By elisimone_

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in which two people are quite literally polar opposites... #1 in jasper category 4/29/2021 #8 in mates categ... More



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By elisimone_


I huffed, running at dawn towards the Washington border. My paws hit the ground roughly as I relished being in my wolf form. I ate before I left, having found a nearby buck before I followed my nose to the growing smell of my family.

Something smelt off though. It smelt like a vampire, but it was hard to tell since this was Olympic coven territory, so it should smell like this. Luckily it didn't smell like Victoria or anyone else that wanted to kill me. No, but it was vaguely familiar.

I shook my head skidding to a stop as I found myself at the border. I sat and waited patiently. I could smell them already, it was hard not to since there were still so many of them.

Then I heard their steps, knowing they hadn't bothered to cover their scents or to be quiet. They liked a fight, even an unexpected one. With a huff of laughter, I laid down, laying my head on my paws as I did so. Then in came jogging Aunt Lydia's wolf.

With a solid white coat, and bright, shining hazel eyes. Her husband, my Uncle Hank, stood next to her, him being a swirl of a mix of black and light grey, an interesting pattern with bright red eyes. Their sons were behind them, all having the same midnight black fur with white paws or underbelly, and all of them, having the same bright red eyes like their father. Aunt Lydia and Hank were about the same size, but since Lydia was more powerful she was a bit bigger. Their sons were about the size of Jacob's wolf. Uncle Thomas was beside Aunt Lydia, in his giant grey wolf with shining pale blue eyes, them being the same size and Sandra stood next to him, who I looked at with a little surprise.

Of course in human form, we all had ranging colors of shining, near-perfect brown skin, and dark brown eyes that reflected the moon with ease, Sandra having had a lighter shade of brown eyes, but in our wolf form, oh how magnificent we looked.

As we looked at each other, I couldn't help the happy pit that filled me before I bent down in a playful stance. Barks of happiness filled the quiet forest as we played together before we began running side by side, bumping and nipping at each other as we neared where the Cullens and my pack were.

As we neared, we stopped, all going behind trees and shifting, and changing into the clothes that we'd tied to our legs.

"Ah my favorite niece, look at you," Uncle Thomas said swinging me around. We were still a ways away from the others as we talked.

"Look at you, did you gain even more muscle?" I asked just to see him laughter hardily and pat my back with a force that probably could of fucking killed me.

"Is that Beta I smell?" Aunt Lydia asked as she came over to me. I smiled proudly as I nodded.

"I'm the Quileutes packs Beta now," I said with a wink, smiling as she engulfed me in a hug.

"We're proud of you baby girl," Hank said as he delivered a kiss on my forehead.

"Audre!" yelled 4 excited voices before I was jumped. I landed on the floor with 4, 17-year-old boys on top of me squeezing the crap out of me. Still, though, I laughed.

"My boys, I've missed you," I said hugging them back tightly.

"Alright get off her, it's my turn," I heard Sandra say as she pushed them aside and engulfed me in a hug.

"So, how did this happen. The last time I saw you, you were human Sandra," I said putting a hand on my hip staring at her new set of topaz eyes. 

"Ok so get this, I was grocery shopping right, and then a guy tells me he's selling puppies. Naturally, I follow him, I thought I could get Buster a brother or sister, but no, I just got a neck full of venom," Sandra says rolling her eyes.

"Wow... Ted Bundy would've loved your stupid ass," I said.

The pack laughed loudly at my statement which included Sandra.

"Did I ever tell you guys I've met Ted Bundy?" Lydia began which caused a train of groans to be sounded.

"We know," all of us seemed to say at once.

"Let's go, the others are waiting. Jasper is teaching the pack to fight newborns," I said.

"Shouldn't you be doing that Beta?" Lars taunted.

"I was, but Jasper knows more about them, I'm just experienced in the area," I said with a shrug.

"If you call taking on 4 at once while being shot with wolfsbane experience, I would hate to see how good that boy Jasper is at it," Lydia said with a hand on her hip.

I rolled my eyes, nodding my head as we shifted once more, hiding the clothes nearby as we began our run, which naturally turned into a race between the boys. I chuckled a bit as we ran, arriving as Tywin and Alice fought, skidding to a stop making them look at us arriving.

