Dangerous Beauty

By CaptainAmericaGirl20

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I have lived in Beacon Hills all my life. I met Scott and Stiles when we were little kids, and we became best... More

Growing Up In This Life
Wolf Moon
Second Chance at First Line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitor
Night School
Code Breaker
the Aftermath

Ice Pick

89 2 1
By CaptainAmericaGirl20

3rd POV*

"Sara," Derek's voice calls out, drawing her attention from Stiles. "We need to get out of here before the rest of the cops come."

Sara looks at him before her eyes fall back to her childhood friend, "Will you be okay, Stiles?"

"Yeah," Stiles murmurs, his mind still not fully registering the fact that Sara was back in Beacon Hills.

Sara feels a strong warm hand wrap around her waist and lightly tug her. Derek pulls Sara to his body and begins to lead her from the holding cells gently.

"Come on," Derek whispers in her ear, "let's get out of here."

A hum escapes Sara in agreement; Isaac trails behind his alpha and the infamous Romanov leader. Wariness in his body, shuffling quietly as the trio begins to make its way out of the police station. Walking out into the dead of night, Sara looks at her men, who are standing dutifully by the car.

"I'll take Isaac back to the hideout, and then I will meet you at your house."

Sara looks at Derek, her heart slightly aching at the thought of being separated from him so soon after they just reunited. "Are you sure?"

The wolf nods, "I won't belong. I just need to make sure that Isaac is safe." Sara looks at the young boy for a second before nodding in agreement.

"Go," the word from Derek's lips only loud enough for her to hear; he gently pushes the small of her back towards the car.

Sara shuffles to the vehicle. "What are your orders, boss?" One man opens the backside door for Sara to climb in. The car turns on, and a moment of silence as the men wait to hear her command.

"Let's go home."

Sara looks through the window at the passing trees, her mind elsewhere. The events that just occurred are running through her mind in an endless loop. Hearing Stiles thundering heartbeat, the growls of a new beta experiencing its first full moon, the syringe full of wolfsbane made specifically kill an innocent. The image of Stiles' terrified face as Isaac turns to him, ready to kill; Sara doesn't even remember moving until she was standing in front of him. But the one image.

The image that is constantly in the forefront of her mind, the image of Derek; his red eyes, the longer and sharper fangs, the loudness and the command in his roar still sends shivers down her spine, and finally, the image of him standing guard, ready to protect her against his first beta.

"Boss," the voice of one of her men snaps her out of her thoughts. "We are here."

She blinks in surprise, not even noticing that the car has stopped moving. Sara doesn't wait for one of them to open the door; it swings open, and she hops onto the cement. Her eyes scan the house and its surroundings, the lights on the sides of the driveway leading up to the front door, and the garage attached to the side of her house.

"About time you showed up," Nik calls out from the main door of the house.

Sara's POV*

"About time you showed up," my eyes snap to Nik as he meanders from the porch.

"Hmm," a short humpf comes from me, my eyes scanning over the front of the house. All the lights turned on in each room, and I can see the silhouettes of people wandering back and forth through the curtains, and the sounds of clammering reach my ears.

"Where was the body?" my tone turning hard as I slip into what my family calls, 'The Jefa Mode.'

Nik's heavy footfalls crossing the lawn to stand in my line of vision, "Over here." He points to the far side of the lot, to a patch of grass that is dead.

A sigh escapes my lips; my heels begin to sink into the dirt as I walk across the land slightly. Arriving at the spot, I sink into a crouch and balance myself on the balls of my feet. The distinct outline of two large patches of dead grass is scrutinized under my intense stare. I reach out and grab a couple of strands of the lawn, my fingers slightly covered in blood.

"When I arrived, I had the men take both parts of the body and put it in the shed for you to go and see." Nodding in understanding, I rise from my position and turn around.

"Show me."

Nik leads me into a large shed that is covered in metal and concrete. My shoes clicking hard on the cement as my eyes land on the lone table placed in the middle of the room. Walking closer, I wrinkle my nose at the smell of the start of decomposition; both halves are on the table with a space in the middle to inspect the damage.

Standing at the end of the table, near the head, I study the features of the now-dead wolf, "Do we know who he is?"

"No, I have people tracking the trail he left, but so far, nothing has come up." My eyes snap to Nik when he tells me this information, not liking it.

"How about why he was running?"

A shake of the head.

"What pack was he from?"

Another shake of 'no.'

"How long has he been on the run?"

My irritation growing as my brother continues to shake his head in denial.

"DO WE HAVE ANYTHING?" my patience finally snapping, not liking being in the dark this much.

Nik and the men guarding the build and the ones who drove me all jump when my yell sounds. I slam my hands down on the table and stare at the cut.

"We know that he was cut into half by the Argents."

My head slowly rises at the answer, and I look over to the man who thought it was a good idea to make a smartass comment. All the other men stiffen, and Nik snaps his head to look at the guard, his eyes wide as even he knew not to push any of my buttons when it comes to these matters, especially when I am already irritated.

A making smirk and deprecating laugh are the only sounds in the room; the guards, Kyle, eyes become the size of saucers, and his heart going into overdrive at the seriousness of the situation finally resonates.

"Jefa, I- 'm sorry," Kyle begins to stutter, "I- I wasn't thinking. It-it just slipped out."

I look over at him, "Of course, I completely understand." lining my voice with false sincerity, just enough to ease the man a little. He still oblivious to the fact that all the other men and Nik are staring at the ground, not raising their heads or making a single sound.

"Thank you, J-" the word is cut off like a gunshot rings through the air. A slight rise of smoke coming from the barrel of the gun that is resting in my hand. Kyle's breath catches as he lowers his head slowly to look at the gunshot wound in his stomach, blood blooming and soaking the shirt he is wearing.

"That," I gesture with the gun to his abdomen, "is a warning. Step out of line one more time, and the next bullet will be in your heart."

