Reading About The Child Of Ar...

By ArtemisTheOlympian

38.7K 813 207

We have gathered you here today to read about the greatest hero. Love, The Fates. "Hercules?" Zeus questione... More

Introductions and a Solstice Meeting
How Did This All Happen?
My Teacher Went Up In Dust
The Yarn Ladies
A Bull-Fighting Experience
I Anger A God
Controller of Bathrooms
Burning Food
Big Doggie Comes To Visit
Quest Time Baby
This Bus is On Fire
Snake Lady and Garden Gnomes
Dogs Can Talk
I Battle A Chihuahua
I'm A Known Fugitive Check
Gods and Dining
Madagascar in Vegas
Shopping for Waterbeds
Annabeth Does Obedience School
We Sort of Find Out The Truth
Squashing Some Beef
I Settle My Tab
The Prophecy Comes True

Barn Animals

2.7K 55 21
By ArtemisTheOlympian

"Are the titles all going to be this weird?" Frank asked. 

"It's Ari."Thalia pointed out. 

"Good point." 


Before a fight started outReyna quickly started to read again.

Alright, I confess, I totally ditched Grover right when we got to thebus terminal.

"Told you!" Clarisse said proudly while Ari just grinned sheepishly

I know it wasn't smart, I was better than this. But Grover was seriously making me a little uneasy with all his muttering, things like,"Why does this always happen?" and "Why does it always have to be sixth grade?"

"I would ditch Grover too." 

"Thank you! Someone has my back!" 

"Noproblem moon brain." Ariadne gave her a quick kiss before Reyna had to start reading again.

Funnily enough, whenever Grover got upset, get this, his bladderfailed him. 

"Good to know." The Stolls said smirking

So, yeah, I wasn't that surprised when, as soon as we deposited from the bus, he ran to the bathroom like he was being chased by a demon. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing at him. 

Against my better judgment, as soon as Grover was out of sight, I collected my things, went outside, and caught the first taxi I could find. "East One-hundred-and-fourth and First," I demanded of the driver,trying to get home as quick as possible.

"YES! We have her address!" The Hermes kids yelled. 

Ari didn'tturn her attention away from the book but quickly said, "I moved andyou have all been to my new apartment." 

"Oh... yeah forgot."

There's something you should know about my mom, before you meet her. 

"The best!"



"Extraordinary!" Ari just smiled knowing all these things but gladher friends think so too. 

Poseidon and the gods were looking forwardto see what woman made Poseidon adopt a child who wasn't his.

She's the only person, besides Grover and Mr. Brunner, that I wouldn't punch in the face and could actually stand. 

Her name was Sally Jackson and she's honestly the best mom a girl could ask for.

 "That we can all agree on!" Nico said with everyone else nodding.

The feeling in Zoe's stomach didn't go away as she stared at both Ariadne's. Noticing this Artemis gave her a quick peck.

That just proves the world is cruel because she has the worst luckout there.

"So that's where you get it from?" Thalia asked. Ariadne just glared butthought her mom had it so much worse.

 Her parents, my grandparents, died when she was only five in a plane crash, forcing her to live with a dead beat uncle that didn't give two shits about her. 

"I am going to help her get her diploma." Athena stated wanting everyone to at least get a basic education. 

"That would help, if you boosted it up. After she married Paul, that was her wish before she had died." Said Ariadne.

Many people looked shocked not knowing this about Sally. 

Meanwhile Artemis was glaring at Zeus. "Plane crash huh?" 

Zeus not wanting the wrath ofthe girl just stayed quiet.

Her dream was to be a novelist, so she spent all high school working her ass off to raise enough money to get into a college with a great creative-writing program. But of course, good things never last and her bastard uncle got cancer, making her quit school her senior year and throw away all her dreams and aspirations for a shit head that didn't deserve it. So when he died,she was left broke, lonely, and had no diploma to get a decent job. Apparently, the only 'good' thing that happened to her was my missing father.

