Ghost Of You: Damian Wayne

Bởi brooklyn1217

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Part one: Davina is Damian's longest and possibly only friend (other than Jon) she trained along side him for... Xem Thêm

Intro (Damians pov)
"You needed me"
"Family Mission"
" Caught Myself A Princess"
"She's Real"
"Another Lazarus Pit." 
"All we can do is wait.."
"She Stole My Ring!"
"Welcome to Wayne Manor"
"Bruce Is So Winning The Bet.."
"Heyyy Sunshine"
"You wanna learn how to fly?"
"As you wish"
"I would love for you to be my mother..."
"Would you rather it be Wayne then?"
"I'll be back..."
Bonus chapter one
Bonus chapter two
Bonus chapter three
Bonus chapter four
Info for part two
Part 2: chapter one You're heaven
Part two: Chapter two "What were you dreaming about?"
Part two: chaper three "Welcome to High school life'll hate it."
Part two: chapter four "The story of how I became blind"
Part two: chapter five "What happened to plan b Jon?!"
Part Two:Chapter Six "Two Weeks my ass."
Part Two:Chapter Seven "I don't like dates"

"She's Not Real"

267 7 0
Bởi brooklyn1217

Before we get started just wanted to say this gif doesn't define how anyone looks I just think it goes with this chapter! Now that's out of the way I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!

