Lost Memories: I'll Be Your S...

Bởi Anastasiaxo

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BOOK 2. Stacey is back at Hogwarts with more problems than ever. It is Harry's 3rd year at Hogwarts and Siriu... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Disappearance
Chapter 2: Long Trip
Chapter 3: Meeting with the Traitor
Chapter 4: The Dursley's
Chapter 5: The Arrest
Chapter 6: Meeting With The Ministry
Chapter 7: Rita Skeeter's Article
Chapter 8: Dementors
Chapter 10: Buckbeak
Chapter 11: The Funeral
Chapter 12: Lessons
Chapter 13: Losing Hope
Chapter 14: Coming Together
Chapter 15: Dr. Ringe
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Three Broomsticks
Chapter 18: Demetrius' Mansion
Chapter 19: First Day
Chapter 20: The Big Mistake
Chapter 21: Saving a Life
Chapter 22: Dangerous Lust
Chapter 23: Reunited Again
Chapter 24: Paths Unfolding
Chapter 25: Everything's Alright
Chapter 26:Spinner's End
Chapter 27: Begining of Pain
Severus or Sirius?

Chapter 9: Memories of the Dead

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Bởi Anastasiaxo

I entered the teacher's compartment to find even Severus and Andrew there. I knew Andrew was safe with Severus around but I still worried. I ran over and took him into my arms as I asked, "Is he okay? Did they come anywhere near him?"

"It just grew cold, don't worry," Severus reassured.

"Thank you so much," I sighed, before kissing Andrew's cheek. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, darling."

"We saw your phoenix, Stacey. We trust you were with the students then. Perfect timing as always," McGonagall praised.

"There will be dementors at Hogwarts won't there?" I asked. "All because Sirius has escaped?"

"Unfortunately. But the Ministry swore to Dumbledore that the dementors won't be anywhere near the school ground. Why they were even on the train is beyond me. He won't be the slightest bit pleased at that," McGonagall answered.

"Your new D.A teacher, Remus Lupin, did a wonderful job as well," Professor Sprout added.

"I promised a wonderful teacher!" I answered. I knew Remus would be perfect here.

After a bit more discussion we all got ready to get off the train which would be stopping any moment now. When it did Severus went to get my things as Andrew and I waited outside. Just as Severus came over and handed me my own bags, Remus joined us.

He extended his arms towards Andrew, who eagerly bounced at the sight of him, and cooed, "Ah, hello there, Andrew. I'm so glad you came along."

"Remus, you're so amazing with children. When will you settle down and have some of your own?" I asked, watching the two of them happily.

"You know I can't," Remus sighed.

I reached forward to touch his cheek gently. "Yes you can. I'm positive that it won't be passed on, Remus. You deserve a child."

"Thank you," He answered, smiling. He gazed at Hogwarts behind me sadly. "It doesn't look the same, does it?"

"No," I admitted. With the dementors flying around Hogwarts seemed dark, gloomy and dangerous. Even though I knew about Sirius' innocence I still fear this place now. I couldn't even imagine what the other students must be feeling.

Then, out of no where, the dementors began to appear. They all curled together, dawning over Severus, Remus, Andrew and I. Their looks was locked onto me as I felt myself grow colder by the moment. Something in me felt like it was dying as they inched closer. I knew they recognized me from Azkaban. Suddenly, all the screams I had heard from the prisoners in Azkaban pounded within my head. It was quickly joined by my own screams when I was told that my father was murdered. There was just so much of pain personified within the sounds that I could barely keep my tears inside.

"Make it stop," I whispered.

"Stacey, what is wrong?" Severus asked

"The Dementors recognize her and aren't too pleased with her presence," Remus explained.

The crowd of dementors kept growing as McGonagall ran over. I handed her Andrew as I gasped, "Get him to safety."

I appreciated that she didn't contradict my wishes. She quickly ran off with Andrew, leaving me to face the dementors. They probably thought I helped Sirius escape and this was their developing revenge.

One of the dementors pointed at me which caused my mother's screams to echo within my head as she was killed by Nagini. She kept telling me to run before Nagini came through and began to kill her. I tried to stop my hands from shaking in fear so I could reach for my wand but all my efforts went in vain. I could barely hear Remus and Severus beside me and keep my own screams within. All the emotional agony began to make my body burn.