"Aww! Aphrodite squealed.

I have no memories, but I kinda got this warm glow thing going on, maybe I've seen him smile. 

"Poseidon you are not allowed to visit your children!" Zeus said.

"She is not my blood daughter, she's adopted so technically not against the ancient laws." Poseidon  shrugged and winked at Ariadne.

 Meanwhile the other demigods were wishing their parents broke therules every once and awhile.

I don't know. But I hate him for making my mom so sad, he's the reason she has no pictures of him, she said it was too painful. 

The thing is, they weren't even married, making me an illegal child. All she told me was that he was hella rich and super important, meaning their relationship had to be kept secret. 

Then the bastard set sail across the Atlantic one day and never came back. That's what got me, he knew the risks but he still went, that made me hate him even more. Lost at sea my ass.

"She's smart." Athena stated. "It not lie but not the truth." Everyonenodded in agreement.

My mom had to work shitty jobs, anything to get us by; she took long ass night classes for her diploma, leaving me with Gabe for hours;and raising me on her own, which I had to give her props for, I was anything but easy. 

"That's an understatement." Thalia muttered to Nico. "What's thatpinecone face?" "Nothing deer face."

Somehow, she never complained or got mad! Even at Gabe! This woman I call my mom is a fucking SAINT! 

I guess I should explain more about Gabe. My mom married him when I was three. He tricked us into thinking he was nice for the first thirty seconds of meeting my mom, then BAM! He becomes the doom of this family and became the biggest bastard I've ever met!When I was younger, four or five maybe, I nick-named him Smelly Gabe, with good reason too, he smelled like shit and dirty socks had a god damned fuck up child that's been rotting for the past decade in a locker room full of sweaty men.

"Ew gross!" All the girls squealed. While Clarisse, Thalia, Annabeth,and the boys turned green.

 I'm fucking serious. You think I'm joking? I'm not. 

Gabe and I never, ever, got along, and that made my moms life so much harder. She had to deal with Smelly Gabe's slimy ways, and the way he and I argued... let's just say it never ends well. 

"Please not this part." Ariadne muttered to herself. Reyna looked ather a bit worried.

When I got home is an example. I walked into our tiny apartment, praying that my mom was home. I did not have the patience to deal with Gabe today. My prayers were not answered. 

I was greeted with the lovely sight of Gabe and his poker buddies on the couch doing, you guessed it, fucking poker. The television was blaring ESPN so loud I thought I'd go deaf. I had to fight my way through beer cans and chips to get even close to my room.

Ari closed her eyes not wanting to see everyone's reactions.

Gabe saw me and looked me up and down hungrily, to which I looked at him with a disgusted look, and said around his cigar, "Hey,babe, so you're home."

"Ugh I think I'm going to punk!" Piper said looking sick whileAphrodite was being woken up after fainting. 

"How dare that no good bastard." Artemis yelled looking anything but sane.

"Don't call me babe, jackass!" I yelled. 

"Where the fuck is my mom?""Working, babe," he said, completely ignoring my first comment.

"You got a little somethin' for me?" I was used to this, even though I shouldn't be. He never said welcome back and always tried to molest me, which I was pretty sure counted as pedophilia.

"WHAT!" Everyone screamed, even Zeus.

Ariadne still had his eyes closed really wishing that he was anywhere but here.


"Thalia," Reyna said, completely calm, which freaks out people more than when she is mad, "comparing him to a pig is an insult to pigs."

Everyone agreed.

The campers who have known Ariadne the whole time were shocked.

Their leader who was alway funny, sarcastic, and a good person was abused. The gods were all silently praying that not all their children were treated this way.

Reyna was mad beyond belief, she had known Gabe was bad but she didn't realize it was that bad. 

