The Band Next Door

By TEEwaitforitHEE

31.2K 1.4K 418

Meet six normal girls...finding their way through life. As if it wasn't already way TOO complected, guess wha... More

Chapter 01 - Butterflies.
Chapter 02 - The Fall and All
Chapter 03 - Somebody Save Me!
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 1)
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 2)
Chapter 05 - (Christmas Special)
Chapter 06 - Cupcakes.
Chapter 07 - Bowling and bawling.
Chapter 08 - Community service.
Chapter 10 - Drummer boy
Chapter 11 - The Pact
Author's note.
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 1)
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 2)
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 3)
Author's note : THE CHARACTERS!
Chapter 14 - A little too much to drink.
Chapter 15 - We surely cant handle our alcohol.
Chapter 16 - The hangover.
Chapter 17 - Consequences afterwards.
Chapter 18 - Heartbreaks and Mistakes.
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20 - Too many guys!
Chapter 21
Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Chapter 22~ (too lazy to name the chapters now)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ;)
Chapter 26
Chap 27 (Muti-POVs)
Chapter 28
Chapter-28 cont...
Chapter 29
Chapter 32 (:
Chapter-32 (P*A*R*T*2 :D)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Rosalicious
Chapter 35: Major surprises!
Chapter 36

Chapter 09 - Problem?

902 46 16
By TEEwaitforitHEE

Dedicated to my most consistant commenter&voter and a good friend :)

Chapter 9~


I collapsed exhausted onto a chair in my kitchen staring at the counters littered with baked goods.

"Shit, I may have gone a bit overboard..." I muttered to myself, looking about. There was a zone I got in when I was baking that didn't allow me to stop until I worked everything out of my system. "At least the bake sale won't run out of supplies."

Suddenly, it hit me that I was talking to myself, and I shook my head laughing. Picking up a few tins, I decided I'd be a good neighbor and drop by the neighboring houses with my baked goods. After dropping a few off at Nikki's house, knowing how she liked my brownies, I made my way over to the Band House, as I affectionately titled it.

Knocking on the door with some chocolate chip cookies, I was surprised to have it thrown open right away by a frazzled Liam who was just as surprised to see me on his doorstep.

"T-tori?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head embarrassed as he eyed me intently. He was shirtless, which did nothing for my racing heart, and I had to swallow hard to get any moisture in my mouth.

"Hey, Liam." I said, running a self conscious hand through my hair. I realized I was standing on his step, bare faced, in old sweatpants and a tanktop with a light jacket. Clearly, I wasn't making much of an impression. "I... I, um, made a few too many cookies and I wondered if you and the lads would like to have some."

Liam practically snatched the cookies from my hands looking behind him nervously.

"Yeah. Thanks." He replied shortly.

"Liam?" I said with a questioning tone, a little hurt by his short treatment of me.

"What?" He snapped.

I reared back, my shock written across my face. "I just wanted to know if you were alright..." I trailed off, before spinning around and leaving angrily. "Enjoy the damn cookies."

"Tori..." He said sadly, before pausing when I didn't stop walking. "T-tori! Tori, wait!"

I was halfway across the street before a hand grabbed my arm, stopping me. I could see Liam had thrown a jacket on over his bare torso and grabbed mismatching shoes in his rush to stop me.

"What, Liam? What do you want?"

"I-I'm sorry, I'm stressed." He apologized, rubbing his buzz cut head.

I crossed my arms unimpressed, "Doesn't mean I can be your punching bag."

"I know." He said before shooting me a crooked smile. "I'm very sorry."

In the face of his smile, I couldn't hold out long and shook my head, waving it off with my hand. "It's fi-"

I was about to respond when a car blared from my side of the road, and I was suddenly very aware that we were right smack dab in the middle of the street. I was caught like a doe in headlights, and I froze. All of a sudden, I felt the car whiz by me as Liam pulled me to his chest and spun me around shielding me.

I looked up at him as he brought me upright, locking my brown eyes with his hazel ones. "Th-thank you."

He looked just as shaken and his eyes were wide, "No problem."

Suddenly, I realized I was pressed against his bare chest in just a tank top, and I backed away quickly, feeling much chillier without his arms around me.

"What are you stressed about?" I asked, trying to resume the position we were having before.