Kyle nods rapidly in understanding, his hands placing pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. A small 'ting' sounds as the bullet falls through his fingers as his wound slowly begins to heal itself.

"I gave you those powers," referring to the werewolf powers that come with the bite, "I have no problem with taking them away."

"Y-y-yes, Jefa." his body shaking with fear and his voice trembling, "forgive me. It won't happen again. I swear."

"I know it won't" I walk around the table, passing by my brother and the group of men; they begin trailing after me as I pass by them, Nik being the one closest to me.


He slightly jogs to catch up and be side by side with me. "Did you have to shoot him?"

"He's still alive, isn't he," a cold and hard tone is my response. The group and I make our way to the house leaving behind the bleeding wolf and the body.

My hand grasps the handle that leads into the house, I force the door open, and all the men who are setting up equipment come to a halt and turn to look at me.

"Welcome home, Jefa." All the men greet in unison, and at my nod, they continue on their tasks in acknowledgment.

"Where are the twins?" Nik scratches the back of his head before replying, "as far as I know, they are gathering more supplies, and then they will stop by."

"Fine," Nik walks up to a bookcase and pulls on a latch causing it to swing out, revealing a room with a table and maps on the walls.

The table lights up when I approach and one of my best trackers, Daniel, places three sets of maps over the light.

"This is what I found from when I was tracking down the omega." Daniel grabs the first map laying it down, and it shows the borders, terrain, and elevations.

"Starting with this map, I was able to find out that the Omega traveled along the California border, staying in Nevada until he had a good route to Beacon Hills."

Daniel grabs another map and lays it on top of the first, this map containing all the buildings and roads in Beacon Hills. "So while I was tracking him, he crosses here," using his pinky finger to gesture to specific areas, "through the forest near the outer road of the county, and this is where things become tricky."

"What becomes tricky?" I ask while my eyes scan over the route that Daniel has marked out with a red marker.

"Well, I talked with Sam before you arrived and was able to go over the movements of the people who were in close contact with the omega." The final map is laid down, all three of them lining up perfectly to create an extremely detailed Beacon Hills map.

Daniel holds out his hand, thrusting a piece of paper out to me, "It becomes tricky because the scents are a couple of days old, and there were many of them. The piece of paper I gave you helps color coordinate the movements."

"Red is the omega?"

A silent nod, "Once he crosses the border, it is about 2230-0030, he runs through this set of woods where I picked up another scent," he gestures to the bright pink, "Lydia Martin."

"Why bright pink?" I raise my brow at the obnoxiously bright color."

"Cause you hate pink, and you hate her," my lips pull into a frown in agreement; I can't even try and defend the choice he made cause it is true.

"Why is Lydia Martin running around the woods in the middle of the night? I thought the bite didn't heal?" Nik questions, his arms crossed in front of his chest, and his brows furrowed.

"Sam heard a scream around the same time, and he followed it to the hospital. He was able to piece together that it was Lydia and that she ran into woods." Nik snorts at Daniel's explanation, "Nude."

Now it was my turn to snort as Nik's eyes widen in alarm. "She crosses paths with the wolf very briefly, not even noticing him. The police have arrived at this point to put together a search party hence the blue."

"The wolf ran into the police?" I question as I see the two colors intersect near the ambulances that were marked beforehand.

Daniel moves his head from side to side, "Yes and no. He climbed into the ambulance and ravaged a dead body taking certain parts before escaping. If you ask me, it is gross, and it all happened under the officer's noses. From there, he runs into the reserve and makes contact here," he marks the spot with a black 'X,' "with Scott McCall."

Continuing to follow his finger, Daniels moves over to another rock formation. "McCall begins to chase after the wolf, and that is when I picked up 7 more scents."

I watch the colors divert into two-path before more colors begin to join the maps as Daniel continues to draw. "Here is where the Argent's laid the trap." A black 'O' to show the end of the line for the lone wolf. "Over here," he changes colors and pulls out a green, "Derek Hale grabs McCall, and they hide over behind a set of trees."

Daniel marks the spot and then sighs deeply through his nose, "The six other scents were that of the hunter's. More specifically, the scents of Gerard and Chris Argent."

I growl lowly in my chest, "What time was the body cut in half?"

Nik steps closer, "Sam says right before 1 a.m."

"And when did the body end up on the lawn?"

"About 1:30 am." a hand is placed on my shoulder, "You should listen to this,"

He sets down a recorder, and Gerard's voice sounds, "No code. Not when they kill my daughter. We'll kill them. WE'LL KILL THEM ALL!"

Snarling loudly, my hand slams down on the table, causing the glass to crack and the recorder to fall on the floor.

"Daniel," my voice slightly huskier as my wolf is trying to break through, "I want to know where each hunter is staying, where they are from, their family member's names and where they're located, and their habits."

A sharp nod, "I understand."

"Dismissed." With that, Daniel turns on his heel and leaves the room; only me and Nik remain.

"Sara," my stare never wavering from the table below me, "a war is coming."

"I know." my head raises to stare at the wall across from me, "I want us ready at all times. If a hunter so much as says our name, I want to know about it. Now is the most critical time. The time to gather information and our allies."

"Yes, Sara. What are we going to do about the body incident?"

"We will retaliate, but for now, rest. It has been a long two days, and I have a feeling we won't have much time before the battles start."


Nodding to my brother, "they would never come at us head-on. They know they are outmanned and outgunned compared to us. However, the Argents are crafty; they will attack the pack members one at a time, slowly picking them off. That's why they have Gerard acting as a principal at the high school and bringing in the red-headed bitch to be the secretary."

"What are you going to do about school? What are the tactics they normally use? How many men could they have? What type of weapons do they have access to?" Nik fires question after question at me, trying to understand and create counter plans.