He had obviously put on tons of weight as he went from a baby seal to blue whale. His clothes were from a thrift store and were 3 sizes too small, showing of his huge stomach that made me want to gag. He had a total of three hairs, that I was about to pluck off, on his head, combed over his greasy as hell scalp. Psh! Like that made him handsome...He managed the Electronics Mega-Mart up in Queen, but he stayed home anyways. I don't get how they haven't fired that fuck up that society calls a man. So for the past year he's been sitting on his ass,collecting paycheck after paycheck, just to spend it on smelly cigars and beer. We actually had a whole refrigerator of beer. 

Whenever I came home from school, he expected me to put on a 'performance'. Meaning he wanted to eye-rape me. 

"But you're just a kid!" Jason screamed. Each second that passed Reyna was getting redder and redder with anger. In a moment she looked ready to burst.

Suddenly a note popped up from thin air with a tablet in it. 

I, of course, always declined and slapped him in the face. But if I told my mom he wanted me to do that, he said he'd do 'evil' things to me in my sleep. Let's just say that I don't want to lose my V Card this early.

The entire throne room grew silent. Reyna threw the book across the room as she hugged Ariadne for dear life.

Suddenly a note popped up from thin air with a tablet in it. 

This is an audio recording of the books it will pause whenever someone interupts it.

The Fates

Artemis and Zoe along with the hunters didn't look so good. Honestly nobody did. They all wanted to find that despicable man and cut him up into tiny pieces before dipping him in the river Styx where he would die of pain.

Athena started up the audio as soon as the throne room went silent.

"I told you a billion times! I'm not gonna give you a god damned performance, you fat fuck!" I yelled at him.

He look downright murderous at me by now.G abe was relentless, he would argue with me about this until mom got home if he had the energy to.

"You WILL give me a show, bitch! Right Eddie?" He demanded. Eddie looked a little disturbed to be brought into this and looked mildly uncomfortable while speaking. "Gabe, leave the poor girl alone will ya? She's only like, what, twelve? Thirteen?"

"THANK YOU!" Everyone screamed

See, Eddie was a pretty chill dude. He always stood up for me and made sure I was okay. Without Gabe knowing of course."What was that, Eddie?" Gabe asked, a warning in his voice.

"I'm just saying that I don't feel like getting arrested if she blabbers her mouth! I got an apartment to run! Gabe seemed to ponder this before reluctantly nodding his head. 

"Fine! Go then!"I left the trashy living room with a triumphant smirk and mouthed a quick 'thank you' to Eddie, to which he replied with a short, barely noticeable, nod.

"I hope you lose." I remarked as I left.

"I can help with that." Dionysus said. 


He snapped at theconfused and surprised faces, "I don't care about demigods, but no kiddeserves to be treated that way and she has the same name as my wife." This caused Ariadne who was sitting in a throne next to his to kiss him

"Hey! Your report card came! Gotta give ya credit! You did average for once in your better then any other time in your life, Ariadne!" Gabe yelled at me,successfully making his buddies, minus Eddie, laugh, and me,almost go back and punch him in the nose. I'll show him 'worthless'. 

Reyna growled and Ariadne, being scared she will start attackingher for not telling her, quickly calmed Reyna down by snugglingher close and kissing her head. 

When Aphrodite saw this shepraised herself for her work with the couple.

I slammed the door to my room shut and silently seethed to myself. If I could, I would totally murder Gabe. It reminded me of Gabe. During the months I was gone, my room turned from a little messy but tidy, to a fuckin' landfill. Gabe has supposedly turned it into his'study'.

"As if he studies." Snorted Annabeth.

Yeah ok, like the bastard even knows how to read. 

My unrecognizable room was filled with inappropriate magazines,muddy boots, and old cigars.I plopped my suitcase on the musty bed. Sweet, sweet, home. 

"I love your sarcasm so much!" Leo told Ariadne who just flashed hima smile .

Gabe's smell was enough to block out the semi-terror I felt from Mrs. Dodds or the Fates, which is sayin' somethin'. 

