Pokémon Sword and Shield: Anm...

By AnimeLoverMurillo

24.7K 380 138

Bella has no recollection of her memories but when she woke up she was covered in bruises and held onto a Roc... More

Bella's Info
Chapter 1 ~ The Forgotten
Chapter 2 ~ A New Journey
Chapter 3 ~ First Catch in Galar, Bella Style
Chapter 4 ~ The Gym Challenge Begins
Chapter 5 ~ Young Milo Had a Farm
Chapter 6 ~ First Battle, Bella Style
Chapter 7 ~ Ahoy Matey
Chapter 8~ Battling Fire with Fire: Part 1
Chapter 9 ~ Battling Fire with Fire: Part 2
Chapter 10 ~ Ultra Beast Unleashed
Chapter 11 ~ Recovering The Memories
Chapter 12 ~ Reborn Bella
Chapter 13 ~ Bump in the Night
Chapter 14 ~ Rise of Bella and Scorch
Chapter 15 ~ Gym Leader Audition - Part 1
Chapter 16 ~ Gym Leader Audition - Part 2
Chapter 17 ~ Ice and Rock Don't Get Along
Chapter 18 ~ Will Darkness Prevails?
Chapter 19 ~ Battling the Darkness
Chapter 21 ~ Dragon Tamer vs The Quartet Knights - Part 2
Chapter 22 ~ Semifinals Gala
Chapter 23 ~ Semifinals and Search for Leon
Chapter 24 ~ Champion Cup
Chapter 25 ~ Eternatus Rises
Chapter 26 ~ Zacian and Zamazenta
Chapter 27 - Sword vs Shield
Chapter 28 - Wedding Battle

Chapter 20 ~ Dragon Tamer vs The Quartet Knights - Part 1

448 11 1
By AnimeLoverMurillo

After the strange phenomenon of a dynamax Pokémon, our heroes now journey back to Hammerlocke to challenge the Dragon-Type Gym Leader Raihan. With Valarie having hopes that her students will win the final Gym Challenge, she has full confidence that losing the bet will be easy.

Bella's P.O.V

We all ran ahead to Hammerlocke where we spotted Sonia with Leon, we all picked up the pace and ran up to them.

Valarie: There you are!
Sonia: Well, if it isn't Detective Goodman with her boyfriend and students. Victor, Hop, Gloria, and Bella. I'd expect nothing less from you and your Charzard, Leon! You took down that Dynamax Pokémon in no time at all!
Leon: Well, I am the unbeatable Champion, after al! But what all is going on here?
Sonia: An overflowing red light... Pokémon Dynamaxing without a Power Spot?
Hop: Yeah, but why?
Sonia: I'm not sure... What's going on? That red light could suddenly appear again at any time and we'd have no way of knowing
???: But being able to predict such things is part of a scientist's work
Sonia: [gasp] Gran?!

We all looked to our left and saw Professor Magnolia standing next to us.

Magnolia: The chairman called for me. He wanted to know all about the red light's relationship to the Dynamax phenomenon
Valarie: But he isn't concern for the safety of the people here in Galar?
Leon: No way, he cares for the Galar so much that he would focus on the Galar's future. Did the chairman know anything?
Magnolia: Nothing worth my time. The chairman's all wrapped up in fretting over the future of our energy, apparently
Bella: You know, he did talked to me and Gloria about it
Gloria: Yeah, how the energy is being gathered here in Hammerlocke
Magnolia: He left everything to that executive lady. We just don't have enough data. That's why I wanted to ask you to start looking into things, too, Sonia. You know more than anyone the Darkest Day, after all
Sonia: Are you saying that red light and the Darkest Day are connected?!

We all grew concern and nervous, because if what Professor Magnolia is saying is true then that means all of Galar will be in deep trouble.

Hop: Hey, do you reckon there's anything we could do to help out?
Gloria: There must be!
Victor: Yeah, we'll help!
Bella: You can count on us!
Leon: Thanks! I appreciate the thought. But all I could ever ask of you would be that you join me in the greatest final match ever. I'll do my part to make that happen by keeping everybody's future safe. So you just keep on doing your part by winning your way through the Gym Challenge!
Valarie's Students: [pout] Awwwwww
Valarie: Maybe Gladion and I can help out too, after all, we both know that we've been through a lot of crazy things that have happened to us throughout the years
Gladion: We're willing to help out
Leon: Thanks you two, I'll keep you updated if anything happens
Rotom: And I'll continue gathering the Data!!
Valarie: Rotom, there you are? Where have you been?
Rotom: Sorry, I've been recharging myself, my bad
Hop: Right. Course! You're the unbeatable Champion, after all, eh?
Sonia: Gran, there's something I want to look into. You'll help me, right?
Magnolia: Naturally
Bella: Bye Sonia!!
Hop: See you next time!!