Turning my head to him, "Relax, Nikky. I am way ahead of you. Daniel is working on the men, and I have the twins working on the tactics and weapons. We will be ready. I promise." I squeeze his shoulder in reassurance, the action causing some of the tension to leave his body.

"Okay, I just don't want to lose you and our family. Especially to the Argents."

"I know. Come on," tugging his arm, I close the bookcase and lead him upstairs. "Rest," I push him in the direction of his room, "you have worked hard these past couple of days for me. Thank you."

He places a brotherly kiss on my hair, "anything for family, for you, baby sister. I think I am going to take your advice and wind down."

"Good." We turn our backs to each other and walk to our respective rooms at opposite ends of the hall.

I shut the door behind and lean my back against the wood, the events of the police station and the long drive finally all catching up to me. I meander my way over to the bench at the end of my bed and flop down heavily.

A chuckle comes from my left, where my balcony is. "Tired?" Derek closes the french doors behind him before he quietly makes his way towards me. "Come on, let's lay down."

He kneels in front of me, grabbing my right foot and wrapping his hand around my calf. His right-hand pulls the ties of heels loose from their knot and gently guides the shoe off my foot before repeating the same actions with the other. Derek slides his arms under my knees and around my back, the bench disappearing from under me as he walks to the left side of the bed and places me down. Walking around to the other side, he toes his boots off and shrugs his jacket from his shoulders before sitting down next to me.

I scooch closer to him, seeking his warmth. "I've missed you," I whisper as I rest my head on his chest, directly over his heart.

His arm snakes around my body and holds me tightly to him, his lips press against my forehead, and his beard slightly tickles me. "I missed you too."

We sit in silence, just basking in each other's presence after being apart for so long. Finally, I broke the silence, "You turned Isaac."

Derek's body stiffens slightly, "You should have seen him. He-"

"Hey. Hey. Hey, Derek, I'm not mad about you turning Isaac. I know what happened to him."

Derek angles his head down to look at me, "how?"

"Sam." Derek hums in understanding, and his eyes narrow slightly. "What?"

"Nothing. I am just wondering who he is and how you know him."

Chuckling slightly, "Sam is one of the few men I trust. That's why I had him come here to watch over you, Scott, and Stiles while I was away."

"Is that why he was in Isaac's basement the other day?"

"Yeah, he was gathering information for me. I needed to make sure that everything relevant to the Argents and the supernatural world was in my possession."

"So, how long have you two known each other?" Derek's question tried to come across as casual, but I can hear the underlining jealousy.

Smirking slightly to myself, "I have known him for about 5 years or so. He is close to the family."

"How long is he going to be here?"

I lift my head, resting my chin on his chest, "As long as I need him here."

Derek tenses his body and clears his throat, "Hm."

Chuckling slightly, Derek turns his eyes to me, "Relax, he is nothing more than a friend and a good worker." I shift myself higher so I can look into his eyes more, "You're cute when you're jealous."

Derek slightly wrinkles his nose at my words, "I'm not jealous."

An unladylike snort sounds from me, "yeah, and I'm not conducting illegal business. Don't worry about him; Sam has a girlfriend, and I have you."

"Yes, you do, and you are mine." His words send a tingle down my spine, and he tightens his arms around me even more.

"Come on, let's get dressed for bed."

Climbing out of bed, I make my way to my closet and rummage through the drawer that holds pajamas and fuzzy socks. With a pair of shorts, one of Derek's t-shirts that I stole without him knowing, and a pair of fuzzy socks made to look like bunnies in hand, I turn and head into the bathroom. After doing my nightly routine and changing, I make my way out into the bedroom to see Derek taking off his shirt, causing me to pause.

He looks over at me, "I was wondering where that shirt went," pointing to the article of clothing that is swallowing me.

"It's comfy," I shrug and walk closer to him.

"I know. That is why I bought it; how did you even get it?"

"Stole it," grabbing a pair of one of my brother's sweatpants that I took years ago, I toss them to the wolf who caught them.

Derek exchanged his jeans for the sweats, "Figures." Pulling back the covers, I slide in between the sheets and leave enough room for my wolf to lay down.

Laying down, he grabs the tv remote and drags my body closer to him. My head finds his naked chest; the feeling of his warm skin on mine gives me a sense of security. My arm comes up and starts tracing miscellaneous shapes and patterns onto his skin, the tv flickers to life, and the sound of Insidious starts to play. Derek's hand raises and grabs hold of my hand, stilling the motions but keeping our hands intertwined and resting on his chest.

"How did you know I liked horror movies?"

My eyes shifting to the screen, and his chest shakes in a silent laugh, "it's not hard to guess; our lives are basically horror movies."

The sound of his heartbeat under my ear start lulling me to sleep, my breath slowing down to match the slow pace. The last thing I feel is Derek's lips pressing a kiss to the crown of my head and the covers rising to rest across the tops of my shoulders.

A ray of sunlight peeks its way through the small opening of the curtains. My eyes shut tightly from the harsh light before attempting to turn around. An arm stopping me in my tracks, I peek over my right shoulder to see Derek right behind me; his body pressed up against mine, a slight snore sounding now and then. With a new purpose, I roll my body around to face Derek, his arm tightening around me even more to try and keep me in my place.

My fingers begin tracing his features, running over his eyes, nose and tracing the outline of his lips. "Morning," the deep, husky morning voice of Derek snaps me out of my trance.

"Morning," I whisper.

"What time is it?" Lifting my head slightly, I see the time on my phone reading '11:45.'

"Almost noon." My head rests back down on his bicep, soaking in the tranquility that rarely occurred in my life.

"We should get up," withdrawing his arm, Derek moves into a sitting position on the edge of my bed.

I lunge forward, snaking my arms around his middle. He halts his movements as I place my front against his back; I nuzzle my face into the muscly shoulder. "No. I don't want to. Let's just stay here all day."

