Ouran High School Host Club [...

By AllBeautyDestroyed

136K 2.9K 2.3K

Being given a special scholarship to the elite school Ouran high school for your smarts and talent in arts, y... More

Ouran High School Host Club [RP]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1o
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Tamaki's ending~
Kyoya's ending~

Chapter 4

9.5K 200 248
By AllBeautyDestroyed

“Hey, do you mind if I eat lunch with you?” You asked a guy sitting at a lone table in the lunch room. Everyone sat isolated away from him as if he had a cold or something. He didn’t really say anything for approval besides a low, but audible, grunt. Figuring it was cool with him; you sat down at the table and pulled out your bento box. The guy gave off an ‘unapproachable’ aura, like if you were to tick him off he wouldn’t be afraid to bite.

In your box was rice, grilled chicken, broccoli and a cherry-candy for your sweet tooth. It was designed like a panda bear with a bright red nose, the nose of course being your candy. Food had always been an enjoyable activity for you. Making it was fun but, sitting down with others is what you liked the best. Sharing a meal with someone was just as satisfying as making it. Working at a bakery/candy store helped you with making food and designing it too. You were the pastry ‘designer’ and you loved it.

“Mm! Sorry, I’m [M! Name], class 2A.” You greeted awkwardly, feeling rather rude for not doing so earlier.

“Kasanoda, 1D. (right?  ._.;)” he muttered looking away, shyly if you may. You smiled to yourself; although he did appear ‘tough and unapproachable’ he was actually perfectly harmless. Grabbing your fork, yes fork! How to properly use chop-sticks was basically non-excitant for you and you weren’t ashamed to say so either! You heard a growl and Kasanoda’s face turned beet red.

You smiled and almost giggled, but thankfully you caught yourself.

“Here.” You mused pushing the bento box over towards Kasanoda,

“I don’t… I don’t mind sharing.” You blushed, and hard too. ‘F@$&!!’ You mentally cursed, hopefully this blushing won’t blow your cover!

“Ah! But, you can’t have the candy! That’s mine!” You added quickly, taking the hard candy nose out of the bento, recovering from your blush. You weren’t sure if you were trying to flirt or just be nice?

You stabbed a piece of chicken with your fork and handed it him, hoping he would take it. His lips twitched in the slightest upwards before taking the fork you offered him. “T-Thank you.”

You had spent your whole lunch eating and making small talk with Kasanoda and the conversations were nice.

“You really don’t like fish?” He asked,

 “Well, honestly I never tried it. I just think it smells, so I refuse to try it.” You said visibly becoming whiter at the thought of fish smell. He only laughed at your response, seemingly not as tense as he was 20 minutes ago.

“How… How would like to play kick the can sometime?!”

“Kick the can?! I love that, sure I’ll play!” Your response lightened him up, hell you were happy someone else knew what kick the can was! You haven’t played that in years! You laughed to yourself, ‘I’m actually surprised someone at this school knows about that game.’ You thought.

“Okay! How –?” he was cut off by the twins, Honey and Takashi ‘capturing’ you, of course you didn’t know it was them. Whoever it was holding your arms behind your back, they blindfolded you.

“Gah! Let go!” you shouted and squirmed, “Okay, Boss! We got em’!”

“Mission accomplished~!” Honey exclaimed. “hn” Mori added.

You immediately stopped moving knowing who it was.

“Oh, hey Bossa-nova.” Hikaru casually said, you wished this blindfold was off just so you could see Kassanoda’s face when Hikaru called him ‘Bossa-nova.’ Was that his nickname?

You relaxed and let out a sigh, “Okay, guys. Mind letting me go?”

“No can do [M! Nickname]~! Tama-chan requested that we capture you!” Honey said,

“uh, why?” you did not like this at all, not that they ‘captured’ you but, the fact Kaoru was so close to you. None of them responded to you, but Honey did giggle. Mori picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, your body instantly tensed.


“Boss! We got [M! Name]~!” the twins yelled simultaneously.

