The fuck (Hiatus)

By Mads0the0bitch

7.1K 300 11

deku-squad isn't hiding anythin, that's what evveryone thinks, but what if they hid something that could cha... More

We are our own heros!
What ?
Oh wait
bitch what?
New member
Moving into the dorms
Oh nooo
USJ (2)
search and you may find
Fucking Monday
Heroic lesson
Suprise shawwty
Wait a damn minute
live is a bitch
Wakie wakie
dark day
Watch your steps
Aftermath (2)
Where are they?
Training Camp
Training camp (2)
Training camp (3)
Training camp (4)
Training camp(5)
Training camp(6)
Training camp (7)
Training camp (8)
Training camp (9)
Training camp (10)
Training camp (11)
To be remebered
dark suprise

Heroics lesson (2)

175 8 0
By Mads0the0bitch

Izuku was running with the pro heros and the classes that followed. "I am going ahead!" called Izuku and ran even faster. "What the fuck? Are we sure he has no quirk?" asked Vlad King Aizawa. "...Yeah." answered Aizawa. They were running and nearly there when they head another explosion and a scream. Then they saw Mina, who apperently got sent flying by the explosion. Izuku was looking at her and standing ready to catch. Mina crashed into Izuku and both went down to the ground."Oof.. That hurt a bit. You're okay?" asked Izuku. "Yeah somehow, thanks for catching me." answered Mina. "Guess the others are still inside. Were you blasted by Bakugo or a explosion happing from the collapsing?" questioned Izuku. "Bakugo blasted me, but whyi don't know, we were nearly by the window." answered Mina getting up from Izuku. "Bakugo must have noticed something, he wouldn't have done it without reason, which would mean that they are trapped inside." concluded Izuku and looked at the building. "Mina!" called out Momo. The girls of both classes rushed to her. Aizawa and Vlad King went up to Izuku. "Where are the others?" asked Vlad King. "Still inside, Bakugo must have noticed something that would be dangerous for Mina and blasted her out." answered Izuku and a seconed later looking like he realized something. "CLASS 1-B! DID MONOMA OR KENDO WEAR A WRIST BAND LIKE THIS?!" shouted Izuku turning to the students holding up his arm witth his padger. The classes thought for a moment. "Why would they -" Aizawa got interrupted by Shiozaki. "It was smaller, but she always waers it something about it being a gift from someone!" "Same with Monoma!" called out Tetsutetsu. "Why?" asked Shoda. "Because they have it i can contact them!" answered Izuku and called the 2 over the padgers. "Why do they have those?!" asked Vlad King. "Monoma used to live in an abusive houshold, Kendo was negelected. Got taken in by lost ones and got those to contact them if something is. They both used to live in an orphanage from lost ones." explained Izuku and waited for the two to pick up, but they never did .

