right? Right....?

Their small victory didn't last long as they heard a boom! and immediately halted. Jongin ran up to them with about a forearm long bronze hand cannon in his hands. Krystal was in the back, helping the rat men up. Of course a high class soldier would carry a firearm. They can't fight against that. One wrong step and someone is dead.

"Get off the horse. We want the princess-"

"Forget it." Jisoo glared at him.

They heard a loud noise and horses were soon near them. What the...?

A giant carriage dragged by two horses rode towards them. Jongin jumped back otherwise it would have gotten him.

"Follow me!"

Whoever that was just saved their lives. They followed the carriage to the woods for Jongin not to see them well in case he shoots again.


They stopped at a small but beautful house full of flowers with a garden. There were no other houses nearby.

An elegant woman with curly brown hair came down from the carriage.

"Thank you so much! We owe you big time, miss." Jennie spoke up. She wasn't tired anymore. The previous incident made her awake like she had drunk coffee.

"Why did you save us?" Skeptical Jisoo asked and earned a hit from Chaeyoung, telling her not to question the woman that rescued them.

The woman chuckled. "I like to lend a hand... and I detest soldiers. They are so corrupt."

"I see." Jennie responded. "Either way let me say it again, thank you, thank you." She bowed slightly.

"Oh no," The woman smiled. "No need to be so formal, come on inside you three look tired." She noted and guided them to the house while Trojan stayed in the garage. They would have left him in the garden but then Jongin and Krystal might be able to notice him.

"I'm Taeyeon." The woman introduced herself and so did the girls. Next she offered them to sit on the couch and prepared tea and cookies for them which they gladly accepted.

They had a little chat. As Taeyeon asked them who they were and what the soldiers wanted from them, they lied of course.

"We are poor street musicians, our vocal chords are our instruments," Jisoo showed her puppy eyes, turning into her con artist mood.

"Those vicious soldiers wanted to jail us for singing. They said it hurt their ear drums... It was the only thing that kept us alive during hard times, yet they wanted to forbid us of using our voices!" A tear rolled down her cheek. Jennie's and Chaeyoung's mouth was agape. Jisoo was a great actress it seems.

"We wanted to keep travelling but my friend here," She pointed to Jennie. "Didn't eat anything for the whole day because she was so sad and we had to take a break from escaping them... Then they reached us."

"Oh!" Taeyeon frowned sadly. "That's terrible..! You can stay for the night. We don't have much space but it should be better than the grass outside. I also have some sandwiches left to eat."

"We would love to stay." Jisoo smiled. "That would be so generous and kind hearted of you."

Taeyeon nodded and went to the kitchen to get them the cheese sandwiches.

Jisoo gave Chaeyoung and Jennie thumbs up with a cheeky grin.

"I can not believe you lied with your whole chest like that..." Chaeyoung mumbled shocked at the shameless action. "But good job anyways."

Jennie's stomach growled as Taeyeon was back. She gave her the bread on a plate and she digged in right away.

"Mommy...?" A little boy and girl came down from upstairs. "Is something happening, mommy?" He asked and rubbed his eyes. They had pyjamas on, they must have been sleeping.

"Oh no bub." Taeyeon went to the two and picked them up. "Just some friends visiting. It's nothing. Go back to sleep."

"Mm, okay..." He mumbled and she brought them back upstairs.

"Lovely kids." Jennie said when she was back. "I'm sure your husband is just as lovely as you are." Jennie smiled. "Where is he now?"

"Well, my partner is working but should return anytime soon. I would love to introduce you." Taeyeon said.

"We would love to meet him too." Jennie responded genuinely.

Then the lock of the door clicked and was opened. They turned their face to a person with colorful clothes and long hair.

"Fany," Taeyeon walked to the figure and made their lips meet for a quick peck. "Welcome back."

"I'm back," The person smiled and looked at the others. "Guests?"

Taeyeon nodded. "Tiffany, these are Jennie, Jisoo and Chaeyoung. Guys this is my wife Tiffany."

Wife, Tiffany. A wife. No husband. This person is a woman. She had boobs and smooth skin. Jennie's mouth was wide. "Your... wife?"

"Yes," Taeyeon smiled and threw an arm around her shoulder. "Lovely right?"

"Lovely... but a woman-"

Chaeyoung coughed awkwardly out loud to interrupt the princess.

"It's getting late," Jisoo nervously spoke up. "I'm sure you two want some space for yourselves, and we are tired too."

Taeyeon nodded and brought them blankets. "We will be upstairs, if you need anything just say so."

"Thank you very much. You are too kind." Chaeyoung smiled.

"I don't get it." Once they were gone Jennie turned her face to her friends. "She has kids, is nice but she is married to a woman... Why when she could marry a man?"

