"Forever Us" / D.M

By sml0ve4you

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Gianna Snape, Severus's Daughter; Beautiful, Amazing, Intelligent, Loving, Everything A Boy Could Wish For, B... More

Chapter O N E
Chapter T W O
Chapter T H R E E
Chapter F O U R
Chapter F I V E
Chapter S I X
Chapter E I G H T
Chapter N I N E
Chapter T E N
Chapter S E V E N
Chapter E L E V E N
Chapter T W E L V E
Chapter T H I R T N E E N
Chapter F O U R T E E N
Chapter F I F T E E N
Chapter S I X T E E N
Chapter S E V E N T E E N
Chapter E I G H T E E N
Chapter N I N E T E E N
Chapter T W E N T Y
Chapter T W E N T Y - O N E

Chapter T W E N T Y - T WO

727 13 5
By sml0ve4you

5 years later

"Love, we have to go!" Draco yelled from downstairs as I was finishing up getting ready.

"Going!" I yelled back.

I slipped my shoes on and threw my purse over one shoulder and the diaper bag over the other.
I ran down and saw Draco putting our son's shoes on.

"Ready?" He smiled up at me.

"Yea." I smiled back.

He threw Scorpius over his head and he held on tightly to his short legs so he wouldn't fall off his shoulders.
I grabbed the picnic basket from the side table and entwined his free hand with mine.
We smiled at each other before apparating away.

"You're finally here, we thought you might have forgotten!" Molly smiled as we neared her.

"We could never forget today Molly." I said as we hugged each other.

The three of us hugged everyone else as well; Arthur, George, Ginny, Percy, Ron, Harry and Hermione.
Scorpius ran to James and Minerva, Harry and Ginny's twins and Molly and Fred, Ron and Hermione's twins.
The five of them were very close and they all got along perfectly.

I sat down on the big blanket on the grass next to Draco and we all chatted about how we've been and what we've done.
The warm sun light shone down on us all and the breeze hit our exposed skin.
Since it was summer, days like these were always so nice and beautiful.

I'm sure we all await this day out of every other in the year.
The day we visit the graveyard for all of our passed loved ones.
We started doing this four years ago.
The Weasleys and a couple other close friends would gather here and have a small picnic just to spend the day together and look back on memories from before the war.

Just as I was thinking about a memory from my second year, I heard some giggling behind me.
Blaise, Luna, Josh, Pansy and Izeyah had arrived were heading our way.

Draco and I stood up to greet them.
Blaise and Luna had started dating about a 3 years ago and were expecting a baby soon, Luna was already four months.
Josh and Pansy had also gotten together and were now engaged and planning on having a baby soon.

I smiled widely at them all as they gave me big hugs. I excitedly walked to Luna, giving her a big hug and crouching down to face her stomach.

"She's been kicking a lot! It's quite hard to get her to stop." Luna giggled as did I.

"You need to hurry up girl! Your auntie Gia wants to see you already!" I kissed her stomach and felt a small kick on my lips.

"I'm sure that means she can't wait." I smiled up at Luna and stood back up.

The Weasleys smiled at my friends and welcomed them all.
They sat on the ground with us and wd began to pull out the food we had all brought.
As always, it was sandwiches and chips. And of course, Molly's delicious pies for dessert.

"Scorpuis, come eat!" Draco called him.

He ran to us and the other kiddos followed.
He jumped onto me, landing on my lap as I attacked him with tickles in his stomach, making him burst out in laughter.
His laugh was contagious and made everyone around ua laugh with him a well.

Draco handed us a plain sandwich each and took a seat at my side after receiving his own.
He had his arm behind my back and leaned on it for support as he sat.
I looked over to look at him, our faces not far apart from each other, just to see he was already staring at me.

"What?" I asked him with a smile.

"You look gorgeous my love. Absolutely gorgeous." A smile appeared on his face.

"You think?"

"Oh, I don't think. I know." A small laugh escaped my lips, making him chuckle back.

He cut off my laugh with a small peck on my lips. His always so warm lips met my own, never making me fail to blush slightly.

"Ew! No kisses!" Scorpius pulled us apart by pulling the back of our hair.

"Why not? She's mine, kid!" Draco placed a few more quick kisses on my lips before Scorpius pulled him back off me again.

"No! My mommy!" He stood between us and hugged my head so Draco had no way of getting to me.

"No, my mommy!" Draco demanded and I contained my laughter as I buried my head into my son's shoulder.

"Ok baby, sit and eat." I pulled him away from me and kissed his cheeck, leaving a mark from my lipstick before setting him down on my lap again and handing him his plate.

Draco scooted back closer to me and kissed me behind my ear, trying as hard as he could for Scorpius not to see him.
I turned to him and gave him yet another smile before digging into the food.

Before we knew it, the sun was already setting behind our backs.
The sky was a mix of light pink and orange colors and the last bright rays of sun were hitting our faces and giving a glowing effect.