"FUCK!" yelled Izuku and rann to the building the now completly collapsed building. Before he could completly enter, he was stop by Aizawa's scraf wrapping around his wrist. "What is happening?!" asked Aizawa. "I have their location, but not because they activited it by themself, but because they are hurt badly and the system activited it!" shouted IZuku and ripped the scarf from his wrist. "Shit!" yelled Aizawa turning to the students. "Get every hero in this school here and inform them that we have 4 students trapped in the collapsed building and two possibly hurt badly!" ordered Aizawa and began to make the opening in which Izuku vanished bigger. Vlad King shortly after getting over his shock. The students ran to get the teachers. After 15 minutes all the teacher were at ground Beta. "Aizawa explain what happen!" ordered Nezu. "We had a villian vs hero training fight. Mina+Bakugo vs. Kendo+ Monoma, they destroyed supportive structure during the fight. Izuku noticed and warned them about it. The group tried to get out over the window of the second floor, but only Mina managed, Bakugo blasted her through the window. After that the building collapsed completly when we arrived. Izuku caught Mina if you call it that. Izuku asked the class 1-B if Monoma or Kendo wore wrist bands like him. After getting confirmation he tried caling them over the bands. I guess they are like comunicators from lost ones. The 2 didn't answered the call and Izuku became a signal from the comunicators of the 2 that they were hurt badly. Izuku crawled inside the collasped building trying to get too them." explained Aizawa. The teachers took a sharp breath. "But if you are correct and those are like the one we saw from lost ones than that would mean that they need medical attentinon or they are..." Midnight said in horro. "Yes, me and Vlad King were trying to make the opening in which Izuku went bigger to help get the kids out." answered Aizawa. "EVERYONE HELP GET THE DEBRISE AWAY! STUDENTS YOU HELP WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS OF A TEACHER; DO WHAT THEY SAY AND NOTHING ELSE!" ordered Nezu. Everyone did as told Mic,Aizaw and Vlad King kept on put away debrise fromm the hole izuku went in. Ectoplasma made copies of him and helped stabilize the serrounding of the whole. The others did same thing on diffrents places of the building. They diged for the four. "STOP!" shouted Yamada using his quirk to make sure everyone heard. "What is it?" asked Nezu. "The tunnel Izuku made nearly collapsed, we can't put more away anymore without it collapsing. HE used the serrounding debrise to stabilize it!" answered Yamada. Everyone backed slowly up and began to pray for the safety of the 4 students. "Are they going to be ok?" asked Komori. "We hope. They are strong so there should be a high chance of them surviving it." aswered Midnight. "He warned you about something like this!" shouted Kaminari at Aizawa and Vlad King. "Yeah he did, but you said it wouldn't happened! Now look!"shouted Tetsutestu. More and more students shouted at the two heros. "What do they meaning?" asked Nezu. "Izuku warned them that the 4 could bring down that house if they are not carefull. Vlad King dismissed it and said that the 4 would know it and hold back. Aizawa at least thought about it a bit, but he too didn't stopped the match from happpening." answered Momo before one of the 2 heros could. "It's true, we didn't stopped the match even after Izuku warned us. For class 1-A i thought they had learned from the time under All Might and the frist lesson he made with them, were something like this happened." said Aizawa. "What about you Vlad King?" asked Nezu. "I did warn them every time to keep their serroundings in check and to act on it." answered Vlad King. "If something like this happens again you are forbidden to teach heroics." said Nezu. 

Another 15 minutes went by, befor they saw Bakugo coming out of the tunnle, Izuku made. Everyone rushed to him. "Back the fuck up!" shouted Bakugo and kneeled down to grap Monoma and pull him up to the  surface. He carefully laid him next to him before helping Izuku getting Kendo out, who was injured the most. "Where is recovery girl?" demanded Izuku pissed as hell. "Here!" called out Recovery girl and coming through the students. "Oh dear, we need to get them to hospital!" demanded Recovery girl. "I know, but Kendo isn't stable enough  she already lost a gerat deal of blood. Do you have a thin tube and two needls?" urged Izuku. recovery girl gave him the things he asked for and Izuku used it to give Kendo some of his blood. "Now we can, she will have enough  blood so she wont die. Bakugo carry Monoma, Kirishima take Kendo and Sero go with us as back up if i can't keep moving! Aizawa hope you don't mind if we use your car!" Izuku said and the people he named did as he want. The heros wanted  to stop  them."DON'T FUCKING TOUCH THEM, I KNOW A PLACE NEAR HERE WERE THEY GET TREATED BUT WE CAN'T HAVE HEROS THERE OTHER WISE THEY WON'T TREAT THEM OR ANYONE FROM LOST ONES ; SO BACK THE FUCK UP!" threaten Izuku. "Let them, the lives that get saved are more important at the moment." ordered Nezu seeing some of the Heros wanting to say something. "IZUKU! HERE!" called out Aizawa running up to the 5 rushing students and handing over his keys. WIth that the 5 were gone.

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