We watched as Sonia walks away with Professor Magnolia while we all looked back at Leon, we were all starting to feel confident and ready for our final gym battle.

Leon: Looks like we all know what we need to do. So, you four — clear the Gym Challenge so we can meet again at the Champion Cup!
Hop: Bye Lee!!
Victor: We'll see you at the Champion Cup!!
Gloria: Hope your prepared to face us!!
Bella: We're gonna be the very best like no one ever was!!

[Leon Leaves]

Valarie: All right kids, time to head to the Wild Area
Valarie's Students: Huh?! But why?!
Valarie: Apparently Raihan isn't in the Gym right now, so we'll be doing our Pokémon Class 101, and this topic is all about~ DRAGON TYPES!!!! Let's roll out!!!

We all followed Valarie to the wild area where we wandered into the Giant's Mirror, there we spotted a variety of Pokémon wandering around and just behaved as they were.

Valarie: All right kids, for this lesson we'll be discussing about Dragon type Pokémon, now can any of you tell me any interesting facts about them?
Hop: Um... Oh!! Many dragon types are Pseudo Legendary while others are Legendary Pokémon!!
Valarie: Correct!
Gloria: I know!! When Misty Terrain is in the effect, the power of Dragon-type moves is decreased by 50% if the target is on the ground!
Valarie: Correct!
Victor: And don't forget that most dragon types have a second type, right?
Valarie: Actually, that's exactly what I was looking for. See all dragon types may not all look like dragons, but some of them have some similar features like a dragon, which is why I invited someone to show you kids all the dragon types too
Valarie's Students: Huh?
Gladion: I don't like where this is going
Valarie: Even though I thought that myself could show you kids, but I decided to get a second person to join us, and what better to get is none other than-
???: My Queen~!!!
Valarie: [sweat drop] Raihan
Valarie's Students: Raihan?!?!

We all looked behind Valarie and saw Raihan running up to us, however when he stopped to be face to face with Valarie he handed her a bouquet of roses, we all looked at him feeling like as if we were ghost while Gladion glares at Raihan sending daggers towards him.

Raihan: My queen, it will be most honored to be able to show you the beautiful places of Galar and-

Before Raihan could finish and wrap his arm around Valarie, she smiled and then pinched his hand, hard, until Raihan backed away from her while holding his sore hand close.

Valarie: Correction, you will be taking Victor and Hop, while Gloria and Bella stick with me. Gladion will be doing his own business, won't you dear?
Gladion: Yeah, I'll contact you if I need you
Raihan: And I'll be ready to rescue you from any danger!!
Valarie: [sweat drop] Thanks, but I can handle myself, let's go kids

Gloria and I followed Valarie while looking back to see Raihan and Gladion waving goodbye, but then later having a glaring contest with each other. But we put our focus on searching for some dragon types, we scurried to the Dusty Bowl where we looked around until Valarie stopped us as we hid behind a rock and saw a group Kommo-o and Hakamo-o. We were fascinated by it's features as Rotom took some photos of them and their behavior, after that we left and went searching for more. We found a Dreepy, Flygon, Noivern, Flapple, and finally a Turtonator.

Gloria: Wow~ amazing
Valarie: Hmm...
Gloria: What's wrong, Valarie?
Valarie: I'm not sure, I think that Turtonator looks ill
Bella: Is it?
Valarie: Yeah, see the scratch marks, I think it was in a rough battle, let's try to approach it slowly. Remember, stay behind me and don't panic
Bella/Gloria: Right!

We followed Valarie carefully as we hid in the tall grass where we slowly approached Turtonator, when suddenly, I stepped on a twig and that caught Turtonator's attention, at first it was getting ready to attack but Valarie act fast and stood up with her hands up.

Valarie: It's okay... It's okay... I'm not here to hurt you or capture you... I just wanna help, okay?

