Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

By Kakirihazuri

175K 3.7K 1.7K

Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... More

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial

Second Floor, Second Motive

2.7K 70 46
By Kakirihazuri

Izuru's pov 

Leon was taken to the infirmary quickly after the punishment was finished, Monokuma didn't really bother to do well with the medical treatment, only covering the wound so he doesn't bleed out. Everyone seemed to be in a state of shock after the brutal display. I decided to fix the medical work on Leon, disinfecting the wound, putting the right medicine on the bandages and wrapping the wound, using medical tape to keep the bandage on. Leon had been passed out the entire time, so he didn't move much, allowing me to have an easier time. Monokuma had also made changes in the dorm hall again. Leon and Sayaka's dorm rooms had been refashioned into prison cells. Sayaka had already been locked into her cell, and wouldn't be able to leave it without being let out by Monokuma. The rest of us would be in charge of delivering food to them, but according to Monokuma we could just let them starve.  It was clear that Monokuma was trying to make them easy targets if anyone else was going to try to kill. The group was split between 2 groups, the ones who wanted to make sure they would be safe, and the ones who wanted to leave them their to the punishment of starvation. The group that wanted to keep them safe and alive outnumbered the other group, which only consisted of Byakuya, Celestia, Hifumi, and Mondo. 

I took Leon to his cell and set him down on the bed that was in there for him, after covering him with the thin blanket I left the cell and shut the door. Monokuma showed up to lock the cell doors, but didn't say anything before disappearing. I walked over to the incinerator room to get to bed, only to find the shutters already locked down with a note on it. 'students are all required to sleep in their dorms from now on.' I sighed and tore the note down, heading over to the dorm room that was for me. I sighed and opened the door and found that it now looked normal. I walked into the room, shutting the door behind me and checked around the room, making sure there was no Monokuma waiting for me. After I finished I laid down in bed and sighed, closing my eyes slowly. I slowly drifted off to sleep, only silence accompanying me. 

In my dream I stood in an arcade, where all the people inside were all strange transparent blue shapes walking around and talking. there were only 2 normal looking people, both shorter blonde girls. One had long hair with green eyes, and the other had short hair with a hairpin of a pixelated spaceship from a video game. I only recognized the one with short hair.... The one with long hair was standing next to me holding a plastic gun to a shooter arcade game. She looked over at me and smiled "are you ready to start Y/n?" my head started to hurt again as everything around me disappeared, leaving me in a white space with 2 chairs. On one of the chairs sat the person that was in my dream previously. "Welcome back Izuru. I see you are unlocking our memories of Natsumi. while they are very few, they are still important." 

I frowned and sat down in the other chair. "why am I remembering all these pointless things?" "no memories are pointless, they make a person what they are. you will understand in time. But you will remember things when you see a trigger. in this case you saw a baseball bat. you will know why that is a trigger soon." I frowned and stared at him "Who is Y/n?" "we are Y/n, or we were. That was our name before we lost our memories." "I...see.." "You've spent enough time here, time to go back to those memories" "Wait!" Before anything else could be said, I was in another place. Scene after scene went by. the reserve course building, the infirmary, outside the school, the arcade, all moment spent with this girl Natsumi were replayed and reestablished in my head. Once it all had finished, I simply woke up. 

I sat up in bed and heard the monitor in the corner turn on. I looked over to see a broadcast of Monokuma sitting in a chair with a glass of wine in his hand. "Good morning students. This is a morning announcement. Every time you kiddies survive a class trial, a new world will be opened up to you. so go, explore, hunt, kill! and don't say I never gave anything to ya." I headed out to into the call and looked around, heading to the area I figured would be the 'new world' mentioned, after making sure there was food for the 2 locked in cells. Everyone else seemed to have the same Idea as we arrived at the closed off stairwell to watch the gates slowly lift, allowing us access to the second floor. Mondo spoke up first "Whole new world? Dude its a stairwell" Makoto spoke softly after "looks like he gave us a second floor" Kyoko spoke up "Our data has been updated as well." Makoto spoke again "I guess we better head up there and check it out" I stared over at Makoto "When did you get main character status?" "huh?" Without another word, we all headed up the stairs to explore the new floor. The floor had 2 gym rooms for the separate genders, changing rooms, a pool, and a library, an archive room, and bathrooms. After a little while of exploring, everyone ended up in the library. 

