Say Something ━━ Stiles Stili...

Galing kay Monrox

449K 10.9K 3.5K

{Completed} "in which a girl has seven wonders and seven sins" Shay Marshall has been the best friend of Stil... Higit pa

Important Author's Note
01. Straight and Fast
02. Feathers Flying
03. Seven Wonders
04. Open Wounds
05. Jealousy Rising
06. Shattered Glass
07. Fearful Nights
08. Covered in Red
09. A View to Kill
10. Heart to Heart
11. A Raven's Call
12. Down Memory Lane
13. Highway to Hell
14. American Gothic
15. Bates Motel
16. An Orphan's Pity
17. Closer walk with Thee
18. Deadly Tether
19. Breath of Life
20. Five Circles
21. Unblinking Death
23. Absent without Leave
24. One Moment
25. Under the Water
26. Mother Knows Best
27. Women in Black
Sequel News
Sad News

22. Bad Blood

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Galing kay Monrox

Chapter Twenty-Two

        Bad Blood

*I have decided to switch back to 1st POV because I realized I am terrible at writing in 3rd POV or at least for this story.

You know that feeling when an immense pain washes over you and you just want it to stop. You beg and plead inside your head for it to stop. That's what I was feeling at this moment. After Ms.Blake, Jennifer, took Sheriff Stilinski and Scott and Stiles released Lydia and I, I began spitting out blood. A headache the size of Mount Rushmore began in my head and I couldn't stand straight. That's when I realized I connected myself to Cora.

Cora was in the hospital after she fainted at Stiles's house. No one knows whats wrong with her. We went to Deaton's to retrieve some sorta'v powder to use against Jennifer. After that all three of us rushed to Derek's in Stiles's jeep. And that's where we are not. Scott was driving since Stiles wanted to be in the back with me. My legs were sprawled out on the leather seats while Stiles held my fragile body in his arms, my head lying loosely on his shoulder.

Minutes before he helped me out of my jacket and scarf, leaving me in my black tank top. Sweat was beaming from my forehead and my blonde hair, which was once curly was now straight and damp. Somehow, I was able to stop spitting out blood but I'm certain I'll start to soon. A deadly storm was brewing causing the jeep to rumble. The ride was silent so far and the only type of motion was Scott turning the steering wheel and Stiles occasionally brushing hair out of my face.

"How much longer?" Stiles asked Scott, urgently.

Scott sighed, "We'll be there soon."

Stiles let out an annoyed huff of air before glancing back down at me, "Do you know how to unconnected yourself from Cora?"

Slowly I shook my head but stopped once that increased my headache, "No, Deaton never told me how to. All he told me was that I can connect myself to people and my own emotions."

"You'll be okay." Stiles softly said, pushing a thin strand of hair out of my eyes.

I tried to smile back but pain spread through my body. When we went to see Deaton, he said that the effects on Cora will be more slower on me. I had no idea why I connected myself to her and even Deaton didn't know why. All he said was that I connect myself to people I'm familiar with. All I wanted to do was sleep. Close my eyes and fall into a slumber.

The jeep came to a sudden halt and I lifted my head up slightly to see that we were outside Derek's building. Scott was first to come out of the jeep and once he did, he rushed over to the back seat door. Stiles gently pushed me upwards as Scott helped me out. Once I was standing, stumbling a bit, Stiles wrapped his arm around my lower back, pulling us closer. Seeing as I wasn't even able to hold myself up, I leaned slightly against Stiles.

The elevator ride was deadly silent, the only sound coming from my harsh breaths. Scott opened the doors to Derek's loft and quickly went over to speak to him. I wrapped my arm carefully around his neck as his grip of my waist tightened. He helped me over to where Scott and Derek was. Right when I was about to ask Stiles something, Scott walked over to us and dragged us to the far side of the room where it was dark.

That's when we all heard the voice, "Derek! Derek, where are you?"