"Listen," Chaeyoung sighed. "It's not like she has a choice, you like who you like and it makes no difference. Nothing changed. Do you think differently of her now? You shouldn't. She is still the same person who saved our lives."

The silver haired girl was silent. She wasn't sure what to say. Jisoo threw a blanket on her. "Let's share the couch and sleep you two." Jisoo said and lied beside Jennie on the couch. Jennie on the inside, Jisoo on the outside. Chaeyoung was opposite of them on the outside, making sure her legs don't hit Jisoo's face.

"Pretty tight." Chaeyoung mumbled.

"Or comfortable." Jisoo shrugged and blew the candles out before she walked back and squished herself between them. Even though Chaeyoung complained she was the one who fell asleep first, at least that's what her loud snoring indicates.

"Don't you think it's wrong Jisoo?" Jennie turned her face to Jisoo and almost touched her ear with her mouth. "What they are doing."

"I-I..." Her cheeks flushed as she was staring at the ceiling like it's the most interesting thing. "" Great answer Jisoo, that must have changed her world view completely.

"No?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I mean, it's up to them right?" Jisoo cleared her throat. "No one but them can change how they feel. If they love each other, then they love each other. It's as simple as that. Funnily it's outsiders who feel the need to complicate something so simple."

"....." Jennie turned her back to Jisoo's side. It was silent after that. Too much? Maybe she should have just stayed quiet. Deciding not to bother her any further she closed her eyes.


Jisoo woke up to the sounds of three babies talking. The light of the sun rested on her chin, thankfully didn't meet her eyes because that can be so annoying.

"You guys are musicians?"

"That we are."


"Can you sing something?"

The soft voice did as she was asked right away. She recognised it as Jennie's.

Another voice started harmonizing with it, definitely Chaeyoung. It's not like that was hard to figure out. She opened her eyes and saw the little girl and little boy on Jennie and Chaeyoung's lap. She tried to take a step forward but fell down due to the tight space and her forgetfulness regarding her sleeping situation.

"Hahaha!" The boy laughed. "She still needs to learn how to walk." He jumped to the ground and tried to help her up. "Look I can show you! You need to take one step at a time but not both feet at once. Only one."

The girl also went to them. She was slightly smaller than him and demonstrated her how to walk.

"I assure you, I am more than capable to walk, little ones." Jisoo exclaimed. She tried to prove them but she got pins and needles in her foot and fell down once more.

"It's okay~" The boy cooed. "Everyone has troubles at first. Keep trying and one day you can walk like us. Mommy taught us, maybe she can teach you too."

Jennie chuckled and reached for Jisoo's hand to pull her up.

"Breakfast time!" Taeyeon called them to the kitchen.


"Damn it." Jongin sighed, strolling around with the horse. "We lost them."

"It's because they have home advantage. The person who saved them must live here in the woods. All we have to do is examine every house." Krystal suggested.

"Hm," Jongin smiled. "That might be a good idea and there are not too many in the first place."


"Soldiers from China?" Jisoo slurped a green tea.

"Yes," Tiffany nodded. "From the sounds of it that's what they are. China has conquered a big part of Baekje and soon they will own all of us... If we don't do what they say they threaten to kill our families which is why many Baekje citizens are now their henchmen."

"The two who attacked us looked Korean." Chaeyoung noted, eating a ham sandwich.

"They must be one of the henchmen," Taeyeon exclaimed. "They could have been soldiers of Baekje in the past and now are under the control of the Chinese Hans. They hand out governemt jobs for bribes, heavily tax the poor and don't care about droughts and starvation as long as they are fine in their castle and mansions."

"Hm," Jennie hummed. "In that case we should go before they find us." She declared and stood up. "Thank you for everything." She said as they walked to the door. Tiffany gave them a map of Baekje and a compass to find Ungjin. Apparently Ungjin isn't conquered yet. They could take a rest there and get some more information about the war until they reach Silla.

"It's no problem and hey," Taeyeon smiled. "If you ever need help you know where to find us."

"I would tell you the same but you did a good job with the kids," Jennie gave her a smile in return. "And have a lovely wife indeed, I don't think you need help but in the future I will make sure to send you my gratitude for what you did for us."

The three walked to the garage and guided Trojan outside before they started walking.

"You said her wife is lovely." Chaeyoung stated and looked at Jennie like she turned crazy. "I thought you didn't approve of them."

"I changed my mind." Jennie looked down. "I don't think they need mine or anyone else's approval. It looks like they have been fine without it."

"So you don't think it's weird when two men or two women are lovers anymore?" Chaeyoung jaw dropped. "You must be the first royal person in the Kingdoms to think so."

"The concept of people's equality does not exist in Baekje. But maybe... maybe it should exist." Jennie said quietly. "And maybe after we have peace and recover from everything I could try to arrange it... I heard there is a high level of gender equality in Silla. I could ask them for advice on that."

