The fuck (Hiatus)

By Mads0the0bitch

7.1K 300 11

deku-squad isn't hiding anythin, that's what evveryone thinks, but what if they hid something that could cha... More

We are our own heros!
What ?
Oh wait
bitch what?
New member
Moving into the dorms
Oh nooo
USJ (2)
search and you may find
Fucking Monday
Heroic lesson
Heroics lesson (2)
Wait a damn minute
live is a bitch
Wakie wakie
dark day
Watch your steps
Aftermath (2)
Where are they?
Training Camp
Training camp (2)
Training camp (3)
Training camp (4)
Training camp(5)
Training camp(6)
Training camp (7)
Training camp (8)
Training camp (9)
Training camp (10)
Training camp (11)
To be remebered
dark suprise

Suprise shawwty

170 7 0
By Mads0the0bitch

Weeks went by, Izuku was called sometimes by Nezu to help coordinate between Heros and lost ones. He drew the symbols of the teams that the heros are most likely to work with on papers and also what those teams spezialised in, like if they are medics, rescuere, attackers, hackers or spys. Izuku wass relying infromation from tthe lost ones to the heros.

"Man, it is crazy, you are really going to teach us about the lost ones?" asked Kaminari and Izuku nodded. It was lunch time. "Yeah in both classes. Nezu wants us to be like the new generation that works with lost ones hand in hand or something." anwsered Izuku. "Why would we need to get teach about them?" asked  Bakugo arrogantly. "Because if you get on the bad side of them, they won't give a shit if your a hero or the president of a big company. They will come after you."answered Izuku. "Then why didn't they at least come after Endeavor or All Might?" asked Mina. "Why would they the two are the top heros?" questioned Shiosaki. "Oh, right you didn't know about it." commented Mina scratching the back if her head. "In short, the both of them have dark secrets and the lost ones didn't come after them, because me and sho said that we don't want to risk the society falling into choas, whenn the top 2 heros get exposed. So yeah the moment we decided that they are no longer needed for the society their as good as dead." explained Izuku making some of the classmates choke on their food. "So you are the sole reason that a world wide organization isn't after them?" asked  Aizawa walking by the tables of the 2 classes. "Pretty much, yeah." answered Izuku. "Why am i not suprised and i guess Todoroki is the person Hawks promised not to kill Endeavor." stated Aizawa, making some of the students choke again. "You are correct, but you should know that Hawks also knew Touya. OH and i should inform you that lost ones don't believe he is dead and  found traces of him, they are trying to find him." replied Izuku, making Aizawa freez up. "I- Huh?!" eclaimed Aizawa. "We tried to find him when he went  missing and didn't find him or any traces." uttered  Aizawa. "Well you didn't find us, when we got freed or were here at school." muttered Izuku. Aizawa just left.

"Hey I wonder, you never told us when you got freed." said Kamminari. "Huh?" exclaimed Izuku looking at Kaminari. "Yeah, nerd. When were you freed?" asked Bakugo getting a bit angry. "Oh uhmm i am going to get killed by you so i rather not say it." replied Izuku and backing away from Bakugo. "Say it or i am going to blast you!" threaten Bakugo making explosions. "Okay, okay, but don't tell the teachers or Nezu." demanded Izuku and waited till everyone promised not to say something. "Me and the other 5 got out around 3 or 4 monthes after we got kidnapped, so it would be around 5 to 6 years now." answered Izuku making himself ready to run from Bakugo. "You fucking nerd were free for years and didn't tell!" yelled Bakugo and jumped at Izuku, who ran for his live. 

"Should we help him?" asked Kirishima. "And be the ones that get blasted, no thanks the one time i was, was enough for me." answered Mina. "Yeah, no. Let them do this on their own." said Momo. The two classes chatted and laughed at Izuku, who ran around the cafeteria begging for mercy untill the lunch break was over.

The classes were told to meet in one classroom and wait for a teacher. They were then lead to the confrence room. "Ähmm.. Nezu i was ony told that i would teach the classes about lost ones and not the teachers, too." said Izuku after seeing neraly every teacher in the room. "Well, i think it would be good if they know about it, is there a problem?" answered Nezu. "Well, not exactly, but why is Tsukauchi here? I know he is a detective, but i also know that he is a walking lie-detector." questioned Izuku. "Does him being here and make you uncomfortable?" asked Nezu. "I am only here so the police knows more about him and don't make a mistake while working with them." commented Tsukauchi. "Well if that is the case. Then i guess it is going to be okay." answered Izuku.

They talked abouth ow the lost ones work as a organisation. How the teams mostly works when they are on missions and what the main purpuse is. "Do you by any chance know, why the leaders aren't active or at least not seen by us at the moment?" asked Aizawa. "Nope." answered Izuku and promptly got called out by Tsukauchi for lying. "You know i begin to hate you. Yeah i know why they aren't out or seen by anyone, but i can't tell, because it is top secret." said Izuku and Tsukauchi nodded. "How old are the memebers?" asked Yamada. "That depends how you define being a member." answered Izuku. "You know we mean the ones that are seen fighting and all." said Aizawa anoyed. "Not sure if i should answere that." replied Izuku. "So there are childrens under the ones fighting." stated Nezu. "That depends on at what age you say someone is an adult." replied Izuku. "Under 18 years, what do you think?!" said Snipe. "Well then yes, there are ones that are under 18 and belong to a team. I define a adult as some one who is matured enough to make decisions for themself." responded Izuku. "How young is the youngest ones?" asked Vlad King. "Uhmmm, i think the youngest one and newest addition to a team is around a year younger than me. They are a hacker, so they don't really need to fight." answered Izuku. "What about in the other categorys, how old is the youngest ones in them?" asked Aizawa. "Uhmm, in the rescuer it would be a half year younger than me, medics a few monthes older than me, attacker would have been me if you didn't catch me and spys i think it was someone that is around 13, but they aren't here in Japan" explained Izuku. "You would be one of the attackers?!!" shouted Aizawa. "Yeah i was in training to become one." answered Izuku. "You are lying, why?" questioned Tsukauchi. "Okay i was in the attackers, but i am not going to say more." said Izuku. "Fair enough, but i want to know your code name." demanded Aizawa. "No, you don't" responded Izuku only a seconde later.

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