Makoto, Byakuya, and Kyoko were searching the desks and checking on a laptop; Celestia, Toko, Hifumi, and Chihiro were checking the book shelves; Kiyotaka was making sure all the chairs were appropriately organized and pushed in; Mondo and Yasuhiro were just looking around; Sakura and Aoi were talking with each other; and me and 'Junko' were standing by the door, watching over everyone. Makoto found some letter that apparently said that the school wasn't functioning as a school anymore, and Byakuya suddenly began going on a speech about how everything here was just a game. The whole conversation went on about Byakuya expecting himself to come out on top, killing each other being the only way anything will be interesting for him, and then Byakuya said something to make Chihiro cry. Aoi had sugested going to the pool to calm things down for a few girls, taking Sakura and Celestia with them, and included the sad Chihiro in the group before walking out. after a few minutes, a rule on the student Ehandbook had appeared about not lending out Ehandbooks to another student. I sighed and looked around the room, thinking about what I should do. 

I decided to look around at the book in the library until I could find anything interesting. Soon pretty much everyone had left to do their own thing. I eventually found a book that seemed somewhat interesting and sat down at a table, as I started to read, the lights in the room shut off. I sighed and turned on a desk light that was on the table and set the book down on the table as I read. After a while I could feel someone staring at me so I looked up and saw Toko, who was staring at me and then at another person in the room. I sighed and shook my head "Toko, why don't you come over here instead of standing there watching?" She made a strange noise before slowly walking over and standing at the end of the table.

 I smiled at her and pulled out the chair next to me "Feel free to sit down, I don't mind having some company while I read." She nodded and sat down, looking at the book that I was reading "w-what b-book is that?" "I'm not entirely sure. The cover is worn down and the title page is ripped out, but it's about the traditions and urban legends around Japan." She nodded and looked at the page. "a-are you sure you don't mind me being here?" "Of course I don't mind. I feel like it is sort of natural for me to have someone by me while I read late in the day." She nodded and just sat there, looking over at me every now and then while I read. I looked at the time after a while and put a bookmark in the book. "It's getting close to night time, now is probably the best time to get to our rooms so that there is still time to take a shower before the water gets shut off." Toko nodded and took off into the darkness, mumbling about things.

I shrugged off the strange behavior and got up from my seat. I pushed both chairs in and turned off the light on the desk before I left the library. As I walked to my room, I witnessed Makoto getting kidnapped by Mondo and Kiyotaka, but I decided to ignore it and kept walking. The dorm room was still normal with no Monokuma in sight. I sighed and opened the closet and looked inside. The closet had a few suits, a kimono, a yukata, and a tracksuit. I took a suit out and went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower before I headed to bed. The bed was somehow comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. 

Unlike the previous night, I immediately found myself in the white space. I sat down in the chair and the other me appeared in his chair "It seems you came here first, but there are still memories that can be uncovered in your sleep." "Do I have to remember things?" "The plot progression says yes." "Plot progression?" "Don't worry about it, just choose one of these items" In front of me 3 things appeared. A game device, a kimono, and a black bear mask. I sighed and decided to go with the black bear mask, seeing that is seemed the most important to my current situation. the area around me disappeared and I found myself watching memories involving a girl with black hair and grey eyes. She had freckles that were exactly like 'Junko' so I assume there is a relation there. I watched as I was introduced to her, as I had brief conversations with her, and as I had interrogated her after an event that couldn't quiet be remembered right. I had finally understood who the girl was after I had remembered giving the girl the nickname 'Muko'. Mukuro Ikusaba, the girl who was currently pretending to be Junko Enoshima.

I woke up yet again and realized that things seemed to be going a little too fast in this chapter. I sat up slowly and looked around the room. I sighed and headed into the cafeteria, seeing no one there yet. I picked up 2 trays of food and headed to the cells of Sayaka and Leon. I slid the food into the cells and waited until they finished their food. They didn't say anything other than a brief word of gratitude before returning the empty trays. I walked back to the cafeteria and saw a very disturbing scene. Mondo and Kiyotaka were standing by each other, one arm over the other's shoulder, laughing and talking. They called each other 'Bro' and were acting way too friendly with each other. I sighed and headed into the kitchen to put the 2 trays away and get myself a small breakfast. I took my food back out to the cafeteria and ate, watching the strange scene going on. Mukuro had sat down next to me with her own tray of food and ate silently. I wanted to speak to her, but before I could a crash sounded through the cafeteria, followed by Celestia yelling at Hifumi about how she prefers her royal milk tea. After the gym went silent again, the announcement sound rang out and Monokuma appeared on the monitor. "Sup, how about you expendable little spitfires do principal Monokuma a solid, and head over to the gym. yeah? We're gonna have ourselves a pep rally, c'mon meat sacks, show me some hustle."

