800 Days

By nylstroem

10.9K 454 54

This is my version of events that happened to Massimo and Laura two years after Laura dies. More

Chapter 1 - A Heavy Heart
Chapter 2 - My Sorrows
Chapter 3 - Future Issues
Chapter 4 - Eurpoean Based
Chapter 5 - Two Sides
Chapter 6 - Flesh And Blood
Chapter 7 - My Respect
Chapter 8 - My Efforts
Chapter 9 - Only Skin Deep
Chapter 10 - Malagio Holdings
Chapter 11 - A Family Meeting
Chapter 12 - My Head And My Heart
Chapter 13 - A Different Perspective
Chapter 14 - 'The Situation'
Chapter 15 - Three Magical Words
Chapter 16 - More Than Life Itself
Chapter 17 - Laura And Gio
Chapter 18 - Into Oblivion
Chapter 19 - Physically and Financially
Chapter 20 - That Is Done
Chapter 21 - Long Odds On
Chapter 22 - 'Secret Women's Business'
Chapter 23 - Sheer Genius
Chapter 24 - Grand Opening
Chapter 25 - 789 days
Chapter 26 - All Systems Go
Chapter 27 - Tight Lipped
Chapter 29 - My Polish Delight!
Chapter 30 - The Good, The Bad, And The Utterly Insane!
Chapter 31 - Rise Like A Phoenix
Chapter 32 - My Play Pen
Chapter 33 - 800 Days
Chapter 34 - Happiness And Joy
Bonus Chapter - Bye Bye Anna.....
Author's Note

Chapter 28 - Queen Bee

180 12 4
By nylstroem

After such a long and exhausting flight, we have landed back in Rome. As The Italia is ready to open the Casino, Laura and Gio will be staying in the Penthouse Suite of my hotel with me.

The opening is tomorrow night, and until this situation with Anna is resolved, I will now be with Laura and Gio until we head home to Sicily.....

The moment we put Gio to bed, I look to Laura, and we both are thinking the same thing. But first, Laura tells me she has a couple of phone calls to make.....
Domenico and I have everything ready to go for Laura, and as we are talking the phone rings. As soon as I see the number, I know it is Laura. We keep the call short, and my soon to be niece in law tells me what is required.....

As soon as I hang up, I look to Domenico and tell him what needs to be done - we both smile knowing we are only days away from finally ridding ourselves of Anna and her cohorts.....
Mario and I have been busy these last few days, and when Mario updates me about everything, I am starting to see the light at the end of the this long and dark tunnel this family has had to walk through these last two years......

Mario discusses what we need to do, and I can't stop smiling. I am looking forward to being a part of the opening of The Italia, and especially witnessing the takedown of Anna.

With that out of the way, I now have the task of informing Olga of what is happening - she is still upset with Laura, and while I have a soft spot for Laura, Olga is my wife, and my duty and loyalty is to her......

Hopefully once life quietens down, we may all be able to forward - if any of this has taught me anything, it is that family is the most important.....
I am in a state of panic. It has been three days and I still can't get hold of Lorita Graniescu. Philipe has been calling me non stop, and I am too scared to leave the security of Massimo's Estate.

I need to sort out my next move, but realistically, I am coming up empty. I look through my bedroom window to outside, and I see Mario and Domenico smiling and laughing.

I detest this situation I am in, and all I can do now is play the waiting game - and I am not a patient person at the best of times.....

As I am contemplating what to do, my phone rings, and it is Lorita Graniescu. Thank bloody goodness for that, I need to keep calm and level headed. I promptly answer her call, and we discuss current events.

Within ten minutes, I am feeling much more optimistic. As The Italia is opening their Casino tomorrow night, I will be there. I have the perfect dress for the occasion, and I can now organise the paperwork I will be ensuring Ms Graniescu signs - this will give me complete control of her empire, thus giving me a fast track to being the Queen Bee of Sicily.....
My love and I have settled with Gio in the Penthouse Suite of Massimo's Hotel, and our son is now sound asleep. The moment we walk into our room, we both look at each other knowing what we want - but before we can get naked and dirty, I have a couple of calls to make.....

I firstly call Mario, and explain what is needed. Thankfully, he and Domenico have everything organised back in Sicily so all I will need to do now is to lure Anna in. I call her and she immediately answers the phone. I tell her of the opening tomorrow and request her attendance.

Predictably, Anna is all for it, and we make a time to meet. If only she knew the ambush she will be walking into. She really disappoints me, this was just far too easy. After I hang up the phone, Massimo can't stop smiling, and looking at me with that glint in his eyes.

I don't even give Massimo a chance, I quickly pull him to me and kiss him with a passion. My body yearns for him, and the moment we are finally naked and showing our love, do I feel so content.

Tonight, Massimo is taking his time, and I for one, am enjoying every minute of it. Being with Massimo brings out so many desires and emotions within me, and I know after tomorrow I will finally have the life I have always wanted.....
How could a man be so lucky? The moment we arrived back in Rome, I couldn't wait to take Laura and Gio to my hotel. We are staying on the top floor, and my son was so tired after his trip home he is soundly asleep.

As I look at Laura, I know what I want - clearly my girl wants this too, but before we can get to that, Laura tells me she needs to make a couple of calls....

Hearing Laura talking with Mario I feel all warm inside. As we are now in the final stages of our plan, Laura is now ringing Anna. Hearing Laura give Anna instructions is making me feel so, so hot, and the moment she hangs up she can't stop smiling.

Before I can get too occupied with what just happened, Laura is quickly standing in front of me and that does it - I want her, now....

Laura and I are now in bed, and I am enjoying turning on my sex goddess. Laura is so good in bed, she makes my head spin with desire. I will never take her, or this, for granted. As I show Laura how much I love her I feel my insides erupting. I can't explain it, but to feel it means everything......

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