The Accused One: Izuku Midori...

By TheHinokami

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What if there was a UA traitor but the school and the hero commission couldn't figure it out and it was now n... More

Story Divergence Information
Chapter 1: Backs Against The Wall.
Chapter 2: The Will Of The Users & Decision
Chapter 3: Plans
Chapter 4: Gran Torino & Talk
Chapter 5: Traitor!
Chapter 6: Reactions
Chapter 7: On The Run!
Chapter 8: Aftermath of Izuku's Escape
Chapter 9: Making A Name!
Chapter 10: The Offer!
Chapter 11: On The Move!
Chapter 12: Inko Midoriya
Chapter 13: Accused Appears!
Chapter 14: Confrontations
Chapter 15: Reports & Progress
Chapter 16: Desperation
Chapter 17: League Verus Meta Liberation Army
Chapter 18: Aftermath of Deika City
Chapter 20: Preparations
Chapter 21: War is Knocking!
Chapter 22: War! Pt. 1
Chapter 23: War! Pt. 2
Chapter 24: War! Pt. 3
Chapter 25: War! Pt. 4
Chapter 26: War! Pt. 5
Chapter 27: War Climax!
Chapter 28: Realization
Chapter 29: Dreams & Reality
Chapter 30: Changing Hearts & Minds! [END]
Chapter 31 - Alt Route - War!?
Chapter 32 - He Lives! What Cost?

Chapter 19: Warning Bells

4.6K 182 6
By TheHinokami

3rd POV:

As Izuku stood on a rooftop a bit away from his mother he sighed as he saw in through the window as she watched the TV which was still running reports of everything that was going on. 'Hopefully, I can come back one day mother...' Izuku thought but he didn't have much hope in that wish, to be honest with himself as everything was getting so complex and troubling. The moment that the League gained control over Gigantomachia was a fundamental game-changer but what was unseen nor predicted was the League gaining an entire army that allowed them to challenge the government itself.

After a short flight due to his speed at 60% of One For All with the Float Quirk, Izuku made it above UA where he quickly descended with a hood on as he went to one of the outside access points to the tunnels that Nezu had created for himself that he gave Izuku access to. Izuku entered the tunnel and after a few minutes, he entered Nezu's home to find Nezu and Gran Torino both in the apartment waiting for him with looks of worry. "Hey..." Izuki said as he entered the room more and sat down on the couch in Nezu's home. (Nezu's home if anyone forgot what it meant to look like.)

Nezu and Gran Torino both moved to sit near him as Gran Torino asked why Izuku hadn't checked in for the past three weeks which he asked in a softer tone voice since he was just glad to see Izuku again with no contact for so long. Izuku sighed and told Nezu to get the Prime Minister and the President of the Commission on since they needed to hear the entire story as well since things have gone horrible which made them worry but he reassured them he wasn't compromised as a mole which made them less tense but still a bit tense.

After a while, all of them were on the screens in Nezu's home as Izuku made them kick anyone out of their offices which they said they didn't have anyone in it anyway. "Good... to start off with the UA mole situation," Izuku said and that caught all of their attention. "As it stands, UA had no mole that belonged directly to Shigaraki and the League. If All For One somehow had one then Shigaraki doesn't know since he told me that how they did the U.S.J. and the Camp. The U.S.J. was done via destroying the gate with the reporters which caught the staff's attention then Kurigiro warped in. They got the coordinates for the staff room via past UA students which span across all departments so it isn't unbelievable. The camp... well they used a simple ass plan in all honestly. The UA summer camp happens generally near the same time so they just had someone watching for the busses which then Kurogiri just followed from behind at a distance until they had the new location for the camp." Izuku said as he explained they waited a few days for the staff guards to drop before they launched the attack. 

"So we can bring an end to the league as you can give us their current location and we can just send some heroes to end this. Your mission is done." The Prime Minister said which caused Izuku to laugh and confused them all. "I FUCKING WISH! DEAR GOD I WISH IT WAS THAT SIMPLE NOW BUT NO... FUCK!" Izuku said as he grabbed his head with both arms and put it down near his legs. Nezu asked what happened that caused him to go silent for three weeks which Izuku tensed a bit at which they all noticed.

"You remember how I made a direct report to Gran Torino about the doctor and Gigantomachia?" Izuku said and they all nodded their heads. "Well, I spent a month and a half with the League trying to tame the giant and make him submit to Shigaraki... at the end of that we didn't get it to work but that is when things derailed out of control of the original mission. It turns out that, drum roll please, the Meta Liberation Army is back and in large mass!" Izuku said and everyone was silent as he threw his arms up in the air for dramatic effect. Nezu at this point had dropped his teacup from the surprise and shock of what he just heard while the others were staring at him with wide eyes.

"You... you have to be kidding!?" asked the Prime Minster which Izuku said he wasn't kidding. "Sadly, they obtained Giran the information broker which forced the League's hand as they wanted to destroy the League. It was either the League goes and arrives at the MLA location to get destroyed in a fight or they would leak the League's location to the government. The League chooses to take the fight to them and you have all seen the result of that!" Izuku said and they looked confused until Nezu spoke up. "Deika City?" Nezu asked and Izuku said he was correct. "That was the result of the battle between both sides. Any guess on who won?" Izuku asked and Gran Torino said the League of Villains which Izuku confirmed.