My whole body froze as I recognized the voice as Jennifer. The women who was killing, sacrificing, innocent people for her own selfish desires. The murderous women who tried to kill Lydia and I no more than thirty minutes ago. The women I suddenly became terrified of.

"Right here." Derek responded, his voice not angry nor happy. Actually emotionless. Only thing I'm asking for is that he believed us.

"Thank God. Something happened at the recital. At the school. Okay, I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them." Jennifer sounded frantic and flustered. I knew she was trying to make herself look like the innocent women she portrayed.

After a useless minute of her desperately trying to convince Derek she was innocent, she paused and finally stated, "They're already here, aren't they?"

Despite the fact that I could barley walk as it is, the three of us erupted from the darkness and faced Jennifer and Derek. Jennifer looked at all of us but her eyes lingered on me the most. She knew what I was and what I could do. For some reason, I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that my abilities could be used for her advantage.

She glanced at all us of, hatefully, "So...they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?"

Scott clenched his fist, "We told him that you're the one killing people."

"Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." Jennifer was lying with bad acting mixed into it.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles chocked out, his eyes filled with unleashed tears but one slid right down his cheek. I know what it's like to have your family ripped away from you. That part of you taken away and never to return.

"How should I know?" Jennifer innocently said and I wanted no more than to punch her right in the face.

"Because you took him you spineless bitch." I hissed, venom lacing in on every word that left my lips.

She narrowed her eyes at me until she turned to Derek, "Derek, tell me you don't believe this."

Derek looked at us, expressionless. We were the three people who have stood by him and helped him for the past year. Yes, we had a disagreements and our fights but no matter what happened, we were a pack. Oddly, his eyes locked into mine and stayed there. Even though Derek was a brooding and some-what angry man, we always shared one thing in common; we had no one.

Finally, he looked back at Jennifer, "Do you know what happened to Stiles's father?"

"No." Jennifer defensively said, sounding as if he was absurd.

"Ask her why she almost killed me and Lydia." I quirked an eyebrow at her, my voice sharp as a knife.

"You and Lydia Martin? I know nothing about anything about that." She replied while I looked at her in disgust.

"Then what do you know?" Derek demanded and I smiled slightly. He was beyond irritated and a part of me assumed he knew Jennifer was lying.

"I know that these teenagers, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story." Jennifer said before whipping her head to the three of us, snapping, "One they can't prove by the way."

"What if we can?" Scott declared, shaking the jar slightly.

"What is that?" She questioned, her voice becoming dangerous low.

Scott stepped forward, "My boss told me it's a poison and a cure... which means you can use it... and it can be used against you." He then untwisted the lid on the jar.

Jennifer took a few steps away from Derek, glaring at the jar with repulsive disgust, "Mistletoe?" She sneered but didn't have time to react quick enough. Scott tossed the brown powder onto her. The powder acted as if dust that wrapped around her, engulfing her into the mist. That's when her real face was shown - the Darach.

Once the dust cleared, Jennifer was slightly hunched over, panting and coughing. Derek gawked at her, incredibly shocked that his new found girlfriend was a killer. Scott and Stiles looked surprised as well horrified. It wasn't that terrifying to me since I've seen it already. First time a charm I guess.

She tried to run but didn't make that far since Derek latched his hand around her throat. He retracted his claws from his other hand and when I looked at his face, only thing I saw was rage and immense betrayal. His grip on her tightened as strangled breaths came out of her mouth, "Derek, wait, wait! You need me."

"What are you?" He growled, his face twisted with fury.

"The only person who can save your sister. Call Peter. Call him!" Jennifer pleaded as her life was literally hanging in the hands of her lover.

Concern covered his face as Derek quickly pulled out his phone from his back pocket. Derek called his uncle and pressed the phone to his ear, "How's Cora?"

Derek waited for a moment while all of us intensely watched Jennifer struggle for breaths, "Mistletoe." He suddenly said before hanging up the phone, hate spreading across his face. The grip he had on her tightened. All he was thinking about was the betrayal he felt as he started to strangle her.

