My StepBrother Taehyung x...

By Princess_penguin23

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"What you doin stepbro?" "..." "Don't just don't." A/N: This is the first fanfic I made and I started writing... More

Not a Chapter


2.7K 134 66
By Princess_penguin23


You lift your head up to see Minhyun standing in-front of your seat after the class lecture ends.

Students are flying out of the classroom hurrying to get to the cafeteria, leaving you and Minhyun alone in the room.

"Hey Minhyun." You offer him a close lipped smile glancing at him for a second as you shoved your binder in your bag.

"Are you free tonight?"

You look back up at him just as you zipped the zipper of your bag to see Minhyun scratching the back of his neck, he sounds uncertain and nervous in-front of you.

You pursed your lips restraining yourself from laughing at his discompose state and clear your throat.

"Yeah and I would love to come with you later night." You told him straightly forward with a sweet smile, rising on your seat and slide the strap of your small backpack over your shoulder.

He's been asking you out for a while now but your good of a brother keep disrupting every time.

Minhyun lips curl to a wide smile at your response, it took him awhile to respond as he was still in his elated zone.

"I'll pick you up at six."

"See you later then Minhyun."

You kindly smile then walk past him, heading towards the door with Minhyun eyes lingering at your retreating figure, a happy expression on his face.

Hoping your stepbrother won't interfere this time.

"What took you so long?" Taehyung ask as you lower your bottom on the seat between him and Jin when you arrive at the cafeteria with the others already there.

Leaving his question unanswered, you turn your head to your other side.

"Jin oppa can I have some of that?" You politely ask as you eyed the piece of meat on Jin's plate.

Heads turn towards you in surprise at the sudden honorifics, Jin who's sitting beside you and busy chewing on his stake froze and slowly turn his head towards your direction.

"What?" You raise a brow noticing the others are looking at you as well like you suddenly grew three heads, annoyed at the stares they're giving you, you glare.

"I'm just being polite." You groan.

"Yah I'm older than you too you should call me oppa." Taehyung eventually protest, narrowing his eyes at you in complaint. "You never once call me oppa you piece of dimwit."

Rolling your eyes, you poke your tongue at him and return your attention to Jin who was still in squeamish state and have his chopstick halfway to his mouth, his cheek bulging with food like a squirrel with his mouth stuffed.

Your lips twitch to a smile as you wrapped your small hand around his and guide his chopstick to your mouth, making him feed you.

You didn't even realize how unusual you were acting.

Jin on the other side was caught off guard end up choking on his food, you couldn't stop yourself from laughing as you watch Jin coughed violently and gulp the entire water in the water bottle.

The others all have a look of either displeased and envy in their faces as they sulk on their seat, frowning.

Taehyung sucked the inside of his cheeks, turning away and scoop a spoonful of rice on his bowl, eating grumpily as he avert his eyes from you.

He scoff under his breath.

He called Jin oppa but not me.

"Yaaaaaaaaah you never call me baby kookie!" Out of nowhere Jungkook whine from his seat as he stomp on his foot. It took not your attention only but the others as well giving him a weird look upon seeing him wriggling in his seat with his brows furrowed and eyes squint in dismay.

Jungkook quiet down when he realize you all went silent and was looking at him oddly, realizing he said it out loud, he smile awkwardly but then frown, folding his arms against his chest grouchily and look away like an upset baby.

"I just want to be babied."

"Hurry up Tae."

You honk, rolling down the glass window as you holler at him who was making his way towards your vehicle, strutting like a model in Gucci like he have every time to pose.

You roll your eyes.

"Can you be a little faster?" You demand with a groan, getting annoyed.

"That's what she said." Taehyung smirk smugly, opening the passenger door and hopped in with a relief sigh.

With your nose scrunch in disgust, you deadpan  as you buckle on your seatbelt.

"Keep your dirty thoughts quiet."

"It's Tae oppa." Taehyung corrected, glaring at you as his head snap to your direction.

With a snort, you said as you pull out from the school parking lot.

"It's Taehyung not Tae oppa."

Taehyung scoff, glaring at the side of your head as you drove home.

"I'm your brother, not biologically tho but still I'm older than you."

An unwelcome thought suddenly fill your mind that made you stifle a laugh, earning a weird glance from your accompany as he look at your twitching lips.


"What you doin stepbro?" You eventually snorted, looking at him funnily as you remember a certain line that your boy friends always joke.

Taehyung's eyes widen as he was took off guard, not expecting you to know such an explicit line and he shift uncomfortably over his seat.

"Do you watch porn?"

Your laughter holts and you immediately look revulsed.

a smirk tug on Taehyung's thin lips as he think of it, quickly recovering from his bewilder state.

"Does it ever crosses your mind stepsis?" His voice was deep and sultry, as he wiggle his brows suggestively at you as he lean closer on you side.

You pull out a look of disgust in your face as you lean away, scrunching up your nose at the thought, you turn your eyes forward and drove.

"Never in a million years Stepbro."