Whining slightly to him, "Sara, I am sure you have things to do, and I need to check on Isaac."

"Ugh, I hate it when you're right." I pull away and throw my long hair into a messy bun.

Derek hugs me from behind once I pass by him, "No, you don't," he whispers in my ear before placing a chaste kiss on the side of my neck.

Fifteen minutes later, Derek is shrugging on his leather jacket, and I finish tying up my heels. We make our way down the stairs and are greeted by Nik and the Twins sitting in the living room talking with each other quietly; when my brothers see our figures making our way down, their eyes narrow, and they sit up straighter.

"Morning boys," greeting my brothers, I kiss them each lightly on the cheek before heading to the kitchen.

In unison, they chime, "morning Sara," there is a slight pause before the voice of Javier starts, "and who are you?"

Mateo continues the questioning, "why haven't we seen you before?"

"More importantly," Nik starts, and the other two join in, "why are you walking out of our baby sister's room?"

My eyes snap up and scrambling slightly; I enter the living room. I see all of my brother's eyes have changed and are glaring darkly at Derek, whose eyes are shifting wildly between my three brothers.

"Hey," all eyes look at me when I start speaking, "don't worry about it." My brother's let out a small growl at the words, "We will talk about this later."

Raising my eyebrow at Nik, I roll my eyes and motion for Derek to join me in the kitchen. "Where is your car?"

"Back at the hideout, I ran here because the hunters were patrolling the area."

Nodding in understanding, "I will drop you off at your place, so you don't have to run."

"Thanks," Derek nods in appreciation, "what are you going to be doing today?"

My brothers walk into the kitchen to hear the answer to Derek's question, "We," I look pointedly at my brother's, "are going to woods to see the place where Gerard cut the wolf."

Nodding, my sibling's walk out and march to the garage, and I hear the sound of five cars roaring to life as well as a couple of men running around to climb into the cars.

"Come on," Derek follows after my figure as the keys to my trucks are pulled from the safe and rest in my hand.

The cars, now idling, waiting for me to back out of the long driveway. Driving down the road, the cars fall in line and turn left to head to the woods while I continue straight. Pulling up to the hideout, I put the car in park and look at Derek;

"Be careful, please," I nod in agreement to Derek's plea, "I'll come back tonight."

Smiling slightly, "Okay," Derek leans forward quickly and places a kiss on my lips.

He chuckles at my stunned look and clambers out of the truck, "I'll see you soon."

I roll my eyes goodnaturedly, "Casanova."

Driving off, I make my way down the long road, trees on both sides of the road. Making sure no one was around, I jerk my car off the road and into the trees, weaving expertly. It is only five to ten minutes before I see the group of cars waiting. Climbing out of my car, everyone took the signal to unload each person carrying an AK-47 in their hands.

Nik, Mateo, and Javier are standing near a set of rocks and staring at the surroundings. "Hey," Nik greets me, and the twins give a single nod.

"Hey," reaching their sides, I standing beside Nik on my left and the twins on my right, "this is it?" I gesture to the area ahead of me.

"Yeah," Mateo confirms and nods to two men. They climb down first and walk around, making sure no traps or anyone are waiting for us; giving the all-clear signal, we Romanov's approach the murder scene. All the men constantly scanning the trees with the safety off on the weapons, protecting us from any form of attack.

"Well, at least they chose a secluded area to kill the wolf," I point out and walk closer to a pool of dried blood.

Nik climbs up the rock behind the blood and approaches a tree, "This is where they set the trap," he hits the tree, and a piece of wire falls off a branch as well as a trigger to the tripwire.

"Grab it," I command and crouch down to the blood; I touch the blood with two fingers though slightly stained, my fingers came up with little flicks of the red liquid. "Where were the other hunters standing?"

Javier points to flat rock that was farther away, "over there. Four of them. The same ones who dropped the body at the house."

"Have we tracked them down yet?"

"We have three of them; however, we can't find the fourth." Javier explains, "But Allison Argent has begun her training."

Feeling my eyes change, I growl and jump up from my spot, "What?" Anger coursing through my veins.

"Her first lesson was to escape from the Hale house. She was 'taken' and tied to a chair across from her father; the voice they used to taunt her was Derek's." Nik continues his explanation

"How was she supposed to escape?"

Mateo steps up, "She was given an arrowhead by her father and had to be cut through her bindings."

"How long did it take her?"

"An hour."

Snorting, "Well, that's very unimpressive." I take one last look at the rocks before stating, "We're done here. There's no more information we can gather on this matter."

3rd POV*

While Sara and her men are walking around the woods, Stiles and Scott are at school, more specifically gym class.

Finstock faces the class and yells, "First up, Argent and McCall!" Both the teens make their way to the indoor rock wall and get strapped into the safety harnesses.

Stiles pays attention for half of a second before he begins mulling over the police station's events. Still not believing that Sara was back after she left so suddenly and without a trace, he couldn't even track her phone no matter how hard he tried. The other thought that is sticking out is, he still hasn't told Scott that Sara is back in Beacon Hills. A small pang of guilt causes his stomach to tighten slightly; Stiles jumps out of his thoughts by the sound of Finstock's voice.

"Stilinski! Reyes! Let's go!"

Scott notices that his best friend is in a daze and quickly approaches him, "Hey, are you okay?"

Stiles blinks at the question, "Uh yeah." He pushes past his friend and goes to the wall.

He begins monkeying his way up, ignoring the girl who he was supposed to be competing against. Making his way up and down, he finally realizes that the girl is struggling when his feet touch the ground.

Finstock calls up to the girl, "Erica, you dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

"Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear," Lydia snarks to the teacher; after receiving a blank look in response, she summarizes, "She's just freaking out."

"Erica?" Coach calls again, trying to 'comfort' the girl.