"Baby problems." He sighed.

I looked at him surprised, "You have a KID!?"

Liam looked at me blankly for a second before his eyes widened, "No, oh GOD no! Baby sitting for one of our stylists! And I can't get her to sleep for longer than five minutes!"

I walked confidently in the direction of the Band House, "Men... I'll get her to sleep, promise..."


I had baby Lux sleeping like there were no tomorrow within 15 minutes. So as not to disturb her, I slowly put her on Liam's bed from my lap, covering her with a blanket afterwards.

"There." I smiled at my accomplishment. turned my head to look at Liam, who had also fallen asleep on the recliner. Shaking my head and giving out a small chuckle I headed back to my house.

Entering the kitchen for a glass of water I saw the mess I had created all this while. I had to clean all of this now?

Any other day I would've immediately cleaned up any mess but right now 'I feel like I was going to collapse of tiredness and exhaustion was an understatement.

I headed to my room for a shower.

As I was almost about to go into the shower I heard my phone buzz from somewhere under my covers.

I searched for it and when I found it I saw a new message from Nikki.

HER - I dont want to live on this planet anymore, the most embarrassing thing ever happened to me. :'(

I immediately got worried. What could've possibly happened.? I mean, I know Nikita is very clumsy and stuff and always ends up embarrassing herself, but I still was pretty worried. My fingers worked their way automatically as I asked her what happened.

I didnt get a reply.

I waited for about 45 minutes for her reply checking my twitter and Face book on the phone. Playing Temple Run.

But still no reply.

Giving up I was going to go in for a shower the second time when I heard the door bell ring.

Groaning in irritation I made my way up to the door.

Oh my goodness. Liam! Swinging it open I said, "No, I am NOT babysitting for you aga-" But I stood there shocked as I saw a girl with puffy red eyes and a red nose standing on my doorstep.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" I asked her pulling her into a tight hug. Pulling back, I cocked an eyebrow at her when I noticed that she was quite amused by my reaction.

"Nothing actually happened, T" She said coming in and plopping herself on the sofa. "I just over reacted. Like I do. Always."

I went into the kitchen and warmed some hot chocolate for her. Knowing her, whenever she feels sad or gloomy or just freaking out (Like she did back on the first day of our school.) she literally HOGGS on chocolate products.

Crazy. But true.

Placing her steaming cup beside mine, I faced her, passing her a smile.