'Okay I thought the glowing eye thing was an Audre thing, it's not' I heard Seth says.

I shook my head, turning and looking over at my family with a nod, watching as they positioned themselves on the other.

"Are... are you a newborn?" Emmett asked looking at Sandra. She nodded with a large smile waving at them.

"Hello, I'm Sandra, I'm Audre's Uncle Thomas' mate," she said with a hand on her back.

Lydia looked at her pack and gestured for them to go shift. Unconsciously I listened to, shifting and then emerging.

"Hi, you must Dr. Carlisle Cullen, I'm Lydia, pack Luna and Audre's aunt," Aunt Lydia said reaching out to shake his hand. He smiled at her before Aunt Lydia went on introducing everybody.

Aunt Lydia was dark-skinned and had long coily hair that she didn't like to cut too often so it was usually in giant, beautiful braids that cascaded down to her waist. Her body was toned with lean muscle, and she stood at 5'9. She was typically really sweet, but it didn't take much to make her angry, luckily, no one she loved was ever in her line of fire when she was actually angry. The only thing that did make her angry was when someone harmed us, but even that was a stretch given our training.

Her mate, Hank, was on the lighter side and had looser curls, that he usually kept clipped at the back of his head. He was much calmer which was scary given his alarming height of 6'4 and wide stature. When he did get angry, he was a kind of calm angry, it was almost a chilling feeling. Like fire and ice, those two.

"This is my mate Hank, also Audre's Uncle and these are my boys Lars, Joseph, Damien, and Lucas, Audre's cousin" she sad pointed at each of them. Despite them being quadrupled they looked nothing alike.

Lars was the oldest, the tallest standing at 6'3, and the leanest but still strong. He had coily hair, similar to his mother's, that grew at an alarming rate. He also had his mother's darker skin complexion, slimmer facial structure, and brown eyes like they both had. He was the most protective of his brothers and me. He was also the most serious of his brothers but shared their childish nature since in the eyes of our elders we were simply pups.

Joseph came after him being just a half of an inch shorter and having his father's wider facial structure and bone, and his mother's darker skin complexion. His hair was more similar to his father's, having looser curls, and having chosen to grow his hair instead of getting haircuts. His long hair sat in a bun on top of his head. He was Lar's right-hand man, and of the brothers, they were the closest. He was lazy as all hell though but loved a good fight.

Damien was the same height as Joseph standing at 6'2, and his hair always being in long braids that he did himself every so often that could range in any height because sometimes he cut it and sometimes he didn't. His hair was coily, like his mom's, but not as much as Lars' and he had his mom's slim features, but since he was a gym nut, he was very built up, very similar to his father's. He was the one who got angry the most, and when he did, it was very similar to his mom's, loud, and explosive in many situations.

Then there was Lucas, he was maybe 3 inches shorter than Damien standing at 5'11, and had a mix of his parent's everything. Two different hair textures throughout his scalp, an uneven skin tone that was still somehow perfect. He was pretty buff, but not like his dad, and he had 3 nose piercings, one septum, one nose ring, and a stud on the other nostril. Lucas was the jokester of the 4 and tended to keep the pack lively when things went down. He was also the baby and tended to receive the most protection of us 5.

Uncle Thomas was built even wider than Emmett and was pretty intimidating since he was taller than Hank as well, standing at 6'5. His hair was always cut and he and Aunt Lydia shared the same skin complexion. When you got to know him though you'll soon discover that he's kind of like a newborn puppy/rabid dog that likes to drink tea, and occasionally likes to frolic through meadows with Sandra.

Sandra was on the lighter side, just maybe a shade or 2 lighter than me, with hair that she always kept short that usually sat in tight curls on top of her head. She was abnormally happy, even more, enthusiastic than Alice really, and her kind nature is probably what got her to this point.

"I'm Thomas, pack Beta, Audre's Uncle," Thomas said with his hand out.

'I'll introduce you all once our little understanding is over' I told Sam.

'Perfect' Sam said.

"Ma'am, would you like to take over, I believe you are the most experienced here of all of us," Jasper asked my Aunt Lydia.