"Well, you could give them rice in return." Chaeyoung joked. "We have the best rice."

Jennie nodded. "It could help against the starvation."

After a short feet walk it started raining. To gain shelter from the rain they entered a cave. Jisoo handed both of them a water bottle they shared to drink. Then she noticed Jennie's knuckles were still bruised. She forgot about that because of the attack. She took her hand in hers and traced each knuckle. "You are hurt."

"It's nothing." Jennie shrugged. "It's literally just scratches. I have seen very severe injuries on my generals before... They really fought."

"Every small scratch can turn to something bigger if you don't properly take care of it." Jisoo warned. Chaeyoung agreed with her and took a mortar, pestle and some herbs out of her backpack.

"Come here, I'll tend to it." She told the brunette who then sat next to her on a rock.

"You can do that?" Jennie asked curiously.

"This is yarrow." She showed them the weed. "I gathered it when you two were training to shoot. It's already dry, now we can make yarrow powder to heal your wounds by applying it directly to it. It can staunch the bleeding, numb the pain, and act as an antiseptic." She put the leaves in the mortar and pulverized it with the pestle.

"That's great Chaeyoung," Jisoo gave her two thumbs up. "Good job!"

Jennie smiled. "Yeah, you are well knowledged."

"Not really," Chaeyoung shook her head. "My mom grew all kind of plants and herbs in her garden. She used to sell them until she became sick. I only know a lot about them thanks to her..."

"I'm sure she taught you that for a reason." Jennie stated. "Seeing you use her knowledge would surely make her proud."

"Now wait for the bleeding to stop." Chaeyoung smiled and applied the powder on Jennie's knuckles. "What does the map say Jisoo? What's next?"

"According to the map, the cave we are in is pretty huge we shouldn't go too deep inside or we will get lost." Jisoo informed them and sat on a rock. "It's not far till Ungjin anymore. Let's see..." She stared at the paper in her her hands. "We walked through the woods, meaning we are close to the city... When the rain is gone we will walk to the capital and rest there for awhile, until we head east... then again we don't know about the borders and state of Silla. Can we just pass? Probably not. Perhaps we should head west, get a ship and head to Silla by crossing the sea. We would leave Baekje, cross Gaya, then anchor at the coast of Silla."

Gaya, Jisoo's hometown.

"That sounds like it'd take way more time." Chaeyoung said skeptical.

"It does," Jennie responded. "When we are in Ungjin we will find out more about the situations outside of Baekje. I know a few people there, they should be of help."

"They should be, however, remember what Taeyeon and Tiffany said? Those friends of yours might be henchmen for the Chinese already." Jisoo frowned in disapproval.

Jennie shook her head in disbelief. "Those are men I trust, so can you trust me too when I tell you they would never betray me?"

"I.. I don't know..." Jisoo sighed conflicted. "I do trust you but I'm not sure if I can trust them."

"We have nothing to lose," Chaeyoung grimaced. "Except our heads."

"Thank you Chaeng, I guess that was enough to make me trust them." Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"Hey." Something tapped Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"Ah!" The redhead screamed and jumped in shock.

"Don't be scared, beautiful." A blonde woman with a helmet said. She was full of mud and had a gimlet in her hand. A bicolor kitten was down next to her. "I was just wondering if you've seen my cat. I lost him somewhere in here. He always strolls around."

Jisoo pulled her dagger out. "Are you with the soldiers!?" She held the silver dagger close to her face.

"Woah, woah!" The blonde stumbled back. "I'm no soldier, I'm Lisa!" She put her hands up in surrender as the cat meowed. "I am but a mere breathtaking women."

Chaeyoung scoffed. "Breath stealing maybe."

"Oh, did I steal your breath cutie?" The long legged girl grinned. "Do you want me to return it to you? Mouth to mouth?"

"Okay, that's it! Pierce her Jisoo, pierce her!"

"No! No one gets pierced!" Jennie rushed to them and held Chaeyoung back before she could smack Lisa's head as she signalled Jisoo to sheathe the dagger. "We haven't seen a cat, we came in here to search shelter from the rain. What about you Lisa? What is your business in here."

"I live here." Lisa stated simply. "Basically you guys barged into my house. Do you also want to come into my room?"

"You wish." Chaeyoung mentally slapped herself and physically slapped Lisa's left cheek hard.

"Ow!" The blonde groaned. "That was hard..."

"Is your room warm?" Jennie asked sincerely.

"Warmer than this stony place." Lisa nodded.

"Okay, we will follow you."

Jisoo's and Chaeyoung's eyes widened.

"Be my guests."



The three of them said simultaenously while Jennie just smiled. She had a feeling she could trust this Lisa. And her gut feeling never let her down.

To be continued...

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