Bow Down To The King (Complet...

By lilly910200

102K 7.6K 1.2K

Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong - A business elite. He is a mind reader (he doesn't know himself why). He is v... More

Ch : 1 Thank you, Lucifer
Ch : 2 Let me help Traip
Ch : 3 Don't do it, Mew
Ch : 4 No, it is not okay
Ch : 5 Tell me what can I do ?
Ch : 6 You won't hurt me, ever
Ch : 7 I will protect you with my life
Ch : 8 Best friend my...
Ch : 9 Will everything be okay ?
Ch : 10 Let's have some fun, babe
Ch : 11 Everything's just.. perfect
Ch : 12 What have you done, Mew
Ch : 13 So much for wanting Gulf
Ch : 14 Till my last breath
Ch : 15 I am very lucky
Ch : 16 A little more trust
Ch : 17 I am sorry
Ch : 18 As I love you too much
Ch : 19 Calm before the storm
Ch : 20 Why don't you tell me?
Ch : 21 We can never be normal
Ch : 22 Until I breath
Ch : 23 Just like this time
Ch : 24 This will be fun
Ch : 25 I don't know
Ch : 26 Am I ready ?
Ch : 27 Decision
Ch : 28 Let's skip work
Ch : 29 They are too many
Ch : 30 Little did I know
Ch : 31 Who am I
Ch : 32 Now, it's your time
Ch : 33 Too much trust
Ch : 34 It's not normal
Ch : 35 Love me if you know
Ch : 36 I agree
Ch : 37 It doesn't matter
Ch : 38 Mate-ring
Ch : 39 This looks familiar
Ch : 40 There is no hope
Ch : 41 He is gone
Ch : 42 We don't deserve this
Ch : 43 It's all been a lie
Ch : 44 Let the show begin
Ch : 45 And I slept
Ch : 47 We will find each other
Ch : 48 It will never be the same
Ch : 49 Not again
Ch : 50 They found each other
Ch : 51 Gulf Kanawut, please
Ch : 52 My home

Ch : 46 The reason

1.7K 124 27
By lilly910200

10 days ago..


I left him in the car. Alone. Crying. But I couldn't control my anger. And I didn't want him to see me in that horrible state. I didn't want him to see the Devil in me.

I flew to the mountain and sat there just crying helplessly. Fucking secrets..

He said he will kill himself if I left. But he forget that I won't let it happen. I gave him another protection spell. I was crying still when angel Kaownah called.

"Y.. yes, angel." I answered.

"You sound like a mess, King." He said.

"I am. Why do you call?"

"So.. as per your request, I worked overtime and found out the angel that blessed Gulf." He said and I immediately sobered up.

Wiped the tears and got up.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"There are two, apparently."

"How can that happen?"

"Okay... So sit tight, because it will be a shock."

"Just tell me angel." I said frustrated.

"Gulf's parents were originally going to get help from.. angel Mike. Your called brother."

"Brother Mike? What are you saying?"

"Listen to me, first. So Angel Mike rejected his parents and denied to help. Then, his parents decided to take help from you."


"You there, Lucifer?" He checked.

"Yeah.. continue."

"So as you know, at that time.. angel Leila helped you in these matters."

And I understood.

"Leila blessed him.." I concluded.

"Yes. But the question is.. why did your brother rejected? Angels never rejects unless their souls are at fault. And from the records.. Gulf's parents were the purest of the souls. There wasn't any reason to reject."

"There must be some reason, Mike would never do something ill. He is my most trusted brother."

I would never question him. He is like my other half. There is just no way.

"King.. I know you trust him more than anyone.. even more than me.. but can you check once? Just once."

I understand. But I know angel Kaownah is worried for nothing.

"Alright. Locate brother Mike."

"Already did. He is roaming around on earth. He is far away from you."

"Is there any way.. we can contact angel Leila?" I asked.

"You know better than me in this matter, king. And you know that there is no way." He said.

I sighed.

"So now what?"

"Now.. let's meet. I will discuss it with you in detail. At home." He said.

"Home." I said and cut the call.

I reached hell and waited for Kaownah in the throne hall.

The gate opened and he came. He bowed and presented some things in front of me.

"It's the evidence that Angel Mike rejected them and left the matter.. and as per law.. angel will be punished if he didn't help humans despite the foul souls."