Turtonator seemed a bit stubborn, but when it saw something around Valarie's necklace, it calmed down and started flinching when it felt more pain in it's body again. After that, Valarie gently brushed her hand against the snout and Turtonator started to relax. We stood there amazed and Valarie earned Turtonator's trust, after that she signal us to come closer as I take out the first aid, and Valarie took out Oran berries for Turtonator, and he slowly started to heal and get better.

Valarie: There you go, now you can roam free
Turtonator: Turto

Before any of us could say anything, we hear a Pokémon cry and saw Noibat flapping very slowly and covered in scratches. Gloria acted quick and caught Noibat in her arms while it hugs Gloria's arm.

Valarie: Another one? How odd

[Ring, ring]

Rotom: You have an incoming call from Raihan!
Valarie: Oh great~ Answer it
Raihan [Phone]: Hey beautiful, I'm calling to tell you something you're not gonna believe!!
Valarie: Oh really~ enlightened me with your presence
Raihan [Phone]: Well, the boys and I were searching high and low when suddenly we spotted a Pokémon that was badly injured
Valarie: What!? We'll be right over!! Where are you guys?
Raihan: Oh, that's easy! We're at the Bridge Field

Rotom hanged up as we ran to their destination where we spotted Raihan with a Noivern on the ground covered in scratches and bruises, Valarie got to work and grabbed the first aid kit to help heal the Pokémon while we stood there astonished and worried for the Pokémon.

Bella: What happened?
Hop: We don't know, one minute it was okay, the next thing you know there was a storm and then Noivern got hurt
Bella: Who would do such a thing?
Gloria: From the looks of the damage, I'd say... It could be another Pokémon
Victor: But what kind? There are hundreads of Pokémon in the Pokédex, how will we be able to narrow it down?
Bella: Well we know Dragon types are weak against Fairy, Ice, and Dragon... So it could be either one, but it won't help us narrow down the list
Rotom: Maybe I can be of assistance!!
Valarie: Thanks Rotom. Okay, what do we know? We know that Dragon types are weak against Fairy types, ice types and dragon types, however it seems that these Pokémon are covered in scratches and wounds so it can't be-

We all turned around to the left and saw three trainers running for their lives as a wild Garchomp soaring high in the air, however this one has red eyes that are glowing and was attacking the trainers.

Valarie: Red eyes, attacking what's around them... [eye widen] Oh no
Gladion: Valarie, is it possible that it's "R" again?
Valarie: Yes, it has to be. Kids!! Head back to Hammerlocke!! Raihan, Gladion, help me take down this Garchomp, we need to take it down before it terrorizes Hammerlocke
Raihan: Right, anything for my Queen
Gladion: I'll take this Garchomp down before it attacks those trainers
Gladion/Raihan: Got it!
Valarie: What are you waiting for kids? Go!!!

We all hurried and ran off to Hammerlocke, when suddenly we were blocked by a Noivern that had the same red eyes and behavior like the Garchomp, it attacked us with Whirlwind as we were blown back.

Hop: I guess we're gonna have to battle this Noivern one way or another
Gloria: But it's too dangerous!!
Victor: We don't have a choice sis, we have to defeat it
Bella: All right, let's go!! Pixie!!

[Pixie Appears]

Pixie [Galarian Ponyta]: Heiiiigggghhhh!!!!
Hop: Okay, Rillaboom!! Let's go!!

[Rillaboom appears]

Rillaboom: Rilllllllaaaaa!!!!
Gloria: Come on out!! Ponyta!!!
Victor: Manectric!!! I choose you!!!

[Manectric and Ponyta appears]

Bella: Pixie!! Use Dazzling Gleam!!
Hop: Rillaboom!! Use Drum Beating!!!
Victor: Manectric, use Thunder!!!
Gloria: Ponyta use Dazzling Gleam with Pixie!!

Pixie and Ponyta used Dazzling Gleam at the same time to attack Noivern, while Manectric and Rillaboom used their moves to attack Noivern. We were able to weaken it, but unfortunately it still got back up and glare at us, we grew worried and backed up until our backs hit the brick of the bridge, at first we thought this was the end but then the Noivern was attacked by another Garchomp that didn't have red glowing eyes.

It surprised us all and we saw that it looked at us, however it flew towards us and grab a hold of both my arms and flew away carrying me away with it.