"Derek, Derek! What are you doing?" Scott frantically asked.

"Her's in my hands!" Jennifer chocked out. Of course she could be lying but somehow I knew she was telling the truth. And if I stay connected to Cora for much longer and she dies, I will have a pretty big problem on my hands.

The same thought occurred to Stiles as his eyes widened, "Derek, stop, stop!"

"'ll never find him." She rasped out, glancing out at a distraught Stiles.

"Derek, stop! We need her!" I rushed out, my whole body becoming weaker and weaker by the minute. We're running out of time and killing Jennifer will not help the situation.

Finally, Derek let go of Jennifer. She fell on her knees, taking in deep and desperate breaths of oxygen which a few seconds ago she didn't have. A wicked chuckle and  let her mouth as Jennifer smirked at all of us.

"She's need me." Jennifer stated, "You all need me."

~ ~ ~

The car ride to the hospital was intense and urgent. I sat in the back by myself since I somehow convinced them to let me. The headache was slowly vanishing but my body was still weak. Although I couldn't stand, I didn't need help every five seconds.

That's what I hated, feeling dependent. Helpless and vulnerable. Since I was brought into the supernatural world that surrounded us, I hated the feeling that I needed someone to protect me. It made me feel weak and useless, two emotions that no one wants to feel.

But at this moment, all I wanted to do was break this connection that I had with Cora. These abilities are a real pain in the ass whom I wish would go away and never come back. When we arrived at the hospital, everyone was frantically running around. As all of us started to rush down the hallway until Melissa stopped us.

"What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating." Melissa questioned him, jogging over to the group of us.

"We're here for Cora."

"All of you? Why does Stiles have my bat?" She asked as her eyes wandered down to the baseball bat Stiles was currently holding onto. Why he brought it, I have no idea.

"Mom, just trust me on this. You need to get out of here. Right now." Scott explained.

She glanced at all of us, nervously before speaking, "The building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back. One's 10 minutes out, the other's 20. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage."

Scott nodded, "Got it."

We than continued for the hunt of Derek's baby sister. I didn't necessarily like her but whatever, never been much of a people person anyway. The five of us stepped into the elevator before Derek pushed one of the bottoms, his grip on Jennifer's arm only tightening.

Jennifer huffed, "You don't have to keep me on a leash, Derek. I'm going to help."

Derek ignored her, just staring upwards at the wall. She then glanced over her shoulder to Scott who glared at her as if she was about to attack at any moment. Jennifer looked over at Stiles who clutched onto the bat tighter and his grip of my back as well. She rolled her eyes at us before staring at the elevator doors. Once the ding of the door was heard and the doors slid open, the five of us walked out.

My legs were not strong enough to hold myself up and the once vanishing headache now returned. My arm that was around Stiles's neck tightened as I felt my body get a shoot of pain. The lights on the ceiling flickered dramatically along with the hallway which was empty.

All of us looked inside Cora's hospital room which was empty. All that was there was a pool of black blood that was next to her bed. Small droplets of the black substance lead to the two hallway door. Growls erupted from the hallway along with some fighting until the door opened and Peter slid out, stopping right in front of us.

"We have a big problem." He announced as Derek stared down at him, confused, "A big problem."

My eyes widened as I heard the twins roar. Their bodies were together in that super mega werewolf at the end of the hallway. Never actually seen them like this, just heard about it.

"Holy shit." I whispered.

~ ~ ~

Derek's wolf form was quickly out, his fangs sharp as ever and his red eyes glowing. He charged at the twins, confidently growling at them. I winced as he was quickly losing the fight between him and mega-werewolf. Scott quickly wolfed out and joined the fight, now fighting Ethan and Aiden solo. I peered over the twins and saw Cora lying helpless on the floor, not moving.

I grabbed Stiles's wrist and looked down at Peter, "Help us."