I wouldn't take this pain. I wouldn't take the blame. I swore to keep Sirius safe and that's what I would do. I stared back at the dementors defiantly.

"You hurt him. I'll make you pay," I hissed. I knew it confused Remus and Severus but I knew that they wouldn't question me. They probably just though that I was speaking to the sounds inside my head but I wasn't. I was infuriated at the dementors for all the anguish they had put Sirius through for all these years. They had hurt him and this was my chance for revegne. I pointed my wand out of them, after mustering whatever strength I had left. "Ex - Expecto - EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

The ground shock and the sky light up as phoenix raged out towards the dementors in a screeching anger. The size of the patronus shocked me as it chased the dementors away faster than they had came.

I lowered my wand and stumbled in place sweating. Severus caught my arm securely as he stabilized me.

"Stacey, you shouldn't have come this year. The dementors blame you for Sirius," Remus said, brushing my hair back.

I shook my head as I whispered, "I didn't do anything. I won't let them have that power over me."

As my eyes began to grasp onto the darkness again, I noticed a few figures emerging from the distance. I squinted at them, shocked at what I saw. It was my parents and Mark. I was sure of it.

"Mom? Dad? Mark?" I gasped.

Severus peered over but merely replied, "There's no one there, Stacey."

The figures disappeared causing me to see Dumbledore now. He stopped in front of us as he asked, "What happened?"

"I'm not too sure what the dementors did to her," Remus confessed. "Do you want some chocolate?"

I smiled softly as I took the piece from it and ate it. The warmth began to return to me slowly and I was able to hold myself up again without Severus' help.

"Dementors are horrid creatures as it is but when angered they are worse. Stacey's presence at the Azkaban raised spirits of the prisoners and they blame her for Sirius' escape. What did you hear Stacey?" Dumbledore asked.

"The prisoner's screams, Bellatrix's screams, my mom's screams when Nagini was killing her and - and Mark. He told me to fight it," I confessed. "And I just saw them - my parents and Mark. I'm sure of it."

"You saw them?" Dumbledore clarified. I nodded. "I trust you are safe with Remus and Severus around you. I have to go attend to business regarding the Dementors. We will talk later Stacey. Take care. Andrew is with Madame Pomfrey, safe and sound. There is a carriage waiting to take you three."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

We all collected our bags before making our way to the carriages. I was pleased to see the Thestrals pulling it as always. I smiled softly as I said, "They are lovely creatures, aren't they?"

"Thestrals?" Remus clarified. I nodded as we got into the carriage. I knew Remus couldn't see it because he had never witnessed someone die before. He was one of the lucky ones. "Aren't they said to be ... you know, in terms of their looks?"

"Beauty is a matter of definition. They are wonderful creatures," I objected, sitting down comfortably besides Severus as Remus sat across from us. 

Severus' hand brushed my own and the sudden, romantic gesture reminded me of Ethan. I debated on whether I should tell Severus but I decided not too. He would simply get angry for no reason and start a fight. This year would be stressful as it was. I kissed him softly on the cheek before my eyes locked with Remus. 

"Sorry," I chuckled.

But Remus just shook his head as he smiled and said, "It's fine. As long as you are happy."

"Huh? Oh that's um ... fine. You're happy." He said smiling slightly.

The carriage ride continued on in silence. There wasn't much that Severus and Remus had in common that we could all discuss. I was hoping to pull Remus aside sometime tonight so we could talk about Sirius. He hadn't said one word on the subject since Sirius escaped from Azkaban. Eventually, when the carriage ride ended, we were greeted outside by Hagrid. 

I hopped off the ledge and wished him happily, "Good evening, Hagrid."

"Ello Stacey. Dumbledore told me about what 'appened. Your strong gril eh?" He teased.

"Barely," I chuckled. I felt my cheeks begin to burn a brilliant red.

"Nonsense," Remus remarked, touching my arm. "She was brilliant."

"Ello Professor Lupin, sir, welcome," Hagrid wished happily, shaking his hand. "Must admit I'm real glad you'll be taking the position of the Defense Against the Dark Arts. You'll do a splendid good."

