Berzerk Love (Hekapoo x Male...

By Victor_TheRiper

54.1K 1.2K 384

Mewni has always been kept safe out of danger, and yet thanks to Star and Marco alongside with the High Commi... More

Chp.1 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.1
Chp.2 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.2
Chp.3 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.3
Chp.5 Unleashed Swordsman
Chp.7 The Origin Of "Guts"
Chp.8 TimeSkip
Chp.9 Enter The Monster Boss Toffee
Chp.10 Nosferatu Zodd
Chp.11 Battle With The Immortal Monster
Chp.17 Murder Until Its Done
Chp.20 Farewell Pt.1
Chp.21 Farewell Pt.2
Chp.23 The Skull Knight
Chp.24 The Return Of Guts
Chp.26 Lemon Chapter
Chp.29 The Awakening Of Behelit
Chp.32 The End Of Toffee
Chp.33 The Sad Epilogue
Final Chapter: The Final Epilogue

Chp.30 The Despair Of Deaths

624 15 10
By Victor_TheRiper



:,) this chapter finna be "good"....y'all finna "like" it and "enjoy" it

And so, as we left off, Toffee suddenly uses his Behelit necklaces, as the behelit suddenly made a face, screamed with pain, tearing down with blood, and created the whole land into faces, everything from the land, the ground were made of faces, even walls appeared, and were made out of faces, faces of despair, pain and suffer...

Omnitraxus Prime: What on gods name?!?

Queen Moon: Wh-What is this!?

Mina: H-Hey! What the hell!?! Where are we!? Where are we!?!!

The guards were panicking and fear of not knowing where they are even at...

Rhombulus: Q-Queen Moon! I-If I'm not wrong, are we dreaming!?! This has to be a dream! I-I can't see this anymore!!

Mina: P-Please! Queen Moon! King River! Tell me we are dreaming!!

Queen Moon: Calm yourself Rhombulus! You too Mina! that goes for everyone! Panicking won't solve anything! B-Hut what on gods name is this?!? Where are we!??

King River: Toffee! Where on earth are we and what is this place!?!

Toffee: *chuckles* This right the the Apostle, the lack of empathy, following the incarnations, of dead bodies, and dead monstrous creatures, the Apostle is created by ravenous nature, and yearn of bloodshed...and this right here....Is all perish! All of you will meet deaths and suffer a lot!

(YN): *W-Wait!! The Apostle! Th-This is the Apostle...just like...that Skull Knight said...!! N-No!!! No!!!* Toffee!!! You bastard! I'll kill you here and now, and I'll be taking my love one back!

Toffee: *Chuckles* Come get here then, if you can.


(YN) soon goes charging towards Toffee...yet suddenly, a wall was summoned out of nowhere, blocking (YN)'s way from coming after Toffee and yet Hekapoo was with him still...

(YN): N-No!!! No! No! Hekapoo!!! ...TOFFEE!!! You motherfucker!!!

Gaston: Captain!!!

Suddenly, (YN) turned around to see yet another wall appearing as he try running towards the others and yet, the wall grew and blocking his way to reach the others...

(YN): NO!!! Damn it!!!

Suddenly, several monstrous creatures appeared out of nowhere, behind (YN) as he soon notice them...


Meanwhile...on the other side of the wall, Queen Moon and the rest notice lots of monstrous creatures appearing as well, and yet they are coming after them...

Queen Moon: Everyone! Don't let your guard down! Fight!! Fight and give everything you got!!!

Queen Moon and the rest charge at the monstrous creatures...Queen Moon started summoning her magical sword to attack the monsters, but...the monsters were too strong, yet destroying her weapon, until she heard screams of pain from her Mewni guards...getting eaten up by those monster creatures, yet Queen Moon was feared of what she was witnessing, yet she was shaking in fear of course, stood still and watch her Mewni guards get tortured and eaten up to death...

Queen Moon Mind: Wh-Why..?!? W-We don't belong here! We don't belong here!!!

Suddenly, a monster appeared behind Queen Moon as the monster then bites her shoulder, causing blood to spill out as Queen Moon screamed in pain...

Queen Moon: AAAAAAAAGH!!! G-Get off me! Get off me!!!

King River: Moon!!

King River came to saving his wife as he then strikes his punches towards the monster, letting her go, Queen Moon was in great danger knowing she got her shoulder bitten...she holds onto her shoulder...

Queen Moon: R-River!!!

Suddenly the monster rushes towards River as River started fighting off the monster...

Queen Moon: R-River!!!

King River: Moon, Get out of here now! Get going my love!!

Queen Moon: Wh-What are you even saying!?! I can't-

King River: G-Get going know Moon! Get out of here while you still can!!

Queen Moon: D-Don't be ridiculous River! I'm not leaving you here and I won't-

Suddenly, Rhombulus appeared as he then grabs and holds Moon as he started running away with her...

Queen Moon: Rh-Rhombulus!?! What are you doing?!? Put me down now-

Rhombulus: Your highness!!!

Queen Moon: ..?!?

Rhombulus: I-I can't! I have to follow King River's orders! He told me to save you and get you away!!'

Queen Moon looks over to King River, to her husband, as River stares back to her, he then gives Moon one final smile at her as he then moves his mouth and says to her... "I love you." And then, you can hear River screaming...


Queen Moon: RIVER!!!!!!!

and so, Moon started bursting tears down to see her husband, fighting off more of the those monster creatures that started appearing more, and yet...they got him pin down and yet all of them started devouring him...

Queen Moon:!

