The Replaced Bride(Completed)

By FlowerVine98

1.7M 57.9K 8.6K

She is Bubbly, He is Arrogant She is the ray of sunshine, He is full of darkness. This story about an plus s... More

Author's Note
Character Info
Chapter 1 - Her
Chapter 2 - Him
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Author's Note

Chapter 44

19.9K 742 90
By FlowerVine98

*** please adjust with this chapter. I don't get time. I don't know whether you will like this chappy or not. Please bear with me***

Aaditya pov:

I don't know what to think because at 5th standard. She didn't even had 1 bestfriend. I mean I too like that. But Its not like I don't had anyone to talk or something like that. It's just all are used me. But for her it doesn't seems like that. She said her first friend as diary. It's too much to take in.

When she was suffering I don't know what I has been doing.

I just turned next page. Her handwriting is so super.

Dear first friend,
You know what happened today. My elder sister gave me an chocolate today. I was so happy at first. But you know what she did. She complained to mom by saying that I stealed her chocolate. Mom slapped me. I again cried. Why am I an useless one like my mom saying. I didn't steals anythings still now. I mean I stealed the food. Because because mom didn't allow me to eat at many days saying that I will become too fat ot big something. Other than that I won't steal anything. But alas who believed me. No one. Mom is pregnant right now. My wish is that small child don't have to be ugly like me. Or else she/he too won't be loved by anyone. Am an ugly girl.
With love,

"What the fuck it is. What it is meant. I couldn't even able to think straight. From a small child itself she yearned for love. Which parents will bully her own daughter." I just looked at her. I want to know fully about her. Iam going to take full revenge on those useless shits. I need to speak with DSP first of all.

I turned the page.

Dear first friend,
Am sorry I didn't get time to speak with you. Yesterday I went to shop to buy my necessary items nothing much just a pen, pencil like that. That shopkeeper asked me an question. Do you what is it?
He asked me what shop rice you were eating. "Can you refer that so I can buy the rice from there. I too want to put some weight". And also that uncle gave me his piece of advice.
"Beta don't eat much. Then your stomach won't able to hold anymore. Then it will burst." He said before all. There present some aunties they too laughed at me. I just lowered my head and runned from there. From then I didn't gone to that shop. Am an small girl why they all are bullying me. But am not going to feel. I have you right. Thank you so much friend♥️💓.
With love,

After reading this I can't able to understand. Why evryone bullying others. That too an small child. Are these kind of creatures are matured one. Why they make the small children's to hate their body at the small age itself.

Is this is they called revolution. Fuck them. Shit my baby undergone so much of humiliation.

"I don't know whether you smiled whole heartedly after marrying me or not.
But I promise to you that I will make you smile hereafter.
Just open your eyes baby.
I can't promise you that we will have only an happy times.
I want us to have many small small fights, because I strongly believes that it will make our relationship to strong.
But I want that fights to end up within 5 mins. At the end of the day both of us to be in each other arms.
Did you get it malar"i said to her. As if she is going to reply to me.

I again turned the page.

Dear first friend,
Today is leave for all. My parents are planned to go theatre and some hotel. I actually heard it accidently, while they all were speaking in the hall yesterday.
Am so happy at the morning. So I just dressed up in cute frock kind of dress. Then I braided my hair and kept bindi. When I reached the hall, I waited for 5 mins. Then my parents and priya came. As usual she looks beautiful. After seeing me mom looked angry. I didn't know that I did the mistake at that time.
She came before me and slapped me. I don't know why but she slapped. I asked her why she slapped me. She said that I look ugly and don't even try to tag along with them to anywhere. Then priya laughed at me. I just kneeled down on the floor and cried, but they all gone out.
But after that aunty came. Oh you don't know who is that aunty right. One maid, she allowed me to call her aunty. Am so happy. She helped me and wiped my tears and asked me to change into some dress. Then I came down after changing to home clothes. That aunty asked me what I want to eat. But I didnt said anything to her. Because mom already said to don't eat. If I eat anything she will scold me and even slap me. So I said to her that I didn't need anything. She nodded her head and gone inside the kitchen. Like as usual gone to my room and started my homework. Am not an brilliant student, but I will pass in every subject. After sometime aunty came and gave me an chocolate freaking choci. I said no at first. But she said that it was for me she buyed herself so no problem. I was happy today because she treated me like an human being.
Sorry diary I blabbered so many things. But I know you will understand me. But its paining friend my cheeks.
With love,

I instantly placed my hands on her cheek. How much time she had been slapped.

I just stood up and leaned down and placed an kiss on her either cheeks. That fucking family. Is they all are an human being.

I just took out my phone and called the DSP.

He attended the call. I just slightly moved away from malar.

"Hello Sir"

"Hello Aaditya"

"Sir I asked ou already will I able to get hold of them. Please" I asked him.