Taehyung eyes narrowed, scanning the outfit hanging in your figure with a confuse glare when you walk down stairs where he happened to be passing by.

"Where are you going?" He raise a brow in question, arms crossing against his chest as he examine you from head to toe.

Pushing the thought on the back of his head how good you look and focus on the question of your whereabouts.

Putting your shoes on at the bottom of the staircase, you response casually without giving him a glance.

"To a date."

"No." He instantly said in a firm tone, not giving time to ponder or even asked who's your date is.

Your jaw slacked, straightening your back you look at him in disbelief and snort.

"Are you my mother? Because even you are I won't listen to you." You told him with a roll of your eyes as you avert your gaze from him and resume tying your shoes.

"You won't walk out from that door." Taehyung declare, his eyes settled in a determine look as he stood his ground.

Your annoyance shrivel and your lips curl to an amuse smile, finding how much of a boyfriend material Taehyung is but realize that he's just acting what a brother should be.

"Oh come Tae stop being too protective brother, I'll be back in two hours." You said with a light chuckle as you walk past his shoulder.

Yet before you could even passed by him, he extend his arm to block your way and snake it around your waist and in one swift motion brought you to his chest, your back being pressed against his front, his other arm automatically come to circle you.

"Call me to pick you up when you're done." He whisper, his hot breath hitting the side of your neck that you stiffen as his husky voice sent odd chills down your spine somehow that you're unresponsive for a second.

Swallowing the lump that formed in your throat and disregarding the weird feeling in your stomach at the inappropriate position, you reply.

"I have a car-"

"Just call me." He said firmly as he adjusted his arms around you, silencing you.

"Fine." You huff in defeat, another word for you can let go of me now.

Taehyung is persistent and even you'll refuse he'll find his way.

Wriggling out from his arms, you twirl around and focus your gaze on his nose, staring at the small mole. You couldn't able to look at him straight in the eyes without stuttering so you focus your gaze somewhere else instead.

"Be a good brother and wait for me then." You grin playfully earning a scoff from Taehyung as his eyes narrowed.

"And don't follow me." You quickly added, glaring at him as you point a finger at his direction making Taehyung snicker as he watch you walk out of the door.

The moment you closed the door behind you, Taehyung smile turn to a frown when he realize you're going to a date.


Just you and another man.

He nibble on the inside on his cheek at the sudden jealousy coating his chest, restraining himself from running after you and throwing you over his shoulder to get you back inside the house and lock you in your room with him.

Taehyung retreat on his steps with a scowl plastered on his face and return to the kitchen where he has been before finding you about to leave.

He saunter towards the fridge and get himself a can of beer gulping the entire content in a minute.

Minhyun was already outside the house when you got out of the door, leaning against the hood of his car with his hands tucked in his short's pocket.

"I'm sorry did I keep you waiting?" You apologize, cursing at your stepbrother who was the main reason of your delayed arrival.

"No, not at all, I just arrive a few minutes ago." Minhyun flash you a smile that reach his eyes as he dismiss your apology with a shake of his head.

You return the smile wider.

"So let's go then."

Minhyun open the passenger door and you slid in, appreciating his gentleman gesture you thanked him. Minhyun jog on the other side of the car when he closed the door to your side and hop in the driver seat, glancing at you momentarily with a smile on his face.

"So, where are we going?" You asked as you turn your head to look at him, having no idea where he would bring you but come along, you trust him.

"A friend of mine is having a pool party a barbecue party at his house and he told me to bring a plus one so here you are with me." Minhyun say in response, taking a quick look at you then returning his eyes on the road.

You only hummed in return and avert your gaze outside, watching the scenery pass by in a blur, enjoying the city lights.

The drive to his friend's house is pleasant, with few exchange words and playful banter, you were enjoying your time that you hadn't notice you finally arrived at your destination.

The house is average looking, two story house with a spacious backyard and a pool.

Compare to the previous house party you attend, the flat doesn't smell sweat and alcohol when you step inside the house, instead your nostrils was met with a homey smell and grilled food that your mouth waters in orgasm, and it was not packed with hormonal teenagers, there's only fifteen people there to your count excluding you and Minhyun who sent you friendly smile and single nod in greeting.

It was night time so the breeze of the autumn air at the pool deck is cold that it made you shiver as you sat on one of the chair near the pool side with Minhyun and his friend who was talking about the latest game in soccer.

You didn't mind being left alone at all since you were busy looking around your surroundings while also listening to their conversation.

Noticing your quivering form when he glance at you, Minhyun shrugged his jacket off and place it over your shoulder.

You look at him when you felt it drape around you, meeting his eyes that dazzle under the yellowish lights, being still handsome even in the dim lights.

"It's okay, you might get cold." You told him trying to sound assure despite your chattering teeth as you attempt to remove his jacket off yet before you could he place a hand on top of your smaller ones stopping you.

"I don't feel cold at all." He told you and so you nod, sending him a grateful smile.

"Let's go get some drink inside."

