Wicked Game | Miya Atsumu

Bởi sug4rplms

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How would you feel when you're stuck with the campus' playboy that happened to be the best friend of your ex... Xem Thêm

sixty. (final)
special chapter (part one.)
special chapter (part two.)
wall of fame.
special chapter (miya atsumu.)


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Bởi sug4rplms


It's been an hour since Atsumu went to meet y/n. I ditched class because I couldn't chill myself. My mind was distracted and I felt nervous. I just hoped everything went well.

There was I, sitting on my bed with hands clasped together on both of my thighs, and waited for Atsumu patiently.

"Are they okay now?" I sighed. One of my legs bounced anxiously. My heart was racing, I was eager to know what happened.

The door was opened and Atsumu walked in. I quickly got up from my bed, looking at him closing the door back. "Did you guys talked?" I asked but he wasn't responding. Atsumu turned behind, revealing his red eyes and tears stains. It was obvious that he just finished crying. What happened?

Atsumu wasn't putting any expression so I couldn't read him. "Atsumu, tell me" I said, half-pushed him.

He looked up at me and I could see his watery eyes. He was in the urge to cry again. Eyebrows furrowed and wrinkled forehead, I asked him what was wrong. Atsumu walked towards me and rested his head on my shoulder. His action had me surprised, more like he has never done this before. I was so clueless. "Atsumu?" I looked down at my twin brother who had his face buried on my shoulder.

"I lost her, Osamu" He said with a shallow voice, and his body was shaky.

"I... Lost... Her..." he broke down and cried.

I widened my eyes and grabbed both of his sides, pulling him up so I could see his crying face. "No! Didn't you explain things to her? It supposed to turn out okay" I shook my head, doubting his statement. He didn't respond to me and just cry. His tears rolled down fast and he looked so weak.

And that moment, I realized that it was the Atsumu that I hated the most. The one he used to be when he was heartbroken.

"Tell me you've explained to her. Tell me, Atsumu!" I raised my voice, shaking his body. Again, he didn't respond and kept crying. That's how I got the answer myself.

He didn't explain the truth. He listened to her confessions instead. He listened to how he broke her, giving her hard times all this time.

That's what happened.

I pulled him into a hug and again he buried his face on my shoulder, crying loudly. "Atsumu, you're stupid" I sighed.

A week has passed.

Y/N went missing, not picking up any calls from me or even reply to my messages. I couldn't reach her and Atsumu? Sighs.

I can see how he's slowly changing.

In a bad way.

He has become someone who's really hot-headed; worse than he already is. Not only that, but he also skipped classes and sometimes volleyball practices. And when the night comes, he'll get himself drunk and cry himself to sleep.

Atsumu also started to isolate himself from the others. Most of his time spent being locked in the room with no lights, wrapping himself with the thick blanket, wet pillow covers because of his tears, and staring at the picture of y/n that he set up as his phone's wallpaper.

His routine goes like that.

As a brother, I've tried my best to comfort him but what I received was ignorance. Atsumu didn't listen to me and kept going with what he did. At some point, I, myself felt tired of being the middle person.

I have the intention to go and confront Akari. That bitch, she's the cause of these all yet she's nowhere to be found.

Saturday. 8am.
Day one of volleyball practice.


We have a volleyball practice to attend. It was a rare moment for us, Inarizaki to have practice on a Saturday but since the friendly match is just around the corner, Kita had come to a decision to do more practices.

As usual, I was the first one to wake up. I sat up on the bed, looking at Atsumu who was still laying facing the wall. Maybe he was still asleep. I got up to take my shower only to see Atsumu having his phone in his hand, scrolling through some old photos of him and y/n. His thumb caressed the part of y/n's face on his screen and I heard him sniffing softly.

I heaved, walking towards him. "We have a practice to attend. You're coming with me this time. We all need you, Atsumu so please, attend today's practice" I said before entering the bathroom to take a shower.

"Hey, it's the Miyas!" Akagi was the first one to notice us. I walked into the gym with Atsumu following me at the back. Akagi jogged towards us, "It's been a while, Atsumu. You looked like you lose some weight. Been dieting huh?" he laughed. I glanced at the blonde guy and he sighed.

"You're so fucking loud, it's annoying" he groaned and walked away. His response got Akagi to stop laughing and looked at me. "He's still not okay?" he asked. I looked at Atsumu putting his stuff at the corner of the gym, far away from the other team members' stuff. "He's definitely still not okay" Suna cut in, walking to stand next to me. I looked at him, "Still couldn't reach her?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. Suna pulled his hands out of his pockets and crossed his arms. He shook his head with a hum. "I've tried asking Mika but she wasn't helping me out. I'm sure y/n told her everything so maybe she's trying to keep her away from all of us" he responded.

