Eli Olsen *Being Rewritten/Ed...

By obsessedwsab

20.2K 394 98

Eli Olsen knew life wasn't gonna be easy. Not when her dad was in and out of her life, and certainly not when... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3

1.5K 27 4
By obsessedwsab

I give you Eli up top.

October 31st, 2015- Age 10

Delilah and Adam Torrens slumped against the couch as the energetic ten-year-old bounced around, "First weekend with dad and she's running around like the road runner", Delilah groaned as a thump resounded through the house, "What'd you break?".

"Possibly me", was a yelled, muffled throughout the walls of the house.

"For the love of god, why do we let her go to Boyd's, I wanna kill him".

"Because she's his daughter", Adam smiled as he swung the door open, "Liz should be home in ten with the costumes, have fun, and don't let her break and or die!", he yelled as the door slammed closed.


"I hate your dad with every fiber in my soul!".

"So does everyone I know, but I think I broke something, so put the hate on pause and help!".

Elizabeth walked in, arms full with makeup, costumes, and curling irons , "A little help would be nice!".

"Mom!", Eli walked towards Elizabeth, Delilah in toe.

"What happened?".

"Boyd hopped her up on sugar and dumped, ran into four walls, almost broke a nose and an ankle".

The mother groaned, rolled her eyes and let her head tilt to the ceiling, "Your alright now?".


"What costumes did you get, Liz?", Delilah questioned.

"Well since we went as Dorothy, Glinda the Good Witch, and The Wicked Witch of the West last year we couldn't do that this year".

"Wrap it up".

Elizabeth dumped everything on the couch, "You got the Good Witch last year so this year your a bear", she threw the bulkiest bag at Delilah.

She humphed before declaring, "Your lucky it's cold tonight because otherwise I would be sweating enough to stop the water problems around the world", she stomped off to her room.

"That means, Lilly,  you get to be Merida", Elizabeth handed Eli a bag and a fake bow and arrow, "Don't tell the people at the studio but I grabbed them from Jeremy's prop bow and arrows".

Eli giggled, "Thank you mommy".

"Anytime hun, now go change".

"But who are you gonna be?".

"Well Princess Merida need her mom, Queen Elinor, doesn't she?".

"You can be called Queen Eli, like me".

"Go get dressed".



"Can we go down that street?", Eli asked as she pointed to the left.

"Finish this street first, and give Aunt Lilah some candy, she looks like a annoyed bear".

Eli ran forwards, her Merida dress and wig waving around, the pack of fake arrows resting on her back, they were slung over her shoulder, she gripped her ghost candy bag in one hand and the oversized bow in the other, "Don't run too fast, the bow's too big you'll trip", Elizabeth called, earning looks from the parents around them.

Eli didn't listen and ran towards the big black bear at the street crossing sign, the massive bow caught between her feet and she tumbled forward, "Eli!".

Delilah and Elizabeth stepped forwards and slightly winced, waiting for the sound of someone hitting the ground, but it didn't occur. A little boy held Eli's shoulders as he peered at her face and then the ground, "Are you alright?", the clip of an English accent slipped through.

She nodded as she stared at the boy. He had fair skin while her's was more tan, Delilah had taken Eli to the beach for a week long holiday while Elizabeth was off filming. He had curly brown hair that rested just below his ears, it looked a little awkward and choppy, signifying a haircut had occurred not long before Halloween. He had worried brown eyes that were looking into her face, "Elillia!".

Eli blanched before muttering, "Uh oh, the full first name".

"Wot?", she furrowed her eyebrows, that didn't sound normal to her.

"Did you just say what with a o?".


"You sound funny".

Elizabeth ran up, "You can't say that, Eli. Now what do you say to the boy?".

"Thank you-".


"Thomas", she smiled sweetly and waved before yelling, "I'll see you soon", as she was dragged away.

"You don't even know if he lives around here".

"Who travels all the way to our neighborhood to trick or treat, you either have to be vacationing here, and we have no hotels or anything like that around, or live here".

"Could be staying with family", Delilah pointed out.

"Then I'll still see him around then".

"You are impossible".

When they reached the house Delilah dashed around in her bear suit to hand out candy to the kids waiting outside while Elizabeth and Eli got changed into pajamas, "Scary movies?".

The kid nodded as Delilah closed the door and threw the plastic candy bowl across the room, "That's over, give me a second".

She pulled the bear suit off and launched it in the same direction as the bowl and jumped over the back of the couch, the mother and daughter ducked their heads and groaned when she landed on them, "You need to pick that up later".

"You wore pj's all night, Aunty Lilah", Eli poked her cheek, "Mom why couldn't I?!".

"You went as Merida right, but Aunty Lilah looks like she sweat out buckets".

"Shut up and put on Hocus Pocus".

"I gotta talk first".


"Eli, no more running with Jeremy's bows".

"Yes mother".

"And I have a date tomorrow night, so it's just you two. Movie time!".

"Back the fuck up. Date!? Why were we not informed!".

"You are now".

"Elizabeth Chase Olsen, I stood up for you when you walked into McDonalds and your asshole boyfriend followed, I even got my boss to let you work at the drive thru with me, I moved in with you, I still live with you by the way, to help with your pregnancy and your daughter, which again I still do without the pregnancy, and you didn't tell me that you have a date!", Delilah overdramatically gasped and fell onto Eli's lap.

"Aunty Lilah, it's mommy's turn to cuddle with me, I cuddled with you yesterday when we watched movies", Eli pushed Delilah's head off her lap.


"There's tomorrow night".

"Boo", Delilah pouted, "I don't like your mother right now, your my only friend in this house".

"Delilah would you talk to me if I let you pick out clothes and dress me up tomorrow for the date?".

"Fine, but when I have kids-".

"You'll never have kids Aunty Lilah, you said I'm enough".

"When I have kids, which means when I find the right person, you have to help me raise them Elizabeth".

"You'll live here, course I would, now shut up I'm putting the movie on. Leave it any longer and Eli might combust, now cuddle me child, I birthed you and I demand love".

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