Damians P.O.V.:
"Damian you're down here? Good"
"What is it Father?" I ask turning around to face him and began focusing on him.
" I need you and the others help on a certain mission I've already called Dick, Jason, and Tim to come to the cave so meet me down in the cave for briefing."  And just like that he pats my should and returns to the cave.
" Of course father." I look at Pennyworth to cancel the tea when he beats me to it and says
"I'll bring it down for you Master Damian go on now and if you do feel ill tell me okay Master Damian?"
"Tch. I don't get sick Pennyworth." Making my way back up the stairs and towards the grandfather clock.
"Ahh I can't believe I'm gonna see the bat cave!!" Davina giggles and speed walks to the clock
" Clam down Davina its not that serious" I roll my eyes but slightly grin at her being excited. I make my way to the clock and open the case move the handles to the correct time and the clock moves out of the way and I enter the cave and all of its darkness.
"Oooo spooky very bat like so good so far"
"Shhhh Davina" I step on the last step and walk towards the computer where father is sitting.
"Do I need to suit up father?" I walk closer to the area where all of the suits are held
" No not yet, I'll let you know when sound good?"
"Yes father"
"Um..Damian?" Father walks over to me and then lowers down to where we are eye level and I begin to raise one of my eyebrows in confusion. "I may not be the greatest dad but you know you can talk to me right?"
"Umm... I do talk to you father?"
"No Damian. I mean not normal conversation I mean if somethings bothering you then you can come talk to me or even Alfred you know that right?"
"See Damian, he's open to listening all you have to do is tell him I'm sure he'll try as best as he can to help." Davina mentions behind father
"where is this coming from father?"
" Well I-" before he can finish his sentence you the computer beeps and beings talking.
Entering cave Via vehicle entrance "Redhood and Nightwing" And entering Via boom tube entrance "Red Robin"
Father looks at the entrances slightly frustrated then looks at me calmly "we'll talk about it after briefing okay?" He pats my shoulder and then stands up and walks towards the center area where everyone will enter at and I follow shortly behind. We finally stop walking we see Drake step from the boom tube not surprisingly holding a cup of coffee.
"Hello Bruce, Demon child." Drake says humor lingering in his voice before proceeding to drink his coffee.
" Tch. Drake" I cross my arms
" let's not do this now okay boys? It's good to see you Tim." After the words fell from fathers lips you being to hear the sound of two motorcycles coming closer.
" Dick you've been singing that dumb ass song from that stupid movie for the whole damn ride here if you don't shut up I swear I'll shoot your tires!"
" UH!!! High school musical is not stupid!! Those movie are awesome and Kori loves them we just finished the third one!"
" I-I okay... I really need alcohol now." Todd says holding his bag and shaking his head. "Heyyyy what's up old man!"
Father just looks at Jason and starts shaking his heads slightly laughing then almost falls to the ground due to Grayson slamming into father with a hug
" Hey hey hey Brucie!"
" Never call me Brucie again Dick" father says but hug Grayson as well.
" Hey replacement, aw look at demon spawn trying to be all cold and mean." Jason states as he shakes his hand through my hair and I attempt to slap it out.
"Awww Dami look at your brothers" Davina says beside me giggling
"Shut up they are not my brothers Davina" I state with irritation
"Umm Demon spawn who is Davina?" Todd as well as Drake look at me with confusion
"What do mean we're not your brothers Dami?!" Grayson cries at me "wait who's Davina dami?"
"You let him call you Dami..." Davina looks at me with wide eyes and a frown on her face.
"No I don't I promise don't look" "Grayson Ive told you not to call me that!" I turn to Grayson with a large amount of anger.
" okay okay I'm sorry! But who's Davina??" Grayson holding his hands in the air
" No one of your concern Grayson." I spoke with a cold tone
" Alright briefing time. Head to the computer everyone." Father stated and everyone made there way to the computer where I see Pennyworth holding a tray of drinks for everyone.
"So what's this important mission you need all of us for old man?" Todd questions Father as he grabs a drink from Pennyworth.
" Well for one thing it's covert meaning do not engage unless it's necessary." Father speaks looking directly at me and Todd
" Then why in the hell am I going? I don't do covert Bruce." Jason crosses his arms over his chest
" Jason I need you there because of your skills and knowledge of Slade."
"Slade is there!" I shout " how is he alive after last time?!"
"Calm down Dami its alright.." Davina from the side of me whispers
" He has enhanced healing Damian. its almost impossible for him to die" Father says focus on the computer screen. "Will be going on an island not to far from infinity island, locals say that if ones enter the main Forrest they call "bosque de los perdidos" or lost ones forest. If a person enters that forest that person is forever lost. Locals also say they've seen Slade and a young female who they say is Slades apprentice mostly stays in the Forrest while Slade goes into town and makes deals."
" Wait zoom in on the girl." Drake quickly says as he points to the screen " Something doesn't look right to me." He puts his hand on his chin and intently focus on the screen.
"I don't like this Dami"  Davina looks at the screen with a sour look on her face.
I look at Davina with concern as she began to move behind me as if she was nervous. " Hey what's wrong?" I whisper to her hoping the others wouldn't hear. Sadly, she just shook her head at me and continued to move behind me.
" Damian, are you paying attention?"
I quickly turn my face around from Davina to Father and the others with looks of confusion and concern. " Yeah! Yes I am father."
" Well with your knowledge and experience with infinity island I was hoping if you would lead us through the Forrest but if you're feeling ill its acceptable if you can't."
"What! No father I'm fine I can lead you through the Forrest."
"Well that settles it, we leave in two hours everyone suit up and remember covert only unless engaging is absolutely necessary." Father then gets up form the computer and heads towards where the suits are stored. Everyone else heads to their respective places where their suits are held and begins to change. After suiting up I realize that my katana is upstairs in my room from where I was mending it a few days ago. I began my way to my room passing Drake who was already done and at the computer zooming in once again looking at the picture of Slades new apprentice.
"Tch. I don't know why you bother looking Drake this peasant is nothing more than a follower for the losing side."
Drake turned around from the screen and looked straight at me " I just don't believe that Damian, something is off here I looked to see of Bruce had anymore information on this girl and all I found was this video and Bruces notes or rather one note."