"Brother Mike will be punished if this evidence got out, right?" I concluded.

"Yes. He will be punished badly, because the couple he rejected, Gulf's parents.. they were the biggest worshippers of God. They were the most poured souls." He explained.

No wonder my Gulf is also amazing.

Knock. Knock.


"Your highness." I bowed getting confused.

"My king." He also bowed.

"What do we owe this pleasure?"

"Your human love just tried to take his life." He said with a calm tone.

My heart sank. I got up from the seat and ran towards the door. But Everson grabbed my hand.

"He is okay. My mate is with him. He will be okay." He answered my question.

Even though I knew that, it doesn't make it any less painful. He actually did that.

My foul emotions got the best and affected the earth atmosphere again leading to raining heavily.

"I came to inform you that your mate, angel Leila haven't been seen in heaven for a long time. Her mate-ring is not with her. So we can't locate her. I thought you should know that. So I told you." He said.

That's bullshit. Brother said she is perfectly fine. How come anyone didn't see her ?

"For how long she hasn't been seen?" I asked panicked.

"Almost 20 years. There is no news of her. It's like she vanished. 20 years is a short amount of time for us immortals.. but this.. doesn't seem normal." He said also worried.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Try to find her through your mate-bond."

"But you said even you can't locate her. Then how can I?" I am feeling so funny. This is not some normal thing.

"Just try, king. Maybe we find something." He persuaded.

I did. I took out the ring from my pocket and rubbed it's green stone. The stone shone and bright light came from it.

Mate-ring is a tracker device for mates, too. It gives location of the owner of the ring.

The stone projected my house. I was shocked. It showed Gulf. Sleeping peacefully in my bed. Evangeline beside her, rubbing her hand in his hand.

What is happening? Why did the ring show me Gulf instead of Leila?

I looked confused at Everson.

He doesn't look confused, though.

"Can you explain it to me?!" I said, still looking at the picture the ring is showing.

Everson let out a breath and said, "It means, Angel Leila doesn't have the mate-ring. Your human has. He is the owner of the ring. Now." He said.

I wanted to laugh. This higher up just didn't tell me that my relation, my love for him was because of this ring that has been with him.

I laughed.

"You are kidding me. I love him because of.. nothing. Not because of the ring, right? Where is his ring? Does he know? Is he feeling the same just because of the mate-bond?"

I couldn't control my bombarded questions. Well, it's not everyday, someone tells you that the one person you love with your whole heart is.. loving you.. because of a fucking ring.

"King.. control your emotions. You are making situation worse on earth." Kaownah said tapping my shoulder.

"Everyone. Get out." I ordered.

They both bowed.

"Do something about angel Leila. Everyone in heaven has been worried for past few years.. but she being missing has rose an issue up there. Not to mention she is a human. Find her." Everson said and left the palace.

Kaownah looked worriedly at me but left anyway, not disobeying me.

I just looked at the image in front of me. Gulf sleeping safe and sound.

So.. it's all a lie?

3rd person-Pov

25 years ago..

The ever best friends Mew-Mike-Leila broke up because Mew and Leila come out to be mates.

Mike got alone. He trusted his best friends so much.. but the couple always wanted alone time. So Mike had to go away everytime.

As time moved further.. Mike left the group of friends. His heart and mind got filled with resentment and grudges towards her brother like friend, Mew.

He hated him with all his heart. But.. he loved Leila. He was in love with the angel till when they were children, roaming around in the gardens of heaven.

He got his life planned out that in their teenager years, Mike will ask Leila to be his mate.

But his planned life took a turn when he found his two best friends Mew and Leila kissing and hiding their relationship from everyone.

He got jealous and told the elders. He expected a hard punishment for both of them.. but the elders instead celebrated their relationship.

Then he came to know that.. his two friends were mates from the birth. His heart sunk in more hatred towards his brother.

He couldn't control his jealousy and hatred towards him. He started messing up his life.

The Michel-archangel.. made Mew rebelled against the God and got him kicked out of heaven forever.

Mew became king Lucifer. He trusted Mike with all his heart. He didn't think twice after Mike's words. He did everything his dear friend told him.

He manipulated Mew that he should start a new life without Leila. On earth. A peaceful life. Almost like humans. Without a mate. Mew did just that out of trust. He left Leila, stopped seeing her, stopped meeting her.