Minhyun rise from his seat, offering you a hand and you instantly embrace his with your smaller ones as he pull you up from your seat and lead you inside, hand intertwined together as you both made your way towards the kitchen.

"Want some beer?"

Minhyun brought you to an open stool bar where he helped you hop in as he held your head.

"Yeah, just one." You smile.

The night is gloomy from the previous rain and you're in the mood for beer on a cold weather.

Minhyun soon return with two beers in his grasp and hand you the other one then took a seat beside you.

It was silent for awhile as you both silently took sip on your own drinks yet you didn't fail to notice the lingering gaze of Minhyun on the side of your face as you casually look around the kitchen.

"Is there some dick drawing on my face again?" You joked in attempt to break the silence between you as you meet his gaze.

Instead of getting flustered and embarrassed of getting caught staring, Minhyun smile and lightly shake his head.

"No, you just look pretty."

You masked your flustered state by playfully bumping your shoulders with him, you snicker.

"You don't look bad yourself."

Indeed, Minhyun is only wearing a white polo shirt with few buttons left open giving you a small view of his smooth chest and shorts, despite being dressed so casual Minhyun still manage to look like a model.

You suddenly feel overdressed with your high-waist jeans and white cropped shirt and combat boots as you examine yourself.

"Can I ask you something?"

You were snap out of your self analysis when Minhyun suddenly ask.

"You're already asking silly." You reply lightheartedly, drawing a smile on his face as he chuckles softly that only lasted shortly.

"But seriously, do you like someone?"

Your lips pursed as the atmosphere suddenly turn serious and you ponder.

Do I like someone?

Jungkook who's constantly sneaking kisses whenever he find opportunity then there's Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin who also kissed you.

Those boys always manage to make you blush and flustered, but your thought speculate longer at a certain person.

Your stepbrother.

Your heart palpitate when you think of Taehyung  and a specific memory, the night he kissed you but the words ringing in your head that it was just a mistake and out of drunkenness kills the butterflies in your chest.

You lightly shake your head to erase any mental picture of Taehyung in your head and turn your head to look at Minhyun.


Yet you were not so sure of your answer yourself, every-time you'll think of it there's a weird flattering in your chest like your heart is telling you otherwise.

You're having trouble figuring out your feelings towards him ever since the night he kissed you and you blame Taehyung for it.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?"

Your head whirl to face Minhyun and were quiet for a while, then you found yourself slowly nodding with a faint smile on yourself.

Thinking it will help you clear your unstable emotional state towards Taehyung and thought of giving Minhyun a chance.

You closed your eyes when Minhyun soft palms caressed your cheek and felt a soft pair of lips pressing against yours gently.

Slowly moving your lips against his momentarily after, you let your tense body relax and get lost from the kiss but when your eyes flutter close you see Taehyung's face, the ghost of his hands cupping your cheeks tenderly, you imagined Taehyung lips instead of Minhyun kissing you and grazing your skin with such gentleness yet rough.

Deepening the kiss you tried to erase the image of your step brother kissing you yet his face always flash in your head that it frustrates you making you kiss him harder as you huddle closer that your chest is pressed together.

Suddenly feeling Minhyun's hand on the hem of your top, you return from your senses when you feel the warmth of his palm went inside of your clothe.

Slowly and gently, you pull apart from the kiss and pressed your palms against Minhyun's chest, lightly pushing him away with a look on your face you couldn't decipher.

Confuse? Maybe Anger?

And none of it was directed to Minhyun but to yourself.

Meanwhile Minhyun was still catching his breath from the steamy kiss you both shared, concern and wonder written on his expression as he look at you.

"What's wrong?" He ask in a soft voice, tilting his head slightly to the side to look at your face as your head hung low from his gaze. "Did I do something wrong?"

You want to say no but nothing come out from your lips.

You were confuse, you don't understand, you were uncertain of what you were feeling and it overwhelms you that your chest began to ache and soon you find it hard to breath.

Noticing the lost look on your face, Minhyun worry only increase and he reach towards you yet before he could place his hands on yours you hop off the stool bar and ran out of the room in labored breath.

"Y/n wait!"

You hear him yell from the back only making you quicken your pace as you ran towards the front door, eager to get some fresh air.

Minhyun hurried to get to you but a friend of his interfere, holding him by his forearm before he could ran after you. "hey, we've been looking for you." His friend said, throwing an arm around his shoulder as he push him towards the pool deck.

Minhyun could only sigh as he look towards the door where you probably ran off and give you some space, seeing you need some air.

You didn't feel the flutter of thousand butterflies in your stomach.

"Tae... I want to go home."

Taehyung's heart clench when he heard your voice crack through the phone, imagining of the worst scenario possible as his hands grip the steering wheel tightly that his knuckles turned white at the thought of someone hurting you or worst taking advantage of you.

He stomp on the gas pedal speeding up in hurry to get to you, to embrace you in his arms to listen what's wrong and to punch the living hell out of whoever is your date.

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