Athena gasped hearing this thinking Sally was a smart, smart woman. People looked at her confused.

All of a sudden, a cold chill ran down my spine, making me regret leaving Grover. 

Everyone paled knowing Ariadne's luck or just out of worry for her. 

It felt like something was watching me. Which, by the way, is creepy as hell. 

I was just walking in the apartment from third grade. Gabe and his buddies were there, but Eddie wasn't. Uh-oh. As soon as I walked in, Gabe snapped his head towards me and a cruel smirk adorned his ugly face.

"So, you're home, Ariadne," He said around his cigar."Yeah, what's it to you, Smelly Gabe?" I replied sassily. That was not the right thing to say. 

Gabe's face turned into an ugly frown as he stood up and stalked over to me."What'd you just call me, you little shit?"

"Uh-uh, no-nothing," I stuttered out.Gabe was inches away from me now, his rotten breath invading my senses. Gabe slammed me against the wall, his forearm over my throat."Don't ever call me that name again, you hear me? I will completely destroy you if you do, do you understand?"I rapidly nodded my head, too scared to say anything else. 

Gabe let me down, but before I could leave, he slapped me so hard my head turned. My fingers gingerly touched the already forming bruise."There's more where that came from, punk. Now leave."I scampered up and ran to my room, Gabe and his buddies laughs taunting me.I was snapped out of my flashback by the nicest voice in the world.

And then the room was so silent that they could even hear a feather drop.

The room was silent for about 15 minutes, thinking about various things.

'Why didn't she tell me' thought all the demigods.

'She has had a tough life' thought the Gods.

"What had happened to him?" asked Thalia quietly.

No one had expected a sarcastic, joyful, loyal and over protective girl to be abused when she was little.

"It is time to tell them I guess" said Reyna, looking at Ariadne. 

Everyone were a little shocked and looked at the the Praetor. "You knew the whole time?" asked Jason.

"We swore not to reveal anything till now though." said Reyna and everyone turned to Ariadne.

"He's a statue thanks to Medusa's head." 

"I'm sorry that this has happened to you but you could have told me in the future" said Artemis, hugging Ariadne tight as she got up from her throne.

"I didn't want to bother you with this papa. Shall we start listening again now?" asked Ariadne.

"Ariadne?"My mother opened the door and my disturbing thoughts went out the door she came in. My mom can make anybody feel amazing just by walking in a room.The way her eyes sparkle and change to a beautiful bright blue in the light. Her warm smile. Even though she's got a few gray streaks in her hair, mixed with her long chocolate brown hair, I've never thought of her as old. She only sees the good in me, none of the bad. 

" Aww!" Aphrodite squealed.

"Your mom really is the best Ari." Nico said with the demigodswho have meet her agreeing wholeheartedly. 

"Yeah she is." Ari said happily. 

Hera was starting to like Ariadne loving hermother so much. She figured that all kids should look at their momsthat way.

"Oh, Ari!" She hugged me a little too tight. "I can hardly believe my eyes! You've grown to be such a beautiful woman since Christmas!"

I loved when she hugged me, because then I could smell her chocolate scented uniform from Sweet on America, the place she works at. She always brought me a massive bag of 'free samples'that we munched on. Did I mention they were all silver?

"Jealous I want candy." The Stolls mumbled jokingly.

We sat on the very edge of the bed, away from Gabe's junk. She wanted to know everything going on with her 'baby girl' ass he says. 

"She sounds like a good catch uncle P." Hermes told Poseidon."Yeah she does." Poseidon answered with a bit on longing in hisvoice.

I know it sounds kind of old-fashioned, but I wrote letters to my mom because we didn't have enough money for a phone, wait,speaking of money...

"Here mom! I sold busted up electronics that I fixed, along with candy and made $2000!" I said, showing my rare smile, saved only for Grover and my mom.