Drake began to play a video of Slade and his apprentice. All Slade does in this video is slowly stick his hand out and point his finger to the group of natives of the island who were armed with highly dangerous weapon's and in few seconds the girl moves towards the group slightly making one of the natives act on accident and fear swinging an electrified chain towards her, and in a split seconds she wraps the chain around her leg and moves her body to cause the rope to basically do her bidding and attack than man rather than herself. She then flips in the air taking the chain completely away from this man then smoothly causes it to wrap around the man and as she lands she pulls causing a chain reaction one the man being pulled where she want right into another native with a gun that shooting at slade as the two collide she starts the electric current again and electrocutes the two men and then makes her way two the third. The final man begins to shake and drops his own gun and attempts to run away and she doesn't move. " she's just letting him go?" I asked confused.
" Just wait."
All of the sudden you hear slade mumble something but the video has been tampered with. Without being being trained you wouldn't notice her slightly flinching then she quickly recovers. In a quick second she takes a dagger and throws it at the man I can't tell if the dagger caused a fatality or not since the man is out of view, the camera pauses signaling the video is over.
"I don't Know about you but I think she was gonna let that man go." Tim turns the chair to face me.
"I don't know what slade is doing but I know for sure that his people do not hesitate."  " Can you try and clear out Slades voice I wanna hear what caused her to flinch."
" I can try but it might take sometime." Drake turns back around and starts decoding the video I make my way to the stairs but before I leave the cave I look one last time at the girl in the video. I shake my head and make my way to my room.
" Well that was something, are you sure that you can lead them through the Forrest?" Davina ask walking beside me
"If it anything like infinity island, yes I can."
"And if its not?"
"I'll figure it out."  I make it to my room and head to where I keep my sword. As I go to grab it I notice that my old sketch book its out of its place. I go to open it and what I see makes my blood boil.. The last page that I drew Davina when I last saw her in person was ripped out.
"You should have answered who she was when all of us asked Demon spawn then I wouldn't decide to go snooping for the answers."
"Todd." I turn to him slowly and with no emotion in my voice
" Man she seems like a likable kid the way you drew her but is that really who she is or just how you saw your little crush Demon spawn."
My plan was to not speak at all but Todd was asking for it when he started speaking about her negatively. "You have no right to come in here and destroy what is mine failure, and say one more word of her and ill make sure you wont come back this time... now Give.It.Here..."
"Ohh yeah I'll give it back when you tell me who she is Demon spawn and why you said her name in the cave."
" Dami it's just a drawing... calm down"
"It's not just a drawing! It's all I have left of you!" I explode with emotion that I've kept bottled up. "If I lose that then you're all gone Davina! For the love of god Todd give it here!" I shake the hand I've been holding out while my other one curls into a tight fist.
" Who are you talking to Demon spawn! What do you mean she's all gone!?" Todd yells with confusion mixing with anger.
" I-I didn't know it meant that much Dami I-Im sorry I didn't mean to be mean..." Davina looks at me with her eyes starting to water
My eyes widen " No! Don't leave again Davina I'm sorry I yelled.." I look at her with sad eyes I never liked yelling at her. Mother always did that enough.
" Oh my're seeing her aren't you that's why you've been talking like she's been there because to you she actually has been..." Todd looks at me astonished. " Man I'm really going to need a drink after this.." Todd puts his hand on the back of his neck.
" Give.It.Too. Me Todd...I wont ask again. and when you do get the hell out." I stand up straight My voice and my anger raising.
" What happened to her Demon..what happened for you to see Davina, when she's not actually there?"
" Stop saying her name you don't deserve to say her name Todd." Ive always been protected over Davina I was never able to protect her from Mother and Grandfather decisions but I swear I could protect her from this.
" You know she's not real right? She's some figure of your imagination and subconscious trying to cope with what ever happened to her."
"W-what Dami.." Davina is now in a corner with her eyes wide and her face full of fear.
"Todd shut the hell up."
"Are you kidding me" Todd moves closer to me
"I said shut up"
"SHE NOT REAL DAMIAN! HAVE YOU NOTICE YOU CANT TOUCH HER LET ALONE FEEL HER?!" Todd. Grabs my shoulder and yells in face. Once he realizes what he's done his face softens while mine goes completely white. "Dami-"
"Get out." I say cold looking at him dead in the face.
"I'm sorry I didn't mea-"
"GET OUT!" I pushed Todd away from me the rest of my emotions exploding "You have no idea how miserable and guilty I've felt knowing that she's gone because she was looking at new territory for me...ME! To "rule over"." "Now get out." I turn away from Todd ripping the drawing away from him trying to smoothing out the wrinkles across her face. I hear the door close and that's when the sadness kicks in.
"I'm sorry about your picture"
"At least it didn't rip.. you know some part of me has always known you...y-you."
"I what??" She looked at me curiously.
I took a deep breath and kept my eyes on the drawing "that you weren't really here.. I just wanted you to be here so bad that I went out a couple of nights to the hideout after mother told me you were gone and I wish that you were with me and I guess after wishing all the time my subconscious took it into its own hands and made you up. I mean you haven't aged at all, and you're still dressed in what you wore when you left. I just didn't want to admit you weren't real."
I finally looked up at her and saw tears in her eyes and they were one second away from falling. " please don't cry..please don't make this harder for me."
"Im gonna miss you Dami..y-you don't hate me do you?" She whispered fully crying now
I looked up at her and softly smiled. " I couldn't if I tried to.."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and when I opened them I did by best not to look at her while getting up and walking to my door picturing what once I open this door she'll be she really is. I gripped the handle,opened the door and walked out and then made my way back down to the cave.
Once I reach the cave I see everyone near the bat wing with solemn looks on their faces and when they heard my footsteps they tried to collect themselves but failed miserably. I made my way closer to them and decided to just get in the wing and just wait for the mission. Grayson tried to move towards me but I dodged his hand.
" Not in the mood Grayson."
"Damian I think its best if you stay home.." Father spoke looking at me with guilt
" I'm fine."
" Father please... Please don't make me sit in there just let me do this mission." I looked at the ground in front of father.
"I-I okay son.. but you stay by me understand. And were finishing our talk alright?"
" Alright."
"Um alright everyone in. Move out."

Another chapter done! I hope everyone enjoys it next chapter we may see our girl Davina for real this time!! I'm so excited to start writing in her POV!! I'll upload when I can byeeee everyone!!!!

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