But his heart craved her friendship. Mew didn't love Leila romantically but he still loved her with his whole heart.

At some time.. Mike's hatred crossed every line. He never let King find out that he is a snake behind his back. Because he knew.. Mew trusted him with his whole heart.

The God summoned Mike because it was a shame that an angel was keeping so much hate inside his heart. They decided to give Mike a second chance at love.

The God gave Mike an opportunity to wash all his sins if he helped two pour souls.

He assigned Mike to help a beautiful couple struggling for a child.

But.. Mike took the opportunity as a chance of revenge. A plan started forming in his mind.

What could be more pathetic than the king of hell falling in love with an ordinary filthy human?

The plan was to reject the couple, so the couple turned to seek the help of the Devil. But he didn't expect that Leila and Mew were still talking and still worked together.

Leila blessed the couple a child.

Mike decided to let go of that. He knew that the Devil will take their souls as his payment. But he was surprised again when the devil forgave the payment.

Mew denied to take their souls. The reason he found out later.

Leila requested Mew to let go of the parents because the blessed child was so loved by the angel. Leila loved the blessing so much.. she didn't want sorrow in that beautiful family.

So.. the devil forgave their payment on the request of Leila.

But Mike fumed with anger at this conversation. He just started thinking of a different way to execute his plan.

And he knew what needed to be done.

After 4, 5 years.. he started moving.

He again manipulated Mew into giving him his soul-ring on his thumb. Telling him that he wanted to see it and see it's power.

And Mew being the most trsuting Mike being the Dumbo he is, trusted Mike and gave him his soul ring.

He also called Leila. He brought Leila with him, saying that he missed her friendship, talking with her.

Angel Leila, of course.. believed him. And went with him. Mike saw the child's parents from afar and took angel's mate-ring from her forcefully.

Leila cried in pain as the ring didn't want to leave the owner. But Mike was powerful. He took the ring and made the child's mother a medium for transferring her powers.

He hit two targets with one stone. Now.. Leila will never be able to meet Mew. And mate-ring will surely attract two owners.

He left Leila hanging on the road, crying helplessly. She knew that he couldn't tell Mew anything.. if she did, Mike will kill her.

She went to meet Mew a last time before going to heaven, in her human form.

While Mike, went after the child's parents. He gave the child's parents Leila's mate-ring. And after that, he took away their souls with the soul-ring he wore.

He did this on the name of Devil. His plan executed perfectly. Now the parents are dead, the child will become the owner of the ring.

And the mate-ring will do it's work. It will develope the mate-bond. And attract the owners. He didn't forget that the child is also a mind-reader because of Leila's powers.

Now.. the child will grow up, will find Mew somehow and fall in love. Mew will fall in love with an ordinary human and his reputation will be tainted.

But it also failed, because Evangeline approved it. All of this planning of 20 years.. all in vein. He was so sure that the higher-ups won't approve the human.

But they did. They all loved Gulf. He waited 20 years for this day.. but the result he got was.. unimaginable.

After killing the child's parents.. Mike went to heaven and found Leila crying silently.

He smiled evil seeing her. She was finally his.

He took her to his secret house far from the celestial's eyes. He locked her in chains in his basements. Like slave.

He didn't beat her. He never touched her wrongly. But he kept her prisoner in his basement for 20 years and still.

After some time, Mew also gave him permission to merry her. So he forced Leila to merry him. But she never accepted the monster behind the wings as her husband.

She never cared about him. She never talked to him. So whenever Mew asks about her.. he told him lies.

Even though the Devil knows when a person lies, he never bothered to check Mike. Because he didn't had any reason not to trust him.

God came to know about his evil did. He took away his position of angel and made him a roaming celestial. Means, he can't stay at a place for a place too long.. he will roam. He has to wander endlessly till he die.

Mike pleaded them to keep this matter a secret from others and they agreed.


Finally, Everson pitied my situation and told me all of this.

I felt something was wrong with angel Leila.. so I started to dig information about Brother Mike.

I started from the first. I came to know about her affection towards Angel Leila..

I came to know that he made me rebelled against God. And he was the one who got me kicked out of heaven.

It still wasn't enough. He made me broke contact with Leila. And I did. I was blinded by trust. I never thought that my most trusted person is planning my whole life behind my back.