"Oh, shucks," Aunt Lydia said putting her hands to her cheeks with a large smile on her face.

Jasper smiled at her, then nodded as she stepped up.

'He's good I'll give him that' Adrea pondered.

'Abnoramally' I said.

"I'm sure everyone knows the basics of newborns here, so I'll just go into some detail and then follow with some demonstration with our own newborn," Aunt Lydia started before gesturing to Sandra who waved happily.

"Newborns are more prone to anger really, to antagonizing, which may be bad but, it makes them easier to throw them off their game. Since they don't know really how to control their strength or speed too much yet, and I'm assuming this army hasn't received any formal training, using their strength against them would be the best way to fight them. When you do fight them, the one thing I will warn against, letting them intimidate you. Don't for a second make them feel superior, they'll take advantage of that. I will say though, feigning fear works too, make them believe they've won, and when they think they've had, rip them to pieces," Aunt Lydia spoke with a small smirk.

A series of chuckles rang throughout the pack before Lydia turned to me.

"Audre, my favorite little nuke, you'll be fighting Thomas, to show them how to deal with the size difference," Lydia said with a smile and clap of her hands.

I nod looking at Uncle Thomas. He grinned widely at me making me smirk at him as we took our places in front of each other.

"We haven't sparred together in a little while little niece, you sure you'll still be able to hold your own?" Uncle Thomas proded with a snarl, his eyes flashing pale blue as he did so.

"When I kick your ass, I'll expect a movie," I said as I rolled my shoulders.

He laughed loudly.

'We're going to win this one' Adrea growled.

"142 out of 143 right?" he asked making me chuckle.

Wrong move.

I was tackled right then and there, but I maneuvered out his hold quickly so he wouldn't take the fight, unfortunately ending up with me being thrown hard into a tree. The tree broke, making me fly even further and hit another, and another. I growled loudly, my eyes glowing green as I smiled at the challenge. Twisting my body as the second tree broke, my feet hit the third tree I landed on.

'So we're playing dirty?' I said.

'Nothing new, let's play dirty then' Adrea cackled loudly.

As I kicked off the side of the tree I landed on, I contorted my body, grabbing a thick branch as I did so, knocking Uncle Thomas back with such a speed he flew back and he met the same fate as I did.

I dropped the branch as he came barreling towards me, throwing a punch my way which I narrowly dodged, before I bent down and punched him hard in the torso. He grunted but then took me by the shoulders and lifted me before he slammed me to the floor.

I snarled as I elbowed the ground below me, pushing me off the ground a bit. I clutched Uncle Thomas's leg tightly, before I slammed him into the ground next to me, getting up quickly to kick him to the side. He rolled a bit before he turned and was on his feet with that same wild grin.

I matched his grin as he came flying towards me once again. We exchanged blows, hard ones, but neither of us was going down, as I tried to find an opening to his neck.

As he landed a blow to my cheek, my head turned hard. I growled loudly as my head snapped back at his arm, biting down on his arm hard, that he let out an angry and painful scream. My canines grew, making it even worse, before he turned and kicked me to the side, making me release him and roll on the ground a bit before I was up again.

"So that's how you wanna play lil niece?" he asked as he shook his arm.

"Oh please, you're fine," I said looking at his already healed arm, wiping the blood from my mouth.

Older Human Shifters healed much faster.

"Okay-" he began his taunted but I'd already launched myself at him, tackling him, before I slam him to the ground.

"Gotcha," I said as I wrapped my arms around him, my canine and claws enlarged, holding him securely in my arm, waiting for him to move so I could break every bone in his body.

"Whoo, that's my niece," Uncle Thomas hollered in excitement as I let him go, letting him pat my head, with him trotting back to his mate.

I huffed a bit as I stood up straighter, gagging a bit at the taste in my mouth.

"That's nasty," I said wiggling my nose a bit as I stood in place.

"Now Sandra?" Lydia asked.

Sandra skipped over and now stood in front of me.

"Don't you dare bite me, Sandra," I said pointing at her.

"Oh I would never, I'm a vegetarian," she said with a huff.