“Okay! Bring him in!” Takashi set you down gently on a couch, you weren’t sure if he found out or not… you pulled off your blind fold quickly, a bit irritated that Tamaki couldn’t just ask you to come here. The twins, Honey and Mori were dressed in ‘Police Officer’ outfits, which was defiantly … hot? 

“Surprise~!” They all yelled .Balloons, confetti and cake… everywhere. It looked like a birthday party.

“Um, sorry but today isn’t my birthday?” you explained, not sure of what really to say.

Tamaki laughed, “No, no! We’re just celebrating you becoming a new Host!” He boomed, it was almost every time you see Tamaki he’s always so dramatic, always the center of attention.

“All of this for me?” you whispered, more confetti fell.

“That’s right~! Besides, [M! Nickname], you’ve brought in a few new costumers!” Honey said with his usual happy-cute-self.

“I…I don’t know what to say.” In all honesty you really didn’t know what to say, at all.

‘Tell them, you feel bad.’

“Here! Try the cake, our chief made it-” Kaoru started

“-and we swear your taste buds will orgasm.” Hikaru finished with a smirk.

You couldn’t help but laugh at their comment.

You felt like, shit. You’ve been lying to them for what? To practice your acting?

“Come on, Say ‘aaahhhh~’” The Tamaki made the noise with his mouth open in a big ‘O’ shape. It’s not that you were taken back from his behavior, really you were used to it though. All the hosts were surrounded, waiting to see your expression once you ate the cake.

“Guys, I ha--!” Tamaki shoved the spoon full of cake into your mouth. It felt like fireworks went off inside your mouth!

 “Oh my god! It’s like … chocolate and vanilla all in one!” Your eyes started to water, “That… That was amazing!”

The host club cheered, even Kyoya smiled or smirked in the slightest, or whatever.

“Ha! That’s what she said.” Hikaru snickered, “Here, our chief made you an extra cake, at our request of course.” Kaoru handed you a rather large pink box with a bow on the top of it. You stared at the box, “Oh… Thank you.” You whispered.

Tell them now! Before you regret it more!

You set the pink box down on the coffee table in front of you and stood up, “Guys, I need to tell you something.” This, what you’re doing right now, felt like a horrible break up. One of those situations, ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ kind of deal. These guys, plus 1 girl, treated you with such kindness, minus Hikaru at times, but he always came back around.

Kyoya looked at you first, he seemed amused. ‘Smug bastard.’  Was the only insult that you could think of; it did fit him though. Everyone continued to chat amongst each other, maybe you didn’t speak loud enough when you first spoke up.

“Guys.” You said much louder this time, “I need to tell you something.” This time they all stopped doing what they were doing and focused their attention to you.

Tamaki laughed, “Don’t worry about it [M! Name], the cake didn’t cost much.” You sighed.

It’s now or never.

“No, that’s not it. Just…I haven’t been truthfully honest with you…” You started, looking at the floor. Pulling your head up to look them in the eye to tell them was not an option in your book. You would probably get all teary eyed.

You shook your head from side-to-side quickly, “Let me start over. I lied to you. My name is [Surname] [Name] and I’m a girl, not a guy – a girl. I am so sorry for lying to you guys! It was possibly the worst choice I ever made..” You cried; your voice back to its normal female pitch and cracking from holding back unwanted tears.

The silence in the room killed you, was it the wrong choice you had made? No, of course it wasn’t. Telling the truth took a lot; sooner or later you’ll look back and see that you made the right choice.

“I’m sorry.” You whispered before running out the double doors.


“Ugh! I can’t believe he.. I mean she could do that!” Hikaru yelled in a flustered frustration.

“Well, [Nick-Name]-chan was confused as being a guy like Haru-chan was,” Honey explained his hug on his bunny becoming tighter. “Right.” Mori agreed with a nod of the head.

“Haruhi, you’re being extra-quiet.” Kyoya observed, “It’s like déjà vu, huh?” She replied, “Didn’t you guys go through this once already with me?”