I gave her permission to merry her. Oh holy heavens! Leila suffered too much because of me..

And if it still wasn't enough.. he planned Gulf's life as well.. he made sure that Gulf walk on the path he created. To find me.

The mate-ring did it's work. He made Gulf mess up in business so he had to come to me.. I was the next successful businessman after him.

He was so intelligent. He would never make a small mistake but the ring made him do it and we met after all. We loved. We fell hard. Just according to his plan.

But he went wrong when higher-ups accepted Gulf. They accepted him with their whole heart and that was a tight slap on Mike's face.

He failed. He couldn't ruin my reputation according to his plan.

I am finding out all the lies.. because Everson is finally helping me. Knowing all of this.. he didn't want any more suffering to any of us.

So Everson told me everything Mike had done all these years. I still couldn't believe.

But he also didn't knew where Leila was. He went to check to Mike's house himself. There he found Leila lying on floor, covered in iron chains.

Now.. the problem was.. the only way to save Leila was.. if she comes to earth. Because if Mike knew that we know everything.. he won't hesitate to kill her.

If Leila couldn't come to earth, Mike is planning to kill her and Gulf. Because his plan got ruined. And they both were the main obstacles.

He can't kill me. He is no match to me. So he will kill the two most important persons of my life.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Gulf has her powers. And his powers will return to her if he.. dies."

I snapped my head at Everson.

"Are you kidding?! I will never let Gulf die, EVER! I will die myself before he dies." I said confidently.

"There is an other way too.. but you will be hurt." Everson offered.

"What is it?" I asked panicked.

"If Gulf almost dies.. almost. Not fully. Then his body won't be able to contain Leila's powers and that will be returned to her." He said.

"Absolutely not!! I won't take the risk. What if he.. dies? No.. I can't." Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Then be ready to see angel Leila die. Mike will kill her first anyway. You don't have a choice. After her powers comes back to her, I will set her free from the chains and bring her to earth. Then she can heal Gulf. You know she blessed him.. so she will heal him."

"But.. It still is risky.."

"I know.. but trust me.. everything will be alright. Trust me." Everson said calmly.

He is no less than God himself. If he says that.. everything will be alright. Then it will be..

But I will never forgive myself for it.

"Wait.. wait.. wait.. what the hell are you talking about? My king, your highness.. you are planning ridiculously." Kaownah panicked.

I got out of the palace and he followed me.

I got at the mountain again.

"You can't hide from him forever."  Kawonah said, referring to Gulf.

"I know. I will try anything to find out the truth." I said.

"What more is remaining? You know everything now.."

"No, I don't. But I am about to."

"Will you kill him?" Angel Kaownah asked gesturing to Mike.

"Probably, yeah." I said the truth.

"He will think you betrayed him." Mike doesn't care about me, angel. Hope you know that.

"More like he betrayed me since the beginning. My whole life has been a lie." My head filled with anger.

"Why did you think he did what he did?" He hates me, that's why.

"I actually.. don't know. I can't find a reason he had to scoop down to this low level." Aside from hating me and resenting me to a certain level.

"Do you want to talk about this to higher ups?"

"It's no good. They don't help." Even though, Everson did a great help already, opening his mouth about it.

"What are you planning to do?"

"First of all.. what the fuck he did behind my back and why I never knew about it." Every single detail. I want to know everything he did. And I never knew about it.

Suddenly, the ground stumbled and lighting in the sky became more intense.

"Um.. how about you calm down first..? you will kill everyone at this point."

"You think I care about these useless humans?"

"You care about him." I miss my Gulf.. so much..


"What will you do now.. regarding him?"

"Nothing. He wasn't supposed to be in the celestial matters in the first place. I have to do what I need."

"He will never forgive you, you know.." I know. Gulf will never forgive me.

"I don't have any choice."

"We always have a choice, King! You don't have to do this! Please.."

"I really don't have any choice.." He closed his eyes and let the tears fall.

"He doesn't deserve this.. please, King!"

"Neither do I. I don't deserve this either."

"You can solve everything without hurting him."

"Then what? Everything has been a lie.. My whole life has been a lie.. we don't deserve this!?!"

I swung my mighty white wings open and flew up in the sky, leaving the angel dumbfounded in sorrow on the cliff of the mountain.

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