"Your such a good kid." Smiled Hera at Ariadne making all the Gods look at her weirdly but Ariadne just smiled back.

My mom was slack-jawed. "Ariadne... you did this for us?" She asked,tears of happiness in her eyes. I just nodded. She threw herself at me and hugged the living daylights out of me."This'll last us 4 months!" She exclaimed, but quiet enough for Gabe to not hear.

Our beautiful moment was ruined when Gabe yelled from the other room, "Hey, sweet cheeks! How's about you get me some bean dip?"

Everyone gritted their teeth.

I clenched my fist, no one, and I mean no one, talks to my mom like that. Just as I was about to give him a piece of my mind, my mom put an arm around me, keeping me from moving.My mom doesn't deserve this fuck up. She deserves someone that would give her the time of day and treat her like the queen she is!

"At least she's in a better place now." Annabeth said and Ariadne nodded her head.

Anyways, we, of course, ignored him and kept talking. When describing my year at Yancy, I told her everything. I even told her about Mrs. Dodds and the Fates because I trusted her and suspected she already knew about the whole mythology-coming-to life thing.Her eyes widened when she found out I knew, and she started packing our bags. I was confused at first, but helped her with no question."We'll stop by Montauk for the night. Then, I'll take you to a camp for people like you, okay sweetie?" She said patiently.

" Wow," Apollo said, "she's good."

Just as I was about to respond, Gabe came in and said in his nasally voice, "Bean dip, Sally? Didn't you hear me? Need me to knock some sense into you?"

"I'm going to kill him." Muttered a very mad sea god.

"Say that about my mom again and you won't live to see the next day. I mean it," I said in the most menacing voice I could conjure up,while giving him my scariest glare. I actually saw him take a step back before he looked around the room.

"Where ya think yer goin'," he said. 

"Wherever the hell we wan-" I started before being cut off by my mom."We're going to Montauk for a couple days," my mom said evenly.

"That cabin is the best!" Thalia said while Ari, Annabeth, Nico andRachel all agreed wholeheartedly. 

"Wait, you were serious about that trip?" He asked through beady eyes.

"Yes, we have enough money," she started, "and Gabriel"-I snickered a little at his full name-"won't have to settle for bean dip. I'll make him enough seven-layer dip for the whole weekend. Guac. Sour cream. All of it." Gabe softened a bit. 

"Bribery, that's one smart woman uncle P." Hermes said

"So this money comes from your clothes budget, right?"

"HER CLOTHES BUDGET?" Aphrodite screeched. Causing everyone to jump and plug their ears. "That's it I'm taking Sally on a shopping spree in Paris once we are done with this!"

"No you son-of-a-" I shouted before my mom censored me.

"Yes, of course.""And you won't take my car anywhere else?"

"We'll be careful."

Gabe scratched his disgusting double chin. "Hurry up with the dipand have the kid apologize for something," he demanded.

Maybe if I castrate you, I thought. 

Everyone burst out laughing begging for the Ari in the book to doit.

"Arty Junior is dangerous." Said Apollo causing Hermes to burst out laughing.

Make you sing soprano for the rest of your miserable life.But I knew my mom wanted me to cooperate, so cooperate I did.

"I'm sorry," I snarled, forcing the words out. 

"I'm sorry for not giving you your oh-so-needed pleasure."Gabe and my moms eyes widened. 

"Are you always that sarcastic?" Asked Demeter. All the demigodsanswer for her "Yep!" popping the p.

My moms demanding I talk about this sometime soon. 

Gabe's promising pain. Gabe left anyways, but not without one last weak glare at me. 

"Wow what an idiot." Clarisse said. Ariadne nodded while muttering"Tell me about it."

"Once we get to Montauk, you're telling me everything that's been going on with you and Gabe, okay?" She half-demanded, half-asked.

"Yea, sure."Little did I know we'd never get the chance.