“But, you were different!” Hikaru argued. “That’s right.”  Now he sighed, glad Haruhi agreed.  “I never had any intention of telling you guys I was a girl, I honestly didn’t care. [Name] on the other hand felt bad about it.” She mused; she was actually surprised you were a girl though. You pulled off being a guy, pretty freaking good.

“She looked sad.” Kaoru whispered to himself as he eyed the pink box of cake you left there.

“She is sad.” Kyoya said, everyone turned to look at him. “Whaa-?”


Flash back~


[Name] sighed to herself knowing Haruhi would decline her offer. “Kyoya, what if I just secretly help pay off her debut?”

Kyoya chuckled to himself, pushing up is glasses. “I’m curious to know what previous encounters you had with her.” [Name] smirked to herself and bit her lower lip in excitement, “I suppose I will tell you IF you accept my request”

The rest of the host club had all cleared out of the room, leaving [Name] in there with Kyoya.

~Curiosity killed the cat~

“I will make small payments into Haruhi’s debut so she doesn’t realize.” He sighed to himself, knowing he could just look up [Name’s] background and get all the answers he wanted. Something about [Name] just amused him, why would she be so willing to help pay off someone else’s debut?

“Well, do you want a long story short? Or just the full story?” [Name] asked, her eyes downcast. Kyoya looked at her for a while before noting the girl didn’t like the situation she had put herself in.


[Name] sighed, walking over to sit on a couch, suddenly being more feminine in the way she sat. Her legs were crosses over each other, her movements becoming more graceful. She waved him over to the couch directly in front of her. Kyoya nodded in the slightest, knowing this would be a long story, he sat on the couch too.

“On my 9th birthday, my parents thought it would be a great idea to go out to eat instead of making our kitchen a mess. That night we went out, it was an amazing day for me. I wasn’t showered with gifts and I was fine with that. They decided I was old enough to own my own cell-phone, and of course I was excited. My parents loved each other dearly; the only thing they loved more than each other would be me. I know, that sounds cheesy but they told me that all the time.” A few tears escaped and rolled down [Names] cheeks. Kyoya maintained his ‘stoic’ persona and handed the girl before him a tissue, which she gratefully accepted.

“It wasn’t that neither of them had the choice, it just happened. Why am I still here?” [Name] cried softly, catching herself she shook her head roughly snapping out of it. She took a deep breath and continued.

“… There was a crash when we went back home. A horrible car crash. My mom died instantly while my father was fatally injured and died 8 days later. They both gave their lives protecting me; I wasn’t even injured in the crash, not a scratch.” [Name] was crying, as if she never told the story to anyone before.

“The vehicle that crashed into ours was a wreck but the driver came out with only a few injuries. He was charged with involuntary man slaughter since he was drunk.”[Name ] rubbed her eyes with a tissue and took a deep breath, calming herself.

“When I the ambulance came we were all transferred to the hospital, I met Haruhi when her Mom was a patient there, at the same hospital. Haruhi helped me through some tough times, I just feel the need to do whatever I can to help her. Forgive me, Kyoya, I never told anyone that before” [Name] softly laughed to herself and hic-cupped.

Kyoya sighed, feeling bad he made her tell him the story, but maybe it would help [Name] feel better if she spoke about it instead of keeping everything bottled up.

“[Name] your parents died protecting you, their only child. Wouldn’t you do the same thing if you were them?” Kyoya asked, trying to help the girl in some way.

“…yeah, I would.”She looked down and stared at the floor. Tears still silently running down her face.

“You know they loved you.” Kyoya whispered, almost longingly. Would his parents be willing to throw their life away for him?

He sighed and stood up, “[Name], I will start paying small amounts into Haruhi’s debut for you.” He muttered and began to walk towards the door to leave.