We had just finished the dessert.
All the kids were running around in the grass as we sat together, chatting and laughing.
I had gotten comfortable as I sat between Dracos extended legs and leaned my body against his chest as he held himself up with his hands.

"So Luna, Blaise, have you thought of names?" Molly asked them as she took a spoonful of pie in her mouth.

"We have! It's between Ariel or... Gianna." Luna responded and Blaise flashed me a smile.

I looked at them with my jaw almost on the floor.
The two gave me a smile and I returned it in awe.
It meant so much that one of my best friends was planning on naming their child after me. It was an honor, really.

The conversation was kept on the baby topic, us with kids giving them both advice for when the time came.
They thanked us and made sure to look more into what we told them for their baby.

The sun was just about gone and half the sky grew darker by the minute.
We all grew exhausted and decided that it was time to starr heading home.
Between us all, we managed to pick up everything in just twenty minutes.

We all hugged each other goodbye, hoping to gather again soon for another picnic.
Draco threw Scorpius over his shoulder since his tiny legs were tired.
We gave a final wave to everyone before apparating back home.

We reappeared in the middle of the living room as usual.
I told Scorpius to go get ready for bed and he ran up the stairs and did just that.
I set down my bags on the floor and sat on the couch, taking off my shoes as Draco took a seat next to me.

"I'm so tired." He leaned his head on my lap and threw his legs up on the couch.

"That was nice though. Being all together again." I looked down at him and raked my fingers through his white hair.

"Yeah. I saw you looking down at their graves..." He sighed.

"Yeah... I miss them Draco." He took my hand in his and looked back and he nodded.

"I know love, so do I. But im proud of you for becoming stronger about it. It's not easy to get over your father that easily." He rubbed his thumb over my skin.

"You seemed to do it easily." My blood heated as I spoke of Lucius again.

"I didn't love my father. You did. A lot." I smiled down at him.

"Not as much as you-"

"Oh yeah?"

"No one can compare to the love I have for you."

"I like the sound of that." We both laughed as he stood up and carried me in his arms. I had my legs wrapped around his waist as my arms hung over his shoulders.

"We should go to bed, get some rest. And put the kid to sleep."

I agreed and he walked us both up the stairs of the manor and to Scorpius' bedroom.
I hopped off him right before we approached his room.

"Are you ready for bed kid?" Draco peeked into the bathroom.

"Yep!" Scorpius ran into his bed and I pulled the covers over him as we gave him a goodnights kiss on either of his cheeks.

"Love you baby." I caressed his cheek before standing back up to my full height.

"Love you too mommy." He smiled up at me.

"Love you kiddo." Draco said as we stood at the door.

"Love you too dad." I turned the lights off and he shut his eyes just before we shut the door.

We walked back into our room and changed into more comfortable clothes to sleep in.
I stood in the bathroom, door shut as I stared at myself in the mirror.
I looked down at my exposed arms, a tattoo covering the lower half of my arm.
The tattoo was two snakes, one black, the other white, tangled together as their heads met.

It was a matching tattoo I had with Draco, only his was on his right arm.
We had mainly gotten them to cover up our scars after we had Scorpius, usually intending to be meaningless. But as we thought about it, we decided for it to be more than that; the black snake meant Draco. The white snake was me, Gia.
They're tangled because of two reasons, they were obsessed with each other and couldn't let go, and, the toxicity of suffocating each other and causing pain. Though this, their heads met because they balanced it out, together.

I smiled as I looked down at it.
Every night, we usually traced it with our fingers, admiring it's beauty and the way it was very well made.

I got lost in my own thoughts, eventually thinking back to my father.
Whenever this happened, I would read his card.
He had left a card for me with Cissy a while before the war even begun.
I pulled out from my cabinet and began reading it.

"Gianna my dearest daughter,

I don't even know where to start this. If you're reading this, I want you to know that I miss you already. It isn't a surprise what he made you do. I'm sorry but I had no choice. And I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about it. But I made a promise to your mother Lilly, and that was to keep you safe, no matter what. I should've told you sooner but.
you already had much to deal with.
But yes, Lilly Evans was your mother. Keeping it from you all these years was the hardest part. But that's what she wanted. She didn't want to cause you more pain than you already were. She wanted me to tell you at the right time.
I also knew you knew, but you didn't let me help you. I know I never said anything but I noticed quicker than you think, but I guess that was my fault since I basically pushed you away, but that was never my attention. I just didn't want to hurt you even further. And now that you're reading this, I guess that's exactly what happened. I know how you feel dear, though there is no need for tears. I'm happy! I'm having a great time with everyone up here. Don't even worry about me, I'm fine. Though you may feel alone, I'll always be with you, in your heart. And you should never feel alone, Draco is with you. And I know that he always will be. I know I caused you pain when I separated you two, but it was to keep you safe. Everything I ever did was to keep you safe.
I couldn't let you make the same mistake as i did. Once I realized I was taking away your happiness, I couldn't hate myself enough. I hated myself for hurting you more than helping you. I'm sorry.
But I know he'll treat you in the way I never could. I've seen it, at the ball. I remember it like it was yesterday, when I saw you there looking like a princess, I was proud to call you my daughter. I saw your wide smile and the joy in your eyes, even though you had no idea I was even there.
I think that was a good thing though, distancing myself from you, I thought it would've hurt a bit less since I was never really around anyways. I hope it was less pain. I can't bare to see you in pain. Not then, not now, not ever. I love you Gianna Snape. I always did, and always will.
I guess this is the end my dearest daughter. Though not goodbye, just an until then.