I saw from the corner of my eye Jasper looking at me worried, but I just rolled my neck. I dropped my stance though, as I caught a whiff of Buster.

"Hey, guys where's Buster, I thought you were bringing him along?" I asked Lydia.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you," Lydia said with a laugh.

"Buster was bitten by a-" Lydia started but she was cut off as I was tackled.

Not by Sandra though, on top of me was Buster, our pitbull, or what I think was still our pitbull.

I was licked all over making me wrestle with him a bit before I pushed him off. But still, as I sat up, I saw Buster, who'd easily grown in height 3 feet and easily weighed over half a ton now. He sat down in front of me, his tail wagging, and his tongue hanging out happily as he barked in from me, clearly happy to see me after so long.

"He was bitten by a what?" I asked as I raised my hand to pet him.

"A Lycan," Lydia finished.

'Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me' Adrea said.


I sat on the porch next to Emily who was smothering Buster. He enjoyed the attention though, and let her pet and hug him all she wanted.

The packs had introduced themselves, and now we all stood talking to one another, Sandra being with the Cullens since she couldn't be over her.

"So tell me, how does Audre train you?" Uncle Thomas asked Paul.

"Not as hard as you," I spoke shaking my head.

"Oh come on my training is not that bad," Thomas said.

"You once pissed off a band of ogres just because we all had to miss training because we had dentist appointments," Damien said throwing his hands up.

"And there was that time you chucked a boulder at me because I decided I wanted to go take a shower as soon as training way over because I was 'too anxious to get away from you'," Lucas said.

"One time you picked up a tree at the root and hit me with it the day after because I passed out after a 100 mile run at full speed," Lars spoke up.

"When you body-slammed me because I missed training after getting hit with wolfsbane," Joseph added.

"You pushed me off a mountain the day after I missed training because I had too much homework to do," I said with a huff of a laugh.

"Yeah that was bad, half her bones, shattered," Lydia said finally while shaking her head.

"Sorry brotha', but you're a menace to society," Hank said patting him on the back.

"Yeah, I have to say I prefer Audre's method of training," Sam said from his position behind Emily, patting my back.

"Excuse us, we have to go greet the elders," Lydia said nodding her head towards the pack and then walking away to go greet Sue and Billy.

"That fight with your Uncle, that-" Paul started but was cut off.

"So damn cool!" Quil said with a smile.

"You really weren't kidding about being trained your entire life," Jared said making me shrug.

"That's how all of my cousins and I were trained," I said shrugging.

3rd POV

"So, for how long have you been with Audre and her family?" Carlise asked Sandra who sat on the couch with a smile on her face.

"I met Thomas a few months before Audre moved here, so I'd say, over 3 years now," Sandra said.

"Okay, I have to ask. She and her family are insanely strong, what is up with that. It's almost even more than supernatural," Emmett burst.

Honestly, all of their thoughts had been the same, including Bellas. I mean, they'd all seen Audre fight before, but never like that. Her Uncle was hundreds of years older than her, but they were exactly on par with each other. Jasper too was thinking of this. Sure he'd seen Audre angry plenty of times, more times than that of his family, but still, how hard she fought, and how there was no hesitation behind either of their blows. He couldn't even find it in himself to be angry at the fact that in the first 2 seconds of the fight Audre was hurled through the forest.

And when they'd first arrived, as soon as he felt their emotions he was thrown off. Audre had told him about her kind being extremely prideful, but all of them, even their young boys was filled with unwavering pride, as bright as his mates he assumed since he could feel hers to a higher degree since they were mates. He'd gotten used to her's of course, having been with her for almost 2 years now, but the amount they gave off as a group was almost staggering.

"I'm sure Audre has told you about her training, the Volturi, all of that. You might think she was exaggerating, but as soon as young wolves are taught to switch back and forth properly between forms, that's when their training starts. Well only for their pack honestly. The boys are still in training, and probably will be for the next couple of years though," Sandra said with a nod.

"But Audre told us she finished her training when she was 16," Bella spoke up from behind Edward being that he still didn't trust the newborn.

"15, Audre is unique, and that's not because she's a girl either, and that female Shifters are rare. Granted, they are, but that's not the case here. Audre has pale green eyes when she shifts, as we all know, and that eye color is the same as Edith's, the first Human Shifter," Sandra explained.