[Name] smiled to herself, before standing quickly and running to Kyoya and hugging him before he reached the door. “Kyoya,” She mumbled into his back, “Thank you” her grip on him tightened before letting him go. In all shock, Kyoya actually enjoyed the close contact with [Name].



~End Flashback


Of course Kyoya didn’t tell the host the full story, but he did tell them the majority of it. He left out the deal between the him and [Name], him trying to cheer [Name] up and the hug. Haruhi looked a bit sad, in fact the whole Host Club did.

“It’s the host clubs job to make ever girl happy! I don’t care if she lied, she needs our help!” Tamaki spoke up, his voice determined; his eyes even more so. Even without the story Kyoya just told, he would have gone after you anyways but, now he felt the need to ‘rescue’ you even more. How was it that you could wear a smile with such ease after what you went through?

Even Hikaru was agreeing he wasn’t as reluctant as before. Kaoru smiled faintly, happy his brother was agreeing. In fact everyone agreed they needed to help you.

“Great!” Tamaki pointed towards Kyoya, “Kyoya! We need her address!” His finger now pointed towards the twins,

“Hikaru, Kaoru! We need a car, and fast!” He then pointed to Mori and Honey,

“Mori-Senpai, Honey-Senpai, make sure we have some sweets! We know she loves them!” Then last to Haruhi

“Ehh, Haruhi, you can… uhh-” “-Don’t worry Tamaki-Senpai, I know what to do.” Haruhi smiled.


“Ehh… This place look kind of small. Kyoya, are you sure [Name] lives here?” Tamaki asked as they drove past [Names] house several times gaping at the size. Kyoya sighed loudly, “Yes, Tamaki.”

Many, in awe, people had to come out of their houses to see the Limo the host club was in. “Alright, guys! Can we just go and knock on her door?!” Haruhi yelled irritated, why were they so surprised at the size of the house?! Were they this much in awe when they decided to come over to her house, unexpectedly?!

 ‘Damn rich kids…’ she thought to herself.

The house was small with a few patches of green grass in the yard. It looked like you tried to take care of it half-assed. It had some bright pink flowers up closer to the house, that were alive and thriving. The windows did look clean from afar. Haruhi was sure this house was far from what the guys were used to, but it was actually cute in her eyes.

“Alright, gentleman! Let’s do this!” Tamaki exclaimed as if this was a mission in war, the twins saluted to Tamaki “Yes, boss!”

The doors of the limo opened and the hosts all stepped out. There was dead grass in everyone’s front yard and even a dead tree at the end of the road. A lone plastic bag flew by and smacked Tamaki in the face causing him to freak out.

“aaaAAAhHH! Hurry, let me in!!” Tamaki yelled as his fist banged on the door of your house.

“Tamaki, stop it!” Haruhi yelled at the blonde.


“[Name], why are you here? Today isn’t your day to work.” The elderly lady spoke, her name was Lanna and she was your co-worker at ‘Lovin from the oven!’ You had no say in the name, but if you were able to change it, the shop would be called ‘Hot Buns!’

“Oh, I’m actually here to pick up my check and spend it on some of the cakes here.” You smiled softly, but your eyes were sad. Lanna laughed at your response before handing you your check, not noticing your sadness thankfully. You bought a couple cookies, some pastries and a cake. All in comfort food~

“Have a good, day sweet-heart.”

“You too Mrs.Lanna~”

Carrying your bag of delights you began to walk home.


“aaaAAHH! Hurry, Let me in!!”  

 ‘…what?’ You thought to yourself. You then saw Tamaki banging on your door, maybe if you just walk by they won’t notice you? Great idea! You figured they were here to drop off something you left at the club and to lecture you. They weren’t the type of people to come and argue with someone because they felt betrayed. Well, maybe Hikaru would. Your face paled and you quickly walked away.

“[Nick-Name]-chan~!” Honey yelled, his voice sounded excited and happy to see you. Your body froze, still feeling terrible for lying to them. The sun-dress you were wearing didn’t have the dramatic sway from an unexpected gust of wind, unfortunately. You felt a sudden jolt of pressure jump on your back, smiling softly you knew who it was.