"Now. Enlighten me."

~~~~ZOEY'S POV~~~~~

I'm early. Again.

I didn't want to come early but.. I don't like people staring at me when I come in late. I'm an introvert. Music was everything for me. I could hear any type of music all day.. and my favourite was One Direction. Gosh, One Direction, they are just so, so. Perfect.

To be honest, I always wanted to meet them and now that I know they study in our collage I've been dying to meet them. Well, all of them. Since I met Harry and Louis on saturday on the farm. Thiking of farm, What was Louis doing there-

My thoughts were disturbed by a voice "Hey Zoey! Mind if I sit next to you?"

I looked up and saw Sam.

"Nope." I smiled and made space for her. Sam is a really nice person. I have just known her since this year but she's helped me out a lot.

I saw a guy, who I knew. Tanner. He was pretty cute but I think he likes Sam. I don't know why I think so.

"Hey, Tanner!" I said.

"Hey." He replied. I could see he was really busy.

"Watccha Doin'?" I asked in the same tone.

"He's too busy working on some song. He's been busy ever since he was invited to join the college band with One direction." She whispered.

Join the COLLEGE BAND. WHITH ONE DIRECTION! That would be a dream come true for any girl! Infact, ANYBODY!

I looked at Sam in surprise I opened my mouth to say something but then shut up when I Smelt strong cologne in my nostrils.

"Did you like, spray the whole bottle-" I turned around to face the person sitting behind me but stopped seeing his face, "Oh. H-hey L-L-Louis." I tried to say it casually, but it came out more as a stutter.

"Hi" He said simply. My brown eyes couldnt avert their gaze from his ocean blue ones. And probably the same could be said for him.

"Awkward staring contest." Shrita quietly said making me blush and avert my gaze. "Im out of here! have fun you two love birds." He shouldered past me to go sit near tanner.

I looked at her with daggerous eyes.

HOW CAN SHE JUST LEAVE ME LIKE THIS! I smiled awkwardly at him. And he gave a smile back at me. I looked at the front again as I heard Ms.Brooks say, "Good Morning, class! Today, we are going to start with composing Jazz music."

I was interested in what she was saying But I couldn't help but look at Louis, from the corner of my eye. Breaking the silence, (Yes Ms.Brooks was still speaking, Im talking about the silence between the two of us.) I spoke up.

"Why did you come to the community service when you weren't even in detention?"

"Hypocrtitical much?" He asked smiling at me.

I couldn't help but blush. It was true that I had come to help for the community service thing, even when I myself wasnt in detention. Asking him the same question might've made me kinda sound like an Idiot.

I focused back to what the teacher was saying.

She announced, "I'm assigning groups of two. You have to present a Jazz Song. You don't have to compose right now, just sing." She made Sam and Tanner a group, what a coincidence! And Louis & I were the only ones left. "And Zoey and Louis are the last". I heard voices of other children and looking in out direction. Why Me?

"So, what song are we singing, madame?"Louis asked me.

"Anything." I replied blankly.

"Okay, how about 'Dont know why' by Norah Jones?"

I looked at him in surprise, I loved that song. "But, umm.. Isnt that a all girl song?"

"Yeah, so? Cant I sing the songs sung by a female?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.

I felt uncomfortable. Again. Why was he affecting me like this? I mean I was totally cool, calm and composed until Nikita told me the community service incident.

"If you're okay with it then I am too." I smiled at him.

After some time, Sam and Tanner preformed a song I didn't know, but I just realized they sang it so, beautifully. They were so into the song, so into each other.

Crap, Its our turn now, I wish we had the same chemistry here, too.Their song finished and the moment I dreaded came up a bit faster than I'd expected.

Here it goes. Do your best Zoey. Leave your stage fright aside and DO NOT make a fool out of yourself!

Louis started off the song with his amazingly, cute, adorable, stop Zoey!. And I joined along. Then, I looked into his eyes. At that moment our gaze locked and we were singing the song and I totally forgot about the crowd, the teacher, and the fact that I may be singing horrible. All I could see Louis, his beautiful eyes and his beautiful voice!

When the song ended with a fade out, I heard the class clapping for us and compliments from the crowd.

When class ended, Louis said "You don't sing bad."He smiled, then continued " Hey, I was wondering, if I could, have, uhh, your phone number?"

"No." I answered a bit abruptly and regretted my decision. WHAT THE HELL. Why on Earth did I just say 'NO' to Louis Tomlinson for my number?!

He blinked a few times and looked at me in a blank expression. "Im sorry, what?" He asked with a poker face.

"Its not like I dont want to give you my number or anything.." I started off truthfully. "..Its- Its just that I dont own a phone" I lied shamelessly.

WTF Zoey! I mentally cursed myself. And as if a punishment from the gods. I heard a tune come from my bag. "Da. Da-Da. Da-Daa!. Dum-dum-dum. Da. Da-Da. Da-Dum-Dum".

I cringed at my ringtone.

'Oh god WHY!'

~~~~~NIKITA'S POV~~~~~~

I looked at a troubled Kaylie and Sam from my seat in the cafeteria.

"Whatsup guys!"I asked as I went to the seat beside them.

"We have a HUGE PROBLEM." Replied Sam throwing the papers in her hand onto the table.

A/N- HEY!!! Sorry I didnt upload since a LOOONNGGG time. xD Its just that Victoria was caught up in her exams and studies and all those crappy school shit. So, yeah. It sucked.

BUT! I uploaded B| Sorry people! :)

ANY-WHO... The story gets a bit interesting from here, I bet on my love for chocolates (and Harry Styles) that the next chapter would be a quicker and awesomer upload. I SWEARRR!! xD

Til then sont forget to... VOMMENT! or should I say, 'rec-vomment'? (You know you add reccomand to comment and vote)

Im bloody awesome I know xD

ANYWAYS! comment Potatoes if you actually rad the full author's note. ;) and the first one to see the secret mssg will get the dedication of the next chapter! YAYY!

*tries to act normal so that people who didint read the full A/N cant make out somethings fishy* ;)


Adios Amigos.

xX, Nikita.:*

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