"Is there any other way?" I sighed out loud. Suna shrugged, placing down his stuff at the side of the gym. "Anyways, do you have Akari's contact number? Or know anyone who's close to her?" I put down my bag and removed my jacket. Suna quickly looked up at me with a frown, "Why are you asking?" he asked me back. "I have an unsettled business with that bitch" I kept my jacket in my bag, zipping it after. "So, do you have her contact number?" our eyes locked, I stared at him.

He scoffed, "No".

"Left!" Aran raised his hand, signaling Atsumu to toss the ball towards him. Atsumu got his hands on the ball, tossing to Aran. The tall man jumped before spiking the ball to the other side of the court yet Kita retrieved the ball from touching the floor, "Counterattack!" The opponent said in sync, running to their formations to spike the ball back to Atsumu and his team's court.

It happened in a split second, Omimi spiked the ball with his full force causing Akagi to missed it. The last whistle was blown. Kita's team won against Aran's.

"You should have taken the last ball" Atsumu looked at Akagi who was panting tiredly. "The ball was invisible, I couldn't take it" he cackled. "Yeah and it's your fault, our team lost. Great" Atsumu scoffed and drank his water. I watched them from the side, drinking on my water as well. "Hey, Atsumu. Relax, it's just a practice match" Akagi scratched his nape awkwardly.

"It's still a match though. Don't just waste my energy playing volleyball when we can't even win the match. Or maybe... You can just admit that you actually suck"

That came from Atsumu and that got everyone's eyes on him, including Kita.

I threw the empty bottle I was holding on my bag, approaching the blonde man. "Atsumu..." I tried to stop him but Aran cut me off.

"Atsumu, calm down. Why are you so mad? You're usually not this pressed" he furrowed his eyebrows, lowkey felt pissed at how rude Atsumu was.

"I just hate teaming up with a bunch of losers but I know he's not one so he should have played better" Atsumu replied, giving a sharp glare at his senior.

"And you should have come to the previous practices!" Aran lashed. His voice was louder.

I saw Atsumu clenching his fists so I quickly stop them from fighting. "He's just not feeling well but I forced him to come here. Maybe that's the reason why he's a little tense today" I stood between them, facing Aran.

"Well, that doesn't give excuses to be rude to his senior. Though Akagi can get very friendly and bubbly with y'all second years, you still need to show him respect as the third year" he shrugged.

I glanced at Atsumu, he rolled his eyes and looked away. "Yeah, I'm sorry on his behalf. I'll just take him home" I said, bowing to both Akagi and Aran before turning to Atsumu. "Let's go" I said.

"What the fuck was that, you shithead?" I yelled as soon as we reached the car. "He's the one who sucks, can't blame me" he frowned, pissed at how I was defending Akagi. "Yes I know he made mistake but still, you didn't have to act that petty for that!"

Atsumu scoffed, "Me being petty? When the fuck?" he tsked. "Look, I was just saying the truth and you know it yourself how much I hate to be teamed up with lose..."

I can't take this anymore.

"You are the loser here, Atsumu!" I yelled, shutting him out.

Atsumu looked at me, his forehead slowly crumpled even worst.

"What the fuck you're saying?" he grasped his hands tight.

"You skipped practices, you skipped meals, skipped classes, and get yourself drunk every single night. And now you've become someone who's very hot-headed and rude. And it's because of your breakup, am I right? Isn't that what a loser would do?" I said. I could see his face changed. He was offended by my words. Especially when I mentioned about his recent breakup.

"That has nothing to do with you" he sighed and took his bag. "I'm taking a cab. You can go home alone" he closed the passenger door.

"I'll drive you home" Suna came, cutting in our talks. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop but my car is just right there" Suna pointed at his Mustang parked under the tree.

"It's okay. You don't have to" Atsumu shook his head, refusing but Suna was insisted. "Let's talk" he said.

And that got me curious. What is it that he wanted to talk about?



"Where's y/n?" was the first question Suna asked me to break the silence. I looked out the window, heaving out loud. "I don't know. She turned off her phone GPS, inboxed me, and not picking up my calls. Sometimes it went to voicemails" I answer him motionlessly. I leaned against the car seat, eyes still looking out blankly.

I missed her.

I missed her so much.

I wondered where did she go, did she eat well, if she's okay, and most importantly, has she stopped crying?

I wanted to see her face, I was desperate for that. No words could describe how much I missed her.

I missed having her in my arms, when she looked up at me, when she smiles, when she kiss me, hug me, and cling to me.

I missed her.

I missed her so bad.

"Have you tried asking Mika about her whereabouts?" Suna glanced at me and back to the road, his hand held the steering wheel.

I did. I did so many things just to figure out where's y/n but it was pointless. Mika refused to tell me in order to prevent y/n from getting into another heartbreak... From me obviously.

"She won't tell me. I've begged for it yet she still refused to tell me" I sighed, head moving down to look at my hands. I saw his hand slipped into his jeans pocket to pull out his phone before handing it to me. I looked at him with a confused look shown on my face, "What?" I asked. "Give it a try. Who knows, she'll pick up this time" he said while his eyes were still focused on the road.