My entire body was in colossal pain but for the sake of saving Cora, I pushed all that pain to the side. The three of us quickly ran past the three werewolves fighting and reached Cora. I bent down next to her and felt her pulse, sighing in relief when I realized she was still alive.

Peter quickly helped her up, basically carrying her. Her skin was turning a sickly white along with sweat dripping down her forehead. I didn't know how much more she can take.

"Ethan, Aiden, stop!" Scott pleaded, almost as if it was a demand.

I whipped my head around to see mega-wolf held Scott up against the door, choking him. Fear sparked inside of me as I watched the scene play out.

"All we want is her!" They growled and I could only guess they meant either Jennifer or Cora. Jennifer, most likely since it made the most sense.

My eyes darted down the hallway to see Jennifer in the elevator while the door was closing. The twins seemed to notice this too, quickly letting go of Scott and bolting after her. But they were too late. Since the twins couldn't get to her, they quickly went after the seven of us.

All of us, except for Cora who was still being held by Peter, was running through the halls. We reached the examination room with Peter in the lead.

"Don't stop!" Derek yelled as all of us rushed out of the room. Well, almost all of us. Stiles decided to be a hero at this particular moment. I opened my mouth to yell at him to move but a hand shot out and grabbed me. Peter had yanked me into the hallway.

"We have to move." He yelled.

"We can't leave them!" I exclaimed but the three others soon came. My eyes went to Stiles who was not holding Melissa's bat anymore. I'm gonna guess Stiles broke it. Soon, all of us were able to get into another empty examination room.

"Lay her down." I instructed as Peter carefully placed Cora on one of the tables. Derek and Scott entered the room, quickly closing the door behind them.

"Where's the big guy?" Peter asked as he checked Cora's breathing and heartbeat.

Derek watched from the window in the door, "He's close."

"Where's Ms.Blake?" Stiles asked which was the issue we really need to figure out. She left during the fight which meant she could be anywhere in the building.

Scott stayed quiet but shook his head side to side. Stiles's eyes buldged out of his eye socket, "What do you mean? What does that mean? Like, she's gone? Scott, are you kidding me?"

I knew the amount of stress he was going through but now was no time to explode over his anger. Derek was quick to respond to his loud voice, "Shh, quiet." He hissed.

"Me be quiet? Me, huh? Are you telling me what to do now? When your psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend... the second one you've dated, by the way... has got my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed?" Stiles snapped, getting up in Derek's face. My eye widened once I realized what a bad idea that was.

I got in between the two and placed a hand on Stiles's shoulder, "Stiles, they're still out there."

He whipped his head at me, "And... and they want her, right? Which means now we don't have her either, so my dad and Cora are both dead!"

I clenched my jaw, not liking the way he was speaking to me but decided not to dwell on it. What Stiles needed to do was keep his emotions locked away and not to act on them.

"Not yet." Scott tried to reassure him before walking over to Peter who was examining Cora, "Is she really dying?"

"She's definitely not getting any better." Peter remarked.

"There has to be something that we can do. We have to help her." Scott muttered, glancing around to room. Honestly, I was feeling like totally crap and Cora not getting better isn't exactly helping me.

The doors to the room opened and Jennifer walked in, all eyes on her now, "You can't. Only I can. I can save her, and I can tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So I'll help you... but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then."

Derek slammed one of the tables to the ground,charging to Jennifer in pure rage but Scott stopped him, "Derek, wait!"

"She was trying to get out." Derek said, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"I was trying to keep from getting killed. You can't blame me for that." Jennifer argued back.

"If you want to show you're one of the good guys, then heal her." Stiles interjected, calming down from his previous outburst.

Jennifer shook her head, "Not until I'm safe."

"I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. Let's torture her." Peter sharply said, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Works for me." I snapped, Stiles's tightening his grip on my waist. I think that was his way of telling me not to do or say anything stupid that will get me killed.