"Ah, thank you, Hagrid. It's good to see you again," Remus replied. 

Hagrid nodded at Severus now. "Evening Severus."

He didn't reply. Rather, he just nodded at Hagrid who didn't seem too keen on a response. He began to lead us back inside when I asked, "Did we miss the sorting?"

"Afraid so. The hat did give us a warnin' on Sirius, though. But I suppose there's nothin' to worry about," Hagrid reassured. "So, ye heard? I'm a teacher now."

"Really? Oh, that's woderful, Hagrid, congratulations! Care of Magical Creatures, I assume?" I inquired.

"Indeed. Dumbledore said you have to watch the first class. Supervise and stuff like 'hat," He answered. "I'm kind of nervous but also excited. I got a real treat for them for their first lesson."

"You will do a spectacular job, don't worry. I'm sure they will all be excited for your lessons," I reassured. 

We all entered the Grand Hall just in time for the musical performance by the choir. We sat down quietly in our seats as the music began. My spot this year was in between Remus and Severus. Andrew had his own highchair beside me as well where he sat. I greeted him with a kiss on his head. I mouthed a thank you to Madame Promfrey for all she had done already before turning my attention to the music. 

After the song was over Dumbledore began his speech, "Welcome to a new year everyone! We have a new faces here this year. Firstly, Professor R.J Lupin will be your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." 

Everyone clapped warmly for Remus as he stood up. I looked at him beaming. I was so proud of him and all he had achieved. When he sat back down he leaned over to me and whispered, "Thank you so much, again."

I patted his leg as I said, "It was my pleasure."

"Next we have a considerably younger person who will be attending Hogwarts this year. Professor Ringe has brought her adopted son, Andrew, who is a mere 5 months old, to spend the year with us and longer if needed," Dumbledore added. 

The claps returned as multiple girls burst into awes. Fred and George, stood up clapping, as they exclaimed, "That's right, little man!"

That statement clearly got a lot of laughs from everyone in the Hall. And so, Dumbledore continued to speak about the dementors and Sirius Black. This was certainly going to be another interesting year. 

It was around midnight when I snuck out of my room. Andrew was fast asleep and wouldn't be awake till morning which spared me a few minutes. I pulled my cloak on tighter before pulling on the hood and sneaking down the hallways. I had to make sure no one caught me or many questions would arise. I made my way down the dark hallways, keeping a wrapped bundle hidden away in my cloak.

The rain poured down tonight. I had to hurry or I'd surely catch a cold at this rate. I ran out into the rain, my shoes splashing in the mud below as I made my way down the hill of Hogwarts. It was too dark to see the dementors lurking further away from the castle but I knew they were there. I continued to run down the hill, past Hagrid's hut, before finally reaching the Whooping Willow. After immobilizing it, I ran inside.

The dry walls were almost comforting at this rate from the cold droplets of rain outside. I walked through the pathway before finally reaching into the Shrieking Shack. I smiled at Sirius who lay on the bed in his animagus form.

"Sirius," I whispered.

His large, black head looked up at me before running over. His tail wagging back and forth as he stopped in front of me. I knelt down which only gave him the chance to lick my face in happiness.

"It's good to see you too, though I wish you'd transform back," I admitted. "Anyway, I brought some food. I snuck it out of the kitchen with the help of some elves. It should be enough for a week, hopefully. I'll come back in one week with more, alright?"

Sirius immediately ravaged some of the food making me laugh. I wondered when the last time he ate a proper meal was. I swore that once we got him a proper place to stay I'd make him countless warm meals to eat. Not scavenged leftovers.

"I can't stay too long. I left Andrew alone in his crib and I can't have anyone finding out where I am at this time of the night. Those dementors are horrid things. They recognize me, Sirius. It isn't safe for you here," I admitted. Sirius looked up at me for a brief moment before returning to the food. I knew what he meant without him even saying it. He had to be here to kill Peter. "Alright, well you sleep well."

I got up before kissing his head. With a smile, I put my hood on and returned to my room. Luckily, I didn't get caught – this time at least.


Thank you for reading! Much love xoxo

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