"I'm fine," the blonde girl whimpers out, fingers still in a death grip around the rocks.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she is epileptic, right?" Allison questions the man when she realizes the previous attempts to get the girl down aren't working.

Finstock's eyes widen, "Why doesn't anyone tell me this stuff?" He complains rhetorically. "Erica, you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you."

She peeks over her shoulder to look at the mat, she gingerly lets go of the wall, and she is slowly lowered to the ground. "That's it; you're on the ground. Shake it off; you're fine." Finstock tells her once her feet are on the ground.

A couple of people snicker at the girl, and the class continues. Finstock tells everyone to change and leaves the gym; Erica, however, didn't leave; instead, she stares with determination at the wall. She pulls her hair in a haphazard bun and begins climbing the wall without the harness. Quickly her body reacts; she starts breathing harshly and shaking; her body falls from the wall and into the arms of Scott. Everyone runs back in, and Allison commands Scott to turn the convulsing girl on her side.

3rd POV*

Derek walks into the hospital and listens in on Melissa McCall talking to a young girl, Erica Reyes. His eyes watch Melissa leave the room and took that moment to slide into the young girl's room. Erica was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed; Derek grabs the bed and begins wheeling it down the hall.

Erica looks up in a panic, "Lie still," Derek uses his hand to force her head to stay in the same place. He pushes the bed into an empty dark room.

She slowly sits up when the bed stops moving, and she sees Derek leaning against a small counter with one of her pill bottles in his hand.

"Side effects may include anxiety, waking, acne, ulcerative colitis. Geez."

Erica's body began to shake with fear, "Wh-who are you?"

"I'm Derek," he pushes himself off the counter and walks to the bed, "you get a... warning right before you have a seizure."

"It's called an aura," the girl supplies, "It's- it's like a metallic taste in my mouth."

Derek looks deeply at the girl, "you don't have to lie, Erica. What does it really taste like?"

"It tastes like blood."

Derek listens to her response, and for a moment, he pauses, Sara popping into his mind. 'Don't draw attention' rings in his head.

"What if I told you that all of this could go away?" Inwardly flinching at the look, he knows that would be covering his girl's face. "The side effects, the symptoms, all of it."

Derek grabs the girl's legs and pulls her roughly to the end of the bed, closer to him. He has to stop the look of disgust as his body wants to lurch away from the girl who was close to his face; he lets go of her legs, desperately wishing that it was Sara's skin.

"And what if all those things not only went away, but everything else got even better?"

Erica stares at Derek, instantly attracted to him; after all, he is handsome and the offer sounding too good to be true, "R-Really?"


"H-how?" Derek smirks slightly at the girl's question and hears her heart jump when she sees the look on his face.

"Let me show you," His eyes changing to the bright red, signifying his status as the Alpha. Shaking in fear, Erica watches Derek, wary of what was about to happen.

Derek listening to her thundering heartbeat from fear causes a slight tick of irritation; thinking back to when he would show his true eyes to Sara, her heartbeat would jump in excitement and slight arousal.

Derek drives to Sara's house, seeing her car parked in the driveway; he climbs out and walks around to the side of the house, seeing his girl moving to and fro in her bedroom. Jumping up, he swings his leg over the balcony railing before turning the handle and pulling the door to him.

The welcoming sight of Sara clothed in his shirt, reaching the middle of her thighs. She stops midstride and looks over to him, her normally stone-cold softened eyes as she takes in his form.

"Hey," Derek whispers and takes off his jacket and shoes; walking to her, he wraps his arms around her waist.

She melts in his hold, "Hey, how was your day?"

Shrugging, Derek tries to avoid her gaze as the thought of him turning Erica comes to the front of his mind.

"Mhm, what did you do?" Sara noticing his avoidance of the topic.

Derek looks into her eyes finally, "I didn't do-" he cuts off his sentence as he sees the look on Sara's face. Sighing in defeat, "I gave Erica the bite."

Sara sighs and pulls herself from his grasp, not knowing why the thought of Erica becoming a werewolf irked her so much. Running a hand through her hair, she heads away from Derek and over to the bed,

"Sara," Derek murmurs, not liking the fact that she was irritated with him. "I-I'm sorry. I know you told me not to attract attention, but I need a pack." Trying to make the girl see his point.

"I know that," Sara crosses her legs underneath her, casting her eyes to the folders sitting before her. "It's just that-" she cuts herself off, not even knowing what she was going to say.

Derek moves to her side, sinking into a crouch so he can look into her eyes, "It's just what?" She looks away from him, "Sara, please just tell me."

"I don't even know; that's the thing, Derek." He senses her frustration and waits patiently, "I don't understand why you turning Erica bothers me so much. Like, I know you need a pack, and I accept that, but I..."

"You don't want Erica in my pack." He finishes for her; Sara nods, confusion emanating from her body, "Are you jealous?" Secretly liking the fact that Sara is jealous of another girl being close to him.

"No. I'm not jealous, I think I-" her eyes shifting, trying to find the right words, "I think I don't like the idea of another she-wolf being around, especially an unmated one."

Derek now fully understands cause he feels the same way with all the male wolves around her. He rises from his position, knees cracking slightly, and sits behind her. Sara leans back, resting her head on his shoulder, and Derek places his arms around her front.

"I get it, Sara?" Derek feels Sara melt even more into his chest, "Don't worry. You're mine, and I'm yours. No one will ever be able to take your place. Never."

"You're damn right." Sara grouches before placing a kiss on his knuckles, and he silently laughs, "Derek?"

He hums to her, "what?"

"You're mine and only mine." The words cause Derek to smile and tilt her head back; his lips press against hers, reaffirming to both of them.

After waking up, Derek leaves Sara's house after making plans to meet up that night. Sara confirms that she will be going back to school the next day; she wants to take one more day to rest. Driving to Erica's house, he parks his car and gets out;

Erica walks out to the man, her eyes lazily taking in the attractive man. Before she can say anything, Derek beats her to it. "Your body has accepted the bite. Good."