With lot's of love, Your father,
Severus Snape ."

"Love, you okay?" I heard Draco's worried tone from the other side of the door.

"Yea..." I sniffled as I put the card back in it's place, wiping my tears before stepping back into the room.

"Oh Gia, come here." He patted the mattress, indicating for me to lay next to him.

He put the covers over both our bodies as I layed my head on his chest while one of his arms was under my head and the other sat across his stomach.
I traced figures across his chest as he slowly rubbed my head.

"We're going to be fine, right?" I whispered, my hot breath on his skin giving him goosebumps.

"Of course. It's all over. Now, it's just, forever us." I looked up at him, a smile on his face made my mood lighten up.

He placed a soft kiss on my lips then one on my forehead.
Not long after, we fell right asleep.


"I think I'm getting quite good at this mom thing again!" Cissy poured juice into a sippy cup.

"You are! I told you, you wouldn't regret it." She smiled at me.

Narcissa and Johnny had gotten married about 4 years ago and bought a house for them and had even adopted a child about 2 years ago when she had just been born.
Her name was Aliah and she had just turned 2.
Most adorable girl I had ever seen.
Her and Johnny wanted to start a family together and of course, Draco and I fully supported. He was actually very glad to have a sibling, a sister.

We walked back to the outside porch where Draco and Johnny were.
They had just finished cooking the steak and were now serving it on plates for us.

I placed a can of soda for everyone on the table and called Scorpuis to come to me.
I reached down for him and sat down in my seat, placing him on my lap and giving him a sip of my soda.

He thanked me and I smiled down at him.
Draco gave us our plate and sat in the chair next to me as his mother anf Johnny sat across from us.

"So Johnny, how has Jackson been?" I asked him as I gave my son o small piece of steak.

"He's been well. I still get his weekly letters from Germany."

"That's great!"

Jackson had moved to Germany a while ago to explore around.
He would send his father letters every week along with a picture of what he had done that same week.
It was interesting to see the photos.

"And how have your friends been? Last time I saw them all was a while ago." Cissy asked.

"They've been great, we saw them all a couple weeks ago for the gathering." Draco said and she smiled.

"Yeah and Luna, the sweet girl, has come closer, she just needs a couple more months." Cissy made a face of awe.

"Bless her, her and Zabini deserve the best." We all agreed.

We all chatted and laughed about some funny memories from the past.
I would occasionally catch Draco staring at me as I talked, but didn't say anything at all to him.

Since we usually stayed the night here, we'd stay up pretty late, letting the kids have their fun as they chased fireflies around in the dark.
And because it was dark and cold out, Draco and Johnny built a fire that we all sat around.

Johnny sat next to his wife as she was wrapped in her warm blacket while looking into the fire.

Draco and I sat close together as we shared a blanket, my head leaning on his shoulder as he rested his own over mine.

The fire in front of us warmed our cold bodies off and the blanket helped as well.
Scorpius and Aliah sat together in the hammock wrapped in blankets and coats as they placed with the jars full if fireflies.

Moments like these were the ones I loved the most.
Everything felt fine.
We were all happy.
I was happy.
This is when I knew we were going to be ok.
No, everything would be great.

It would be forever us.


Hello guys/girls/theys!

I just realized that this story is hella corny, ew.

Anyways, pretty boring, sorry :')
But this chapter was mainly about the letter from Snape and the rest is just I don't even know.

I hope you all enjoyed though, I started off this story as a complete joke not thinking it would even get attention. Obviously I was wrong.

Thank you all so much for your support, you all have been here since the start and I thank you all for that.

Also, I want to thank certain people in my comments for always giving me the motivation to keep writing and letting me know everything would be ok, I love y'all.

Also, I took my tests a couple days ago and I'm really nervous...but I think I passed.
I hope you all get great grades, Y'ALL GOT THIS. YOU WILL PASS.

And...yeah...I guess this is it...for now.

I would love to hear some recommendations for my new stories and who you'd like our love interest to be!

Well, have a great day everyone AND SUMMER.
If y'all need some friends (like I do) don't be shy to add my insta: xi.mx.na
I would love to chat with y'all!

I love you all so much, never forget that! <3333333333333

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