Valarie's P.O.V

It was a rough battle, but we managed to knock the Garchomp out of it senses, I healed her up and let her roam free when suddenly I hear Hop shouting at the top of his lungs and looked back to see Hop being held back by Victor and Gloria. I followed his gaze and saw Bella being taken by a different Garchomp, this one is a male and it took Bella away.

Valarie: Raihan, I need to use Flygon to go after Bella!!
Raihan: [smirk] Got it [take out a poke ball] Let's go, Flygon

Flygon appeared and stared at us, I was about to hop on Flygon but Raihan hopped on and helped me up. He placed me on the front and told Flygon to fly off, we soar up to the sky and went after that Garchomp.

Raihan: See anything?
Valarie: Nothing!! No wait!!! I see her!!!

I spotted Bella and the Garchomp that took her away, Raihan got Flygon to flew further ahead, however Garchomp noticed us and flew towards us ready to attack.

Valarie: Raihan you better do something
Raihan: Got it!! Flygon!! Dodge it and use sand storm
Valarie: How is that suppose to help!?
Raihan: Trust me, I have a plan!! Hang on!!

Flygon dodged Garchomp's attack and summoned a sand storm, then Flygon use Dragon Claw and attacked but Garchomp didn't let go of Bella, however it did flinch when the sandstorm hit it. I decided to bring out a Pokémon and see if that helps.

Valarie: Cuddles!! Let's go!!!!

[Cuddles appears]

Cuddles [Espurr]: Purrr!!!
Valarie: Cuddles!!! Use Disarming Voice!!!

Cuddles let out a charming cry that caused a huge damage, making the Garchomp let go of Bella as she falls, however Cuddles was quick thinking and used Psychic to catch Bella and bring her towards us. I grabbed her and brought her in front of me while Raihan told Flygon to fly away while Garchomp is lost in trance. Flygon flew away and we made it back to the others, however we saw them being surrounded by Team Flare.

Bella: Oh no, they're in trouble!!
Valarie: And Hop still has Cosmo, we need to save them!!!
Raihan: Let's use Sandstorm again, maybe that will drop their guard and we can attack
Valarie: Right!!

Raihan got Flygon to use Sandstorm and that dropped Team Flare's guard down while Gladion got Victor, Hop, and Gloria to hide underneath the bridge from the sandstorm. When we got close to the ground, Raihan, Bella, and I got off and stood our grounds.

Valarie: [glares] Well well~ would you look at that, the old, Team Flare. I'm surprised you morons are here in Galar region, and look at that it's the two obnoxious people I hate. Xerosic and Malva, how not nice to see your annoying faces again
Xerosic: Darn!!!! It's that nosy detective's daughter
Valarie: Hey!! I'm not nosy!! You people always cause trouble and I have to be there to stop you morons!!
Malva: No matter, we'll just take you down this time, Detective!! [take out a poke ball] Burn them to crisps!! Pyroar!!!

[Pyroar appears]

Pyroar: Rooooooooaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!
Valarie: Hah! [smirk] I've seen this before [take out a poke ball] Let's go!!! Rocky!!

[Rocky Appears]

Rocky [Lycanroc]: Roc!!! [growls]
Xerosic: Hah!! And what will a wolf do? Roar at us

[Team Flare laughing]

Valarie: Oh~ you forgot one important thing... I traveled to the Alola region
Malva: So what?!
Valarie: [grin] So~ I can use a Z-move, right here right now. Ready Rocky!!!
Rocky [Lycanroc]: Roc!!!
Gladion: I'm joining in on this
Valarie: All right!! Rocky, Lycanroc!!! Let's go!!!
Gladion: Time to eliminate our targets!!

Gladion and I activated our Z-Rings as we perform the Z-Moves, Gladion performed the Rockium move while I did the Lycanium move, Gladion was first and knocked out half of Team Flare's members while I took down Xerosic, Malva, and the rest of Team Flare's grunts creating a humongous mushroom explosion. Once the sandstorm cleared up, all of Team Flare's pokemon were knocked out with a one move finish.