Erica realizes that his voice is cold and detached when talking to her. She nods at him with a new sense of self-confidence, "Yeah, I can already feel the changes."

"Get dressed; I will drop you off at school." Derek turns around, not waiting for her response, and waits in the car.

Erica dresses in a shirt, tight black leather mini skirt, a white cami covered with a black leather jacket. Once she gets in the car, Derek gives her a once-over; he takes in the clothes supposed to make a statement for others, but he thought the outfit was a little ridiculous on Erica. Her face caked with makeup, causing it to clump together slightly and a bright red lipstick that Derek inwardly cringed at. Her shoes were a pair of sneakers, and Derek chuckled lightly to himself before driving off.

Derek forgot that Sara's favorite cheetah print heels were on the floor of the passenger's side; Erica thinking that Derek had feelings for her and bought the shoes as a present for her, quietly takes off her sneakers and puts the heels on. They were a size too small, and she saw that signature red bottom heel and knew that these were Louboutin's (the most expensive pair of shoes) and thinks he bought the shoes cause he has feelings for her.

Derek pulls up to the school, still oblivious to Erica squeezing her feet into Sara's shoes.

"We're here," Erica looks up at him in surprise at the sound of his voice. She didn't get to voice any of her delusional thoughts because Derek demands, "go!"

3rd POV still - in the cafeteria with the boys*

Stiles and Scott sit at one of the lunch tables talking to each other when the sound of heels catches the wolf's attention before entering the cafeteria. Scott begins staring off at the doors, waiting to see who is about to walk into the door.

"Scott?" Stiles tries to capture the attention of his friend to no avail. Stiles turns around and sees everyone looking at the doors; his jaw drops as he sees Erica.

Her new look and her newfound confidence cause all the boys to stare in shock. Everyone used to the weak and feeble Erica now strutting with her head held high, and 6" heels and leather skirt was enough to make everything come to a halt.

Lydia Martin walks up to the boys' table and slams her hands down, "What the holy hell, is that?" Judgment in her voice as she stares at the new 'wannabe hot girl.'

"It's Erica," Scott says while watching Erica bend at the waist, intentionally sticking her ass out and flashing the tops of her boobs, take an apple from a boy's tray, and taking a large bite, slyly wiping the corner of her mouth.

"I can't believe I am going to say this, but," Lydia scrunches her nose slightly, "the only person who could pull of those heels is Sarafina."

Erica, now with superhearing, catches Lydia's comment and glares quickly at the redhead. Erica doesn't like being compared to Sarafina Romanov, no one did, and she thinks back to when she would watch Sara march around in her heels and designer clothes. Reluctantly, Erica had to admit that she copied some of Sarafina's moves, like bending at the waist and the mouth wipe. A silent snarl comes from the new wolf and shakes her head to clear the thoughts of the girl she has always been jealous of. The thought of Sarafina and Lydia are nothing compared to me now. Soon I'll be Queen Bee.

The boys scramble to grab their things as they hurry to follow Erica; they make in time to see Erica slide into the passenger seat of Derek's Camero, and both occupants shoot the boys a cocky smirk before speeding out of the parking lot.

Derek drives the girl back to her house and gives the silent command of 'get out.' Erica pouts slightly and tries to think of a way that she can stay with Derek.

"What happens now?"

Derek gives a bland response while still looking forward, "Now you get out of my car."

"Well," a slight pause as she tries to formulate another question, "what are you going to do?"

"None of your business."

Derek's phone pings and he grabs it quickly, a text from Sara.

Bring your new pups to the woods. I want to meet them.

"Change of plans." Derek hits the gas, and Erica thinks that her plan is successful even after Isaac is picked up from Derek's hideout.

With Derek's driving, they were at the entrance of the preserve in minutes. Continuing past the gates, Derek drives to a clearing that Sara has taken him to in the past. When they get through all the trees, the three wolves see a huge black truck and two cars sitting in the middle of the clearing.

"Get out," Derek commands, his betas scrambling to follow his order. They trail after him as they walk to the center of the field; once they hit halfway, the two black cars' doors open, and eight men step out. Isaac and Erica halt at the sight of the huge guns that each man is holding in his hands; the largest man in the group looks around before giving the truck a signal.

A heeled footstep onto the running board before the other is placed on the ground, the door swings closed, and the wolves see Sarafina Romanov. She begins walking towards them with a serious look on her face, not knowing that the various thoughts running through their heads.

Isaac of fear and awe; he never being this close to the girl everyone always talks about.

Derek is of fondness and possessiveness, thinking of the plans he made for them for that night and a slight growl when he sees all the men around her and when he hears Isaac's heartbeat picking up a faster pace.

Erica of envy and some self-righteousness; the envy stemming from the intricate braid that reaches Sara's hips, the white shirt tucked into the light blue skinny jeans that are being held up by a Gucci belt, and the burgundy cardigan that hits the knees. But the one item that causes Erica to loath the girl, even more is the suede boots that reach Sara's upper thighs and have a 7" heel. The self-righteousness coming from the new wolf powers running through her body and the new look she has adapted.

When Sara approaches the group, she runs her eyes over the lanky boy reeking fear and nervousness. Derek, she looks him over once and smirks at him before continuing. Sara's gaze is on the she-wolf; Sara takes in the too-small shirt covered by a fake leather jacket, down to the leather skirt that Sara is less than impressed with. She raises her brow at it and looks at Erica's face, who fidgets slightly; Sara can see all the makeup on her face creasing and clumping together, and finally, Sara looks at the other girl's shoes.

"Sara," Derek greets the girl who is radiating power, especially with the men standing behind her with huge weapons.

She tilts her head in greeting before looking into Derek's eyes; confusion floods Derek as he sees anger and something else he can't decipher before her eyes turn cold.