“Hi Honey-Senpai,” you whispered, your back still turned away from the rest of the hosts’. Honey giggled, “You know, you ran away so fast we couldn’t do anything!”

“…Sorry about that, I just thought you guys would be, you know, upset?” You questioned, not sure what to even say to the boy. He climbed off your back, “Well, we wish you would have told us sooner! We could never be mad at you~!” You couldn’t help but feel a bit … Loved at his friendly response.

“Come on” Honey grabbed your free hand and pulled you to the other hosts.

“Tama-chan~, I found [Nick-Name]-chan~!” Honey yelled; Tamaki came forward with worried eyes.

“[Name]…” he started, his voice was quiet and clam, not like his normal loud voice, “Please let me inside! This bag just attacked me!” He waved the bag in his hand quickly in front of your face. You couldn’t help but let out a small light laugh before taking the bag out of his hand. You weren’t sure if the rest of the host club would be as forgiving as Honey. There was an awkward silence; it wasn’t long enough for a cricket to chime in yet.

“Well?” Kaoru commented “Aren’t you going to let us in?” Hikaru questioned with a small smirk, which surprised you. Normally Hikaru would give you attitude, like he didn’t like you. But, for some reason he had a different aura around him.

“Uh!” Shit! When was the last time you cleaned up?! You began to think, d-did you even pick up your breakfast this morning?

“Well?!” Maybe you were thinking for too long cause Hikaru’s attitude was coming out.

“Um, yeah, sure.” You murmured under your breath, why were they acting like nothing has changed? They just found out you were lying to them, what an hour ago?

Stepping on the worn down ‘welcome’ matt, you bent down to lift up a rock, under it was the key to your house.

“That’s not safe.” Kyoya commented as he watched you pull the key from the dirt.


“Why is it you don’t have a[1] kitchen table?! OH! My poor adopted child! I swear to it that I wil--”

“I didn’t need one. Besides I normally take my food out to the TV-room.”

“Oh, is there a table there?”


Tamaki screamed and made theatrical arm movements of sorrow.

The tea pot whistled, “Hold on.” You walked to your kitchen taking the tea pot off the fire. Pouring the tea into cups you placed them on plate and took them out all together.

“Oh, so you can afford fine china, but not a decent table?” Kyoya stated as he eye balled the tea cups. “They were a gift, Kyoya.” You growled under your breath so only he could hear. You placed the place of tea cups on the small coffee table in front of the couch.

“Alright, same seating as we did at Haruhi’s gentleman!” Tamaki saluted the host as they all sat in crouched positions hugging their knees. “Remember commoners developed this seating position!” Tamaki whispered as if it was a secret.

“I can hear you!” Haruhi yelled at Tamaki, “[Name], you were the girl from years ago?” Haruhi asked, all you could do was nod slowly, unsure of what to do. Haruhi smiled nostalgically, almost sadly, before walking towards you and pulling you into a hug.  Your body stiffened before you hugged her back. The room was quiet. It was short and sweet, nothing more than that.

“Who would’ve known we would cross paths again?” She laughed lightly to herself, “But, at least it’s under better circumstances.” A small smile tugged at your lips.

Tamaki sighed and stood up, “[Name]! From this day forward we, the host club, vow to keep your gender a secret too!”

“Yeah!” The majority of the host yelled other just merely nodded. You bit you bottom lip in excitement; they weren’t only forgiving you but also willing to give you another chance.

~In that instant, you felt just like Cinderella


What 2 other clubs do you want [Name] to join? :o! If you want a different club or have any other ideas for clubs, go ahead and tell~ :D [Name] just might do that club!








[1] I know they’re called chabudai tables, but I figured most people wouldn’t recognize that. XD 

Gah! You guys are all so freaking awesome! I swear! :D I'll leave this "poll" thing open until 1/7/13 then I'll close it and start writing the next chapter~ Thank you guys again! ^o^

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