After everyone arrived at the gym, Monokuma appeared on the podium and began talking "I'll give it to you straight, cause I still got a lot of drinking to do. I look out at you kids and you know what I see? A bunch of teenagers who aren't dead. Major bummer. So I'm gonna light a fire under your asses to get you moving. Maybe a literal one, don't tempt me. With that in mind, today's theme is, Embarrassing memories. The past secrets you want kept secret." Monokuma threw out a bunch of envelopes with our names on it. I picked up one that had my name on it, with a heart next to it. I opened it up and looked at the paper inside. 'Kamukura doesn't remember anything before coming here, not even his own talent.' I shrugged and looked around as others seemed to be reacting to their secrets in their own ways. after everyone had looked, Monokuma began talking again "Skeletons aren't my forte seeing as I'm a stuffed bear and all, but every human has a few hanging around in their closet all secret like. Now time a'wasting children. If I don't get a corpse out of one of ya in the next 24 hours, your skeletons will all be front pages news. and trust me, we got some real doozies in here. well, smell ya later. 

As everyone left. I noticed Chihiro going over to Mondo for something while Mukuro quickly disappeared down the hall. I frowned and was going to follow after Mukuro, however I got a headache as a vision appeared in my mind. Chihiro on the ground with his head dented in and bleeding. I shook my head and decided to follow Mondo and Chihiro. Mondo went to the second floor gym room and entered the boys one, I had followed in after him, causing him to look at me "what are you doing in here?" I stared at him "Planning on getting some exercise in before the end of the day." Mondo nodded a bit "alright, just get it over with quickly." I nodded and went over to the treadmill, walking on it slowly as I waited. Mondo had picked up a dumbbell after a while and started doing some reps while waiting. After a while, the door was opened and Chihiro came in, immediately letting out a noise of surprise when he Noticed me. I waved a bit and continued walking "don't worry, I kinda already knew." He shook but nodded before explaining to Mondo. As Chihiro explained, I could see Mondo was getting worked up over something. I decided now would be a good time to get ready to step in and I got off the treadmill, standing nearby. Chihiro had asked Mondo to help him become a manlier person, and that seemed to set off Mondo as he lifted up the dumbbell and swung it down at Chihiro. 

I had caught Mondo's arm before the dumbbell could make contact with Chihiro's head and Chihiro fell back, letting out a panicked scream in fear. Mondo's eyes widened as he let go of the dumbbell and fell to the floor, tears running down his face. Mondo clearly wasn't in a state to be disturbed while Chihiro was in a panicked state, tears running down his face. I walked over to Chihiro and pulled him into a hug to calm in down. He cried onto me, hugging back. After a few seconds the door was ripped open revealing Sakura there "What's going on in here!" My eyes widened as my body seemed to move on it's own, covering Chihiro's ears and holding him tightly to me as the sound of a gun went off. Bullets had ripped through Sakura, who's eyes widened in realization a little too late. Soon the gun had ran out of bullets and clicked for a few moments before stopping. The ringing in my ears barely covering the sound of an announcement being made. "Upupupu! a body has been discovered! all students report to the second floor gym rooms!"



The events in this chapter seemed to be going a little fast to me, but that was probably because I am using Danganronpa the animation as reference to type this instead of using the game since I don't have access to the game and I'm too lazy to be searching through playthroughs right now. I'm trying to make things so that some more characters survive, however some may die. but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. 

This chapter took longer to come out than I had originally expected because I had a hard time deciding how I'm going to remember the order of events. I decided to just watch danganronpa the animation on youtube. and It's going fine for now. Laziness is ruining me, but it's okay, I end up typing these chapters at midnight anyways! 

I also realized that I had messed up in a previous chapter so I had to go back to fix it. I had called Natsumi as Natsumi Fuyuhiko since I wasn't really paying attention. however the actual name is Natsumi Kuzuryu. so if you see double update notifications, that's why 

Until next chapter bye. 

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