"What's wrong?" Derek asks with genuine concern in his tone, his betas looking at him in surprise because this is the first time seeing Derek and express that he isn't anger.

Sara takes a deep breath and raises her hand, "are those my heels?" she points to the other girl's feet.

Derek's eyes show confusion before looking down at his beta's footwear.

Erica decided now, of all times, was a good time to open her mouth, "they were waiting for me in Derek's car." A taunting smirk pulls at the cherry red lips.

"What are you talking about?" Derek questions the young girl, Sara being able to feel the confusion and twinge of anger.

The smirk drops, "when you picked me up for school this morning, these were sitting there. Though they are a size too small." The blonde is still oblivious to the situation.

"Those weren't meant for you," Derek harshly snaps at the girl, "why would I ever give you a pair of shoes, especially ones that expensive." The words coming from Derek make Erica open and close her mouth like a fish.

Now the smirk covers Sara's face, "did it ever occur to you that those shoes could belong to someone, little girl?" The question causes Erica to look at Sara with wide eyes. "Yeah, are you finally getting it? Those are my heels."

"Take them off," Derek demands the girl.

Erica whimpers but still tries to make a stand, "No. Someone left them in the car, and I picked them up; they are mine now."

"What are you five? This isn't finders keepers; take the shoes off now." Sara beginning to grow angrier because those were her favorite pair of cheetah heels.

Pouting, Erica leans down. "Fine," she rips off the shoes and throws them in the general direction of Sara. One of the men moves quicker than lightning, plucking the shoe midair, not letting them get close to Sara.

Handing the shoes to the rightful owner, the man falls back in line but snarls at Erica.

Sara begins looking over the shoes, "your huge ass feet stretched them out!" Sara shrills, and Derek walks over to her side, "I can't even wear them now; they will fall right off and look the heel is scraped up the sides."

Sara didn't care about much, but the things she does care about she is very protective of; her family and pack, her business, and then her heels will do anything to those who harm them. Yes, including her shoes.

Erica smirks at the fact that she ruined something of the Romanov's. What Erica didn't think would happen especially after Derek's words earlier, did happen.

"Hey, it's okay," Derek comforts his girl, not liking the fact that shoes ruined something she loved. "Sara, hey, look at me," Sara looks at Derek, a disgruntled look on her face as she holds her shoes, "I will buy you new ones. Whatever one's you want."

"It's fine; let's just get down to the reason why I had you bring the babies here."

Derek and Sara stand side-by-side, showing a united front, "So now that you are werewolves," the beta's eyes widen in alarm.

"What are you talking about?" "There is no such thing as werewolves." Isaac and Erica stumble over each other to cover their secret.

"Shut it," Snaps Sara at their sad attempts, "I know all of it. Much more than you, in fact."

"Cause of Scott McCall?" Isaac rudely questions, speaking up confidently in front of her for the first time.

"Watch it," Derek growls at the boy, flashing his eyes quickly.

Sara looks at them for a long moment before deciding to show her eyes, not her true eyes but the eyes that show her status in the pack. Isaac and Erica standstill under Sara's gaze, but they jump in shock as her brown eyes change into a bright red, brighter than Derek's.

"Now that we are on the same page," Sara carries on as if nothing ever happened, "I just need to tell you a couple of rules you have to follow."

"And we should listen to you; why? What's going to happen if we don't follow your 'rules'?" Erica uses quotation marks when she is talking to emphasize the point she is trying to make. Erica's attitude becomes worse and worse despite the Romanov girl going to be causing many problems for herself.

"If you don't follow the rules,'" Sara mocks Erica's actions, "I will kill you." A snarky smile is sent Erica's way when they gasp in shock.

Derek answers the other question, "And you are going to listen because the Romanov family is the head of the supernatural world. They are royalty to every kind of supernatural creature there is. What they say goes." Isaac and Erica swallow harshly and nod in understanding.

"Great, now that we are all on the same page, one, you can NOT tell anyone about the supernatural world. You can NOT attract too much attention to yourself; it helps the hunter's figure who is a wolf quicker. And three, you can NOT interfere in my affairs. Follow those rules, and you will live to reach old age.

Sara's POV*

After saying the three SIMPLE rules, the betas are silent as they digest mine and Derk's words. Seeing that my point is made, I place a quick kiss on Derek's scruffy cheek and head back to my car, ruined heels in hand.

"Let's go home, boys." All the engines turn over, and we are driving away from the field a minute later.

Parking the car in my driveway, I see a familiar blue Jeep come to a screeching halt in front of my house. Stiles stumbles down and spots me, looking at him with wide eyes. Unfortunately, Stiles didn't know about the threat of war because I forgot to tell him, but I also didn't want him to be caught in the crossfire. That being said, I may have forgotten to tell my men about the people who could come to my house unannounced.

Stiles has at least six guns pointing at him in less than 5 second flat, "WHAT THE HELL! SARA!"

I run to the circle surrounding my friend, "stand down," I command and my men. Relax their guns but keep a sharp eye on Stiles.

"Um, DO YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN THIS?!" Stiles's voice takes a high pitch as he waves wildly around.

"Let's get inside first," at my word, Stiles walks to the garage door that leads into my house, "Am I going to be shot if I open the door?"

Scuffing at him in disbelief, "no." He stares at me for a long second before we state, "I'm gonna go first." "You're going first." I wiggle my body to the door and open it; sure enough, a guard is standing there with a pistol pointed at the door, therefore me.

"You're insane," Stiles states as he sees the man holding the pistol at the door.

"It's fine; he's a friend and is welcome at any time." The men nod at words, and I know that everyone will soon know about Stiles and won't attempt to harm him again.

Stiles walks up to my room after grabbing a pack of sour patch kids and a water bottle from the kitchen while I just watch in amusement. I grab myself some M&Ms and mountain dew. Walking into my room, I see Stiles lounging on my bed and flicking through the movie channels.