"Um, can I have your attention? Mr. Deucalion... excuse me, just Deucalion... Requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception." A women's voice over the speaker said and everyone recognized it as Scott's mother.

Another voice spoke that made my entire body become stiff, "Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes."

The other women's voice belonged to my aunt Jenna, the only family I have left is not being held by Deucalion. Jennifer closed her eyes for a moment, "He's not going to hurt them."

"Shut up." Derek spatted.

"He won't." She sharply replied before turning to Scott, "Scott, you know why. Tell them it's true."

Scott stayed silent as Derek asked, "What does she mean?"

"You're not the only one he wants in his pack." Jennifer scoffed, clenching her jaw.

She sighed, "Deucalion doesn't just want an Alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks."

"A true alpha." Peter breathed, looking over at Scott.

"What is that?" Stiles asked uneasily. As far as I could remember, Scott never mentioned anything about becoming a true alpha.

"The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will." Peter explained before narrowing his eyes at Scott, "Our little Scott."

"It doesn't matter. We still need to get her out of here." Scott demanded, brushing off the whole statement of being a true alpha. I glanced over at Cora and saw she was nowhere near getting better.

"Scott, your mom and my aunt-"

"My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in 20 minutes. And I don't think we've been here that long, so if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here." Scott cutting me off. I glared at him and I was so close to blowing my lid. He may not be worried that the alphas will kill Jenna and Melissa but I am.

"The twins aren't just going to let us walk out." Derek pointed out.

"I'll distract them."

"You mean fight them."

"Whatever I have to do"

Derek shot Scott a look of determination, "I'll help you."

"Um, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek." Jennifer declared as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll do it. But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage." Peter announced, looking some-what confident.

"An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?" Stiles asked, finally speaking.

Peter glanced over at him, "Something better than a baseball bat."

The boys went on a search through out the room for a weapon of sorts. Considering the fact I could barley stand, all I did was lean against one of the examination tables. I was constantly checking on Cora, making sure her breathing was normal and that her heart beat was still going. Jennifer just stood still, looking at everyone.

"Hey what about these?" Stiles asked, holding up two metal pads. All I knew was that if you rub them together, they make electrically.

Derek peered over his shoulder, his brows raised skeptically, "Do you know how to use those?"

"well, no."

"Then put it down."

Scott pulled out a syringe from one of the drawers, "Epinephrine?"

"That's only gonna make him stronger." Derek replied.

Peter's shot up, looking at the needle, "How strong?"

~ ~ ~

Once Scott and Peter started to fight the twins, the rest of us started to make our way to the garage. Stiles and Jennifer held the doors open while Derek carried in Cora. The ambulance was still here thankfully. Stiles and I opened the back doors before climbing in, helping Derek put Cora on the stretcher.

"Derek, over here." I heard Jennifer say as Derek walked over to her.

I looked over at Stiles, "Where's the driver?"

"I don't know."

Both of us froze once we heard a familiar voice, "Julia."

The voice that belonged to Kali. I've never met her in real life but that hallucination I had gave me a pretty clear image that she was straight up evil and ruthless, "Oh it is you."

Stiles eyes widened before reaching past me and closing the ambulance doors. Then, from looking through the window, we saw Derek and Jennifer run into the school with Kali following behind.

"Okay, okay, okay. We're okay. We're all right. You okay? How you doing? Wh... why do you look like you're not breathing?" Stiles rambled while looking at Cora.

I bent down and placed my head on her chest, hearing no heart beat. I looked back at Stiles, my eyes widening, "She's not breathing."

~ ~ ~

Just to clear things up, Shay only has THREE WONDERS

Telekinesis : the ability to move things without any physical contact

Divination : the ability to gain insight on something or predict something.

Descensum : to project one's mind into different planes. That means you can connect yourself to people or emotions. 

Descensum will be explained more as the chapter go on.

~ ~ ~ Monrox (Kate)

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