"Actually I itself thought to call you. Yes Aaditya you can. Because judge who took this case has having an emergency work. And also tomorrow being an Saturday and Sunday. It will be no problem. But the problem is that if this information leaked then we all will get into the deep problem. That's why am thinking. And also if you tortured the external marks will show it, so it's will be an problem. Other than that I don't have any issues. "he said to me.

" And one more thing. Their case will be on next week Friday. " he said to me.

" It's okay sir. I will take care of everything. No worries. And will you please arrange some thing. I want them to be in separate place while am torturing them." I said to him.

He said okay to everything. And we cut the call.

I gone near to my Malar. And sat in the chair.

" Angel am going to torture them. I know you don't like that. But I want to get justice by myself angel. You won't even get idea about this" I said to her and kissed her.

She is so selfless. I really need her. Please open your eyes baby. I couldn't able to control myself. But I just refrained myself. I know you will open your eyes. But don't make it late. I can't able to live myself.

Its too much to think that you are not opening your eyes.

With this thought I just put my head in her hands and slept after clsoing the diary and clutching it to my heart. I won't leave them baby.

"Your hand is my pillow for now,
You are my cushion to sleep,
Your breathing is lullaby to me" waiting to wrap my hands around your waist atleast. But I won't as of now your health is important angel.

I closed my eyes and slept thinking about her💕.

I wokeup next morning with she beside. She is sleeping peacefully. I gone to the restroom and done the morning routine.

I came out and seen that nurse is doing her daily routine for my Malar.

Then after sometime everyone cane to our room. I asked them to take care of my angel.

As usual Vikram and Nakul started to spread the jovial mood. Even krithi and thaanavi get discharged. I asked the orphanage mam to leave Thaanavi with me for one day. At first she didn't accept that. But Thaanavi too cried to be with me. At last they reluctantly said okay not before warning me to leave her at orphanage before evening.

We both then gone to malar room. There she sleeping. Seeing her thaanavi started to cry. At first it is difficult for me to handle her. Then atlast I somehow handle her. She then clutched my neck and cried in my neck.

Then Krithi straight away came to malar ward and sat along with her. Still now she is crying. Atlast I asked her to go to the home to get freshen up and come meet my angel. At first she didn't like that idea. Then Vikram took care of that matter in his own style. Then she itself gone out of the room to her home.

I just gone and stand before my angel and kissed her lips. Again this Vikram put the scene but who cares.

"Bro don't make this poor child to see this kind of bad activities. See Thaanavi is small child . Behave yourself" he shouted at me smilingly.

Then I asked him to take care of my angel.

I then gone with Thaanavi out of the ward. I took her in my arms.

"Thaanavi what is your age" I asked her.

"3 and half years Appa" she said to me. Aww so sweet right.

Am an family man with an cute family of my own. I really need to adopt her. First I need malar to wakeup and then we both need to adopt our lovely daughter.

She had an bright smile in her dace, because I been lifting her right.

She kissed my cheeks. She is so adorable. Every child is adorable 💕.

We both reached out of the hospital. I messaged Aarav to do every setup.

I then climbed into the car with my child. I made her to sit in the window seat. She started to look everything aww state. I just smiled at her.

"Appa is this your car" she asked me.

"Yes my baby doll. Its now yours too" she again smiled brightly.

"Then I too tavel for school in car right. Even I can pick up my friends too right" she asked me. This is an children life. We want to encourage them. They become good or bad is partially depends on parents too.

"Yes doll" she is my doll. She is looking exactly like my angel.

"Can daddy get another kiss" I asked her.

She nodded her head shly. Awww my sweety daughter.

I asked the driver to reach some shopping mall. After reaching it we both gone inside the child section dress store. Am not familiar with these kind of activities. Mostly I took my every dressess in online.

Now am started to learn these kind of activities. I seriously need to shop with malar. Lastly I went with that so called family for marriage shopping.

I hated that day. She bugged me a lot at that day. Am not saying its wrong to buy everything. But she used me right. Its wrong.

I don't want to think anything about this right now.

I have to really recreate my memories with my angel and doll together. When it will happen.

Then we both started to see the dresses. I got help from one employee there. Then we bought everything.

Literally dresses, sandals etc..,

And for her friends too. She is the on who asked me with her puppy eyes. She don't even have to use that antics.

She and malar are same in this. They don't even have to use those antics. I will easily give up with them.

I asked her to change into the dress which we brought from the shop.

"Appa can you help with ch..... Changing" she asked me. I just perplexed after hearing that.

"Okay" saying this I took her in my hands. She wrapped her hands around my neck.

We both gone inside the trail room. I just helped her into changing the dress by kneeling down in the floor.

"Thanks appa" she said to me.

"It's okay doll" I said to her smilingly.

We both then came out of the shop with the bags in our hands as well as some of the workers too carry some bags along with us. And then we both gone.

She said thanks to every workers. Mmmm very nice right.

Then we reached some banglow kind of place. Where I planned to have the torture right. Yesterday night itself I arranged everything with the help of my Aarav, Vikram.