"So, are you going to tell me why your house is being protected better than the president?"

Sighing, I flop next to him, "Stiles," he takes his eyes off the screen to look at me, "the hunters have declared."

His heart starts beating rapidly, "What does that mean? How do they even do that? Who else knows?" questions are coming so rapidly I can barely keep up.

"It means that there is going to be a fight with lives lost on both sides; it has already begun." Face turning pale, and he reasks his second question.

"How do they do it?"

"Some go old fashion and send an 'ambassador' with a letter declaring war, some just make a surprise attack, and others give the warning to let us know war is coming."

"How did the Argent's do it?"

"On the night of the full moon, when Lydia went missing, they captured an Omega who was looking for a pack. After questioning him, Gerard took a sword and cut the body in half and had it delivered to my house right on my front lawn."

"That's disgusting," I nod in agreement to his words before telling him, "Stiles, you are one of the few humans who know about the war, and only a handful of supernatural beings know most of them here guarding my family and me."

"Why are you telling me just now and not when it started?"

"I didn't want you to get involved."

"A little too late for that, Sara." I thump the side of his head before turning on 'Nightmare on Elm Street.'

We sit in silence for a while, just enjoying the other's presence when Stiles' phone vibrates. He looks at the message before he hands me his phone and continues to watch the movie; I read the message from Scott, I'm going to the ice rink to talk to Boyd.

"I take it that you are handing me the phone; you want me to go and watch over Scott?"

Nodding silently, "please," he looks at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes that I will never admit melt me, and I groan in defeat.

I roll into the ice rink's parking lot, and I see Derek's car sitting there, and five scents reach my nose. Walking into the building, I hear Derek talking to Scott.

Scott tries reasoning with Boyd, "If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek."

"That really hurts, Scott," fake hurt in his voice before it turns slightly cocky, "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?"

"Hmm," I see the blonde girl shrug from where I am standing. "In a word, transformative," she growls at Scott making a show of letting Scott see her fangs.

I roll my eyes at her performance and look around, noting the boy sitting on top of a Zamboni. Still, in my spot, I realize that these people suck at being wolves; I mean, I have been standing here for five minutes, and not one of them has noticed me yet. Christ.


The boy, with newfound cockiness, answers his alpha, "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a wanted fugitive, but other than that, I'm great."

"Hold on," Scott's words causing the two wolves to stop walking, "this isn't exactly a fair fight."

Derek shrugs, not caring, "then go home, Scott."

Erica and Isaac begin striding to Scott again, but before they take two steps, Scott punches the ice causing it to shatter and, looking up, fully transformed. "I meant fair for them."

I watch as Isaac gets punched and Scott throws Erica into the Zamboni; watching the two wolves get beaten up was very entertaining, and honestly, they needed to be knocked down a peg or two.

"Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you; he is just adding to his own power. Okay? It's all about him; he's making you feel like he's giving you some gift when all he has done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs." Scott slides the unconscious teenagers across the ice, and they slide to a stop at Derek's feet.

"It's true," Derek reveals, a smile twitching on his lips, "it is all about power."

With that, Derek starts walking forward, his eyes being the first to change, followed by his nails growing into claws and finally cracking his neck, causing him to transform fully. Derek stands in front of Scott and headbutts him, disorienting the boy enough to slash his stomach. As Scott bends over to hold his stomach, Derek goes to grab him, only to be met with an elbow to the face. Derek grins ferally before punching Scott in the face twice before slamming him onto the ice. Scott coughs and turns his head to the side, and a splatter comes out and lands on the ice; Derek watches for a second before making a move to Scott. His betas, now conscious, watch in fear at the display of power, and Boyd watches with wide eyes.

"That's enough, Derek." An underlining growl laces together with my words, letting Derek know that I am serious.

All eyes snapped to where I was walking, my heels leaving small cracks on the ice as I let my power radiate off me. Scott's head snaps to my figure in shock, just now realizing I am back while Derek ducks his head slightly as I come closer. I look between both of them before I turn to Derek, "we will talk about this tomorrow."

"Sara," he starts to protest but stops when he looks in my eyes, I jerk my head towards his beta, silently telling him to take them and leave.

Derek turns away from Scott and walks back to his betas. Scott tries pleading with Boyd one more time, "don't. You don't want to be like them."

Boyd lifts his shirt, "you're right," he lowers the fabric before continuing, "I want to be like you." I watch the exchange silently and see Boyd flinch away from me slightly when he gets a little too close, and my power makes him cower a little.

The four wolves and I move to stand next to Scott's head, "So are you gonna get up, or am I going to have to drag you out of here?"

Scott looks up at me and raises his hand, "help." His voice quiet with the tiniest hint of a whimper.

Grabbing the hand, Scott makes it to his feet and stumbles a little before I throw his arm over my shoulder and help guide him out of the arena. "What would you do without me?"

He chuckles at me before groaning as he struggles to get into my car, "Where are we going?"

"The clinic," gesturing to his wound with my head, "I can help fix you up there."

Pulling into the parking lot, I lead Scott inside and start cleaning the wound, grabbing some tweezers and pulling out some fabric that made its way into the cuts. I set down the supplies I got after fixing the wounds as best as possible before walking into the lobby.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asks his stomach where the slash marks are and healing slowly.

"Because it's from an Alpha," Deaton's voice tells Scott, and I walk into the examination room seeing a dead body on the table. I point to it and give Deaton a look that says, 'that's a dead body; why do you have a dead body?'

"I think we better have that talk now," Deaton tells Scott, who is still staring at the table.

"Uh," both males turn to me, "I'm gonna go? Have fun with all that." palm facing the table, I move it in a circle to emphasize my point.

"You will want to hear this, Sarafina."

I groan, "oh, balls."

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