After a long hour, I was so ready to get out of this hell-hole. Gabe took a break from his oh-so-important poker game just to gripe and groan like a little bitch about losing his '78 Camaro.

"Not one damn scratch on this car, babe," he warned me. "Not one.damn. scratch."

"Ok, yeah, like I'd be the one driving smartass. I be you'd blame meif a damn seagull pooped on your shitty car," I sneered at him.

He just glared and waddled back to the apartment building. When he reached the doorway, I did the thing that Grover did, the one that looked like he was crossing himself. I clawed my hand over my heart and shoved it towards Gabe. 

"That's not going to work." Hades said looking sad. 

Adri beingconfused ask "Why not?" 

"Only a god or satyr could affect another being likethat." He remarked.

The door slammed shut right on his ass, shooting him up the staircase, making me smirk and head back to the car.

Everyone stared at Ariadne confused until Thalia voiced their thoughts "Ariadne I thought only gods can do that."

"We thought so too." Hermes said while all the other gods stared at Ariadne in confusion and... fear?

Ariadne just shrugged equally confused. "I thought everyone could do that, like it came with the demigod package or something."

Everyone that didn't know Ariadne was powerful now did. 

"HOW THE FUCK." yelled Apollo.

"That shouldn't be possible only Satyrs and Gods should be able to do that."

"She is the first daughter of Artemis." 

"Step on it!" I said excitedly.

"I've always wanted to say that!" The Stolls exclaimed at the sametime. 

With Leo and the Hermes cabin nodding in agreement. 

Ariadne grinned and said "It was pretty cool."

Our rental cabin was way out at the very tip of Long Island. It was kinda beat up with its faded curtains that were always half-buried in the dunes; the sand in the sheets; and the spiders that were in every damn corner. 

The sea was always too cold to swim in, but that didn't bother me.

"But you still do." Annabeth said smirking at Ariadne. She justshrugged.

 I loved the place anyways.

"We do too." Rachel said.

Ugh, I'm being sappy! Anyways, my mom and I had been going there since I was baby, my mom even longer. I knew this beach is where my mom and dad met,even though she never actually said it. 

"Aw!" Aphrodite  and Piper squealed again.

I loved going to Montauk for one reason only, and it wasn't for my dad. It was because my mom seemed to grow younger, her worry lines went away and her blue eyes sparkled. Overall, she looked so much younger and stress-free.When we got there the sun was already setting. We went through the same routine every time we came here, we opened the cabin windows, swept out the spiders, and cleaned the beds. We fed, well I chucked, food at the seagulls while eating silver jelly beans, silver taffy,and other silver foods my mom had brought from work.

"What's with the silver food?" Asked Hades.

Fine, I'll explain the godforsaken silver food. Gabe told my mom the silver food didn't exists when I was seven.They got into this huge stupid fight about it that was really small at the time. But ever since, my mom has made silver everything. Silver pizza, silver tortilla chips, silver candy, and even silver birthday cakes,officially making silver and black my favorite colors.

"That explains it." Hazel said while she and everyone else finallyunderstanding the weird fetish.

 She also kept her maiden name-thank god, I did not want to be Ariadne Ugliano

"Who would want to be called Ugliano?" Leo asked completelyserious. Calypso rolled her eyes at his weirdness.

Showing that she had a rebellious streak, like me.

Cough "more than a steak." Cough. Nico did while Ariadne smiledstupidly, everyone laughed at the two of them as Nico blushed.

When the sun set, we roasted, you guessed it, silver marshmallows!Mom told me stories about her life before her parents died. She described the books she wanted to write when we had enough money to get by. At that moment, I swore to myself that I would help in every way possible, my mom would not go through this alone.

Then, I brought up my father, who just happens to be a god. Her eyes were misty as she talked."He was kind," she said. "Tall, handsome, powerful; but also gentle.You have his beautiful green eyes and jet black hair, you know."