Valarie: BOOM!!!! That's how it's done!!!
Gladion: Don't ever underestimate the power of our Lycanrocs!!
Lycanroc/Rocky: Lycanroc!!!! [howls]
Malva: WE LOST!!! AGAIN!!!!
Valarie: And you're also under arrest... Again

Before any of them could say anything, they were surrounded by policemen with their Pokémon out surrounding Team Flare. They were all taken away and I explained to the police chief about what happened, after that the kids came up to me and complimented me and Gladion's performance.

Hop: You were awesome Valarie
Gloria/Bella: So cool!!
Victor: You gotta teach us that move
Valarie: Well, maybe when you kids have your own Z-ring and Z-crystals I may be able to teach you
Valarie's Students: Yeah!!!!
Raihan: You were amazing Valarie, I applaud you for your performance
Valarie: Thanks Raihan, I better take these kids back, they have a Pokémon challenge to beat and you are their last Gym Leader
Raihan: Don't forget about our bet, if you win I'll give them the badge and leave you alone, but if I win you have to go on a date with me~
Valarie: [smirk] Hmph, I wouldn't count on it. My students are going to slay the dragon tamer
Raihan: Hah, I like to see them try
Gladion: [glares] I hope you're ready to lose Raihan, because these kids won't hold back

We all stare at Raihan as I picture my students as knights while Raihan was a dragon tamer with his dragon type Pokémon ready to attack at any time, as for me and Gladion we are like a king and queen. After a while, we head back to Hammerlocke and back to the hotel where the kids got their Pokémon team assembled while I looked through the files that my dad sent me about Bella's parents and their conditions. Apparently they were working undercover to investigate an unknown phenomenon of Ultra Beast appearing at many other regions, however is what their information is true then that means the Teams decided to team up and work together to collect Ultra Beast, and the one behind it is Giovanni, Team Rocket's leader, which means we need to find out where Cosmo is from and return him back before the Teams decide to attack the Galar region and go after Bella again, just when I was about to put the pieces together, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back to see Gladion standing behind me with a mug in his hand.

Gladion: I figured you needed a break, here some Tapu Coco
Valarie: Thanks Gladion, you're really sweet [kiss his cheeks]
Gladion: I just care for you, that's all
Valarie: Thanks... I'm still stumped on how Giovanni managed to get Cosmo, it's just not possible unless he had a spy at the Aether Foundation, Faba made sure to check every new employee's background and so far none of them could have done it
Gladion: Hmm... Maybe... Or maybe, they hacked into Faba's computer and stole the plans to build their own machine
Valarie: That could be true...
Gladion: How about this, you contact Faba, Burnet, and Wickie, maybe one of them can trace something while I take the kids to the Gym
Valarie: [pout] But I don't wanna miss their battle with Raihan~
Gladion: [chuckle] Case first, then you can watch them battle. Okay?
Valarie: Okay
Gladion: All right, I'll take the kids now, good luck on the investigation
Valarie: Thanks... Love you~
Gladion: Love you too, Val. Come on, Lycanroc

Lycanroc followed Gladion, but not before rubbing his snout against Rocky as a way of him giving Rocky a kiss, Rocky did the same as we watch both of them walk away, I looked back at the file and picked up the photo of the Eevee that Bella caught, however it was in terrible condition and I got word from what Nurse Joy told me.

Valarie: Bella isn't going to be happy about this, but I'll tell her after the Semi Finals

Bella's P.O.V

I gathered my team and decided to use Scorch, Pixie, Alcremie, Silvally, Diane, and Mona. I got dressed and left with Victor, Hop, and Gloria as we walk to the Gym. We got ready and stood in front of the Gym or at least a castle as we all think the same thing.

Hop: All right, time to take this Dragon tamer down!!
Victor: We made it this far!!
Gloria: We're not losing now!!!
Bella: Knights of the land of Postwick!! All for one!!
Valarie's Students: AND ONE FOR ALL!!!

No One's P.O.V

The final gym challenge is about to commence and the knights of Postwick are ready to battle against the Gym Leader/Dragon Tamer Raihan, but will our heroes survive the weather effects Raihan has in stored? Who knows, but we do know that our knights in shinning armor are ready to fight, as the journey continues.

~ Meanwhile ~

Inside a cave, the same Garchomp that grabbed Bella was looking up from a distance where Hammerlocke, it then looked down and saw Team Rocket grunts walking around Hammerlocke as they contact their boss. The Garchomp glares at the grunts as it flap it's wings and soars up in the air to head off to Hammerlocke in search for the trainer, Bella.

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