As Vikram requested me that he too want to see my revenge. But I didn't allow him. So he didn't came here.

When I reached inside there stood Aarav with some doctors and Ananthi aunty who is the maid of the malar home. I mean for Malar she is the maa right. I mean I heard her once she called her as maa.

I just gave thaanvu to Ananthi maa. Not before kissing her forehead. Then me and Aarav gone inside the room.

Ahh the sight before me is just what I want to see. There every fucking members I mean that lady who is so called mother of malar, but loving mother for priya. Then so called father and priya even that Sushant too. Tied in the chair.

Sushant dad even called me to drop the case against Sushant but will I no. He is the one who made to hug some filthy mna to touch, hug what is mine. How will I. Ahh. I know he is basic suspect that's it. So his father can took him out easily. But before that I need to take care of him right.

We both entered into the room.

*Clap clap* they all looked up. I didn't even start to torture. But they looked so dull.

"How are you all" I asked them. But they couldn't able to answer because we tied them and even tapped their mouth. Hahhaha. Fun right.

For me it's an revenge!

Am not like them. But I can't let them enjoy just like that.

I gone and sat in the chair which is placed before them.

They all looked angry. But who cares. I won't.

"Okay we will start your torture from now onwards" I said to them in an harsh voice.

They looked frightened. Ahhh it's not going to work.

"Aarav what you think that we are going to do now" I asked him.

"Obviously an show dude. I was so happy that I can able to see this directly. I wmat to enjoy this show, becuase they did more for my krithi and small child" he said to me.

"I will go first" I said to him.

I just gone before them and slapped them. Not once but thrice. I don't even see that priya and her mom as ladies. These fucking creatures don't even belongs to an human being right.

"Dude now it's my turn" saying Aarav took my part.

Then I asked for ice cubes, because we can't show them with an external marks right.

I just placed in their cheeks one by one. They all started to shout.

Ahh for this itself haaa.

Then I gone outside and played with thaanavi sometime. Then I gave her an remote and asked her to play with it.

She being an curious one started to play with it. Actually this remote has the control for the shock for all the chairs. Hahhah.

"Play safely doll" I said to her. She started to press the on and off button. Hahhah.

Then I gone inside all were crying to leave them. But will I?


" Its an fucking no! "

Me and aarav enjoyed everything. After some minutes I gone out and took the remote from her and gave her another remote control car.

Its small amount of shock only. But they violently used the more shock on my doll.

Me nad aarav laughed at them.

" Why are you doing this. She is fucking fat girl. Why are even loving her. She is not even an ounce of beauty in her." again her mom started to shouted.

"Stop fucking stop. She is beautiful. But you can't able to see that beauty because you have an ugly eyes right. Which can't able to see." I shouted at that lady. And slapped her. She didn't gave food to my angel right.

"Leave us. We will say it to the judge" that old uncle said.

"No one will believe you. Hhaha" I said to them.

"Leave us" priya shouted this time.

"Did you leave that small child. No right then why." I asked her.

"Is it paining" I asked her.

She nodded her head.

"That is what I want. Today session is over. Did you all want something to eat" I asked them. They all nodded. Fucking creatures.

"But you all get fat. If you ate more. So no. You are going to follow the strict diet from now on. As priya always said to me that she wnat to maintain her figure right" I said to them.

"No please give some good to us" priya shouted.

"No no. Come on aarav we need to go" saying this we both gone out.

There stood Ananthi Ma with thaanavi. I gone before them and took my doll from her hand to my shoulder she already slept. Just like her mom, always sleeping. Am missing my angel very much right now.

"Aunty can you please join to our home. To take care of my wife." I asked her.

"You don't have to ask beta. It's my pleasure to take care of her. She did many things to me. It's my time to take care of her" she said to me.

Then we all gone in our car. After reaching hospital Ananthi maa first gone inside. I just too seat in the chair. After some time she came out. Then me and doll gone inside. I placed thaanavi in the bed,

"Muma ope.... Open your eyes. Muma." she too tapped her hands on malar cheek.

"Open your eyes angel. Me and doll are waiting for you. Please" again this tears came. I just wiped it.

Then aunty came and took thaanavi with her to feed her.

I placed beside malar.

"Please dear open your eyes we have many things to explore. I just want to know more about you malar."

"This arms waiting to hold your waist,
This face waiting to place in your neck,
This lips waiting for the heaven to taste,
This eyes waiting to devour the world through your eyes"

"When everything seems to be fake,
You reached me and teaches me that not everything is fake in this world.
You seen this world differently,
You made me to see this differently too,
Now I need you to stand beside me,
Will it happen angel, just open your eyes 💕"

Author's note :

I am seriously sorry for the late update I caught up in work. And I didn't get time to write. Just now I finished there will be an plenty of mistakes please adjust with it.

Thank you all for you immense support.

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Luv you all💓❣️

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