Meanwhile, with Mina and Omnitraxus, the two started fighting off more of those monsters and yet more guards started to get eaten up and some started to get killed, suddenly, a huge monster appeared out from the walls and yet to appear going towards Mina as it was way out to stomp her...

Omnitraxus Prime: Mina!!!

Omnitraxus goes rushing towards the giant monster as he spears him down to the ground, but yet the giant monster was holding onto Omnitraxus and yet more monster appeared out from the shadows, and yet they started going after Omnitraxus, and yet starting to eat him alive as his black blood started spoiling out of nowhere...

Mina: O-Omnitraxus!!!

Omnitraxus Prime: G-Get going!! M-Mina...a-save yourself...p-please...g-go...get out!!! AAAAAGH!!!

Mina: Omnitraxus!!!!

Omnitraxus was yet still being eaten alive and yet dying slowly...Mina shed tears to see her fellow friend dying, but she had to stay strong and yet to run off and still fight...suddenly more monsters appeared from the shadows, rushing towards Mina

Mina: Hehe. *Im sorry you guys...and (YN) better save Hekapoo.* HAAAAGH!!!!

she then started fighting them off, striking punches and kicks towards them...until one of them got her hand with its teeth and chopped it off, blood pouring out from her chopped off arm...

Mina: A-AAAAAAGH!!!!

Then, another monster bit off Mina's leg off as she screamed in pain, causing her to fall down as the monsters stated killing her and yet devouring her as well...and so, there were no guards left, all of them are dead...which leaves Rhombulus and Queen Rhombulus was running still holding on Queen Moon...until suddenly, a huge mouth appeared as it chopped off Rhomhulus both legs, dropping Queen Moon and falling down...

Rhombulus: A-AGG!! Damn it!

Queen Moon: Rh-Rhombulus!

Rhombulus: G-Go! Get out of here Queen Moon! Run while you still can!

Queen Moon: N-No!! I won't leave you here! I-

Rhombulus: Moon!!! Please run as you can!! Get out of here!!!

Rhombulus started shooting lasers, crystallizing the monsters, yet soon they quickly started braking free from them...and yet, they rush at him as they started eating him alive..

Rhombulus: AAAAAAGH!!!

Queen Moon: Rhombulus!!!!

Rhombulus: G-Go...M-Moon...get...out of!!!

And so, Rhlmbulsu was now dead, as Queen Moon bursted down tears to see her fellow comrade dead, she then started running away while holding onto her shoulder that she got bitten by a monster...yet more monsters started appearing out from the shadows, as Queen Moon stood frozen, and yet they started approaching her...and yet, more of them appeared behind her as they started surrounding her...
Queen Moon didn't knew what to else...all she can accept her figuring back as long as she can...she shed a tear down as she started charging up her magic powers...soon she says in her mind...

Queen Moon: *Star...Marco...I'm sorry. Star, sweetie...take care of yourself...I'll love you no matter what. Stay strong my daughter. And Marco, take care of her as well. Glossaryck, I'll miss you too as well...and (YN)...please, find Hekapoo...and defeat Toffee for us...I wish you the best luck...and fellow allies...River, my love...I'm coming to join you.* HAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

And so, Queen Moon charges to the monsters as she stares fighting them off...yet...the monsters kept coming and coming to her...s soon everything goes black...and you can hear Queen Moon screaming in pain...and being killed by she...was now dead...


And now, as we go back to (YN) on the other side of the wall, his body was all bloody, from the monsters he kept killing, he lost his armor as well, and afterwards, he was done killing them, as he yet then started breaking down the wall with his black sword, to go to the other side to help and save Queen Moon and the others...but as soon he breaks the wall down...he then trip forwards as he realizes a pile of blood out all over....

(YN): B-Blood?!

Soon, he yet to see all of his fellow guards and allies dead, bodies everywhere and yet Guts as well...

(YN): AAAAAAAAGH!!!! N-No!!!!

He yelled in fear of the dead bodies of his allies on the ground...

(YN): I-Is anyone still alive!?!! Anyone!?!? Queen Moon!!!! King River!!! Omnitraxus!!! Mina!!! Rhombulus!!!!...N-No...they can't all...dead?!

Suddenly, he then heard a voice, a voice from his fellow guard, Gaston...

Gaston: C-Captain...!

(YN) turns around and felt relief to see his friend Gaston alive, yet he was all wounded badly...he goes up to him and then catches him as Gaston lost balance...

(YN): Gaston! Thank god your alive!

Gaston: W-Well...hehe, I can't say I actually feel alive....

(YN): Gaston please, tell me! Is everyone alive!? Queen Moon and the rest!

Gaston: ...I-I'm sorry...b-but Queen Moon...King River...and the others...everyone...were killed...they all die..!

(YN): N-No..! That can'! That can't be!

Gaston: E-Everything was hell...I-I was scared...C-Captain...Wh-what on gods name is going on...?! Eh-what is this nightmare-A-AAAGH!! AAAGH!!!

(YN): G-Gaston!?

Gaston screamed in pain and started coughing blood as his whole head exploded into pieces, blood bursting out as Gaston died right in front of (YN), suddenly, a little monster appeared out from his body as (YN) with anger stood up and stomped on the little monster...

(YN): ...N-NRRRRGH!!! T-TOFFEE!!! Show yourself you motherfucker!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!

Suddenly, he heard an echo chuckles, as Toffee suddenly appeared out from the walls, and yet smiling with such ego and cruelty...

(YN): Nrrrrgh!!! Toffee!!!


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