I hesitated for no reason yet my hand took his phone, pressing the numbers of y/n before hitting the call button. My heart was beating fast, I don't know why but I felt so nervous.

"The person you are trying to reach is not available. Please try again later"

Told so. She still had her phone off maybe. I hung up before handing back Suna's phone, sighing. "She's not picking up?" Suna asked with an eyebrow quirked. With a hum as a short response, I then leaned my back against the seat and let out another heavy sigh.

I missed you, y/n.



Day two of volleyball practice.

"Atsumu, you'll be in my team for today" Kita said before the practice match starts. I looked at Kita as I found it so unusual and weird. Is it because of his attitude yesterday?

"Suna, you'll be in Aran's team for today" he continued. I don't know why but Kita looked a little different. He looked like he was in a bad mood, and his voice sounded fierce too. The mood was also different, it was gloomy and silent.

"I want to be in the same team with Osamu".

That was a brave move of Atsumu. I quickly looked at him, signaling him to quit his childish and petty act.

"No. He'll be the setter for Aran's team today" Kita shook his head, giving an odd and scary gaze towards the blondie. Atsumu scoffed, laughing all of a sudden. "You're seriously making us as competitors now, Kita?" he put on his smug smirk on his face, provoking the silent anger in that captain. "I'm just helping him sharpening his skill as a setter. You don't have to worry, you'll remain as our regular setter" he explained, assuring the blonde guy.

"Whatever it is" he whined, brushing off the captain before walking to his position. "Make it quick" he ordered cockily.

I saw Aran gave an odd look towards Atsumu and I could tell he wasn't pleased with the sudden change of his attitude. Yeah, Atsumu can be a bitch but no one can handle this side of him. No one because honestly I, myself would surrender. Everyone got into their positions, including me.

It wasn't the first time me and Atsumu were positioned in two different teams, yet it did make me feel weird with how he acted earlier. Maybe he just needs someone to be around him.

Atsumu threw the ball in the air before jumping for a serve. Too bad, the ball was retrieved by Akagi, passing it to Riseki to stabilize our team's formation again before Aran spiked it to the other side of the court. Kita received it, tossing the ball to the air as a chance ball. Judging from the situation, our team expected Omimi to attack our team with a spike. However...

Atsumu jogged towards the net, jumping high, and spiked the ball.

But our team's middle blocker, Suna Rintarou managed to block him, causing the ball to land on their side of the court. The last whistle was blown. Our team won both sets against theirs. Again.

"That was smart but you should have done better" Suna scoffed, with a nasty smirk plastered on his face. "That was lucky" he growled, feeling frustrated again. His team lost again and he hates losing. What's worse, his team lost because of him.

Suna tsked, chuckling in a provoking manner. "It wasn't a piece of luck. You were the one who let your emotion controls you, to bring out the worst side of you" he locked his eyes on Atsumu's.

"What the fuck do you mean?" the blonde groaned, forehead wrinkled as the flame in him started to rise. "Are you saying that I suck?"

"Relax, Miya. I didn't say that, you're the one who came up with an assumption" Suna cackled, shaking his head.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What's up with Suna provoking him?

"It's just..." he scoffed again. "It's kinda funny how you called Akagi a loser yesterday but when your team lost today and it's because of you, you're being quiet about it" said Suna. Atsumu quickly grabbed Suna by his collar, an arm lifted as if he was about to hit him but good thing Kita stopped him. "That's enough!" Kita yelled. It was quite a rare moment for Kita to act like someone who's totally different from his usual self. The Kita I knew, he's more reserved and cool and I could say it was my first time seeing him yelling; playing his role as the strict captain.

"Hands off him, Miya" it was an order and Atsumu obeyed him. "I don't know what the fuck is your problem today" Atsumu said while giving a death glare to Suna who was still putting on his smug smirk. He then took his stuff with him and walked out of the gym.

I watched my twin brother leaving the gym before my eyes moved to the figure of the black-haired man standing not far from me. Was that even necessary?

"Everyone, get your things and go back home. Take a rest. We have few days left before our friendly match against Johzenji" the captain said while the rest were busy packing their things, including me.

"Kita, I think we need to talk about Atsumu" even though it was a whisper, yet I heard that came from Aran. "Breakup syndrome surely sucks" Suna picked up his bag, and laughed softly. I looked up at him with a frown. What's with him today?

"He's healing. You should have understood his situation" I got up with my things and looked into his eyes. Suna crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. "Well, I can't stay on his side forever, yeah? He fucked up somehow" there he goes again with his mischievous smirk. One thing for sure, I hate that smirk he was giving. It gave me this uneasy feeling. "He was trapped, and you knew that" I replied.

"He did, that's the thing" he laughed. "But you know..."

"He should be more careful"

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