"Indeed, against an organization with over 116k members, the League of Villains won! We also tamed Gigantomachia as well due to the fight and many changes have happened. Twice has overcome the physiological barrier and would now be classified as an S-Rank villain as he can make clones of himself which can clone themselves and so on. He's a nearly unstoppable army. Toga can now use the quirks of anyone she has gained the blood of if she is transformed as them and Shigaraki now can decay things without all five fingers as well as decay anything touching anything he was decaying to start with. If you all noticed the big hole in Deika City... well that is from him going all out with his decay quirk in one large blast." Izuku said and they were terrified of the information they had received. 

"Um... there is also the fact that the doctor is giving Shigaraki even more power now... he has the scientific research to transfer quirks into new bodies but he has to strengthen the bodies via painful surgery and experiments to allow the body to house the new quirk. Shigaraki is currently undergoing said process to receive All For One's quirk since he had a copy made a while back and the original will be placed inside of Shigaraki. So we need to find the location of the lab itself which I know he works as a doctor somewhere in Japan since he made an off-hand comment about running the hospital he worked in. So he is still actively practicing and he looks the same age as he did when he saw me at the age of four so he likely has a quirk not declared on the quirk list... it's likely how All For One has lived for so long." Izuku said and the president of the commission spoke up as she said they would need to start gathering all of the heroes which Izuku stopped her from acting on which confused her.

"So you know... heroes are compromised. I don't know how many but the Meta Liberation Army, which is now called the Paranormal Liberation Front due to the merger, has Pro Hero's, cops, and many others on their payroll. Slidin' Go is one example of a Pro Hero that works for the PLF. Re-Destro the former leader is the CEO of Detnerat while Feel Good, INC. is also connected to the PLF as well due to one of their board members being a part of the PFL." Izuku said as he explained all of the people and companies that he knew that were connected to the MLA or PLF. Izuku explained that they will need to build up a force and ensure no spies were placed inside of the ranks otherwise the PLF would learn of it right away.

"It's why I didn't make contact because of their network abilities. I can't risk making contact as much as I would wish now. The League wouldn't suspect me of anything but some of the others that are a part of the PLF are more skeptical like the villain known as Skeptic who is the board member of Feel Good Inc." Izuku explained as he knew he couldn't pull out of the mission... not now with so much on the line even though the original goal no longer exists. Everyone was silent for a while before Izuku spoke up again and suggested that Nezu turns the school into a more secure place as he has the families of the hero course students move onto campus so they would be guarded. "The hero course students will need to get involved in the war... this will be too large for just the heroes alone to deal with due to the sheer size of the war coming. I hate to say it but they will need to get stronger as we only have four months before Shigaraki awakens and we can't allow that..." Izuku said and they were silent at what Izuku said as he described the overall size and destructive force of the enemy they would be fighting against. 

Izuku provided them the location of the mountain Villa where the main force of the PLF was stationed as he reminded them to find the hospital or lab that the doctor was working out of since he keeps it a secret quite well. Soon the meeting came to an end and Izuku stood up from the couch. Izuku told Gran Torino and Nezu that Shigaraki knew the truth of One For All now since he had no options left since the doctor forced his hand before Shigaraki went under. "Hopefully he will take my warning in full about the echo of the past users of the quirk since All For One will be inside of him the moment the quirk is implanted. I want to save Tenko but I don't know how to anymore... I see so much of myself in him and him in me due to the parallels in our lives that I would go so far as to call him an actual friend even though we are on opposite sides. Though I know what will need to be done if push comes to shove since I will not let him kill those I care about here at UA which is a goal of his since he wants to finish everything All Might stands for in this society which he has the right to blame for his creation since no one helped him for so long before All For One came around." Izuku said and Gran Torino only reminded him that everyone can reach a point of no return. Izuku would need to figure out if Shigaraki has already passed that point or not which Izuku didn't know if he had. Deika City and everything he heard so far made him believe he was at the edge and not yet fully over it for Izuku at least but for others, it may already be past the line.

Izuku moved around a bit and grabbed some water to drink as he asked how everyone was doing at UA. Nezu informed him how the entire class of 1-A was still looking into him being forced into his situation which made Izuku laugh a bit but felt warm about it. They did talk about how they are getting more aggressive in trying to get information out of Gran Torino and Izuku chuckled at the old man's efforts of hiding away from them. "Are you going to tell them?" Izuku asked and they shrugged. It was a risk as one slip up to someone untrustworthy could lead to Izuku's death which Izuku found fair.

"Keep it from them as long as you can then because I don't want them feeling as if they failed me because let's be honest with ourselves," Izuku said as he looked at Nezu and Gran Torino with a sad smile on his face. "I'm not likely to walk away alive from this with how massive this mission turned out to be. I'm pushing 60 to 65% of my quirk right now but still just fighting in that city was a massive uphill battle. If Shigaraki obtains the power of All For One combined with Gigantomachia then I am good as dead." Izuku said letting the reality of how dangerous this mission had become with everything that had happened. 

Nezu just lowered his head and Izuku walked up to him and hugged him slightly as Izuku knew the Principal was blaming himself for Izuku taking the mission. Izuku asked Gran Torino to let his mother know how he was doing and asked Nezu to move her onto campus even though Izuku's entire situation was like this since he didn't want her to be caught in the war without help which Nezu said he would do once everything was prepared. Izuku said he needed to return soon since it's been a while since he had left. As such, Izuku left UA without being seen and gained some distance before he removed the communications device out of the thick led box he had with him to hide the device and block communications so he couldn't be tracked or listened into by the doctor.

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