"Looking at Ariadne I finally understand why she looks nothing like Poseidon. How did we not figure outshe was Artemis's daughter sooner?" Asked Katie while the others there shrugged.

My mom ate a jelly bean. "He would be so proud, you're so smart and independent."I might have blushed a little at that. I ran through the description she told me of my father, thinking of all the gods it could be. I finally came to a decision.

"My dad is Poseidon, isn't he," I stated bluntly.My moms eyes widened."How did you know that?"

"She's so smart." Said Athena.

"Mom, you basically just described him to me, and like you said before, I'm not dumb."

"Well. I guess the cat's out of the bag now, huh?" She said sheepishly."So what about that camp?" I curiously asked.

"We need to get there first thing in the morning, monsters will be after you. We can't leave right now because of the ten o'clock parade going on. We'd get no where." She said, a little panicked.

"It's fine. Well just wake at the ass crack of dawn then, ok?" I tried to soothe her.

"Ariadne Jackson! What did I say about cussing?" She lightly scolded.

"Not to..." I said sheepishly.

My mom sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me like the great mom you are?" I cheekily answers.

Zoe tensed up at this but Ariadne threw her a smile.  

She signed again, but this time with a smile. "I can do that." 

That night, I had my most vivid dream. A white horse and a golden eagle were trying to kill each other on a beach. As they fought, a creepy ass voice chuckled somewhere underground, baiting and goading them to keep fighting. I wanted to see how this played out so I just sat and watched instead, sitting criss-crossed in the sand. Just then, the eagle swooped down, it's sharp-as-hell beak pointed at the horse's wide eyes. I was actually hoping the horse would win, but I guess I'm being a bit biased, huh?

"A true child of the seas." Smiled Poseidon. 

I woke with a start. The clock read 2:00 AM. There was a severe storm outside, cracking trees and blowing down houses. The lightning created fake daylight and the waves pounded the dunes like an AK-47.

My mom woke up when the next huge thunderclap shook the cabin.She sat up, wide eyed, and said, "Hurricane."

Everyone tensed easily catching on to Percy's bad luck.

I knew this was a gods work, hurricanes are never this early in the summer. Over the roaring wind, I distinctly heard a distant bellow, an angry, tortured sound that made me say one, horrifying word."Monster."

The tension in the room slowly grew until Ariadne decided to rid of it bysaying "I wonder who it could be?" Very sarcastically looking atGrover who was trying not to laugh.

Then there was a banging on our door, followed by a desperate voice-someone that sounded vaguely familiar. 

My mom jumped out of bed and threw the door open, not the smartest thing, but what can you do?

There stood my best friend, Grover, in all his... NAKED GLORY!Holy SHIT!

"Only Percy." Said Hermes as everyone was rolling on the floor laughing forgetting the fear that shook through them only seconds ago.

Before I could get a word in, Grover said, "I was searching all night!Where were you?!"

"I told my mom about the camp and stuff and we were going to chill here before leaving in the morning to this camp thing," I said in the fastest voice I could.

"Ariadne, it's time! Come on! Get in the car!" My mom said, panicked.

"She freaked me out more than Grover that night." Ariadne whispered into Reyna's ear. While she tried not to laugh because a) that was funny knowing Sally and b) her breath tickled her neck.

"It's right behind me! Why did you leave?!" Grover yelled, sounding more panicked than angry.

" What right behind him?" Asked Jason nervous for his cousin. 

"I wasn't in my right mind Grover! Now back off and get your naked ass to the car!" I yelled while packing my bags.

While we ran to the car, I noticed that Grover wasn't running,

"Then what was he doing?" Asked Leo.

He was trotting. 

 "That's what he was doing." Ariadne said smirking.

He wasn't naked, he just had the bottom half of a goat!What. The actual. Fuck.


"SHUT UP STOLLS BEFORE I MAKE YOU!"Clarisse screamed. 

They both saluted her while saying "MA'AM YESMA'AM!" simultaneously. 

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