"Now, Audre isn't 'the chosen one' okay, her eye color is just rare for Human Shifters. You won't find many with her eyes color, and when you do, it's probably best not to get into it with them. It's rumored that those who possess that eye color are born with a little piece of Edith's spirit. That's part of the reason she's so strong, why she was trained so hard over the years, and why she can go toe-to-toe with her Aunt and Uncle and even the Volturi," Sandra said thoughtlessly.

"The Volturi?" Alice asked surprised.

"Oh yes, that's a part of their examination. So a little while after Audre turned 15, and she and her family went to Volterra, and she took her exam. The exam is that every member of her pack at the time and the 3 Volturi Kings and their immediate guard would attack her. The test was to get them down, simply, and she passed on her first try. Her cousins will be taken the exam this summer, this will be their 3rd try," Sandra finished explaining.

The Cullens looked at each other, amazed at the information they'd heard.

Thank the Gods that Audre was their family too, they'd hate to get on her bad side.

Bella stood next to Edward, shocked by her words. Of course, she knew her cousin was powerful, but she was never quite sure how powerful she was. I mean, she'd seen her take not one, but two bullets, and snap a hunter's neck without batting a glance. She suddenly began to remember all the time Audre had spent protecting her. James, the Volturi, Laurent, Paul, how angry she got over what happened with Jacob.

Audre and Bella had always been best friends, even when they weren't even living in the same state, and the cousin label was thrown to the wolves a long time ago. Them being family of course added to how they felt about one another, but the bond they'd formed over the years was a giant compared to it. It was no secret that the two loved each other dearly, but there were times were Bella felt sad that she couldn't protect Audre the way she did Bella.

She chose not to dwell on it, knowing that even if she was changed, it didn't matter because Audre would always be able to protect herself. She'd stick to being her cousin, and when the blood they shared was no longer flowing through her veins, Bella knew that above all else Audre would still be her best friend. Bella couldn't help but smile a bit at their future.

Jasper, although, began to feel fuzzy. He almost couldn't stop the smile that was appearing on his lips. Jasper knew he loved his mate with the entirety of his being, and he knew she loved him. But what he felt now, was pride. Pride in his beautifully strong mate, who he was proud to call his.

He couldn't help but suddenly be consumed by the thoughts of her routines. He couldn't wait until she and her pack arrived and she'd stand next to him and hold his hand. How she'd almost always go to him first, how he'd sense her excitement before she was even here. How he'd feel her feet move faster, and breaths grow quicker as the eagerness grew to be around him. How happy he was that the bond between them never weakened whenever she had pack duties, how it tightened when they were on their way to see each other. How regardless of the upcoming war, they'd probably still go on a walk in the woods without fear. Knowing the lengths to which both of them would go to protect one another made their hesitation stunt.

Don't get me wrong, Jasper had always been proud to be the one chosen for her, and had always been proud that she was the one chosen for him. Pride engulfed him, every single time she triumphed in a fight, every time she didn't hesitate to throw herself into danger when someone she loved was on the line, even though it frustrated him from time to time since he also wanted her to be safe.

Was this how Audre's pride felt?

Still, leaning on a wall with a small smile on his face, Jasper then made his way up the stairs and to his room. Her scent engulfed him since she was always there, and he smiled again. He looked over at the now fixed bed, and grabbed a book off his many shelves, and sat down on his small couch to read it.

As he opened the book, Jasper glanced at the ring on his finger and touched it softly. He smiled a bit again, looking out through the window longingly. How he missed his mate at this moment, but still, he read, waiting patiently for his mate to return from her duties, and be by his side once more. 

heyy guyys !!!

what the fuck going on yall ??

how are you guys ?

i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!

this is such a dream of mine honestly, all of my characters are black and i am so happy because I've managed to create this powerful group of black people who are just cool as all fuck , and i just-

excuse me as i idolize the people I've created I'm just so excited!!!!

anyway, drink some water,  and eat something if you haven't !!!

also don't forget to pee, i am being so serious, don't procrastinate peeing... 

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